21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541 510-783-2766 Stjoachim .


2 12 50 H es pe r ia n B l v d , H a yw a rd , C A 9 45 4 1 51 0 -7 8 3 - 2 7 6 6 w ww .s t jo a c h i m.n etFebruary19, 2017Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time“PRAY for those whopersecute you”M A S S S C H E DU L ESSunday Mass in EnglishSaturday 4:30 PMSunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PMReconciliationSaturday 3-4:00 PMMisas en EspañolMiércoles 7 PMDaily Mass7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM)Misas Dominicales en EspañolSábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PMReconciliaciónMiércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PMUnited in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit

From the Pastor’s Desk:On the Veterans Day of November 1996,Phan Thi Kim Phuc, now 33, came to theblack granite Vietnam Veterans Memorialas a wife and mother, to tell severalthousand spectators that she forgives thosewho bombed her village and has put thepast behind her. Kim Phu placed a wreathat the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington and delivereda short speech. When Kim Phu was only 9 years old, her picturewas taken by an Associated Press photographer and it stirredthe conscience of the world. Moments after the picture wastaken, Kim Phuc lost consciousness and was taken to a hospitalby the photographer, Nick Ut, who later won a Pulitzer Prizefor the photo. Her village had just been hit by a United Statesnapalm attack. Her two brothers were killed instantly. KimPhu's clothes were burned off her. In the photograph, this littlegirl was running, naked, in pain and terror. In front of the wallinscribed with the names of more than 58,000 U.S. war dead,Kim Phuc said that she was focused on the future. Speaking toa hushed crowd in Washington, she made the followingstatement: "I have suffered a lot from my physical andemotional pain. Sometimes I thought I could not live, but Godsaved my life and gave me Faith and Hope. If I could talk faceto face with the pilot who dropped the bomb, I would tell himwe cannot change history, but we should try to do things for thepresent and for the future to promote peace." No retaliation!Just tough, wise love. That's the spirit of Jesus taught in theSermon on the Mount given in today’s Gospel. It's the greatestpower on earth. In the face of it, the devil -----------------------------------For twenty-eight years, Nelson Mandela was locked away inprison in South Africa. His children were kicked out ofschool and prevented from getting jobs. It would have beeneasy for Nelson Mandela to walk out of his prison cell, aseething cauldron of revenge. But Mandela tells how afterhe was put in jail, he knew he had to make a decision. As hesaw it, he could either spend his time in jail hating all thepeople who put him there, or he could choose somethingelse. He chose instead to respect those he came into contactwith each day, and it made all the difference in the world.And because of the suffering he endured and his ability toforgive his enemies, Mandela gained a great deal of moralauthority that enabled him to lead his country peacefully outof apartheid when almost everyone had anticipated abloodbath. At his inauguration as the first democraticallyelected president of South Africa, one of those prisonguards was Mandela's special guest. Mandela found thatloving one's enemies actually --------- ------------------------The Rev. Cleveland Duke of Akron is a part-time judoinstructor. He says, "I teach you what to do after you've turnedboth cheeks." He teaches ---------------------------------------In Bill Adler's popular book of letters from kids, an 8 year-oldboy from Nashville, Tennessee makes this contribution: "DearPastor, I know God wants us to love everybody, but He surelynever met my sister." Sincerely, Arnold.2En el Día de losVeteranos enNoviembre de 1996,Phan Thi Kim Phuc, ahora de 33 años, vino al granito negro delMonumento de los Veteranos de Vietnam como esposa ymadre, a decirles a varios miles de espectadores que perdona aaquellos que bombardearon su pueblo y a dejar el pasado detrásde ella. Kim Phu colocó una ofrenda floral en el Monumento delos Veteranos de Vietnam en Washington y pronunció un brevediscurso. Cuando Kim Phu tenía sólo 9 años de edad, su fotofue tomada por un fotógrafo de Associated Press y agitó laconciencia del mundo. Momentos después de tomar lafotografía, Kim Phuc perdió el conocimiento y fue trasladada aun hospital por el fotógrafo Nick Ut, quien más tarde ganó unpremio Pulitzer por la foto. Su pueblo acababa de haber sidocombatido por un ataque de napalm de Estados Unidos. Sus doshermanos murieron al instante. La ropa de Kim Phu fuequemada. En la fotografía, esta pequeña niña corría, desnuda,con dolor y terror. Frente a la pared con los nombres inscritosde más de 58,000 muertos por la guerra con Estados Unidos,Kim Phuc dijo que ella se enfocó en el futuro. Hablando a unamultitud silenciosa en Washington, hizo la siguientedeclaración: "he sufrido mucho por mi dolor físico yemocional. A veces pensé que no podría vivir, pero Dios salvómi vida y me dio Fe y Esperanza. Si pudiera hablar cara a caracon el piloto que lanzó la bomba, le diría no podemos cambiarla historia, pero deberíamos tratar de hacer las cosas por elpresente y promover la paz para el futuro." ¡Sin venganza!Solamente amor fuerte, sabio. Ese es el espíritu de Jesús en elSermón del Monte en el Evangelio de hoy. Es el mayor poderen la tierra. Frente a él, el diablo ---------------------------------Durante veintiocho años, Nelson Mandela fue encerrado enprisión en Sudáfrica. Sus hijos fueron expulsados de la escuela e impedidos a conseguir puestos de trabajo. Hubierasido fácil para Nelson Mandela al salir de su celda, ser unhirviente caldero de venganza. Pero Mandela dice cómodespués que fue puesto en la cárcel, él sabía que tenía quetomar una decisión. Como él lo vio, él podría pasar su tiempo en la cárcel odiando a todas las personas que lo pusieronallí, o él podría elegir algo diferente. En lugar de ello decidió respetar a los que entraban en contacto con el cada día,e hizo toda la diferencia en el mundo. Y por el sufrimientoque él soportó y su capacidad de perdonar a sus enemigos,Mandela obtuvo una gran autoridad moral que le permitióliderar a su país pacíficamente cuando casi todo el mundoesperaba un baño de sangre. En su inauguración como elprimer presidente democráticamente electo de Sudáfrica,uno de los guardias de la prisión fue invitado especial deMandela. Mandela encontró que amar a los enemigosrealmente ----------------------------------El Rev. Cleveland Duque de Akron es un instructor de judo atiempo parcial. Él dice: "Yo enseño qué hacer después de quehaya volteado las dos mejillas." El imparte clases de -----------------------------------------En el popular libro de Bill Adler de cartas de los niños, unmuchacho de 8 años de Nashville, Tennessee hace estaaportación: "Estimado Pastor, sé que Dios quiere que nosamemos todos, pero seguramente nunca ha conocido a mihermana." Sinceramente, Arnold.Nota de nuestro pastor:

