BEHINDTHESCENESNews from YourTrinity BroadcastingFamily of Networks1st Qtr.J A N U A R Y– M A R C H 2 0 1 7
TBN Chairman Matt Crouch shared the vision for “TBN 2.0” with network managers from around the world.The first quarter of 2017 has been an exciting andfruitful time throughout the Trinity BroadcastingNetwork global family. In late March all the managers forthe U.S. full-power stations, as well as domestic and internationalnetworks, met at TBN’s headquarters in Tustin, California to beinspired and challenged with the vision Matt and Laurie Crouch, alongwith the rest of TBN's leadership, have for a new chapter in TBN’sglobal gospel outreach – which has been dubbed TBN 2.0.That vision is being fulfilled through relevant, cutting-edge programming andcontent across TBN’s broadcast platforms, targeting a new generation of viewers, whilewe continue to provide some of the classic inspirational programming our longtimeviewers have enjoyed for many years. There’s a lot of excitement about new programmingon tap for TBN’s SMILE kids' network, the JUCE youth channel, and TBN’s Salsa networkthat is gaining a strong fan base among “next generation” Latino-Americans.Of course, at the heart of everything we do at TBN are the souls coming to Christand the untold lives changed on a daily basis through 24-7 programming that lifts upJesus and calls people into their eternal destiny.2
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Bringing Fresh, Innovative ProgrammingLiberty Counsel, this exclusive TBNseries demonstrates in a powerful waythe crucial importance of the JewishState of Israel to Christians, America,and the world.America’s flagship faith-andfamily network continues to expandits footprint around the globe, withinnovative programming that appealsto all types of viewers. Over the pastthree months TBN has added at leastone new weekly series to its broadcastlineup each month, including:Restoring the Shack. Based on thebestselling novel The Shack and thebig-screen movie of the same title, thisseries is helping millions find a trueand meaningful relationship with Jesus— based on God’s love and kindnessalone.Adventures With God, a fascinatingseries that documents God’s move inthe lives of people around the world.Produced by veteran documentaryfilmmaker Darren Wilson, AdventuresWith God is an extension of the viralfilms that Wilson has produced over thelast ten years, documenting miraclesand the power of God breaking into thelives of mostly unsuspecting individualsacross the earth.Author Wm. Paul Young hosts Restoring the Shack on TBN, based onhis best-selling novel. Airs Sundays at 10 p.m. Eastern / 9 p.m. Central.TBN Viewer Comments“Watching TBN gave me the strength Ineeded to break free from strongholds. Today,I am free of drugs, alcohol, and prostitution.I continue watching your stations to ensuremy continued freedom.”Adventures With God: Evangelist Todd White ministers to a group inAmsterdam.– C.W., Kansas City, MO.Why Israel Matters, Produced byChristians in Defense of Israel and3
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Christian Television for a New Generation24-hour access to TBN’s flagshipnetwork, the Hillsong Channel, TBN’sJUCE network for teens and youngadults, and our Enlace Spanishlanguage affiliate network.Launched in June 2016, TBN’sHillsong Channel is reaching a newgeneration of viewers with themessage of hope and grace throughcutting-edge worship, relevantteaching, and ministry from today’stop Christian leaders.Foxtel. Australia’s premier cable provider,reaching over six million people.Spectrum. Hillsong Channel isnow available on the largest cabledistributor in the U.S. — over 17 milliontelevision households across America.In total, TBN’s Hillsong Channel canbe viewed by nearly 200 million peoplearound the world.TBN has teamed with Hillsong for one of the most exciting new faithnetworks — the Hillsong Channel — featuring all the best in cutting-edgeworship from gifted singers, songwriters, and musicians.Over the past several monthsthe Hillsong Channel has increasedits already significant reach througha number of important distributionchannels, including: Boingo Wireless, designed specificallyfor U.S. military troops who live inbarracks.Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston provide life-changing ministry on theHillsong Channel. illsong Channel ViewerHCommentsTBN 2nd Chance. TBN’s outreach toinmates incarcerated throughout theU.S. has added the Hillsong Channel tothe networks inmates can view in over937 correctional facilities. A total ofover one million inmates now have“So pleased for the Hillsong Channel. . . grateful to TBN for this initiativeand thanking God for opening doors ofopportunities like this.” – Anthony H.4
