AutodeskRobot Structural Analysis Professional Comprehensive analysis for yourstructural projects.
Integrated Structural Analysis Made EasierAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional softwarecomplements building information modeling (BIM) withcoordinated digital analysis and design. Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalsoftware is a collaborative, versatile, and fastersoftware application that can help you compete andwin in the global economy. Purpose-built for BIM,Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalcalculates even your more complex models withpowerful finite element auto-meshing, nonlinearalgorithms, and a comprehensive collection ofdesign codes to help you achieve results in minutes,not hours. Autodesk Robot Structural AnalysisProfessional offers a smoother, collaborativeworkflow and interoperability with 3D bidirectionallinks to Autodesk companion products. The openAPI (application programming interface) helps toprovide a scalable, country-specific analysis solutionfor large and complex building structures. Subscription BenefitAs an exclusive Subscription benefit, Robot Extensions for Autodesk Robot StructuralAnalysis Professional software extend thecapabilities of Autodesk structural analysistools, providing structural engineers with evenmore flexibility to achieve their results. Simpletools are available that enable users to extracta large range of data from Autodesk RobotStructural Analysis Professional, and no specialprogramming experience is required.Modeling in Autodesk Revit StructureStructural Analysis in Robot Structural AnalysisBidirectional Links with Autodesk Revit StructureExperience the powerful bidirectional integration of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional and Autodesk RevitStructure software. More smoothly import and export structural models between the two applications by using the AutodeskRevit Extensions analysis link. Bidirectional linking enables more accurate structural analysis and design results to be updatedthroughout the building information model for coordinated construction documentation. Structural Analysis in Robot Structural AnalysisShop Drawings Created with AutoCAD Structural DetailingFrom Analysis to Fabrication DrawingsStructural engineers using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional can benefit from the ability to more smoothly transferselect design data to AutoCAD Structural Detailing software, providing an integrated workflow from analysis through design tofinal project documentation and structural drawings.
Faster Simulation and Calculations of Complex StructuresAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional softwareutilizes state-of-the-art finite element auto-meshing capabilities.We are very pleasedwith Autodesk RobotStructural AnalysisProfessional, whichcombines powerfuladvanced analysiscapabilities with themultimaterial designexpertise in onestructural softwarepackage. Without adoubt, this solutionhelps us betterrespond to our clients’challenges and also staymore competitive.Modeling, Analysis, and DesignWhile Autodesk Robot Structural AnalysisProfessional can enable users to analyze awide range of structures, the software includesfeatures specifically created for the modeling,analysis, and design of buildings. The buildingdesign layout includes floor plane views to moreeasily create columns and generate beam framinglayouts. Engineers can use tools to efficiently add,copy, remove, and edit geometry for similarbuilding stories.—David MontiPrincipal, Structural EngineerGP StructuresAdvanced Auto-Meshing and ModelingAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalis a robust structural analysis software applicationwith powerful mesh generation techniques thatenable structural engineers to more efficiently workwith even more complex models. Automatic meshdefinition tools allow for manual manipulationof the mesh, refinement, and meshing aroundopenings of any shape and size. The many meshingtools available enable structural engineers tomore quickly create a high-quality finite elementmesh on virtually any shape of structure.Wide Range of Analysis CapabilitiesAnalysis CapabilitiesAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalis a powerful, easier-to-use, and efficient toolfor general linear static analysis. In addition, itequips structural engineers with the ability to gobeyond the traditional analysis capabilities of othersoftware programs. Engineers can better exploredesign alternatives and investigate the linear andtrue nonlinear behavior of a structure. The softwareenables the simple and effective analysis of manytypes of nonlinearity, including P-delta analysis,tension/compression members and supports,cables, and plastic hinges, just to name a few.Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalprovides cutting-edge tools for the dynamic analysisof structures, and high-level fast dynamic solvershelp provide dynamic analysis that can be moreeasily carried out for demanding structures.Analysis SolversAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalincludes state-of-the-art solvers to deliver fasterprocessing of even more complex structural models.These analysis algorithms, based on advancedtechnology, enable engineers to deliver moreaccurate results faster, helping them to more easilyoptimize and reanalyze structures and explore avariety of structural configurations.State-of-the-Art Analysis SolversAdvanced Auto-Meshing and Modeling Capabilities
Greater Versatility and Global AnalysisAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional softwareis a comprehensive global analysis application with an openAPI, delivering more flexibility to analyze and design a broadrange of structures.Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design SolutionAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalcontains integrated reinforced concrete andsteel design modules based on more than 40international steel codes and 30 reinforcedconcrete codes, helping to simplify the designprocess, and assist engineers with selecting andevaluating structural elements.Extensive Output of Analysis ResultsAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalprovides wide flexibility in obtaining analysis results.Results may be viewed on individual members, partsof the structure, or for the structure as a whole in theforms of diagrams and maps. Tabular results may beeasily filtered to show specific data and easily outputto spreadsheets for user postprocessing of data.International Design CodesAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalincludes more than 60 sections and materialsdatabases from around the world, enablinginternational projects to be completed moreeasily. With 70 built-in design codes for an arrayof countries, structural engineers can work withcountry-specific section shapes, imperial or metricunits, and country-specific building codes withinthe same integrated model.The printout composition feature provides theability to save tables and model views in a userdefined layout. Results and maps saved in thislayout are automatically refreshed after modelchanges. Printouts can be made directly fromprintout composition or can be presented inMicrosoft Word editor HTML format.Multilingual for Global MarketsCompete in the global market with Autodesk RobotStructural Analysis Professional. The softwaresupports multinational design teams by providingmany languages, including English, French,Romanian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Chinese, andJapanese. Structural analysis can be performedin one language and output can be generatedin another, providing versatility among globalteams. Imperial and metric units can be used incombination within the same structural model,providing adaptability to varying environments.Extended Capabilities with an Open APIThe concept of linking applications togetherto provide a single solution is not new, but fewsolutions offer the practical approach of AutodeskRobot Structural Analysis Professional. This programutilizes component object model (COM) technologyas introduced by Microsoft, allowing the solutionto be open architecture and openly programmableby any engineer. The open and more flexible APIoffers an extensive list of possibilities, includingintegrating Autodesk Robot Structural AnalysisProfessional software with external programs,such as Microsoft Excel software, MicrosoftWord, and AutoCAD software; extractingresults from Autodesk Robot Structural AnalysisProfessional; writing postprocessing software,such as special codified analysis for steel, concrete,timber, and aluminum; and the ability to createparametric structures in Autodesk Robot StructuralAnalysis Professional.
Building Information Modeling for Structural EngineeringA smoother workflow and interoperability with the Autodeskstructural engineering BIM solution.Building information modeling (BIM) is anintegrated process built on coordinated, reliableinformation about a project from design throughconstruction and into operations. By adoptingBIM, architects, engineers, contractors, andowners can more easily create coordinated, digitaldesign information and documentation; use thatinformation to visualize, simulate, and analyzeperformance, appearance, and cost; and reliablydeliver the project faster, more economically, andwith reduced environmental impact.BIM for structural engineers follows this samemethodology for the entire structural engineeringprocess, focusing on a digital model that can beused for coordination with architects; mechanical,electrical, and plumbing engineers; and civilengineers that is integrated with analysis, design,and construction documentation, and extendingthat digital model from design through fabricationand construction.Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis ProfessionalAutodesk Robot Structural Analysis software offersa smoother workflow and interoperability withthe Autodesk structural engineering BIM solution,Autodesk Revit Structure software. Extend designand analysis capabilities by harnessing the power ofthe software’s open API (application programminginterface) to help fit your unique needs. Autodesk Revit StructureAutodesk Revit Structure integrates multimaterialphysical and analytical models, providing concurrentstructural modeling for more efficient, up-to-datedocumentation as well as tight integration foranalysis and design.AutoCAD Structural DetailingAutoCAD Structural Detailing software is apowerful solution for faster and more efficientdetailing and creation of fabrication shop drawingsfor reinforced concrete and steel structures.
We have been using Robot Millennium software for morethan 10 years because of its analysis performance as well asits design versatility for reinforced concrete, steel, and woodstructures. We are looking forward to moving to AutodeskRobot Structural Analysis software and becoming even moreproductive and competitive.— Grzegorz BałdVice President and Technical DirectorBiprostal SA Engineering and Consulting, PolandLearn More or PurchaseAccess specialists worldwide who can provide product expertise, a deepunderstanding of your industry, and value that extends beyond your software.To license Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software, contact anAutodesk Premier Solutions Provider or Autodesk Authorized Reseller. Locate areseller near you at Learning and EducationFrom instructor-led or self-paced classes to online training or educationresources, Autodesk offers learning solutions to fit your needs. Get expertguidance at an Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC ) site, access learningtools online or at your local bookstore, and validate your experience withAutodesk certifications. Learn more at Autodesk Services and SupportHelp accelerate return on investment and optimize productivity withcompanion products, consulting services, and support from Autodeskand Autodesk authorized partners. Designed to get you up to speed andkeep you ahead of the competition, these tools help you make the mostof your software—no matter what industry you are in. Learn more SubscriptionAutodesk Subscription gives you immediate access to softwareupgrades and exclusive access to service and support benefits designedto help you get the most out of your Autodesk software. Learn more Model provided by McNamara/Salvia, Inc.This brochure is printed on 100 percent postconsumer waste recycled paper.Autodesk, AutoCAD, ATC, Revit, and Robot are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.,and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, productnames, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product andservices offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible fortypographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. 547B1-000000-MZ01
Integrated Structural Analysis Made Easier Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software is a collaborative, versatile, and faster software application that can help you compete and win in the global economy. Purpose-built for BIM, Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional calculates even your more complex models with