Tomcat Cluster - Events.static.linuxfound


Tomcat ClusterKeiichi Fujino

Agenda About meTomcat Clustering OverviewSession ReplicationCluster Channel ComponentMonitoring Cluster components

About me Keiichi FujinoI live in JapanSoftware Enginner since 2002Apache Tomcat committer since 2010

Clustering OverviewWhat is Cluster? Performance improvement High availabilityTomcat Clustering Cluster membership/Grouping Session ReplicationLoad balancing is not a Tomcat features Use mod jk / mod proxy balancer

Cluster loyerCreate fromtemplateManagerContext

Cluster Architecture Cluster The main component of Tomcat Cluster Cluster Manager The session manager for the session replication Valve(Cluster Valve) The same as usual Valve Added to the request processing pipelineautomatically

Cluster Architecture Cluster Deployer Sharing of WAR files among cluster nodes ClusterListener Listen cluster messages and events Channel Performs messaging and grouping among thecluster nodes

Session ReplicationSession Replication

Session ReplicationImplementations All-to-All session replication DeltaManager (Default)Tomcat1Replicate to all nodesTomcat3 Primary-Secondary sessionreplication condaryReplicate to backup nodeTomcat3Tomcat4

Use constraints Make sure that your web.xml describe the distributable/ element Session attributes must implement sticky session If you use the BackupManager, This is required

How to configure Define Cluster element inside The Engine or Host element. Configure Cluster Manager DeltaManager or BackupManager Configure Channel components Enable org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.ReplicationValve Enable ner If DeltaManager use

Delta ReplicationDelta Replication Replicate only the changes of session Not all session data Replicate all changes of session at the time of end of request Not replication per change of session

Delta ReplicationRegister Delta Info Add ATTRIBUTE(Attr A, Value A)Add ATTRIBUTE(Attr B, Value B)Remove ATTRIBUTE(Attr A)Add ATTRIBUTE(Attr B, Value BB)Default : recordAllActions falserecordAllActions ESETAttr AValue AATTRIBUTESETAttr AValue AATTRIBUTESETAttr BValue BATTRIBUTESETAttr BValue BATTRIBUTEREMOVEAttr AnullATTRIBUTEREMOVEAttr AnullATTRIBUTESETAttr BValue BBATTRIBUTESETAttr BValue BB

DeltaManagerDeltaManager All-to-All session replication Default Session Manager in Cluster environment For small cluster

tionClusterchannelClusterSessionListenerReceive replication MessageDelta replicationDeltaManager

Session(Non-Primary)Replicate ry)Session(Non-Primary)

DeltaManagerNode FailureTomcat1Node ary)

DeltaManagerNode RecoveryGet All session MessageTomcat1No Session All Session Data MessageSession(Pri)Complete ion(Non-Pri)Session(Pri)Session(Non-Pri)

BackupManagerBackupManager Primary-Secondary session replication For large cluster

ValveDelta channel

BackupManagerBehavior of CreateTomcat1Create sessionReplicate session e )

BackupManagerBehavior of CreateTomcat1Tomcat2Session (Primary)Session (Backup)Session (Proxy)Session (Proxy)Replicate sessionIdCreate sessionTomcat3Session (Proxy)Session (Primary)Replicate session dataTomcat4Session (Proxy)Session (Backup)

BackupManagerBehaviorof DeltaTomcat2Tomcat1Replicate Session(Proxy)Session(Proxy)

BackupManagerBehavior of RemoveTomcat1Remove e sessionTomcat3Tomcat4Session(Proxy)Session(Proxy)

BackupManagerNode FailureTomcat2Tomcat1Promote&Select new backup&publishSessionA(Primary)Node (Backup)SessionB(Primary)Select new backup&publishSessionC(Proxy)NOPTomcat4newly backupnewly proxySessionC(Primary)NOPnewly )SessionB(Proxy) newly backup SessionB(Backup)SessionC(Backup)NOPSessionA(Proxy)

BackupManagerNode RecoveryTomcat1No Session ive RPC Message INIT Message STATE Message START e RPC Message INIT Message START y)SessionB(Primary)SessionB(Backup)

ChannelCluster Channel

ChannelWhat is Channel ? Messaging & Grouping componentResponsibility Build Membership Send channel messages Receive channel messages

Channel elInterceptorChannelCoordinator

Channel Components Channel The main component of el only MembershipService The component which build a cluster groupStart a multicast receivier thread and a multicast senderthread

Channel Components ChannelSender Send channel messages to other nodesSender Queue size is specified in poolSize attributeChannelReceiver Receive channel messages from other nodesTuning of the maxThreads attribute depends on send option ofchannel message Synchronization mode Need to align maxThreads with poolSizeAsynchronous mode do not need to align the maxThreads with poolSize.

