1 1: Wix 2 - Riptutorial



11: wix22WiX2WiX2WiX22Examples333347

You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest versionfrom: wixIt is an unofficial and free wix ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extractedfrom Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at StackOverflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official wix.The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to eachchapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright oftheir respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks arethe property of their respective company owners.Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct noraccurate, please send your feedback and corrections to home1

1: wixWiXWiXWindowsWindows Installer。 .NET Foundation。WiXWindows Installer;.exe.msi.msm.msp。 WiX。Visual StudioTeam BuildMSBuild。WiXWindows Installer。WiXIISSQL ServerWindows。BurnWiX.NET Framework。 Burn.exe。WiX SDKWindows InstallerCC 。WiXWiXXML.wxs。 WiX。WiXWiX。WiX。WiXWiX.NET 3.54.0。 WiXMSBuild.NET 3.5Windows 8Windows Server 2012。WiXv3.11.NET 4.0;.NET 3.5。3.112017553.10.32016743.9 al.com/zh-TW/home2

Exampleswixtoolset.orgWiX。WiX ToolsetVisual StudioWiX。。WiXVisual Studio V3.11Visual StudioVisual Studio V3.10Visual Studio 2017Visual StudioWiX6 WiXWix Toolset WiX https://riptutorial.com/zh-TW/home3

MyApp。 e4

Product.wxsHelloWorldProductManufacturer Product Id "*" Name "MyApp.Setup" Language "1033" Version "" Manufacturer "HelloWorld"UpgradeCode "52f2c69b-5901-4d18-bb96-8c1c86cd1a3e" DirectoryFragmentDirectory Directory Id "ManufacturerFolder" Name "!(bind.property.Manufacturer)" Directory Id "INSTALLFOLDER" Name "MyApp.Setup" / /Directory ComponentGroupTODOComponentFile File Source " (var.MyApplication.TargetPath)" / Source。WiXWiX。 WiX。。https://riptutorial.com/zh-TW/home5

Product.wxs ?xml version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8"? Wix xmlns "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi" Product Id "*" Name "MyApp.Setup" Language "1033" Version ""Manufacturer "HelloWorld" UpgradeCode "52f2c69b-5901-4d18-bb96-8c1c86cd1a3e" Package InstallerVersion "200" Compressed "yes" InstallScope "perMachine" / MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage "A newer version of [ProductName] is alreadyinstalled." / MediaTemplate / Feature Id "ProductFeature" Title "MyApp.Setup" Level "1" ComponentGroupRef Id "ProductComponents" / /Feature /Product Fragment Directory Id "TARGETDIR" Name "SourceDir" Directory Id "ProgramFilesFolder" Directory Id "ManufacturerFolder" Name "!(bind.property.Manufacturer)" Directory Id "INSTALLFOLDER" Name "MyApp.Setup" / /Directory /Directory /Directory /Fragment Fragment ComponentGroup Id "ProductComponents" Directory "INSTALLFOLDER" Component Id "ProductComponent" File Source " (var.MyApp.TargetPath)" / /Component /ComponentGroup /Fragment /Wix wix tps://riptutorial.com/zh-TW/home6

S.No1ContributorswixCommunity, cristallo, Jérémie Bertrandhttps://riptutorial.com/zh-TW/home7

1: wix WiX WiXWindowsWindows Installer。 .NET Foundation。 WiXWindows Installer;.exe.msi.msm.msp。 WiX。Visual StudioTeam BuildMSBuild。 WiXWindows Installer。