HEC PARIS KEY FACTS & FIGURES60,000125139CEOs50Alumni in 150countriesPartnershipsand alliancesin 46 countriesYears’ experience indelivering managementprogramsMore Alumni in CEOpositions than anyother business schoolNationalitiesamong HECEMBA students
WhatMakes our program unique?WORLD-CLASS FACULTY& INDUSTRY SPECIALISTSExperts in their respective fields with extensiveexperience in the world of business.OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANTSWith over 50 nationalities represented,the highly diverse professional and culturalbackgrounds of our participants mean that youlearn just as much from your classmates as fromour professors.A STRONG FOCUS ON LEADERSHIPEnabling you to step back, assess and transformyour leadership style, to motivate and empoweryour teams to take ownership of projects.8 SPECIALIZATIONS, IN 9 LOCATIONSFLEXIBLE FORMATSGiving you the opportunity to focus on an area of yourchoice, expand your knowledge of a specific industryor sector, and discover a new region of the world.The program is available in five different part-timetracks to allow you to select a format that fits in bestwith your lifestyle and professional constraints.CAPSTONE PROJECTAllowing you to apply everything you havelearned by carrying out a strategic projectthat has real added value for bothyour organization and yourself.We facilitate the development of personal startupprojects. Around 35% of participants in theEMBA program launch startups or new businessventures either during or after the program.Over 60,000 Alumni in network, providingyou with business opportunities and unlimitedpossibilities to exchange with like-mindedpeers worldwide.PRESTIGIOUS INTERNATIONALACADEMIC PARTNERSExperience the world of business froma different perspective.INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OPTIONENTREPRENEURIAL FOCUSINFLUENTIAL GLOBAL NETWORKThe opportunity to take classes outside of your hometrack in France or Qatar.1#1FT RankingInternationalExecutive MBA
Whoare our students?CULTURAL & PROFESSIONAL DIVERSITYThe outstanding participants in the HEC Paris ExecutiveMBA come from all over the world and represent a widerange of industries and sectors. The combination of highachieving participants and innovative teaching methodsenable you to learn from world-renowned researchersand guest speakers, plus exchange knowledge with peersfrom diverse geographical, educational and professionalbackgrounds.The hundreds of years of combined expertise inthe classroom creates a unique learning environmentthat is difficult to replicate.501530 %40DifferentnationalitiesYears averageof professionalexperienceWomenAverage age“ I found what I was looking for and more. It’s like stepping backfrom who I was and today I see the world completely different.Félicia Sola - HEC Paris Executive MBA participant”
AgendaExecutive MBA at a glanceWe have two options and five available EMBAtracks to suit your schedule and preferredlearning pace. Each track amounts toapproximately 55 days out of the office,and will be completed between 15-18 monthsdepending on the specialization you choose.JANUARY *FEBRUARY *SEPTEMBER *MARCH **NOVEMBER **LOCATIONHEC Paris Campus,Jouy-en-JosasLOCATIONDoha,QatarLOCATIONHEC Paris Campus,Jouy-en-JosasLOCATIONHEC Paris ChamperretCampus, ParisLOCATIONHEC Paris LANGUAGEEnglishLANGUAGEEnglishLANGUAGEBilingual French & EnglishFORMAT 5 modules that rangefrom 5-9 daysFORMAT 6 modulesof 5-9 daysFORMAT 5 modules that rangefrom 5-9 daysFORMAT Every other Friday &Saturday, bi-monthlyFORMAT 5 modules that rangefrom 5-9 days* E MBA Diploma, in addition the student receives the diplôme d’établissement International EMBA from HEC Paris; Ranked by Financial Times** E MBA Diploma, in addition the student receives the diplôme d’établissement International Paris EMBA from HEC Paris
