newSMART DESIGNGROHE Rapido SmartBoxGROHE SmartControl
grohe.comCONTENTSADVANTAGES OF CONCEALED4FEATURES IN A GLANCE6BENEFITS IN FRONT OF THE WALL8BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALL16DESIGN OPTIONS28TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS36TECHNOLOGY42COMPLETE RANGE52GETTING BETTERALL THE TIMEAT GROHE WE ARE CONTINUALLY LOOKING FOR NEWAND BETTER SOLUTIONS.Our experts in the fields of design and engineering constantlystrive to achieve more effective and efficient ways to controlwater and more beautiful ways to transport it. To give ourcustomers more possibilities to enjoy water. And our installersand planners are constantly coming up with better and moreeffective ways of working with it.GROHE SmartControl Concealed and the GROHE RapidoSmartBox together offer a huge number of benefits. Staywith us to find out more.Pages 2 3
ADVANTAGES OF CONCEALEDSIMPLY OBVIOUSTHE HIDDEN ADVANTAGES OF CONCEALEDTECHNOLOGYSpace is a valuable commodity and often in shortsupply. It becomes a challenge for planners andinstallers to use it effectively. No easy task, especiallyin the shower area where space is often at a premium.With its hidden installation and exceedingly slimdesign, GROHE SmartControl Concealed offers morespace under the shower without compromisingon functionality or comfort. It also offers additionalbenefits of a practical kind: cleaning it becomesfaster and more convenient, thanks to the flat,streamlined design.Flexibility of design: GROHE SmartControl Concealedalso offers a multitude of design variants. A wideselection of suitable trim sets and showers ensuresthat the style chosen for the bathroom extendsseamlessly into the shower area. Concealed technology:more in it for you.Pages 4 5grohe.com
grohe.comFEATURES IN A GLANCESIMPLY MORE ADVANTAGESOne rough-in runs up to threeshower/bath filler functionswith just one trim fficient piping thanksEto bottom inletsControl up to three shower functionsfor a better shower experienceWall plates adjustableby six degrees nly 75 mm minimumOinstallation depthOptional servicestops for retrofitAlways compliant withretrofit backflow protection asy job-side mounting,Eno bench vice neededPages 6 7I ntuitive operation and perfectcontrol of water volume throughSmartControlConcealed technology and elegantsuper slim design – 43 mm – formore space under the shower
BENEFITS IN FRONT OF THE WALLgrohe.comLESS IS MUCH MORE –ONE PLATE DOES IT ALLCONTROL UP TO THREE SHOWERS WITH JUST ONE TRIMToday’s trend is for a multiple shower experience that offers morethan simple bath/shower combinations. The downside is that for this towork, you need two rough-ins and two trims to control a hand showerand a two-spray head shower: up until now. GROHE Rapido SmartBoxand GROHE SmartControl Concealed make it simple. With just onerough-in and one trim, it is possible to enjoy two head shower functionssimultaneously. Featuring up to three SmartControl valves plusthermostat or mixer in one trim, GROHE SmartControl Concealedmeans half the work for three times the showering pleasure.The pleasure of using two head shower sprays is enhanced by theRainshower 360 and the new Rainshower 310 head showers. Designedto be the perfect match, they deliver an unmissable shower sensation.JUST ONEROUGH-INAND ONETRIM NEEDEDPages 10 11
BENEFITS IN FRONT OF THE WALLgrohe.comTURN UP THE VOLUME –OR DOWN IF YOU PREFERGROHE SmartControl offers not just a choice of showersprays, but also the precise control of water flow.GROHE SmartControl features an integrated volumecontrol for an individual shower experience. A simplepush of a button starts or stops the desired shower.And just a turn of the dial allows for precise controlof water volume. Thanks to the clear symbols on thebuttons, operating them is simple and intuitive.ALL PUSHVALVES WITHVOLUMECONTROLPages 12 13
