
RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARANOleh : Endang Dwi HastutiSatuan Pendidikan: SMA Negeri 1 SumberlawangKelas / Semester: X/GasalTema: Teks DeskriptifSub Tema: Tempat Wisata dan Bangunan BersejarahPembelajaran ke:1Alokasi waktu: 1 x 45 MenitA. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARANSetelah melalui serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran siswa dapat:1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata danbangunan bersejarah dengan benar2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisatadan bangunan bersejarah dengan benar3. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempatwisata dan bangunan bersejarah dengan benar4. Menentukan gambaran umum pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisatadan bangunan bersejarah dengan benar5. Menentukan informasi tersurat pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisatadan bangunan bersejarah dengan benar6. Menentukan informasi tersirat pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisatadan bangunan bersejarah dengan benar7. Menentukan reference pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata danbangunan bersejarah dengan benar8. Menentukan makna kata pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata danbangunan bersejarah dengan benar9. Menentukan ide pokok pada teks descriptif sederhana tentang tempat wisata danbangunan bersejarah dengan benar

B. KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARANKEGIATANDESKRIPSI KEGIATANPendahuluan 1. Pendahuluana. Mengkondisikan peserta didik agar siap mengikutipembelajaranb. Meminta salah satu siswa memimpin do‟a awalpembelajarana. Guru membuka pembelajaran dengan salam awal,peserta didik menjawab salamb. Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaitan dengan struktur teks,ciri kebahasaan dan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif danmemotivasi belajar kepada peserta didikf. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajarang. Menyampaikan manfaat materi pembelajaranh. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan kerja kelompoki. Siswa menyebutkanbeberapa tempat wisata danbangaunan bersejarah terkenalIntiALOKASIWAKTU5 menit30-35 menita. Observasi1. Siswa diperlihatkan gambar tempat wisata dan bangunanbersejarah kemudian siswa mengamati gambar yang telahdisediakan oleh guru2. Guru meminta siswa menganalisa gambar tersebutdengan memberi pertanyaana) Where is the place located?b) What can you find there?c) How is the place like?d) Why is it so famous for?b. Menanya1. Guru memberikan teks deskriptif kepada siswa2. Siswa diminta membaca teks deskriptif yang diberikanoleh guru3. Guru memancing siswa untuk bertanya mengenai teksyang mereka baca Siswa belajar menemukan ide pokok,generic structure, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks yangmereka baca.c. Mengumpulkan Informasi1. Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok kemudianguru memberikan teks deskriptif pada masing-masing

kelompok.2. Siswa bekerjasama menjawab pertanyaan yang adadalam teks deskriptif yang mereka baca. Gurumemastikan siswa bekerja sama dengan baik danmembantu siswa yang mengalami kesulitan.d. MengasosiasiSiswa secara berkelompok mencari materi tentangpengertian, social function, generic structure dan languagefeature dari teks diberikan dan menganalisa teks deskriptifyang mereka baca. Guru memastikan semua anggotakelompok bekerja sama dan membantu siswa ketikamenemui kesulitan.e.PenutupMempersentasikan1. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka di depankelas. Guru mengamati dan mendengarkan hasil diskusikelompok siswa.2. Kelompok lain boleh menanggapi presentasi hasildiskusi temannya3. Guru memberikan teks baru beserta soal kepada siswauntuk dikerjakan secara individu dan digunakansebagai instrumen penilaian1. Guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil 5 menitpembelajaran.2. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi tentang proses danhasil belajar3. Guru memberikan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentukpemberian tugas individual membaca beberapa teksdeskriptif tentang tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarahdan menganalisa generic structure dan ide pokoknya4. Guru menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaranuntuk pertemuan berikutnya yakni siswa membuatteksdeskriptif dengan tema tempat wsata dan bangunanbersejarah

C. PENILAIAN PEMBELAJARAN1. Penilaian pengetahuan : 2. Penilaian ketrampilana. Tertulisb. Instrument: test (terlampir)Kepala Sekolah,Sragen, 27 Juni 2022Guru Mata Pelajaran,Dra. Suranti Tri Umiatsih, M.EngNIP. 19630608 199006 1 009DEndang Dwi Hastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum.NIP. 19751011 201409 2 001

Lampiran 1 : Media Pembelajaran (Gambar Tempat Wisata dan BangunanBersejarah)Gambar 1: Lawang Sewu - SemarangGambar 2: New Kemukus – Sragen,JatengGambar 3: Candi Borobudur - YogyakartaGambar 4:YogyakartaGambar 5: Taj Mahal - IndiaGambar 6: Taman Nasional TanjungPuting - KalimantanPantaiParangtritis-

