Formerly Blue Cross PhilippinesONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAYFrequently Asked Question (FAQs)1. WHAT PAYMENT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE?a. Credit Card (Soon)b. Local Debit Card (BancNet)c. Over-the-Counter (Dragonpay)d. Mobile (GCash)e. PayPal2. WHAT CREDIT CARDS ARE ACCEPTED?All major credit cards are accepted including those with VISA, Mastercard,AMEX, JCB, Diners Club International affiliations.3. CAN PAYMENT BE DEFERED THROUGH CREDIT CARD?Only straight credit card transactions are accepted.4. WHAT LOCAL DEBIT CARDS ARE ACCEPTED?Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines5. WHAT BANKS REQUIRE MEMBER NUMBER?Allied BankAllied Savings BankCTBC BankLandbank of the PhilippinesMertobankPSBankPhiltrust BankRCBCRCBC Savings6. HOW TO KNOW AND WHERE TO FIND THE MEMBER NUMBER/ BANKIDENTIFICATION NUMBER (BIN) IN THE DEBIT CARD?The Member Number may be found in different locations of the debit carddepending on the issuing bank. Please see the image below for example:Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines7. WHAT IS THE BANK IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (BIN) PER ISSUING BANK/WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM TRANSACTION LIMIT FOR DEBIT CARD PAYMENT?The maximum transaction limit and BIN of debit cards varies depending on theissuing bank. The following provides the maximum limit and BIN per bank.Allied Savings BankBANKIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER (BIN)329504904606293Asia United Bank602914Banco DipologBank Of CommerceBPI Globe 6200059ISSUING BANKAllied BankingCorporationCTBC BankCity State BankDevelopment Bank ofthe PhilippinesDumaguete City Dev'tBankEast West BankEnterprise BankEntrepreneur BankInc.GreenbankISLA BankTRANSACTION LIMITNo LimitNo Limit100,000 (combinedw/ Bills payment)40,000No Limit20,000100,000 (combinedw/ ATM withdrawaland IBFT)40,000No 00063917958167820,000No LimitKorea Exchange Bank58186950,000 combined w/Withdrawal/ IBFT &Bills PaymentLandbank of thePhilippines6031312038474844100,000Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross PhilippinesISSUING BANKLuzon DevelopmentBankMalayan Savings BankMaybankMetrobankBANKIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER (BIN)TRANSACTION LIMIT60165240,000603187603324263504946No Limit30,000Bank to providetogether with theirconfirmation on theBINs50,000589282PBCOM589886PSBank62759250,000 (cardholderscan request for higherlimit)Philippine BusinessBank605053No LimitPhilippine NationalBank59210851026652820420,000 - 100,000 /Shared with ATMlimitsPhilippine VeteransBank590133No LimitPhiltrust BankPlanbankPhilippine Postal BankRCBCRCBC SavingsRobinsons SavingsBankSecurity BankStandard CharteredBankSterling Bank of AsiaSun Savings BankTiaong Rural 590160581816No LimitNo LimitNo 840,000100,000No Limit20,00020,000Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines8. HOW TO PAY USING OVER-THE-COUNTER (DRAGONPAY) OPTION?Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines9. HOW TO PAY USING GLOBE G-CASH?Enter your 11-digit Globe mobile number then wait for the GCash SMS (2882)and enter your MPIN to authenticate the transaction.Pacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines10. HOW MUCH IS CHARGED FOR USING THE ONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAY?Using credit and debit cards do not incur charges. On-top fees shall onlycommence when the payment is coursed the following OTC payment channels:PAYMENT CHANNELBPI ExpressOnline/Mobile (Fund Transfer)BPI ExpressOnline (Bills Payment)RCBC AccessOneM. LhuillierBDO Over-the-CounterCash Deposit with Reference No.BDO Over-the-Counter Bills PaymentBPI Over-the-Counter Bills PaymentSecurity Bank OTC Bills PaymentON-TOP FEE1.005.005.0020.0025.0030.0050.0050.0011. WHAT ARE THE COMMON CAUSES OF FAILED TRANSACTIONS?a. Debit card has insufficient fund or has reached the maximum transaction limit/threshold usage during the time of transactionb. Credit card reached the maximum credit limitc. Wrong input of ATM PINd. Expired debit or credit card12. HOW TO KNOW IF TRANSACTION IS SUCCESSFUL?After the transaction, a payment status notification shall be emailed to theprovided e-mail address. Only one among the three statuses that could reflect inthe e-mail:a. TRANSACTION PENDINGb. TRANSACTION SUCCEFULc. TRANSACTION FAILED13. WHAT TO DO WHEN THE PAYMENT ATTEMP FAILED?For as long as the reference number has not been paid, you can still complete thepayment within two (2) calendar days by using the OTC option. Otherwise, if notdone within the said duration, you may still opt to pay using the same option butwill have to confirm with you Account Executive the proof of payment formanual validation and tagging as paid transaction.14. HOW TO REQUEST FOR A REVERSAL/ REFUND?Please call/ e-mail the Customer Service Hotline to request for a reversal/refund:( 63 2) 230-8511/ ( 63 2) 230-8522client com.phPacific Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
Formerly Blue Cross Philippines15. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR THE REVERSAL/REFUND TO BE PROCESSED?a. Due from credit card – reversal/ refund are processed real-time upon approvalof the request.b. Due from other payment options – please request thru your Account Executivefor proper documentation and implementation of standard termination/cancellation policy of Pacific Cross Philippines.For other inquiries:PACIFIC CROSS INSURANCE, INC. &PACIFIC CROSS HEALTHCARE, INC.8000 Makati Avenue1200 Makati City, PhilippinesCustomer Service Hotline:( 63 2) 230-8511( 63 2) 230-8522Customer Service E-mail:client Cross Center, 8000 Makati Avenue, 1200 Makati City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesT 632 899 8001 F 632 325 0638 W For You
PAYMENT CHANNEL ON-TOP FEE BPI ExpressOnline/Mobile (Fund Transfer) 1.00 BPI ExpressOnline (Bills Payment) 5.00 RCBC AccessOne 5.00 M. Lhuillier 20.00 BDO Over-the -Counter Cash Dep osit with Reference No. 25.00 BDO Over-the -Counter Bills Payment 30.00 BPI Over-the -Counter Bills Payment 50.00 Security Bank OTC Bills Payment 50.00 11.