One One-Year MBA Global Economy. One Global MBA.


OneGlobalEconomy.OneGlobalMBA.One-Year MBA


1st in International Experience—The Financial Times 20121st in Return on Investment—The Economist 20111st in Post-Graduation Salary Increase—The Economist 20111st business school to have five global campuses and the ability to rotateCreated the world’s largest crowdsourcing event for social good—The Hult PrizeThe world’s largest graduate business school in 2012hult.edu3

OurHistoryOur legacy of providing globally relevant, practicaleducation shapes our future as the world’s largestgraduate business school.1964—A practicalbusiness educationToday—The world’s largestgraduate business schoolIn 1964, the school was established asAmerica’s first corporate university, thenknown as the Arthur D. Little School ofManagement (ADL). ADL focused ondelivering a practical business educationfor managers. The teaching pedagogy wasdifferent because it emphasized “actionlearning”—applying classroom theory inthe real world. This methodology washoned over 40 years and is central to Hult’spioneering approach to practical businesseducation today.Hult’s compelling vision of a practical andglobal business education has attracted manystudents from around the world. Today, Hulthas grown to become the world’s largestgraduate business school. Our growthdemonstrates the tremendous demand for aninnovative and practical business education.The world’s largest graduatebusiness schools*1Hult International Business School22003—The world’s mostinternational business school3In 2003, one of Europe’s most successfulentrepreneurs, Bertil Hult, financiallysupported the school to expand its teachingmethodology to not only train effectivemanagers but also prepare them to thriveon a global stage. Bertil Hult stronglybelieved students must experience culturaldifferences and global business practicesfirsthand, growing the school from its singleBoston location to a global network ofhome campuses including London, Dubai,Shanghai, and San Francisco and rotationcampuses in New York and São Paulo underthe name Hult International Business School.61964Arthur D.Little Inc., theworld’s oldestmanagement consultingfirm, establishes theManagement EducationInstitute, whichdevelops an innovative,accelerated one-yearMaster degree programto train business leaders.41976 The businessschool is officiallyaccredited by the NewEngland Association ofSchools and Colleges(NEASC), the regionalaccrediting body for allacademic institutions inthe northeastern U.S.4IE Business School1,155Northwestern, Kellogg1,139Macquarie Graduate School57INSEADHarvard Business SchoolUniversity of Chicago, Booth861852University of Columbia1,0088629101,0719038 Indian Institute—AhmedabadHEC School, Paris2,070822Source: Annual intakes of ranked business schools from 2011 The EconomistWhich MBA rankings (Full-time MBA, EMBA, Part-time MBA) and 2011Financial Times Master in Management (Master). Note figures exclude onlineMBA and non-reported Master degree programs.*Based on Hult 2012 projected intake figures.1998 Forbesidentifies the school’sAction Learningcurriculum as “highlydistinctive,” rankingit in the top five MBAprograms in the U.S.2002 TheEconomist ranks theschool the third-bestbusiness school inMassachusetts, afterHarvard BusinessSchool and theMassachusettsInstitute ofTechnology (MIT).2003 Theschool isrenamedHultInternational BusinessSchool, honoringbenefactor Bertil Hult’spersonal vision andcommitment toeducating internationalbusiness leaders.2005 Hult’s oneyear MBA programearns the accreditationof the Associationof MBAs (AMBA),making Hult the firstbusiness school in theU.S. to be recognizedby this prestigiousinternationalaccrediting body.

“ Today, success in business is asmuch about understanding culturesand globalization as it is aboutunderstanding finance and marketing.With our exceptional faculty, rigorouscurriculum, and unique campusnetwork, Hult International BusinessSchool is committed to educating notjust leaders of business, but leaders ofthe world.”Bertil HultChairman Emeritus of Hult International Business School.Founder of EF Education First—the world’s largest privateeducation organization—and educational philanthropist.See Hult’s TV campaign on2008 Hult welcomesits first class of studentsto the MBA program inDubai. Hult is the first U.S.academic institution to belicensed in the U.A.E.2009 The FinancialTimes adds HultInternational BusinessSchool to its prestigiousTop 100 Global MBArankings. Hult’s Londoncampus welcomesundergraduatesand graduates.2010 Hult is ranked #1in International Experienceby the Financial Times. Theschool’s fifth campus isopened in downtown SanFrancisco. The first HultGlobal Case Challenge islaunched, revolutionizingthe business of giving andbenefiting One Laptopper Child.2011 Hult launches aone-year Master of SocialEntrepreneurship degree.The school is ranked #3in International Businessby the Financial Times.Hult’s flagship campus inChina opens in the heartof Shanghai. Former U.S.President Bill Clinton awardsUSD1 million prize at the Hult GlobalCase Challenge Final.2012 Hult becomes theworld’s largest graduatebusiness school, openingnew campuses in Londonand Dubai, and offersrotations to New York andSão Paulo. Hult Global CaseChallenge is renamed to theHult Prize.hult.edu5