The CurriculumGeneralized, Specialized, CustomizedThe HEC Paris Executive MBA are 15-18 month degree programs which featurefour key components – Core Courses, Leadership Development, Specializations,and a Capstone Project – allowing you to generalize, specialize, and customizethe program to fit your specific goals.CUSTOM COURSES:SPECIALIZATIONS & ELECTIVESCORE COURSESTrends & Transformations courses include:Choose from:The Core Courses enable you to develop yourknowledge and expertise in all the key areas ofgeneral management. Core Courses are brokeninto two key areas: Mastering the Fundamentalsand Trends & Transformations. B usiness Environment M anage the Digital RevolutionParis & Silicon Valley S trategic Implementation S ocial Responsibility & Ethics F uture of Talent & WorkYou have the opportunity to specialize in an areaof your choice, allowing you to become an expert ina specific sector. You will fine-tune your analyticaland strategic decision-making skills while expandingyour industry network. T est your Startup ProjectParis & Silicon Valley ntrepreneurship & Innovation E Innovate like an EntrepreneurParis & Boston C ompetitive StrategyLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT S hape the Future of EnergyDoha & Berlin S trategic & Digital MarketingYou will develop your leadership skills thanks tomultiple learning components: L uxury, Today & TomorrowParis & Shanghai T he Fundamentals of Leadership I nspire Change in Social BusinessCapetown & BangaloreMastering the Fundamentals courses include: O perations & Supply Chain F inancial Accounting C orporate Finance P erformance Management L eading Organizations L eadership Outdoor Seminar P ersonal & Professional Development Workshops T opics in General Management Session P ersonalized Support D esign and Deliver Exceptional ServicesSingapore & Paris M aster Financial Challenges: from Banking toRestructuring - ParisChoose one elective from a wide range of onlineor in-person electives to further customizeyour Executive MBA. N etworking Events4
CAPSTONE PROJECTUndertaking a project in an area of strategic importancefor your organization can have a significant impact on itsfuture development and save the company considerablefinancial investment in external consultant fees.The Capstone Project is the final deliverable ofthe program. It allows you to apply everythingyou have learned and carry out a customizedstrategic project.PRE-PROGRAM SKILLSCUSTOM COURSESCareer DevelopmentCapstone ProjectSPECIALIZATIONSTUDY ABROADTailoring your ExecutiveMBA to your careergoalsTERM 5LEADING WITH IMPACTInspiring and influencingto improve performanceTERM 4TRENDS &TRANSFORMATIONFuture-proofing ina sustainable worldTERM 3MASTERING THEFUNDAMENTALSBuilding strongfoundations ofbusiness15 MonthsTERM 2ADMISSION PROCESSPreliminary interviewwith a Marketing &Recruitment Manager,online application formand interview with aselection committeeLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTBack to SchoolTERM 1TERM 0Assessment, DevelopmentPlan & Career CoachingCORE COURSESIt can also be an excellent way to gain the backing ofyour company in terms of out of office time andfunding for your Executive MBA program.ELECTIVEBroadeningyour horizons
International MobilityA Global Learning ExperienceThe international mobility option,which enables you to complete part ofthe program in different internationallocations, has become a defining featureof the HEC Paris Executive MBA.GLOBAL MOBILITY FOREXECUTIVE MBA PARTICIPANTSThe mobility option transforms an already internationalExecutive MBA program into one with even greaterglobal scope. Today, the program features the samecurriculum no matter which track you choose. Thismeans you can work with your program manager tocustomize a cycle with modules in our locations, aslong as they fit into the academic calendars concerned.Due to our expanding network, you may also be ableto take mobility modules outside of the current EMBAprogram with some of our strategic internationalacademic partners.EXPANDING NETWORKSOne of the many benefits of the international mobilityoption is the way it facilitates exchange betweenclassmates from different regions and highly diverseprofessional and cultural backgrounds. This willexpand your networks and open up new businessopportunities. The international mobility optionhas proved to be a genuine asset for executivesworking in a multicultural, globalized, economiccontext. Approximately 35% of current ExecutiveMBA participants take advantage of the internationalmobility option.
