DatasheetWebex Experton Demand 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Datasheet2Contents 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.03Product overview04Features and benefits05Key value propositions05Device support06Cisco environmental sustainability08Cisco Capital
Datasheet3Webex Expert on Demand enables companies toenhance productivity by empowering frontline workers.Product overviewWebex Expert on Demand turns Augmented Reality(AR) glasses into a voice-activated collaborationheadset that connects a frontline worker with the restof the organization, enabling frontline workers to getconnected to the right experts anytime.A frontline worker can easily connect to one ormultiple experts, who can be at the same or differentlocations. With Webex Expert on Demand, experts 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.can help guide frontline workers in their day-to-dayactivities by leveraging hands-free, bi-directional videocalling. Our solution empowers the frontline workerwith collaboration tools that significantly enhance theirproductivity through multi-party video calling, the abilityto annotate live, and share these annotations betweenthe expert and frontline worker, as well as share keydocumentation, all in real time.
Datasheet4Expert on Demand complements the premium Webexportfolio by enabling video endpoints, mobile devices,tablets, and laptops. It provides seamless integration andease of use to leverage collaboration tools, no matterthe device. Webex Expert on Demand supports endto-end encryption and leverages the same secure andcompliant services that power Webex across desktop,mobile, and room systems, meaning field workers andremote experts no longer need separate applications orlogins for remote assistance.With Control Hub, administrators have the ability tomonitor conversations, determine connection qualityand troubleshoot in real-time. This advanced analytics,troubleshooting and reporting results in reducedmanagement overhead for IT administrators whiledelivering a valuable and applicable experience forfrontline workers.Webex Expert on Demand enables companiesto empower their employees to access expertsanywhere, anytime.Features and benefitsTable 1. Features and benefitsFEATUREBENEFITMake two-way video callsLaunch video meetings hands-free and collaborate with remoteexperts to resolve problems at the source without requiring workersto be onsite.Initiate amulti-party callTeams can respond from anywhere around the globe to resolveissues faster.Request helpInstantly gain the option to receive a call back from an individualexpert or an entire team.Search thecompany directoryQuickly search the company directory to find the rightexpert to engage.Search for a teamIdentify the right teams to resolve an issue immediately.Share a fileAccess resources such as documentation for commontroubleshooting steps for re-use across the company.Share your screenEasily see what’s being discussed and give an expert the ability toshare content live.Frontline worker annotationFrontline workers can augment live streaming to enrich an expertconversation in solving potential problems.Expert annotationRemote experts can assist frontline workers by providing additionalguidance for their day-to-day activities. 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Datasheet5Key value propositionsConnect the entire enterpriseExpert on Demand enables companies to leverageone single platform to enable the entire organizationto collaborate. Experts at headquarters and frontlineworkers are instantly able to connect with each other onWebex to improve the overall productivity and enhanceemployee engagement.Seamless end-to-end integrationand ease of useGetting help is as simple as accessing the Expert onDemand home page and then selecting contacts ina directory, recent contacts, or a team. From there,the user initiates a call or requests a call back. Duringthe call, a video feed allows the remote expert to seethrough the eyes of the frontline worker and immediatelyprovide support.Annotation for the frontline workerand remote expertExpert on Demand enables both the frontline workerand the expert to add annotations on top of what thefrontline worker is seeing and share these annotationswith each other. This enables the expert to guide thefrontline worker step by step throughout their day-to-dayactivities, whether it is preventive maintenance orfixing an urgent issue. These annotations are storedand can be viewed by experts later or for training andlearning purposes.Enterprise-grade securityExpert on Demand uses the same level of encryptionsecurity as the Webex App. It encrypts messages, files,and names of spaces on your device before sendingthem to the cloud. When the data arrives at Cisco’sservers, it is already encrypted. It is processed andstored until it is decrypted on your device.We use Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS)to encrypt data while in transit between your deviceand our servers, which protects the identities of bothsenders and receivers. Our end-to-end encryption usesAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128, AES256,Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) 1, SHA256, and RSA.For audio, video, and screen sharing, we encryptshared content using the Secure Real-TimeTransport Protocol (SRTP). 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Device supportWebex Expert on Demand is available on thefollowing devices: RealWear HMT-1RealWear HMT-1Z1
Datasheet6Cisco environmentalsustainabilityInformation about Cisco’s environmental sustainabilitypolicies and initiatives for our products, solutions,operations, and extended operations or supply chain isprovided in the “Environment Sustainability” section ofCisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report.Reference links to information about key environmentalsustainability topics (mentioned in the “EnvironmentSustainability” section of the CSR Report) are providedin Table 2.Table 2. Environmental sustainabilitySUSTAINABILIT Y TOPICREFERENCEInformation on product-material-content laws and regulationsMaterialsInformation on electronic waste laws and regulations,including products, batteries and packagingWEEE Compliance 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Datasheet7Reference linksReference links to product-specific environmental sustainabilityinformation that is mentioned in relevant sections of this datasheet are provided in the following table.Table 2. Environmental sustainabilitySUSTAINABILIT Y TOPICREFERENCEGENER ALEco-Design Compliance (EU ErP Lot, Etc.)Table AA. Product ComplianceEnvironmental Certifications(EPEAT, Energy Star, Etc.)Table BB. Product Compliance or PlatformFeatures/BenefitsPOWERIdle, Typical or Max Product PowerTable CC. Product SpecificationsHardware Enabled Energy FeaturesTable DD. Platform Features/BenefitsSoftware Enabled Energy FeaturesTable EE. Platform Features/BenefitsPower Supply InformationTable FF. Product SpecificationsPower CalculatorTable GG. Product SpecificationsMATERIALUnit WeightTable HH. Product SpecificationsSystem Weight (Product Packaging)Table II. Product SpecificationsRecycled ContentTable JJ. Product SpecificationsCisco makes the packaging data available for informational purposes only. It may not reflect the most current legal developments, and Ciscodoes not represent, warrant or guarantee that it is complete, accurate or up-to-date. This information is subject to change without notice. 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Datasheet8Cisco CapitalFlexible payment solutions to help youachieve your objectivesCisco Capital makes it easier to get the righttechnology to achieve your objectives, enable businesstransformation and help you stay competitive. Wecan help you reduce the total cost of ownership,conserve capital, and accelerate growth. In morethan 100 countries, our flexible payment solutionscan help you acquire hardware, software, servicesand complementary third-party equipment in easy,predictable payments. Learn more.January 2022For more informationPlease visit Webex Expert on Demand 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. Cisco, the Cisco logo, Webex by Cisco, and Webex are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ciscoand/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, see the Trademarks page on the Ciscowebsite. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word “partner” does 2021Ciscoand/or its relationshipaffiliates. All betweenrights reserved.notimplya partnershipCisco and any other company. (2201R)
Power Calculator Table GG. Product Specifications MATERIAL Unit Weight Table HH. Product Specifications System Weight (Product Packaging) Table II. Product Specifications . Cisco makes the packaging data available for informational purposes only. It may not reflect the most current legal developments, and Cisco