Wat errecipesWith Grohe blue home
We have collected the best recipesfor you and the whole familyEnjoy THESE GREAT,ENERGISING waterrecipes with groheblue home
If you prefer your watercool and still, nothingcould be simpler.still, MEDIUM ORsparkling: THE CHOICEIS ALL YOURSHow sparkling do you like your water? It’s all amatter of taste. GROHE Blue Home has a simpleand intuitive mechanism that lets you carbonateyour drinking water at the touch of a button.Deliciously cool, filtered water, just the way youand all your family like it.Sparkling but not toomuch? More of a mediumsparkling? Coming right up.Sparkling water, alivewith bubbles, for pure,thirst-quenching heaven.
P i n e a p pleO r an geIngredients:¼ pineapple3 stalks lemon balm2 tablespoons lemon juice1 organic orangePreparationRemove peel and pineapple core, then dice neatly.Halve one orange. Juice one half using a lemon juicer.Slice the other half thinly. Place orange juice, orangeslices and pineapple chunks in the GROHE Blue carafe.Rinse three stalks of fresh lemon balm and add withtwo tablespoons of lemon juice. Fill with 0.75 litres ofGROHE Blue still or sparkling mineral water to yourtaste. Chill for at least 30 minutes and enjoy!the refreshing energy drink
A ppl eF en n ela delicious herb-infused cocktailIngredients:1 apple1 teaspoon fennel seeds2 stalks mintPreparationRinse and halve one apple. Remove core then sliceboth halves thinly. Rinse two stalks of mint. Place oneteaspoon of fennel seeds, with mint and apple slices, inthe GROHE Blue carafe. Fill with 0.75 litres ofGROHE Blue still or sparkling mineral water toyour taste and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.Always best when served cold!
S t r awb erryMintIngredients:1 handful strawberries5 slices ginger3 stalks mintPreparationRinse and clean a handful of strawberries, then slicevery thinly. Peel ginger and slice very thinly. Addrinsed mint and all other ingredients to the GROHEBlue carafe. Fill with 0.75 litres of GROHE Blue stillor sparkling mineral water to your taste and leave toinfuse for 30 minutes. Cheers!a healthy combination
P o m eg ra n at eR o s em a ryIngredients:1 pomegranate¼ pineapple1 stalk rosemary2 stalks mintthe fruity fitness drinkPreparationCut pomegranate in half. Juice one half using a lemonjuicer. Remove seeds from the other half (hold undertap to avoid squirting). Remove peel and pineapple core,then dice neatly. Place pomegranate juice and seeds andpineapple chunks in the GROHE Blue carafe. Rinse onerosemary stalk and two mint stalks and add to the carafe.Fill with 0.75 litres of GROHE Blue still or sparklingmineral water to your taste. Chill for at least30 minutes and expect your taste buds to party!
Cu cumberBa s ilIngredients:½ cucumber2 stalks basil2 slices organic lemonPreparationRinse and peel half a cucumber and cut to thin strips.Rinse one lemon and cut off two slices. Then rinsetwo basil stalks and place together with all otheringredients in the GROHE Blue carafe. Fill with0.75 litres of GROHE Blue still or sparkling mineralwater to your taste and leave for 30 minutes.It’s a dream come true!pure indulgence
a harmonious mixR a s pb erryA n i s eedIngredients:1 handful raspberries2 stalks rosemary1 stalk lemon balm1 teaspoon aniseedPreparationRinse and halve a handful of raspberries and placein the GROHE Blue carafe. Add one teaspoon ofaniseed. Rinse two rosemary stalks and one lemonbalm stalk and add to the carafe. Fill with 0.75 litres ofGROHE Blue still or sparkling mineral water to your tasteand chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes.Guaranteed to refresh!
G i n ge rLemonIngredients:2 ginger tea bags1 organic lemonPreparationFill the GROHE Blue carafe with 0.75 litres of GROHEBlue still or sparkling mineral water to your taste.Rinse and halve one lemon. Cut two slices from oneof the halves. Juice the other half. Add juice andlemon slices. Then let two bags of ginger tea brewin cold water for around six minutes. Keep it cool!the healthy treat
L av en d erLimeL as in deLiciousIngredients:1 organic lime7 lavender stalksPreparationRinse and halve one lime. Juice one half and cut agenerous slice from the other half. Rinse sevenlavender stalks and add to the GROHE Blue carafewith the lime slices. Fill with 0.75 litres of GROHEBlue still or sparkling mineral water to your tasteand chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Enjoy!
O r an geC i n n a monIngredients:1 organic orange1 mint stalk1 cinnamon stick½ teaspoon ground cinnamonPreparationFill the GROHE Blue carafe with 0.75 litres of GROHE Bluestill or sparkling mineral water to your liking. Rinse andhalve one orange. Juice one halve and slice the otherhalf thinly. Place fruit juice and half a teaspoon groundcinnamon in the GROHE Blue carafe and stir well. Rinsemint and cinnamon stick and add together with orangeslices to the carafe – let it stand to infuse for 30 minutes –and here you are!the exotic refreshment
the delicious thirst-quencherP eac hE l d erf lo w erIngredients:1 peach or nectarine1 stalk rosemary½ lime4 tablespoons elderflower syrupPreparationRinse and pit one peach or nectarine, removestones and slice thinly. Rinse the rosemary andplace with peach or nectarine slices in the GROHEBlue carafe. Fill with 0.75 litres of GROHE Blue stillor sparkling mineral water to your taste and leavefor 30 minutes. Juice ½ a lime, mix well with fourtablespoons elderberry syrup and add to the carafe.Feel your thirst being quenched!
C e l e ryA p pleIngredients:3 stalks celery100ml apple juice½ applePreparationRinse three celery sticks and halve lengthwise. Rinseone apple, halve and remove core. Slice one half thinly.Place ingredients in the GROHE Blue carafe.Fill with 0.75 litres of GROHE Blue still or sparklingmineral water to your taste. Leave to stand for no morethan 30 minutes, then enjoy!the vital vitaliser
Wi l d B erri esLimethe multi-vitamin drinkIngredients:2 wild berry tea bags2 teaspoons agave syrup1 organic limePreparationFill the GROHE Blue carafe with 0.75 of litres GROHEBlue still or sparkling mineral water to your taste.Let two bags of wild berry tea brew for aroundeight minutes. Be careful not to boil! Rinse a lime andcut three thin slices. Remove the tea bags, add limeslices and two teaspoons agave syrup, and stir well.Leave to infuse for 30 minutes and serve ice cold.An awesome refreshment!
YOUR WATER SOURCE FORWHEN YOU’RE ON THE MOVE:Grohe TO GOYou don’t need to stay at home to enjoy Grohe BlueHome. Discover the stylish and practical bottles forwhen you’re out and about. In unbreakable tritan orstainless steel, whether on your way to work or aworkout. Visit our GROHE Blue shop:http://shop.grohe.com
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matter of taste. Grohe lue b home has a simple and intuitive mechanism that lets you carbonate your drinking water at the touch of a button. Deliciously cool, filtered water, just the way you and all your family like it. still, medium or sparkling: the choice is all yoUrs if you pr