WEEKLY READINGSReadings for the Weekof February 19, 2017Sun/Dom:Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10,12-13/1 Cor 3:16-23/Mt 5:38-48Mon/Lunes:Sir 1:1-10/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Mk 9:14-29Tues/Martes:Sir 2:1-11/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40/Mk 9:30-37Wed/Mier:1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6/Mt 16:13-19Thurs/Juev:Sir 5:1-8/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Mk 9:41-50Fri/Vier:Sir 6:5-17/Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34-35/Mk 10:1-12Sat/Sab:Sir 17:1-15/Ps 103:13-18/Mk 10:13-16Next Sun/Dom:OFFICE INFORMATIONFaith Formation OfficeParish Office783-2766Oficina de Formación de Fe785-1818Parish Fax783-2760Glenda AragónDirector of Faith Formationglendaaragon@comcast.netParish Emailoffice@saintjoachim.netParish Office HoursMonday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PMBilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PMSaturday 10 AM-4 PMBilingual available 10 AM-4 PMSunday 9 AM-4 PMBilingual available 12 PM-4 PM——————————————Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVDPastorMonday,Tuesday,Wednesday,&Friday10 AM to 12 PM5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)lunes, martes, miércoles, y Viernes10 AM a 12 PM5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)Abraham GonzalezFaith Formation Coordinator/Youth Minister550-6878 / stjoachimym@gmail.comBertha CruzAdministrative �St. Joachim SchoolEscuela de San Joaquín783-3177Armond SeishasPrincipalSandra GarzonSchool SecretarySt. Joachim Pre-School783-0604Is 49:14-15/Ps 62:2-3, 6-9/1 Cor 4:1-5/Mt 6:24-34Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVDMarisa MelgarejoParochial VicarMonday,Wednesday,Thursday,&Friday DirectorTHE WEEK AHEAD10:00 AM to 12:00 PM5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)lunes, miércoles , jueves y Viernes10:00 AM a 12:00 PM5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)Monday February 20thPresident’s Day —The Rectory Office, Faith FormationOffice and the School will be closedon Monday February 20th inobservance of President’s Day.Saturday February 25thMemorial Mass —The 8:30 Morning Mass will be amemorial Mass for our beloved TitaIsing Buendia . The Mass will befollowed by a reception in the ParishHall.Ariel MayormitaMusic Director/Director de MúsicaPhone Ext. #223stjoachimmusic1@gmail.comFlor HerceBookkeeperPat LudwigAdministrative �St. Vincent de Paul783-0344Office hours1:00-2:30 PM ONLYMonday-FridaySan Vicente de PaulGary Enos, President3