International PartnershipsExperience the World of Business from a Different AngleWe have partnered with leading educational institutions around the world in order tofurther enhance the intercultural and the global scope of the Executive MBA program.QATAR FOUNDATIONHEC Paris is celebrating its 10th year in Qatar in2020. HEC Paris joined the Qatar Foundation in2010 to make an impact, bring excellence andhelp transform Qatar into a knowledge-basedeconomy by unlocking its great human potential,and nurturing the country’s future leaders.The Qatar modular track of the International EMBA isrun in English and uses the same world class facultyfrom Paris to guarantee its excellence and coherence.HEC Paris was the first European Partner Universityof the Qatar Foundation, which aims to bring worldclass education to Qatar’s doorstep.The Qatar Foundation is a non-profit organizationmade up of more than 50 entities working ineducation, research, and community development.OTHER INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHEC Paris in Qatar supports impactful learningin both public and private sectors and buildsupon the solid reputation it is known as a worldleader in executive education. HEC Paris in Qatarplays a highly active role in the development ofexecutive education programs. Its InternationalExecutive MBA, ranked #1 worldwide by theFinancial Times, is a practical and intense 16-monthprogram developed to provide participants withan understanding of the social, economic andenvironmental aspects of international business,as well as the skills to implement their vision.Our international partnerships for the Specializationsenable us to provide you with even stronger academiccontent, enlightening company visits, networkingopportunities and cultural exchanges. Babson College - Boston, USA U niversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Los Angeles, USA G raduate School of BusinessUniversity of Cape Town, South Africa I ndian Institute of Management BangaloreBangalore, India F undação Dom CabralBelo Horizonte, Brazil7To ensure that the content meets the needs and objectives of participants,the academic partners for the Specializations are subject to change.Please consult our website for the latest developments and
Career ServicesHELPING YOU TAKE THE NEXT STEPIN YOUR CAREERMore and more of our participants have reacheda turning point in their careers. In many casesthey are aiming to either take on greaterresponsibility within their own companies,change their current career path by re-positioningthemselves in a different environment or bylaunching a new business venture. Quite often,however, they are not sure what the next step is.Our goal is to help them develop the skills andconfidence they need to make that next step.HEC Careers provides a range of services,workshops and resources designed to helpparticipants develop the skills and tools to makeinformed choices on the career path that is in linewith their personal values and professional goals.Our approach combines a dedicated careerscurriculum and multiple opportunities to interactwith alumni. This ensures that participantsmake effective and realistic choices both forthe next step - whether this is to assume greaterresponsibility within the company or move onto new projects - and for the rest of theirprofessional careers.JOIN AN INFLUENTIAL GLOBAL NETWORKManagement training at HEC Paris is all about sharing and learning from others. Our highly diverse andexclusive alumni network provides you with business opportunities and unlimited possibilities to exchangeand share best practices with like-minded peers worldwide.HEC EXECUTIVE COMMUNITYThis service is aimed at current participants and alumni of HEC Paris Executive Education programs. The goal ofthe community is to perpetuate the lifelong learning experience of its members and forge lasting and beneficial linkswith the institution. HEC Executive Community provides a wide range of services that includes afterwork events,conferences with key speakers, events that focus on specific themes, access to webinars and newsletter updates and more.HEC ALUMNIGraduation from an HEC Paris program marks the beginning of a new adventure in which the HEC Alumni networkplays a key role. The HEC Alumni Association was founded in 1883 by former students and now has over 60,000members. It brings together all HEC Paris degree program graduates and participants of the EMBA have accessto the Alumni Association from the beginning of their program, opening up new networking and businessopportunities.KEY FIGURESSERVICES 60,000 alumni and 850 events per year A bi-monthly alumni magazine 49 professional clubs Networking events 26 leisure clubs Sector-specific events with experts 75 international chapters Regular meetings with business leaders 40,000 job offers Career support & job board 1,125 mentors A mentoring program 270 graduating classes Personal development seminars8
Learning MethodsA HANDS-ON APPROACHTO REAL-WORLD TRAININGThe aim of our action-based learning approachis to strike the right balance between theory andpractice. This ensures you acquire hands-onknowledge and skills, which you can immediatelyapply upon returning to the workplace.We combine: C ase studies, workshops and interactive roleplays to develop strong analytical and decisionmaking skills. T eam work to enable you to share experience,learn how to prioritize and deliver your groupassignments collectively. We firmly believe thatyou learn just as much
Its International Executive MBA, ranked #1 worldwide by the Financial Times, is a practical and intense 16-month program developed to provide participants with an understanding of the social, economic and environmental aspects of international business, as well as the skills to implement their vision.