195hlGROHE Sense Guard protectsyour home by tracking the use ofwater and detecting anomalies.2h1l16 l6h12l3h52 lBy adjusting itself to yourpersonal settings and householdsituation, GROHE Sense Guardgives you tailored water security.It is an intelligent, self-learningdevice – the more waterinformation it collects, thebetter your home is protected.GROHE Sense Guard: 7 water functions for maximum water security1Tracks normalwater use23456Detects unusualwater consumptionDetects high flow –for example fromburst pipesSet the maximumoutflow of waterProtection boostwith GROHESenseManage exceptional waterrequirements via thegarden sprinkler mode1Can I still use water whenever I need it?Yes. Because we track normal water use!7Even detectsmicro leaks inmost cases
1CanGROHEI still usewaterwheneverI need it?How1 doesSenseGuardtrack normalwater use?Yes. Becausetrack normaluse!We track all waterevents inwea house,as wellwateras thewater flow rate.2How GROHE Sense Guard monitors my water system.3How a burst52pipecan be rapidly detected.l16 l452,9 lHow unusually high water consumption can be detected.5,9 l150 l172 l6 1,5Howthe “Garden Sprinkler” functionworks.lGROHE Sense Guardlearns about your normalwater use so that it candetect unusual waterconsumption – indicatinga potential problem.So it takes noteevery time youuse water 5for examplewhen Senseyou useGuardthe shower,callGROHEthe totalSense.water beingHow GROHEworksthein combinationWewithtoilet, the washing machine or any other sourceused for one or moreof water, or several sources at the same time.simultaneous activities aA typical toilet flush uses on average 5.9 l, an“water event”.average bath takes 150 l.7 How the micro leak function works.max.And at any time you cannotopen the valve, you can pullout the power plug so you canhave water at your disposal.Below the 50 l/min threshold,GROHE Sense Guard’sself-learning algorithm –AquaIQ – will adjust it'sbehaviour to accurately reflectthe households situation,shutting off the water only incase it detects anomalities.During a water event,the water flow rate ismeasured as well as theduration.50 l /minDuring a water event, GROHESense Guard checks if the 50 lthreshold is reached. If this isthe case, it shuts off the watersupply.The maximum flow rate is setat 50 l per minute. Even withmultiple family membersshowering or using the toilet atthe same time, water use willfall below this amount.
2How does GROHE Sense Guard recognise that water is running when it shouldn’t be?We detect unusual water consumption through our algorithm.GROHE Sense Guard monitors3 important parameters: waterGROHE Sense Guardconstantly monitors waterusage and compares it to theIf your use of water extendsover an unusually long time,exceeding the dynamicallylearned critical threshold, thiscan indicate a problem.Installing GROHE Sensesensors in critical locationsaccelerates detection of apossible problem.In this case you receive awarning on your mobile deviceand depending on yoursettings, the water supply isautomatically shut off allowingyou to act.If a pressure drop is detected,this could indicate a leaking tapor toilet or the presence of anyother minor leak.As an additional method todetect minor leaks, GROHESense Guard temporarily shutsoff the water supply severaltimes per day for a few secondseach time and measures thepressure.system temperature.By the way – at any time youhave the option of shuttingoff the water from your smartphone or on the device.3How can a burst pipe be rapidly detected?