St. Vincent de Paul—AlamedaCounty honored our School andtheir dedica"on to Service. OurSchool has been taking sandwichesto feed the poor in Oakland for thepast 25 years as a part of CatholicSchools Week. This ar"cleappeared in their FebruaryNewsle!er—Congratula"ons St. Joachim School,Students, Parents & TeachersNewsle erPRAY FORAdam PachkofskyRobert BurkfieldDiana Cajilog ChuaTeresa CastroCesar Gu"errezPilar ValenzuelaIsabel BurkfieldJim SmithPelagia LimosAnita UrbinoGeraldine Fabio-AbdonDiego TrujilloPaul SeishasLaura Soffio oIluminado RamirezMichelle Ann Cavagnuolo4DONATIONSSt Vincent de PaulFood offering for next week:CONTRIBUTIONSCONTRIBUCIONESCOLLECTION FOR WEEKFebruary 12thThe Plate Collec"onPeanut Bu!er, Jellyor CrackersCrema de cacahuarte,Mermelada, o galletas 8,229.00EFT Collec"on 856.00On Line Giving 251.00TOTAL for the WEEK 9,336.00

Residents ofVATICAN CORNER Rome awokeSaturday February 4, 2017 to find dozens ofposters on the walls of their city showing ascowling Pope Francis. The posters read “AhFrancis, you’ve taken over congregations,removed priests, decapitated the Order of Maltaand the Franciscans of the Immaculate, ignoredCardinals but where’s your mercy?” Workersquickly covered over the posters and Italianpolice searched security camera footage for theculprits. However, no group claimedresponsibility, and there were few leads,although it is likely that a conservative factionof the Catholic Church was involved. Critics ofthe Pope’s removal of the grand master of theancient Order of the Knights of Malta and theappointment of his special delegate to that Orderhave angered some and they may be behind theposters. The Knights of Malta is a RomanCatholic lay religious order and the present-daycontinuation of the medieval KnightsHospitaller, founded about the year 1048 toprovide medical care for pilgrims to the Holy Land. They constructed a church, convent and hospital in Jerusalem. Howeverduring the First Crusade, after the loss of Jerusalem to the medieval realm Mamluk Sultanate in about the year 1099, theKnights Hospitaller became a military order. They added to their tasks the defense of the Christian sick and pilgrims fromIslamic persecution. They also began protecting the territories that the crusaders had captured from the Muslims. The Orderwas recognized as soverign in 1113 by Pope Paschal II, putting it under the protection of the Holy See, and granting it theright to freely elect its superiors without interference from other secular or religious authorities. The Knights had lives thatwere religious, chivalrous, and noble and they were bound by their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Orderadopted the white eight-pointed Cross after the eight “beatitudes” Jesus pronounced in his Sermon on the Mount, and it isstill their symbol today. The Order eventually became an important naval power in the eastern Mediterranean. In 1530 theygained control of the strategic island of Malta located between the Christian and Muslim worlds and where pirate activitiesthreatened trade. The Order spent centuries on Malta and became known as the “Order of Malta” or the “Knights of Malta”.Today the Order is headquartered in Rome and has 13,500 Knights, Dames, and auxiliary members, employing about 25,000doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and paramedics assisted by 80,000 volunteers in more than 120 countries. Traditionally, Europeannobility has made up the small ruling leadership of the Knights. Leaked lists of their supposed membership read like aWho’s Who of the global establishment. Former U.S. first president George Bush has appeared on such a supposedmembership list. To be continued. Sources: foxnews.com, knightsofmalta.com, independent.co.uk, cruxnow.comMondayFebruary 20th isPresident’s Day.The Parish Office, Faith FormationOffice and the School are all closed.Please remember that there are nomeetings orgatherings heldhere when theoffices areclosedPresident’s DayPalms WantedWe are once againcollec"ng thepalms that youreceived last year on Palm Sunday sothat we can burn them for Ashes thisyear, Please bring these blessed palmsto the rectory office, or at the baskets atthe church doors. Thank You5

