THE PAST 25 YEARSA HISTORY OF INNOVATIONBUILDING FOR THE FUTUREAt GROHE, we don’t believe in standing still. Over theyears we have acquired skills and experience froma wide range of innovative enterprises in the pursuitfor innovation. In 1994, one such enterprise was DAL,a producer of installation and flushing systems anda leader in the technology industry. By acquiring DAL,we entered the installation system business for thefirst time – and now, 25 years later, we’re proud tolook back and see what we’ve concealedcistern”Perfekt“9/14 lConcealedcistern, 9 lFirst DALRapidElement fordry wallapplicationsRapid ”S“with 6/9 lFirstintroductionof UnisetIntroductionof new flushvalve AV1Firstintroductionof GROHEFreshRapid SLUpgradeSame triedand trustedcistern asRapidsystemPneumaticsystem withonly onehoseRapid SLWC forsmall,narrowbathroomsFirst Dallyfillingvalve withhydraulicfunction2Yet as much as we love celebrating this 25th yearanniversary, we would actually prefer to look forward.Innovation is at the heart of what we do and our richtradition of creating market-leading products will onlycontinue by keeping our fingers on the pulse and onefoot in the future. The world of bathrooms is an everchanging landscape, but rest assured: GROHE willmake sure you’re not left behind.Firstintroductionof a ServoFlush valvefor easy flushFirst cisternwith smallrevisionopeningNew wallbracketsTool-freeinstallationof waterconnectionand revisionshaft
newGROHE RAPID SLXREADY FOR TOMORROW, TODAYBUILT AROUND THE FUTUREWe know what the future holds because we help shapeit. Take the shower toilet, the smart toilet, rimless toiletsand our ever-increasing range of GROHE flush plates,for instance. Some of the technology to support thesedevelopments is already in place; some of it will be in thenear future. And that’s where the Rapid SLX comes in.Whatever the future holds in store, the Rapid SLX isready. It’s ready to offer you access to everything that’savailable today and everything that will come tomorrow.It’s designed to make life easier and smarter – for bothinstallation engineers and end consumers – and toensure vision isn’t held back by technology.20193
[ 1 ] Points for securing the on-the-wall installation accessories[ 2 ] A QR code printed on the inside of each GD2 cistern links to informationsuch as product number, spare parts and technical drawings[3] FLOW MANAGER new Rimless ready Fully adjustable No demounting necessary Adjustable via revision opening[4] LIM FLUSH PLATES newS Helps customers achieve the perfectly curated and distinctive bathroom Supports our world’s slimmest and thinnest flush plates Small revision shaft included Doesn’t stand in the way of design ideas[5] UNIVERSAL CISTERN Dual Flush or Start/Stop flush Water connection from top, back, right Tool-free installation of water connections Compatible with all GROHE flush plates[6] EASYCONNECTPneumatic connection of flush plate for fast and easy installation[7] SAFETÜV certificate for load capacity: 400 kg for WC[8] SUPPLY CHANNELSDual side channels for easy installation of water pipes and electricity cables[9] SILENTNoise reduction thanks to GROHE Whisper[ 10 ] P LUG & PLAY new Real integrated electric socket Plug-and-play installation of electric products Shower toilet ready Easy-installation mounting and demounting[ 11 ] COMFORTABLE ACCESS new Access door for future changes Easily upgrade power/water connections New installation box design comes as standard[ 12 ] VERSATILEElement feet with variable fixing points for all applications5
UNIQUE FLOW MANAGERFULLY ADJUSTABLE, RIMLESS READYThe unique integrated flow manager means you are ableto easily adjust the flow of water at all times. This makesthe Rapid SLX the perfect fit for the ever-increasing rangeof rimless ceramics entering the market. The fully-adjustableflow manager requires no demounting and is 100 % readyfor all future installations.PLUG & PLAYCONNECTED TO THE FUTUREThe Rapid SLX comes with a real integrated electricsocket. A water connection for shower toilets alsocomes as standard. This exclusive feature enableseasy plug-and-play installation of smart electrictoilet features and is completely ready for all futureshower toilets, such as the GROHE Sensia Arena.606
DIRECT ACCESS DOORREADY FOR TOMORROW’S CHANGESThe Rapid SLX’s new installation box comes completewith an easy-access door as standard. And when futurechanges are needed, such as upgrading power or waterconnections when a customer changes from a standardceramic to a shower toilet, its new U-shaped crossbargives you more space than ever to work in.FLUSH PLATE FLEXIBILITYNO LIMITS TO VISIONThe Rapid SLX supports GROHE’s new range of slimflush plates. This means GROHE’s complete range,including the world’s slimmest and thinnest plates,is now available to everyone. So rather than beingheld back by outdated technology, customers cannow design the bathroom of their dreams time andtime again. See page 10 for the full range.077
RAPID SLX RANGECOMPLETE FLEXIBILITYFOR ALL INSTALLATION NEEDSNot all bathrooms are the same and a certain degree offlexibility is required when it comes to installing fixedbathroom features. Thankfully, the Rapid SLX installationsystem comes with a range of possibilities to ensure youget exactly the setup you require, ultimately saving youtime and money and ensuring you can deliver completecustomer satisfaction from the start.39 596 000Rapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m, StandardRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy accessand fully insulated against condensation.839 603 000Rapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m with wallbrackets and Skate Cosmopolitan S ChromeRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletric socket,including flow manager, easy access and fullyinsulated against condensation. With wall bracketsand Skate Cosmopolitan S (chrome) flush plate.
39 597 000Rapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m,without outlet pipeRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy accessand fully insulated against condensation.Without outlet pipe.39 599 000Rapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m Fwith heavy load feetRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy accessand fully insulated against condensation. Withheavy load feet.39 601 00DRapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m, SASORapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy access.Specificly for Saudi Arabia with different settings.39 598 000Rapid SLX 3in1 WC 6 1.13 m with wallbrackets and noise protectionRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy accessand fully insulated against condensation. Withwall brackets and noise protection.39 600 000Rapid SLX WC 3-9 1.13 m SCNordics adapterRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy access.Including pipe-in-pipe connection.39 602 000Rapid SLX WC 3-6 1.13 m USRapid SLX Element for WC, 1.13 m installationheight with flushing cistern GD2, with eletricsocket, including flow manager, easy access.Specificly for USA with specific settings.9
FLUSH PLATESFREEDOM OF DESIGNThe wide GROHE range of flush plates helps a customer’svision for their bathroom become a reality. With twosizes, three designs and a range of 12 colors andfinishes available, nothing is left to the imagination.3DESIGNSSIZES2A GROHE flush plate not only adds the finishing touch.With the Rapid SLX working behind the scenes, there’ll bea peace of mind when designing your dream bathroom.12 COLORS10
Follow usGrohe AGFeldmühleplatz 15D - 40545 DüsseldorfGermany 03/2019 – Copyright by GROHE
First introduction of a Servo Flush valve for easy flush 2008 First introduction of GROHE Fresh 1986 First DAL- Rapid Element for dry wall applications 2009 Rapid SL Upgrade New wall brackets Tool-free installation of water connection and revision shaft 1994 Rapid "S" with 6/9 l First cistern with small revision opening 2013 Rapid SL WC for .