How can a burst pipe be rapidly detected?GROHE Sense Guard does notactually detect the burst itself,nor its location, but uses twoindicators that indicate that aburst could have happened.1. A vast amount of water isreleased at once (e.g. over 300 lin one water event)300 l100 l300 l2000 l3The upper thresholddetermines the maximum2.high, above the learnedthreshold – for example: 50 l/min.between 100 l and 2000 l –depending on your needs.Even when no WLAN is available,the algorithm on the device works.And in case of a detected burstpipe, GROHE Sense Guard willshut off the water. Your home isprotected.It acts instantly by automaticallyshutting off the water and sendingyou an alert. a burst water pipe.4Use the app to set the maximum water usage and combine itGROHE Sense Guard makesan immediate diagnosis:
4Use the app to set the maximum water usage and combine itwith GROHE Sense Guard's self-learning algorithm.Yes you can.We have integrated a setting“Maximum Volume” for waterevents.Even if the maximum threshold isset extremely high – for example2000 l – GROHE Sense Guarddoesn’t wait for 2000 l to run out.GROHE Sense Guard can detect anunusual water event and shut offwater earlier.The standard setting is 300 l –If the total amount of water1 water event.exceeds the maximum setvolume, this can indicate aproblem.One thing to consider: you could set the thresholdat a lower level to achieve ahigher degree of water security.For example, if youdon’t have a bathtub another abnormal water eventis detected, GROHE SenseGuard warns you and optionallyshuts off the water supply.5How can I keep the time taken to detect a burst pipe to a minimum?Through a combination of settings and the installation of aGROHE Sense Guardautomatically shuts offthe water.Set the threshold at alevel that is appropriatefor your household.
5How can I keep the time taken to detect a burst pipe to a minimum?Through a combination of settings and the installation of aGROHE Sense device in high risk areas.Further, installing GROHE Sense water sensors in criticallocations accelerates detection of possible problems.the maximum volume thresholdto the optimal setting.If GROHE Sense sensorsare used in combination withGROHE Sense Guard, andGROHE Sense Guard shuts offthe water automatically.Finally, determining the optimal location for GROHE Sense inthe room itself is crucial. The closer to a risky area, the faster aleak will be detected and the faster GROHE Sense Guard shutsoff the water.This way, the amount ofescaping water can always bekept to a minimum – even ifyou’re on holiday.And of course, as with allyou are informed on yoursmartphone via pushvia email as well.6Yes, you can override shut-off through the “Garden Sprinkler” mode.
6Yes, you can override shut-off through the “Garden Sprinkler” mode.If you need an unusual largeswimming pool – or a smalleramount of water for an extendedperiod of time – to water thegarden the “Garden Sprinkler” modeallows you to override theautomatic shut-off function.7That way GROHE Sense Guardwill not shut-off the water. Ofcourse you will still receivealerts on your smartphone if ananomaly is detected thatshould lead to shut-off.Activate the “Garden Sprinkler”mode and adjust the timeof the day at which it shouldignore automatic shut-off.Can GROHE Sense Guard detect even tiny drips escaping?Yes, pressure drop measurement allows detection of micro leaks.Yes. GROHE Sense Guard candetect these tiny leaks bymeasuring pressure drops.An extensive micro leak test is conducted once every 24 hoursduring the night, at a time when water is normally not beingused. For this test, the water supply is shut off for a shortperiod of time.If GROHE Sense Guard registers a pressure drop severaldays in a row, you will receive an alert.
7Can GROHE Sense Guard detect even tiny drips escaping?Yes, pressure drop measurement allows detection of micro leaks.Yes. GROHE Sense Guard candetect these tiny leaks bymeasuring pressure drops.It simply stops the pressuredrop measurement, opens thewater supply and tries the testat a later time.An extensive micro leak test is conducted once every 24 hoursduring the night, at a time when water is normally not beingused. For this test, the water supply is shut off for a shortperiod of time.the toilet during the nightcauses an overlarge pressuredrop. GROHE Sense Guardrecognises the difference.By the way, should you needwater while a pressure dropis running – during the nightfor micro leak detection orduring the day for minor leakdetection – that’s no problem.If GROHE Sense Guard registers a pressure drop severaldays in a row, you will receive an alert.Micro leak detection is restrictedin some cases – typicallydepending on your water supplysystem or on special devicesinstalled in your house likebooster pumps or Americanfridges. Please ask your installerand check our technical productdetection works most effectivelyor how to adapt your sanitaryinstallation.a big problem – even overa long time. If you can’tconsult your installer or aprofessional leak detectioncompany to review theinstallation for anomalies,also using our technicalproduct information.
with GROHE Sense Guard's self-learning algorithm. you could set the threshold at a lower level to achieve a higher degree of water security. Even if the maximum threshold is set extremely high - for example 2000 l - GROHE Sense Guard doesn't wait for 2000 l to run out. GROHE Sense Guard can detect an unusual water event and shut off