BENEFITS IN FRONT OF THE WALLgrohe.comSLIM IS THENEW BEAUTIFUL10 mm43 MM TOTAL OUTREACHNo matter what the installation depth of the rough-inis, the total height of the trim never exceeds 43 mm.The GROHE SmartControl Concealed combinesspace-saving convenience in the shower and slimgood looks.THINNER WALL PLATESWith a height of only 10 mm, its super slim designmakes the GROHE SmartControl Concealed wallplate both elegant and space saving.ORIGINAL SIZE1:1HIDDEN SEALING SYSTEMThe GROHE SmartControl Concealed has anintegrated sealing system, completely eliminatingwater behind the wall.SYMBOLS CAN BE CHANGEDThe control knobs come with a range of differentsymbols, representing the different shower options.These symbols are clear and recognisable andtheir functionality distinct. They can be individuallyconfigured and also easily exchanged if required.43 mmMETAL PLATE, ERGONOMIC GRIPIn keeping with its sleek design, theGROHE SmartControl Concealed usespremium materials. Its ergonomicbuttons have a knurled grip for easeof use.Pages 14 1543 MMSLIM DESIGN
BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALLONE CAN DO THEJOB OF TWOROUGH-IN WITH 3 OUTLETSWith three outlets for a wider range of shower options, theGROHE Rapido SmartBox can take on the job where two rough-insare normally needed. Which is a huge savings in work and effort.ALL PORTS WITH 1/2 INCH STANDARDThe GROHE Rapido SmartBox makes adapters practically redundant.It has ½" connections, made to fit all standard pipes. Where otherrough-ins with ¾" outlets are made to fit the exception not the rule,the GROHE Rapido SmartBox is designed to fit 90 % of all pipes.Smart, isn’t it?5 PORTS1/2 INCHPages 18 19grohe.com
BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALLgrohe.comEFFICIENCY FROMTHE BOTTOM UPBOTTOM INLETS FOR EFFICIENT PIPINGEfficient piping leads to efficient installation. TheGROHE Rapido SmartBox comes with bottominlets, enabling a direct connection to the hot andcold water supply. That makes 90 fittings a thingof the past. Why take a detour when you can takethe direct route?NO 90 FITTINGSNEEDEDPages 20 21BOTTOMINLETS
BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALLgrohe.comSWEATING THE SMALL STUFFMADE EASYSUBSEQUENTLY ADJUSTABLE UP TO SIX DEGREESDoing a perfect job comes down to getting even the smallest detailperfect. And once a job is finished, it’s usually hard to adjust mistakes.Not with the GROHE wall plates. They can be subsequently adjustedby up to six degrees – thanks to slotted holes in the function unit – toallow for perfect alignment with tiles and tile joints. No drilling, no riskof damage. Just a job well done.6 6 SUBSEQUENTLYADJUSTABLEPages 22 23
BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALLgrohe.comA NEAT SOLUTION:BACKFLOW PROTECTIONFOR RETROFITALL YOU NEEDFOR RETROFITTINGSERVICE STOPS FOR RETROFITTINGWith its optional service stops for retrofit, the GROHE Rapido SmartBoxgives you full control over the water supply in just a few steps. In caseof maintenance work, each outlet in the building can be closed directlyand separately - a clear advantage especially in hotels and apartmentbuildings. Service stops are available as a retrofit option for the basicrough-in and are easily exchangeable.In Europe, every combination with an integrated bath-fill and anoverflow unit must comply with the EU norm EN1717, to protectdrinking water from contamination. With a simple but cleverbackflow protection device, the GROHE Rapido SmartBox canbe retrofitted to comply with the EU norm.INTEGRATEDBATH-FILL ANDOVERFLOW UNITEN1717BACKFLOWPROTECTIONDEVICEPages 24 25SERVICESTOPS FORRETROFIT
BENEFITS BEHIND THE WALLgrohe.comSIMPLER INSTALLATION:AN IN-DEPTH LOOKFITS IN EVERY WALL – EVEN THIN ONESWith an installation depth of only 75 mm, the GROHERapido SmartBox fits into every kind of wall, evenparticularly narrow ones. And it can be installed fasterand more easily into brick walls.THE ROUGH-IN THAT’SALWAYS ON THE JOBEASY JOB-SIDE MOUNTING –LEAVE THE BENCH VICE AT HOMEGROHE Rapido SmartBox is the smart innovation thatenables fast and easy installation of rough-ins. Thanks tobrass outlets, which are readily accessible, the rough-in canbe mounted using an adjustable spanner or pipe wrench,allowing for efficient, on-site installation.Only 75 mmONLY 75 MMINSTALLATIONDEPTHONLY PIPEWRENCHNEEDEDPages 26 27