Lampiran 2 : Pengembangan Bahan AjarA. Text Descriptif Beserta Analilisis Generic Structute/Struktur TextTITLEIDENTIFICATIONDESCRIPTIONTAJ MAHALTaj Mahal or The Taj is a well knownarchitectural object in India for its finest designwhich combine elements from India, Persian andIslamic architectural style. This historical buildingswas built on the south bank of the Yamuna river inAgra. It represents the story of Eternal Love of theMughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, to his dearest wifeMumtaz Mahal. In 1983 UNESCO place Taj Mahalinto the list of World Heritage Site and consider it as“the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of theuniversally admired masterpieces of the world‟sheritage”.Taj Mahal is a very large tomb made of ivorywhite marble. The building looks like a mosque, aplace for a moslem to pray. Once we see it, we willget the impression that Islamic architectural style isvery strong in the building, starting with the walland the calligraphy decorations on it, a huge domeon top of the building along with 4 minarets onevery corner of the base walls. The dome is alsomade of marble with size nearly 35 meters and thetop of it is decorated with a lotus design. Theminarets is also decorated with a very detailed lotusmotif.If we come from the main entrance, we will seea large pool in front of the building, this pool iscalled the reflecting pool as it will reflect the imageof The Taj to the sky. Once we enter the building,we will find that there are more decorations on theinner wall. The tomb as the central focus of thebuilding is located at the lower level. The graves ofMumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan were positionednext to each other in a large room with Persian styledecorations.

Lampiran 3 : Lembar Kerja Peserta DidikRead the text “Taj Mahal” then answer the following questions1. is Taj Mahal actually?What impression do you get when you read the word majestically?Why did the king construct Taj MahalWhat does the phrase ”the crown of the place” imply?Read the third line of paragraph two. What impression did you get after reading thedescription?6. How are the materials and the architectural design of Taj Mahal?7. When do you think is the best time to see Taj Mahal? Why do you think so?8. What do you think about the inclusion of Taj Mahal as one of the Seven Wonders of theWorld?9. What is the writer‟s purpose in writing the essay?10. How does the writer organize his idea?Kunci Jawaban1. It‟s mausoleum2. Beautiful, great3. He loved his wife very much.4. Taj Mahal is the best palace compared to other palaces.5. Taj Mahal is very beautiful.6. The materials, like the precious stones, are of high quality and expensive and the designis sophisticated.7. (Answers can vary depending on the students‟ own opinion). Perhaps in full moon whenthe Taj is soaked in the golden light of the moon. It will look like a golden palace.8. Considering the beauty of the building and the story behind the construction, Taj mahaldeserves to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World.9. To describe the beauty of the building to attract people to come and visit Taj Mahal.10. In paragraph one, the object to be described is identified (Taj Mahal) and certain aspect(crown of palaces) about the object is stated. The second and third paragraphselaborated the details that support the aspect mentioned in the first paragraph.

Lampiran 4 : Instrumen Penilaian (Kisi-kisi, Soal, Kunci Jawaban, Pedomanpenskoran)A. Kisi-KisiKompetensi dasar MateriDeskriptif4.8.Menangkapmakna dalamteks deskriptiflisan dan tulissederhanatentang tempatwisata danbangunanbersejarahIndikator1. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakan topik teks2. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanexplicitinformation3. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanimplicitinformation4. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakan the meaningof the word5. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanimplisicitinformation6. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanexplisicitinformation7. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanimplisicitinformation8. Diberikan sebuah dangSedangMudahSedangMudah

deskriptif, siswa dapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakan reference9. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif,siswadapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakan the purpose ofthe text10. Diberikan sebuah teksdeskriptif, siswadapatmenjawab pertanyaan yangmenanyakanhubunganmain idea dan hubunganantar paragraphSedangSukarB. SOALDirection: Read the following text, then answer all the questions correctlyTANJUNG PUTING NATIONAL PARKTanjung Puting National Park is an internationally famous ecotourism destination,which is located in the southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula. Visitors from foreigncountries come to this park because of its amazing nature. This is called a park, but unlikeany park that you have seen in your city, this is a jungle! It is a real jungle, which is hometo the most interesting animal in the world: orangutans.Though the park is home to many animals, seeing orangutans is usually the visitors‟main reason to visit the park. Orangutans, which literally mean the man of the forest, arethe largest arboreal animal on the planet. Most of their lives are spent in trees whereorangutans travel from branch to branch by climbing or swinging with their long arms.To see orangutans, we should go to Camp Leakey, which is located in the heart ofTanjung Puting National Park. Camp Leakey is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orangutans and also a preservation site. It is also a famous center for research about orangutanswhich has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas since 1971.Here visitors can see daily feedings to orangutans at jungle platforms as part of therehabilitation process to their natural habitat. This event gives them opportunity to seeorangutans up close.To reach the place, we should take a boat down Sekonyer river. The boat is popularlycalled Perahu Klotok which is a boathouse that can accommodate four people. The tripby the boat to Camp Leakey takes three days and two nights. You sleep, cook, and eat inthat klotok, night and day during your journey into the jungle.The traveling in the boat offers an unforgettable experience. In daylight, on your wayto Camp Leakey, you can see trees filled with proboscis monkeys, monkeys that haveenormous snout which can only be found in Kalimantan. The monkeys anxiously await