Channel Components ChannelListener Listen received channel messagesMembershipListener Listen add/remove of cluster members

Channel Components ChannelInterceptor Intercept a channel message and a member detectionThere are many configurable implementationsChannelCoordinator Special ChannelInterceptorCoordinates the ChannelInterceptors

Sample config Cluster className "org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster" ・・・ ・・・ Channel className "" Membership className e"address "“ port "45564“ frequency "500“ dropTime "4000" / Receiver className ver"address “auto“ port ”4004“ autoBind ”100” maxThreads “25”/ Sender className ransmitter" Transport className rallelSender"timeout "5000“ poolSize "25"/ /Sender Interceptor className sageDispatch15Interceptor" / Interceptor className FailureDetector"/ /Channel ・・・ ・・・ /Cluster

Channel ArchitectureTomcat1ChannelListenerNotify message receiveMembershipListenerChannelNotify member receiveChannelInterceptor(1)Send MessageReceive Message/Member ershipServiceMembership MessagingChannelSenderSend MessageChannelReceiverReceive Message

ChannelInterceptorTCPFailureDetector Main Features Intercept memberDisappeared events. Member check when send errors. Other Features Manage membership in static membership

ChannelInterceptorMessageDispatchInterceptor Asynchronous send message Use Thread Pooling maxThreads maxSpareThreads You must set the send options asynchronous. Cluster’s channelSendOptions to asyn mode(8) BackupManager’s mapSendOptions to asyn mode(8)

ChannelInterceptorStaticMembershipInterceptor The static membership instead of multicast Make sure Disable multicast membership Cluster’s channelStartOptions attribute 3 Enable TcpPingInterceptor for nodes failure detection Enable TcpFailureDetector for membership management The order shipInterceptor

ChannelInterceptor Interceptor className PingInterceptor"/ Interceptor className FailureDetector"/ Interceptor className ticMembershipInterceptor" LocalMember className r"uniqueId "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1}"/ Member className r"port "4010" host "hostA"uniqueId "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,2}" / Member className r"port "4010" host "hostB"uniqueId "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,3}" / /Interceptor

ChannelInterceptorThroughputInterceptor Measuring the send and receive of channel messagesDomainFilterInterceptor Filter the members that join cluster group by the domain

Monitoring ClusterMonitoring Cluster

Monitoring ClusterHow to monitor Tomcat cluster. Logging JMX

Monitoring ClusterMonitoring your Cluster with Logging To track channel messages for Debugging Use the Tomcat JULI Key: org.apache.catalina.tribes.MESSAGES Level: FINEST# FOR ormatter ache.juli.AsyncFileHandler.level directory ncFileHandler.prefix er.bufferSize -1org.apache.catalina.tribes.MESSAGES.level FINESTorg.apache.catalina.tribes.MESSAGES.handlers

Monitoring ClusterMonitoring your Cluster with Logging ThroughputInterceptor Report the throughput statistics. Default interval is to report every 10000 messages. Key: ughputInterceptor Level: ThroughputInterceptor Report[Tx Msg:60,024 messagesSent:53.30 MB (total)Sent:53.31 MB (application)Time:16.84 secondsTx Speed:3.16 MB/sec (total)TxSpeed:3.16 MB/sec (application)Error Msg:0Rx Msg:60,048 messagesRx Speed:0.23 MB/sec (since 1st msg)Received:53.28 MB]

Monitoring ClusterMonitoring your Cluster with JMX Catalina Domain Cluster Mbeans Cluster Mbean Deployer Mbean Member MBeans (Cluster )Manager Mbean (Cluster )Valve MBean

Monitoring ClusterCluster Mbean Cluster settings

Monitoring ClusterMember Mbeans All Cluster members that have been joining same cluster group

Monitoring Cluster(Cluster )Manager Mbean Session Information

Monitoring Cluster(Cluster )Valve MBean ReplicationValve settings

Monitoring ClusterMonitoring your Cluster with JMX ClusterChannel Domain Channel Mbeans Channel Mbean Interceptor Mbeans Membership Mbean Receiver Mbean Sender MBean

Monitoring ClusterChannel Mbean Channel settings

Monitoring ClusterMembership Mbean Membership Settings

Monitoring ClusterMembership Mbean Membership Operations

Monitoring ClusterSender MBean Settings and Stats info

Monitoring ClusterReceiver Mbean Settings and Stats

Monitoring ClusterInterceptor Mbeans All interceptor that are used in channel Implements MBeans of all commonly usedInterceptors but It does not implement allInterceptor MBeans.

Monitoring ClusterThroughputInterceptor The throughput statistics

Monitoring ClusterTcpFailureDetector Settings and Member check by TCP

Monitoring ClusterMessageDispatchInterceptor Settings and Stats info

Monitoring ClusterIt's important to note that Channel Mbeans are supported in 9.0.0.M20 and later This feature has not back-ported into Tomcat8.5 yet. The ReplicationMap MBean is T.B.D


Thank You

Tomcat ClusterKeiichi Fujino

Tomcat Clustering Overview Session Replication Cluster Channel Component Monitoring Cluster components. About me Keiichi Fujino . Monitoring your Cluster with JMX ClusterChannel Domain Channel Mbeans