GROHE SMARTCONTROL DESIGN OPTIONSROUND OR SQUARE?GROHE SmartControl Concealed comes in two different forms – roundand square. It also comes in two stylish finishes: classic chrome and,for a subtly elegant design statement, moon white acrylic glass. Eachvariant fits perfectly to its matching GROHE design line.Pages 30 31grohe.com
TECHNOLOGY OPTIONSgrohe.comTHERMOSTAT WITHGROHE TURBOSTATTECHNOLOGYALWAYS THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE:FOR ULTIMATE CONVENIENCE AND SAFETYGROHE TurboStat technology lies at the heart ofour Grohtherm thermostats. The thermoelement’sunrivalled sensitivity means it delivers water at thedesired temperature within a fraction of a second –and keeps it constant for the duration of the shower.No more time, water and energy wasted gettingthe temperature right. And if the cold water supplyfails, it reacts instantly: the hot water flow will shutoff automatically to avoid the risk of scalding.Grohtherm thermostats come with a 38 C SafeStopbutton and can be complemented with an additionallimiter at 43 C. But more than just controlling thetemperature, GROHE TurboStat compensatesprecisely for fluctuations in pressure for a consistentlycomfortable shower.Valve box withoutmixing device foruse with concealedGrohtherm thermostatsPages 38 39
TECHNOLOGY OPTIONSgrohe.comSMARTCONTROL MIXERThe ideal entry-level models, GROHE SmartControl Concealed mixerscombine SmartControl operation with manual mixer technology.Available with one, two or three control buttons, the mixer cartridgeshave the advantage of integrated dirt strainers for improved durabilityand easy service.MIXER TRIMSPages 40 41
TECHNOLOGYgrohe.comSHIPPING CONTENTMATCHING AND OPTIONALACCESSORIESTRIM-SET SHIPMENTbuild-in silencerbuild-in non-returnvalves and dirtstrainersWe gave the GROHE Rapido SmartBox its name for a reason: it is full ofclever innovations and able to adapt to every one of your projects. Combineit with any GROHE SmartControl Concealed trim set for a doubly smartsolution. Find out more about the many clever details of this rough-in andhow to combine it with the range of add-ons.location to screwservice stopsoptional service stops1405300M (2 pcs)ROUGH-IN SHIPMENTflexible retaining ringfor optional backsideinstallationbuild-in box for fixing,sealing and noise isolationbuild-in silencerbuild-in non-returnvalves and dirtstrainerslocation to screwservice stopssealfleeceoptional backflowprotection combination(EN1717)optional service stops1405300M (2 pcs)build-in silencersbuild-in non-returnvalves and dirtstrainerssolid brass ring with½" connections towater supplyplug (2 pcs), to blockinlets during roughinstallationPages 44 45flushing plug to flushhot and cold watersupply and to flushthe outletslocation to screwservice stopsoptional service stops1405300M (2 pcs)location to screwbackflow protection combination
TECHNOLOGYgrohe.comTHE ROUGH-IN:MORE ADVANTAGES –NO HASSLEthree outlets for more optionswith one rough-inTHE MORE YOU KNOW, THE MORE YOU’LL LOVE IT.The GROHE Rapido SmartBox has a multitude of well thought throughfeatures. If you take a little time to become acquainted with them, you’llquickly realise how the GROHE Rapido SmartBox will enable you to workmore efficiently and effectively.16 stable fixingoptions for 6 mm and 8 mmretaining ring forbackside installationcenter position markingsbrass outlets,rough-in can be fixedby pipe spanner forfittingassembly, nobench vice needed1/2" connectionsto match standardpiping withoutadaptorsstable build-in boxclear markingof min/maxinstallation depthcentre position markingsclear indication ofhot and cold waterinlets, bottom inletsfor efficient pipingPages 46 47clear indication ofwhich outlet to beused for whatarea with reducedwall thickness foreasy cutting to lengthsupport forwater levelbubbleremovable andstable protectioncover
