Loma Linda Department of Psychiatry’sThe Ninja’s Guide to PRITE2016 EditionThe Best PRITE Review .EVER
ForewordIn 2007, a ragamuffin group of interns and residents set out to create a high-yield PRITE guide. Equipped withlaptops, pencil-marked PRITEs from 2001-2006, and enough junk food to feed a small country, the “LomaLinda Department of Psychiatry PRITE Sweatshop” was started. After multiple revisions to the guide over thepast nine years, The Ninja’s Guide to PRITE continues to focus on the most important areas to cram into yourbrain in the month preceding PRITE. It is suggested that going over old PRITE exams is the best preparationfor PRITE. This guide provides a comprehensive summary of old PRITEs in an attempt to help with a moreefficient review. Other items in this guide include a psychopharmacology review, a psychotherapy review,and a miscellaneous topics high-yield review. The various Ninja reviews combine information from theMassachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Review, Synopsis of Psychiatry and Synopsis ofPsychopharmacology by Kaplan and Sadock, the APA Psychiatry Textbook and other excellent sources.Remember that these materials are copyrighted, so please do not sell this free learning tool. With thesetools, it is my hope that you will completely rock the PRITE.Best of Ninja Luck,Melissa Pereau, MDAssociate Psychiatry Residency Training DirectorLoma Linda Department of PsychiatryLoma Linda University School of MedicineGo to Table of Contents2
Table of ContentsForeword . 2Table of Contents . 3A NINJA'S GUIDE TO PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY . 8Antipsychotics . 8Typical Antipsychotics . 8Atypical Antipsychotics. 10Mood Stabilizers . 13Lithium. 13Valproic Acid . 14Carbamazepine (Tegretol) . 15Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) . 16Lamotrigine (Lamictal) . 17Gabapentin (Neurontin) . 17Topiramate (Topamax) . 18Antidepressants . 18TCAs . 18Tetracyclic Antidepressants. 20Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors . 21Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). 22Some Observations on the Generic Medications We Now Prescribe . 25Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) . 26Venlafaxine (Effexor) and Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) . 27Duloxetine (Cymbalta) . 28Anxiolytics . 28Buspirone (Buspar) . 28Benzodiazepines . 29Cognitive Enhancers . 31Miscellaneous Topics . 32Treatment of Medication Side Effects . 32Treatment of Overdose . 32A NINJA’S GUIDE TO NEUROLOGY . 33Cortex . 33Anatomy Overview . 33Pereau’s “Cram the Brain Using the MMSE” Review Tool . 34High Yield PRITE Review . 36Anatomy Overview . 38Pereau’s “The Brainstem as a Face” Review Tool . 39Go to Table of Contents3
High Yield PRITE Review . 41A NINJA’S GUIDE TO PSYCHOTHERAPY . 48Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy . 48Expressive Psychotherapy (“Insight-Oriented Therapy”) . 49Brief Psychotherapy . 49Interpersonal Therapy . 50Supportive Psychotherapy . 50Behavioral Therapy. 51Biofeedback . 51Cognitive Behavioral Therapy . 51Group Therapy . 53Family Therapy . 54Couples Therapy . 55A NINJA’S GUIDE TO FREUD & OTHER STUFF . 57Sigmund Freud . 57Interpretation of Dreams . 57The Topographical Model of the Mind . 57Instinct and Drive Theory . 58Pleasure vs. Reality Principles . 58Narcissism. 58The Structural Theory of the Mind . 58Defense Mechanisms . 59Psychosexual Developmental Stages . 60Erik Erikson . 62Trust vs. Mistrust (0-18 months, correlates with Oral) . 62Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (18 months-3 years, correlates with Anal) . 62Initiative vs. Guilt (3-5 years old, correlates with phallic) . 62Industry vs. Inferiority (5-13 years old, correlates with latency). 63Identity vs. Role Confusion (13-21 years old, correlates with genital) . 63Intimacy vs. Isolation (21-40 years old) . 63Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-60 years old) . 63Integrity vs. Despair (60 years old until death) . 64Pathologic Development . 64Birth to 18 months . 6418 months to 3 years . 643 to 5 years . 655 to 13 years . 6513 years to 20s (Adolescence) . 6520s to 40s . 6640s to 60s . 66Go to Table of Contents4
60s to End of Life . 66Intelligence Tests . 66Personality Assessment . 67Cognitive Testing . 67Child and Adolescent Psychological Assessment . 68Statistics . 68A NINJA’S GUIDE TO SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS . 70Overview.
past nine years, The Ninja’s Guide to PRITE continues to focus on the most important areas to cram into your brain in the month preceding PRITE. It is suggested that going over old PRITE exams is the best preparation for PRITE. This guide provides a comprehensive summary of old PRITEs in an attempt to help with a more efficient review. Other items in this guide include a psychopharmacology .