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017TBN's Youth Network Shines for Teens, Young Adultsof Millennials and Generation Z watchseveral hours of TV in a typical week.This has been an exciting quarterfor JUCE, TBN’s network specificallyfor teens and young adults. This groupis often referred to as the “MillennialGeneration” for those 20 years ofage and older and “Generation Z” forthose 19 years and under. Significantly,this age group represents over halfthe global population, and in NorthAmerica Millennials now far outnumberBaby Boomers.JUCE serves this age group byproducing media that is entertainingand relevant while presenting aclear gospel message. The recentprogramming JUCE has featuredinclude coverage from multiplemusic festivals such as Night Vision,SXSW, Creation Festivals, specialprogramming from the GMA DoveAwards, production of the We LoveChristian Music Awards, comedyspecials with the Skit Guys, movies,and prominent guests like JudahSmith, Chad Veach, Nick Vujicic, ErwinMcManus, Brian “Head” Welch, forKING & COUNTRY, and Britt Nicole.JUCE Viewer CommentsTeens and young adults consume a lot of media — and JUCE is there withlife-changing content.“In my time of struggle, JUCE was my goto for companionship and inspiration! Songslike Skillet’s “Awake” and “Alive” and somany others, while surrounded by evils andmockery, kept me awake in life and alive inspirit! I thank God for JUCE TV!” —Nate L.This age is also a crucial timein a person’s spiritual formation, ashistorically nearly 90 percent of activeChristians make decisions to follow Christbefore their 21st birthday. This is an agegroup in North America that has beenbecoming increasingly secular at analarming rate. This is also an age groupthat consumes large amounts of media,as a typical Millennial will consume closeto 50 hours of media a week, and 85%“I LOVE JUCE TV — it’s very inspiringand uplifting! Eyes and heart are glued whenit’s on!” —Lindsey C.Check out JUCE onlineat www.JUCETV.com5
Domestic NetworksSMILEBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Kid-Friendly TV Parents Trust!The first quarter of 2017 was afruitful time for SMILE, TBN’s 24hour network for children ages twoto twelve. According to research byGeorge Barna, only six percent of adultChristians made a decision to followGod after the age of 18. That means94 percent make that crucial step aschildren. This is why we are so excitedabout the outreach of our SMILEnetwork. There is simply no better timethan childhood for individuals to be ledinto a relationship with Jesus Christand to be mentored for a lifetime offruitfulness in His kingdom.TBN My StoryOne of our recent TBN My Storyvideos comes from Denise Ponce, whosat down to share how, as a youngmother, she had decided to take herown life, along with those of her twoyoung daughters. But as she and hergirls laid down in front of the kitchenstove with the gas running, from hernearby television she heard the kindand compassionate voice of TBN’s JanCrouch telling her how much Jesusloved her. “It was like she was in theroom with me,” recalled Denise. “Andit felt like she was talking right to me,telling me that Jesus was there to helpme.” Click on the video icon and watchas Denise Ponce tells the moving story ofhow God used TBN to change her life.TBN and SMILE are the exclusive broadcasters for VeggieTales.Perhaps you have apersonal story about how Godused TBN to powerfully impactyour life. Click Here to find outhow you can share that storywith us and TBN viewers andfriends around the world.Research also shows thatexposure to violent media can resultin aggressive attitudes and violentbehavior in children and adolescents.The average child will watch 8,000murders on TV before finishingContinued Next Page . . .6
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Continued from page 6 . . .elementary school. And by the age ofeighteen, the average youth has seen200,000 acts of violence onTV, including 40,000 murders.Theo. This exciting animated series isnow in the works and will be on the airshortly.The Rev. Billy Graham said thatit is “important that we as Christianparents remember the impact mediacan have on our children. Raising ourchildren is one of the most importantresponsibilities God gives us, andneglecting it or leaving it to otherscan be disastrous.”SMILE Viewer Comments“I love the SMILE network. Yourprograming is wonderful for children to learnthe love of Jesus.”— Nichol“It’s wonderful how you are dedicatedtowards teaching children about the loveof God. I watch your channel whenever Ican. Please say hello to the cast and crewof VeggieTales, Colby’s Clubhouse,iShine KNECT, and Miss Charity’sDiner.” — JamesWe launched the SMILE networkto give parents and grandparentsa resource to help mentor, train,and encourage their children andgrandchildren in important moraland spiritual values. Not only isSMILE a safe haven for children, butit has the full support of millions ofparents around the world who knowtheir children are being enriched withquality programs that are educationaland biblically based.“I am fond of watching Smile, which tellsme stories and teaches me good manners.”— Tony (China)SMILE is available 24/7 on AT&TU-verse channel 340, Verizon Fioschannel 294 and dozens of otherlocal cable systems. SMILE is alsoavailable over-the-air on TBN's 37TV stations across the U.S., on DISHNetwork channel 264, and can alsobe viewed online Check thewebsite for more information andSMILE's program schedule.Over the past three months SMILEhas added some great new programs,movies, and specials kids are going tolove, including:The Little Princess. This classic featurestarring Shirley Temple began airing inMarch on SMILE.7