Why Hult?6

Why students choose the world’smost international business school:Global Campus RotationFastest return on investmentTop-ranked business schoolHult offers students a unique opportunityto see the world while they study. Duringyour MBA you can start anywhere and goanywhere. In the Global Campus Rotation,you can pick your home campus and thenspend up to three months studying at twoothers. Students could begin in Boston, thentravel to Shanghai via London or São Paulo,or San Francisco via Dubai or New York. You’llget an inside look at the world’s fastestgrowing economies and examine internationalbusiness practices close-up. Almost 90%of our students choose Hult because theyare interested in this option, and over half ofour students spend time on more than onecampus (more on page 12).Our 12-month intensive program results inthe fastest return on investment comparedto higher-priced two-year MBA programs.Equipping yourself with a Hult degree in 12months results in lower cost, less time awayfrom work, and quicker re-entry—with anMBA salary. Hult currently ranks #1 in postgraduation salary increase and #1 in returnon investment by The Economist, and ourstudents, on average, are able to recoup theirinvestment in a little over a year.*Hult continues its rapid ascent in businessschool rankings. Hult is ranked #1 forInternational Experience and #3 forInternational Business by the Financial Times.Hult is ranked #21 in the U.S. and #31 in theworld by The Economist.Hult1.5 yearsIMD2.23.4IE3.6CambridgeCassUnrivaled global perspectiveToday’s global economy rewards people whocan traverse borders, understand cultures,and operate in international contexts. Hult’sone-year MBA provides you with an unrivaled,intimate global experience, working alongsidepeers from 120 nationalities speaking105 languages, learning from faculty withAmerican, European, and emerging marketexpertise. Hult students graduate with theability to thrive in international business andadapt rapidly to changing global environments(more on page 8).A U.S.-accredited degreeAmerican-style graduate programs havelong been the premier standard in businesseducation. Hult International BusinessSchool is accredited by the New EnglandAssociation of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)and Association of MBAs (AMBA). No matterwhere you decide to pursue your MBA, youwill graduate with a U.S.-accredited degree.Thought-leading educationPayback Comparison3.8OxfordLondon Business rvard7.4*Source: Based on The Economist Which MBA? 2012Hands-on businessexperienceUnlike other business schools that areresearch-oriented, most of Hult’s faculty havereal-world experience. Many have workedfor companies like P&G, Sony, and CreditSuisse, while others have run their ownbusinesses or created their own patents. Hultempowers students to develop real-worldskills by completing a six-week Action Projectconsulting for a leading company or non-profitlike Samsung, IBM, Nike, or One Laptop perChild. This reinforces our mission to preparejob-ready graduates who can deliver resultsfrom day one (more on page 31).Hult is on the cutting edge ofbusiness education in several key areas:emerging markets, digital marketing, socialentrepreneurship, and crowdsourcing. Theschool has launched the first marketingprogram dedicated to digital marketing,search engine technology, and the impactof social media. In addition, you have theoption to specialize in project managementconcurrent to pursuing your degree. Theschool also organizes the world’s largestbusiness school competition for the HultPrize (formerly known as the Hult GlobalCase Challenge) which crowdsources ideasfrom students all over the world to leadingcompanies and non-profit organizations tacklea major social challenge.hult.edu7

