Using Proxies With Tomcat


Using Proxies with TomcatJean-Frederic Clere

What I will cover Who I am. Proxy what and why. Protocols –AJP–HTTP/HTTPS (1.1)–HTTP/2 (H2 and H2C)–Others (web-socket etc)Proxies5/15/172

What I will cover (2) Proxies–httpd–Traffic Server–ngix–untertow proxy /mod clusterPerformance tests– h2load as client load generator.Questions?5/15/173

Who I amJean-Frederic ClereRed HatYears writing JAVA code and server softwareTomcat committer since 2001Doing OpenSource since 1999Cyclist/Runner etcLived 15 years in Spain (Barcelona)Now in Neuchâtel (CH)5/15/174

What is Proxy? Something between the application server and the internet. Load-balancer Failover Protocol termination –SSL–HTTP/2Understands a protocol and possible upgrades.5/15/175

Why a proxy? Control the load Serve static pages Control requests: mod security / mod rewrite etc Dynamic configuration (mod balancer/mod cluster ) Protocol translations5/15/176

AJP When– Easy SSL forwardingLimitations–No upgrade–Header size–No encryption–Limited “authentication” (secret)mod proxy ajp and mod jkOthers (undertow, ngnix more?) 5/15/177

HTTP and HTTPS 1.1 When:–No SSL forwarding–SSLValveHTTP/HTTPS:–HTTPS might be need (Encyption/Authentication)–HTTPS on tomcat (openssl again?)–HTTP if you trust your intranet.Other reasons:–HTTP is more developed than AJP 5/15/178

H2C h2c is only for reserve proxy Supported–httpd–Undertow

Demultiplexing h2 in proxy Keep the back-end unchanged Keep the overhead for h2 in the proxy

Tomcat / PerformancesConcurency 240400000350000Kbytes / second300000250000200000coyote nio jsse h1 httpscoyote nio jsse h2 https1500001000005000008KiB.bin 32KiB.bin 128KiB.bin 512KiB.bin4KiB.bin 16KiB.bin 64KiB.bin 256KiB.bin 1MiB.binFile Size5/15/1711

Tomcat / PerformancesConcurency 240908070CPU Usage6050coyote nio jsse h1 httpscoyote nio jsse h2 56KiB1MiBFile Size5/15/1712

mod jk configuration Httpd.confLoadModulejk module modules/mod jk.soJkMount /jkaj/* worker1JkWorkersFile conf/ properties# Define 1 real worker using ajp13worker.list worker1worker.worker1.type lbworker.worker1.balance workers clusterdev03,clusterdev04# Set properties for workers (ajp13)worker.clusterdev03.type 8009worker.clusterdev04.type 8009

mod proxy ajp configuration Httpd.confLoadModule slotmem shm module modules/mod slotmem shm.soLoadModule proxy module modules/mod proxy.soLoadModule proxy ajp module modules/mod proxy ajp.soLoadModule lbmethod byrequests module modules/mod lbmethod byrequests.soLoadModule proxy balancer module modules/mod proxy Proxy balancer://ajp # clusterdev04 / 03BalancerMember ajp:// ajp:// /Proxy ProxyPass /tcaj balancer://ajp/tcaj

mod proxy httpd configuration Httpd.confLoadModule slotmem shm module modules/mod slotmem shm.soLoadModule proxy module modules/mod proxy.soLoadModule proxy http module modules/mod proxy http.soLoadModule lbmethod byrequests module modules/mod lbmethod byrequests.soLoadModule proxy balancer module modules/mod proxy Proxy balancer://http BalancerMember /Proxy ProxyPass /tchp balancer://http/tchp

Comparations mod jk / mod proxyConcurency 240800007000060000Kbytes / second5000040000mod jkproxy ajpproxy 1File Size

Comparations mod jk / mod proxyConcurency 240120100CPU Usage80mod jkproxy ajpproxy http60402004KiB8KiB16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiBFile Size

Conclusion AJP/HTTP No big difference mod proxy ajp/mod jkAJP more easy (no Valve needed)AJP no encryptedAJP no upgrade

H2C configuration Httpd.confLoadModule proxy module modules/mod proxy.soLoadModule proxy http module modules/mod proxy http.soLoadModule http2 module modules/mod–Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1–LoadModule proxy http2 module modules/mod proxy–ProxyPass "/tch2" "h2c://"

H2C configuration server.xml Connector port "8888" protocol "HTTP/1.1" edirectPort "8443" ––– UpgradeProtocol className "org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" / /Connector

NGNIX versus HTTPIs NGNIX better?

NGNIX configurationworker processes 1;events {worker connections 1024;}http {upstream myapp1 {server;server;}server {listen8097 ssl http2;server name localhost;ssl certificatenewcert.pem;ssl certificate key newkey.txt.pem;ssl session cache shared:SSL:1m;ssl session timeout 5m;ssl ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;ssl prefer server ciphers on;}}location / {proxy pass http://myapp1;}

Comparisons ngnix/httpdConcurency 2406000050000Kbytes / second4000030000ngnix h2 http11proxy h2 bBKi46in.bBKi812File Sizein.bnnnbibibiB.B.B.iii6K2K1M2551

Comparisons ngnix/httpdConcurency 240120100CPU Usage80ngnix h2 http11proxy h2 http1160402004KiB8KiB 16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiBFile Size

Comparisons HTTP11Concurency 2407000060000Kbytes / second500004000030000ngnix http11proxy le Size

Comparisons HTTP11Concurency 240120100CPU usage80Column BColumn C60402004KiB8KiB16KiB32KiB64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiBFile Size

And so what ngnix? Hard to conclude (try 2 processes in NGNIX) Many process in httpd (try less 5 used) Ngnix also rebuild openssl5/15/1727

Comparisons HTTP11Concurency 24080000700006000040000300001202000010000ngnix http11proxy http11Concurency 2401000nnnnnnnnnbibibibibibibibibi 12255160File SizeCPU UsageKbytes/second50000ngnix http11proxy http11402004KiB8KiB16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiBFile Size

Other proxies HAProxy (in the cloud / openshift for example) mod cluster (httpd dynamic load balancer) Undertow proxy (jboss new servlet container)5/15/1729

So proxy or not proxy Fail-over : yes H2 and old HTTP/1.1 tomcat : yes Pure java tomcat SSL : yes Otherwise: No Which proxy: httpd but ngnix too.5/15/1730

Questions?Thank you! Repo with the scripts for the cripts31


Load-balancer Failover . coyote_nio_jsse_h1_https coyote_nio_jsse_h2_https File Size K b y t e s / s e c o n d. Tomcat / Performances 5/15/17 12 4KiB 8KiB 16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiB 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Concurency 240 coyote_nio_jsse_h1_https coyote_nio_jsse