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Exciting Programming for "Next Gen" Hispanicsthe new programs:According to a recent studyconducted by Pew Research, theHispanic population has reached anew high of 55.4 million — or over 17percent of the total U.S. population.And an ever-increasing number of thatpopulation — called “next generation”Latinos — are not fluent in Spanish.TBN created the Salsa networkto serve this demographic withprogramming that is entertaining andinspirational.The Revolution TV, with Jorge andKat Vazquez, is all about turning thisgeneration to the truth that is onlyfound in Jesus.Present Truth with Bishop MichaelPitts offers weekly inspiration andteaching from God’s Word.From Israel With Love continues to bea popular program on Salsa.Salsa Viewer Comments“Just want to tell you how much I enjoyyour programs and watching TBN Salsa.You do a very good job. Blessings.” – Joy T.“I am one out of many who are excitedabout the great work God is doing throughSalsa! Thank you for this wonderfulchannel.” — GraceMati Shoshani (center) operations manager of TBN's studios in Israel, leadsa traditional Shabbat meal for the Salsa program From Israel with Love.“I have been enjoying the programs on TBNfor the past several years. I’m especiallyenjoying your new Salsa Network. All I cansay is Wow! — Mrs. J.TBN Salsa is growing and availablevia TBN’s full-power stations in 37 keyU.S. cities, as well as on an increasingnumber of cable providers nationwide.Throughout the first quarter of2017, Salsa has been adding newprograms and inviting key HispanicChristian leaders and influencers to ourSalsa Praise program. Here are a few ofCheck out what’s new onSalsa www.tbn-salsa.org8
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017TBN Prayer MinistryHere are just a handful of the praisereports recorded by TBN’s prayerpartners:In the first three months of 2017,TBN’s prayer partners logged anastounding number of calls fromviewers:Josefina called to thank TBN for theprayers over her son: “I received the reportfor my son from the doctor. Praise theLord — not one trace of cancer!”234,340 calls from people with prayerneeds.1,690 calls from individuals whoprayed for salvation or recommittedtheir lives to Christ.Ruth from Pennsylvania called to say:“396 days sober from drugs, Thank youTBN for all of your prayers. I Love youall!”1,695 calls from people with praisereports for answered prayer.Bob and Mary called from Pennsylvania:“We have called your prayer line onmany occasions, and have found TBN tohave the best prayer partners because theyknow how to pray the Word and they areeffective.”In the first three months of 2017, TBN’s prayer partners took a total of234,340 calls for prayer from viewers around the world.“This is an outreach that nevergets old,” said Robbie Mickley, TBN’sprayer department supervisor. “Gettingthe opportunity to pray with peoplefor their needs, lead others to faithin Christ, and hear daily reports ofanswered prayers — it’s all an incredibleprivilege that’s very rewarding.”Over the past nearly forty-five years, TBN's prayer partners have ledmillions of individuals to faith in Christ, and prayed over the needs ofcountless millions more.Have a need? Call TBN's toll-freeprayer line at 1-888-731-1000.9
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Full-Power StationsJohn Crouch, GSHS provides healthcareto uninsured individuals throughoutthe Tulsa area. With the help of localclinics, as well as churches who providehosting for mobile clinic locations, Dr.Crouch and his dedicated medical staffand volunteers are being the handsand feet of Jesus to so many in need.TBN’s 37 full-power stations arethe “boots on the ground” buildingvalued relationships with pastors,congregations, community leaders,outreaches, and local viewers incommunities small and large acrossthe U.S. It would be impossible to dojustice to all the wonderful ways TBN’sstation managers reach out to theircommunities. Each manager worksdiligently behind the scenes to getthe story of community outreach toviewers across their demographics,to help facilitate important ministriesand outreaches — and, of course, tomake sure each household in theircommunity has access to a broadrange of life-changing and inspirationalprogramming.Oklahoma Adult and Teen Challenge.With six locations throughout thestate, Oklahoma Teen Challengecontinues with the outreach startedover fifty years ago by DavidWilkerson, to disciple and guide bothyoung people and adults who havestruggled with substance abuse andother life-controlling circumstances.Here’s a small sampling of how TBN’sfull-power stations reached out to theircommunities in the first part of 2017:KDOR–TV 17 Tulsa. The community ofTulsa has many vibrant examples ofgodly individuals and organizationsreaching out to help people in need.And through its weekly Joy in Our Townbroadcast, KDOR is getting the wordout about many of these awesomeservant leaders including:KDOR has done much to get the word out about the great outreach being done by Oklahoma Adult and Teen Challenge.Little Lighthouse. This tuition-freeeducational and therapeutic school isspecially designed for special needschildren ages birth to six. It beganGood Samaritan Health Services(GSHS). Under the leadership of Dr.10