YourNetworkJust WentGlobalHult gives you an astoundingly diversenetwork of connections and contacts.Snapshot of MBA Class of 2013Professional ExperiencePre-MBA industryFinancial ServicesTechnologyManufacturingConsultingConsumer ecomMedical/PharmaProfessional ServicesTradeAgricultureOther16%12%9%7%6%4%4%27% 77 years39%3–434%Average professionalexperience5–74%4%2%2%1%29%Age of Hult MBA studentsPre-MBA functionGeneral Management/HR ng6%Operations/Logistics2%Technology/Manufacturing 1%Other27%51%33%25–29 30–34Average ageof A Hult MBA student4%40 3%9%-25 35–39Regions of origin22%18%EuropeNorthAmerica13%MiddleEast& Africa19%LatinAmerica83017%SouthAsia11%AsiaPacific



An InternationalPerspectiveBostonSan FranciscoShanghaiLondonDubaiNew YorkSão Paulohult.edu11

Global CampusRotationInternational experience is crucial for today’s globalexecutives. Hult offers you the extraordinary opportunityto live and study in Boston, San Francisco, London,Dubai, Shanghai, New York, or São Paulo.Immerse yourself inthe world’s mostinfluential citiesHult’s Global Campus Rotation givesyou the chance to study in up to three ofour seven locations. This provides youwith a unique opportunity to experiencefirsthand the emerging markets ofthe Middle East and the powerhouseeconomy of China or to develop a broadnetwork of corporate contacts acrossmultiple continents.Choose to stay on your home campusfor the full year or spend up to 12 weekstaking electives on one or two otherCampuses or Rotation Centers. Imaginestarting your MBA program in Londonand then spending time in Shanghaibefore graduating in Boston. It’s a trulylife-changing experience that only Hultcan deliver.1212Seamless experiencefrom Hult to HultA closer look atinternational businessOur Global Campus Rotation is fullyintegrated into our MBA curriculum.Unlike most business schools that offertheir students study abroad opportunitiesthrough exchange programs withother institutions, Hult prides itself onbeing the full provider of the GlobalCampus Rotation.By learning international business ina global setting, you’ll be able to putcomplex issues into context and gainnew market insights. Study finance onour New York campus and compare yourideas to what regional thought leaderswill do. Discuss a case study about themanufacturing industry in China andthen go on a tour of the world’s largesttextile factory. Nothing can replace theexperience of getting an on-the-groundunderstanding of what is happeningin different parts of the world—international business cannot just betaught in a classroom.No matter which Hult campus you are on,you will use the same electronic library andthe same Course Management Systemand will be familiar with the way our CareerServices and Student Services work.You’ll mingle with Hult classmates fromother campuses during your GlobalCampus Rotation and build valuablecontacts as you study alongside new facesand learn from different faculty on ourcampuses. Our global network ensuresthat your MBA experience is uninterruptedand hassle-free.Capitalize on Hult’s expert CareerServices offered on each campus to gainpersonalized professional job advice in thelocal market. Each campus hosts differentcareer fairs and panels during GlobalCampus Rotation to help you launch aninternational career.Modules A-CHome CampusModule DGlobal Rotation1Module EGlobal RotationSeptember–AprilStart your MBA study on yourhome campus.May–JuneRemain at your home campus or chooseto rotate to another Hult campus to takeyour Action Project and electives (6 weeks).July–AugustRemain at your home campus or chooseto rotate to another Hult campus to takeelectives (6 weeks).2Home Campus Options:Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai,or ShanghaiCampuses:Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, or ShanghaiCampuses:Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, or ShanghaiRotation Centers:New York or São PauloRotation Centers:New York or São PauloGlobal Rotation is subject to availability. Please refer to the program pages for rotation specifics.Graduation is only available on a home campus: Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, or Shanghai.


A lifechangingopportunityto study in3 cities in1 year.Experienceinternational businessfirsthand with GlobalCampus Rotation.Study at up to threeof Hult’s campusesor rotation centersin Boston, SanFrancisco, London,Dubai, Shanghai, NewYork, or São Paulo .“Boston offers a greatcombination of academicsand a thriving social life.There’s so much happening in Boston. Allkinds of sports, from marathon runningto kayaking, not to mention the academicpursuits—everything combined createsan amazing overall experience. There’s anexpression that ‘the business of America isbusiness,’ and it’s very true.”Arun Varma

curriculum as “highly distinctive,” ranking it in the top five MBA programs in the U.S. 1976 The business school is officially accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the regional accrediting body for all academic institutions in the northeastern U.S. 2002 The Economist ranks the school the third-best