Klotok arrivals. A troop of 30 light-brown monkeys may plunge from branches 10 metersor higher into the river and cross directly in front of the boat. These monkeys know thatthe boat‟s engine noise and the threat of its propeller scare crocodiles, which find thesechubby monkeys delicious. At night, you can enjoy the clear sky and the amazinglybright stars as the only lights for the night.With such exotic nature, no wonder many tourists from foreign countries who loveecotourism frequently visit Tanjung Puting National Park. What about you?(Adapted from: Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas X hal. 53 – 54)Answer the following questions briefly.1. Based on the text, can you guess what ecotourism is? Give some examples of otherecotourism destinations.2. As one of ecotourism destinations, what does Tanjung Putting national Park offer totourists?3. How is the park different from the parks in cities?4. How is Camp Leakey related to Tanjung Puting National Park?5. What does the word ex-captive tell you about the orangutans in Camp Leakey, whichis a rehabilitation site for orangutans?6. How can people reach Camp Leakey?7. What is special about the means of transportation to Camp Leakey.8. What does the word “their” in paragraph 2 refer to?9. What is the author‟s purpose in writing the text?10. What is the main topic of paragraph one? How does it relate to other paragraph?C. KUNCI JAWABAN1. Ecotourism is a kind of tourism in which tourist visit pristine, undisturbed naturalareas. Some of the purposes of ecotourim is to educate the visitors about naturepreservation and to provide funds for ecological conservations.2. Ecotourism. Some examples of ecotourism: visiting Raja Ampat in Papua or goingsnorkeling or scuba diving in Bunaken.3. Tanjung Puting National Parks offers an impressive experience of living in a smallboat and going into the jungle, meeting with orang utans, and seeing proboscismonkeys.4. Parks in cities are man-made. Tanjung Puting National Park is a jungle. 4. CampLeaky is located in the Tanjung Puting National Park.5. Ex-captive orang utans means that the orang utans once were caught by human beingsand lived with them for some time.6. Visitors can reach Camp Leaky by taking a small boat or Perahu Klotok.7. The major means of transportation to Camp Leaky is a small boat. This boat alsoserves as „hotel‟ in which tourists sleep, cook, and eat, and enjoy the sight and soundof the jungle.8. The word their refers to Orang utan

9. The author describes the place to inform other people about the beauty of the place tomake them interested and finally visit the place.10. Paragraph one talks about the object (Tanjung Putting National Park) and thecharacteristics of the object (amazing) and the other paragraphs describe the amazingnature of the object by describing the details.D. PEDOMAN PENSKORAN1. Lembar Penilaian HasilIndikator Pencapaian KompetensiNomor1. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa1dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan topik teks2. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa2dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan explicit information3. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswadapatmenjawabpertanyaanyang3menanyakan implicit information4. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif siswadapatmenjawabpertanyaanyang4menanyakan the meaning of the word5. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswadapatmenjawabpertanyaanyang5menanyakan implisicit information6. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswadapatmenjawabpertanyaanyang6menanyakan explisicit information7. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa7dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan implisicit information8. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa8dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan reference9. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa9dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan the purpose of the text10. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa10dapatmenjawabpertanyaanyangmenanyakan hubungan main idea danhungan antar paragraphBentuk SoalSkor10101010ESSAY101010101010

2. Indikator NilaiNilai 9-10 : Jika jawaban benar dan kalimat disusun dengan susunan grammatikal yangtepat dan kalimat jawaban bisa dipahami dengan mudahNilai 6-8 : Jika jawaban benar namun terdapat susunan grammatical yang salahNilai 3-5 : Jika jawaban salah namun kalimat jawaban disusun dengan struktur kalimatyang baikNilai 1-2 : Jika jawaban salah dan kalimat jawaban sangat su

Tanjung Puting National Park. Camp Leakey is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang utans and also a preservation site. It is also a famous center for research about orangutans which has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas since 1971.