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Full-Power Stations, Continuedcommunity. That can be something assimple as providing needed suppliesto a local daycare (at Philly’s GreaterLife Christian Center), or as major ashelping to facilitate the productionof programming for two of TBN’sinternational networks — TBN Russiaand JCTV Pakistan. And in JanuaryWGTW delivered one hundred Biblesand other devotional materials toPrison Outreach of Delaware, to bedistributed to inmates incarceratedat the James Vaughn CorrectionalInstitute in Smyrna, Delaware and theHoward Young Correctional Facility inWilmington, Delaware.with one teacher and five studentsin October 1972 as one mother of aspecial needs child encountered thegap in public educational programsfor special needs children. The missionof LLH is to glorify God by improvingthe quality of life for children withspecial needs, their families, and theircommunities.KDOR station manager CraigNelson said he and his staff are excitedfor the many local connections they getto make throughout the community.“One important function KDOR servesis to highlight all the good that isbeing done throughout Tulsa throughthe faith community —congregations,pastors, Christian leaders, and parachurch outreaches,” he said. “We reallyplace a high priority on the manywonderful relationships we get tomake with these fine people, and tomake sure our viewers know about theservices they provide.”WGTW–TV 48 Philadelphia. StationManager Michal Curry is alwayslooking for ways that TBN and WGTWcan be a blessing to the PhiladelphiaJaved Rauf tapes a program for JCTV Pakistan in WGTW's Philadelphiastudio.11
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Full-Power Stations, Continuedenforcement and always give them asmile or a thank you.”KPAZ–TV 21 Phoenix. KPAZ StationManager Oralena Valero is knownthroughout Arizona for cultivatingstrong relationships with local andstate leaders — including governors,legislators, and state attorneys. So itwas no surprise when her daughter,KPAZ Public Affairs Director VanessaRose, opted to spend two months inthe City of Phoenix’s Citizen’s PoliceAcademy, learning about local lawenforcement and participating in someof the training exercises Phoenix policego through to become officers.KTAJ–TV 16 Kansas City. KTAJ hasbegun to produce regular Words ofEncouragement spots featuring localpastors. “We love each and everypastor in the Kansas City area, and wewant to give as many as possible theopportunity to share their heart forthe city and people of our community,”said KTAJ Station Manager Julie Cluck.“The messages they share are reallytouching our viewers.”KTAJ is also partnering with Sheilaand Kenzie Gilbert, who provide luncheach day to at least 200 children inthe Kansas City area through theiroutreach Food for Kids. KTAJ haspartnered with the Gilberts for thepast five years, airing an originallyproduced public service announcementalong with highlighting their ministryon Joy in Our Town. All children receivea gospel message prior to their dailylunch.In March KPAZ Public Affairs Director Vanessa Rose Valero graduatedfrom the Phoenix Citizen's Police Academy.In March Vanessa graduated fromthe citizen’s academy, and had this tosay about the experience: “Our menand women in blue are each unique,passionate, and truly special people.I have always had respect for them,but it has risen to a new level. Please,take time to get to know our lawKDTX–TV 58 Dallas. As one of thepremier locations for the tapingof TBN’s popular Praise program,KDTX hosts many great Christianleaders and other notable guests. Inthe first quarter of 2017 Praise hostContinued Next Page . . .12
Domestic NetworksBEHINDTHESCENESJanuary–March 2017Full-Power Stations, ContinuedLeon Fontaine welcomed Pastor RaviZacharias, T.D. Jakes welcomed JohnGray and Dr. Caroline Leaf, and hostChristine Caine welcomed NFL playersAndy Dalton and Rex Burkhead.Pastor Taylor Wilkerson of TrinityChurch Harlem, interviewed PastorJimmy Jack, founder of Long IslandTeen Challenge, about the work of thisawesome outreach to “provide youth,adults, and families with effectiveand comprehensive Christ-centeredsolutions to life-controlling drug andalcohol problems in order
TBN 2nd Chance. TBN’s outreach to inmates incarcerated throughout the U.S. has added the Hillsong Channel to the networks inmates can view in over 937 correctional facilities. A total of over one million inmates now have 24-hour access to TBN’s flagship network, the Hillsong Channel