MASS INTENTIONSTuesday 8:30 AMMaria Luz Datayan †Ising Buendia † (40th day)February 18-25, 2017Saturday 4:30 PMRodolfo Baylon Sr. †Jesse Mesia †Sunday 12:15 PMMadeline A. Tauscher †Saturday 6:00 PMNina Paola Joaquin (salud)Antonio & Ricardo Preciado †Ma. Guadalupe Sanchez † (1st aniversario)Lucita Frausto †Asuncion Garcia †Jesus Rivas † (aniversario)Alicia Torrejon † (1st aniversario)Guadalupe Or"z †Jesus & Isabel Sanchez †Sunday 7:30 AMDaniza Mae Cruz Noble †Fortunato Gu"errez Jr. †Sunday 9:00 AMMargaret Solis (birthday)Razo Family (thanksgiving)Ha Van Nhuan †Lucien Libunao † (2nd anniversary)Maria Luz Datayan †Flordiliza R. Maglaya † (21st anniversary)Esther Barbour †Sunday 10:30 AMLillian Wong (healing)Jocelyn Alcantara †Kevin S"tch † (anniversary)Bud Angellar † (anniversary)Pura Doria Viray †Sunday 2:00 PMCarlos Duenas & FamiliaWednesday 7:00 AMMaria Nguyet †Maria Luz Datayan †(accion de gracia)Familia Flores Campos (accion de gracia)Joaquin & Ricardo Duenas(intencion especial)San"ago & Trinidad Estrada †Wednesday 8 :30 AMHerminio Garcia (thanksgiving)Maria Luz Datayan †Ising Buendia † (40th day)(aniversario)Carmen Gu"errez (1st aniversario)Jesus Flores † (aniversario)Maria Engracia Castellanos †(19th aniversario)Teresa Floras Villa † (aniversario)Familia Flores Campos †Wednesday 7:00 PMJose de Jesus Reza ( † cumpleanos)Thursday 7:00 AMMaria Nguyet †Thursday 8:30 AMSunday 6:00 PMMaria Luz Datayan †Maria Dolores Orozco † (22nd aniversario) Teresa Santos † (anniversary)Arcelia Dela Cruz † (7th aniversario)Friday 7:00 AMMauro Rosas Flores † (2nd aniversario)Maria & Jesus Esparza † (aniversario)Maria Nguyet †Cesar Gonzalez † (aniversario)Arthur D. Murguia ( † birthday)Monday 7:00 AMThe Community of St. JoachimFriday 8:30 AMMaria Luz Datayan †Monday 8:30 AMMaria Luz Datayan †Carmen Gu"errez † (1st anniversary)Saturday 8:30 AMMichael I. Reyes (birthday)Matea Lopez † (anniversary)Maria Luz Datayan †Ising Buendia † (40th day)Paul Loc Kieu †Tuesday 7:00 AMThe Community of St. JoachimPortuguese Donuts are Back Again!!!!Maria Silva and her team of Bakers have been busy making “Filhos”- Portuguese Donuts and they will be ready a er the Morning Massestoday — SUNDAY February 19th. If you placed and order in advanceyour donuts are ready and wai"ng for you a er your Mass. If you toplacing that order come by the table at the placita — They will havesome available —- Don’t miss this chance to treat your tastebudsand help to benefit the church too!!!Donuts are only 15.00 a dozen or 8.00 a dozen6Satisfy your sweet tooth


glendaaragon@comcast.net Abraham Gonzalez Faith Formation Coordinator/ Youth Minister 550-6878 / stjoachimym@gmail.com Bertha Cruz Administrative Assistant —————————————— St. Joachim School Escuela de San Joaquín 783-3177 Armond Seishas Principal Sandra Garzon School Secretary St. Joachim Pre-School 783-0604