TECHNOLOGYgrohe.comCONFIGURATIONSPRINT POSITIONPRINT POSITIONON PRODUCTON PRODUCTT POSITION ON PRODUCTSINGLE(THM MIXER)DOUBLEØ15,5mmØ15,5mm(THM MIXER)PRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTPRINT POSITIONPRINT POSITIONON PRODUCTON PRODUCTPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTTRIPLEØ15,5mmPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCT(THM MIXER)PRINT POSITIONPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTPRINT ONPOSITIONPRODUCTON PRODUCTPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTT CUDORP NO NOITISOP TNIRPPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTT CUDORP NO NOITISOP TNIRPT CUDORP NO NOITISOP TNIRPØ15,5mmØ15,5mmPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTCOMBINATIONØ15,5mmPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCT(THM)T CUDORP NO NOITISOP TNIRPØ15,5mmCOMBINATION WITHØ15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mm Ø15,5mmPRINT POSITION ON mØ15,5mmmm5,51ØØ15,5mmØ15,5mmPRINT POSITIONPRINTONPOSITIONPRODUCTON alt Grey RAL 7012THM - Print on THMButton- Print on ButtonPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTPRINT ELEMENTSPRINT MELEMENTS1:1M1:1PROJECTPRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:TUB FILLER TUB FILLERSMART CONTROLSMARTCONCEALEDCONTROL CONCEALEDBasalt Grey RALBasalt7012Grey RAL 7012Profile No.:Date:Author:30 mmP0000340170120GROHE Design StudioHans LobermeierProfile No.:Date:Author:PRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTP0000340170120GROHE Design StudioPRINT POSITIONON PRODUCTHansLobermeierØ15,5mmon ButtonTHMon- Print on ButtonPRINT ELEMENTSPRINT ELEMENTSMPRINT1 : 1 ELEMENTSM 1-: Print1 THMMButton1- Print: 1 THMPRINT-ELEMENTSPrintPRINTM on1 : Button1 M 1 : 1 PRINT ELEMENTSPRINTPRINTMTHM1on: 1ButtonPRINTM 1 : ELEMENTS1 PRINTTHM - PrintonELEMENTSButtonTHM- PrintPRINT ELEMENTSM COLORS1 :ELEMENTS1 M1:1 M1:1THM- Printon ELEMENTSButton4,5Basalt Grey RAL 7012PRINT POSITIONON PRODUCTSky BlueRAL 5015ICON - HEADSHOWER Basalt Grey ICON- HEADSHOWER Basalt GreyBasaltICON- HEADSHOWERRAL 7012GreyBasaltRAL7012Grey RAL 7012Basalt Grey RAL 7012RAL 7012SMART CONTROL CONCEALEDSMART CONTROL CONCEALEDSMART CONTROL CONCEALEDGrey RAL 70120 mm30 mmProfile No.:Date:Author:P0000339Profile No.:170120Date:GROHE Design StudioAuthor:30 mmHans LobermeierP0000339170120GROHE DesignStudio3030 mmHans LobermeierPROJECTPROJECTPROJECTPROJECTPROJECT PROJECT PROJECTPROJECT PROJECT PROJECTPROJECTPRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:ICON - HEADSHOWERICON - HEADSHOWERICON -BasaltHEADSHOWERBasaltRAL Grey7012RAL 7012GreyRAL Grey7012BasaltSMART CONTROLSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDCONCEALEDPRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:PRINT COLOR:Vermillion RAL 2002PRINT COLORSEco Green Pantone 382 /RAL Design SystemBasalt Grey 110RAL701270 604,5PROJECTPRINT COLOR:PRINT POSITIONON PRODUCTSky BlueRAL 5015ICON - HEADSHOWERICON - HEADSHOWERICON - HEADSHOWERICON - HEADSHOWERICON - HEADSHOWERVermillion RAL 2002PRINT COLORSSMARTCONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLSMARTCONCEALEDCONTROLCONCEALEDSMART CONTROLCONCEALEDICON- HEADSHOWERICON- GreyHEADSHOWERBasaltBasalt GreyRAL7012BasaltRAL7012RAL 7012BasaltGreyRALGrey7012Eco Green Pantone 382 /Design SystemBasalt GreyRALRAL7012110 70 60Sky BlueRAL 5015ProfileNo.:P0000339P0000339Profile No.:Profile No.:Profile No.:P0000339P0000339P0000339ProfileNo.:Profile No.:P0000339P0000339Profile No.:Vermillion RAL 2002Date:Date:Date:170120 170120Date:170120170120 170120170120 170120Date: Date: Date:Eco GreenAuthor:GROHEStudioDesign StudioGROHEDesignStudioAuthor: OHEGROHEDesign30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mmHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierProfile No.:Profile No.:Profile P0000339No.:P0000339 P0000339Profile No.:P0000339Date:Date:Date:170120 170120 170120Date:170120Author: dioDesignAuthor:30 mm GROHE Design Studio30mm30mm30StudiommmmHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierPantone 382 /RAL Design System110 70 604,5PROJECTPRINT COLORSSky BlueRAL 5015VermillionRAL 2002PRINT COLORSEco GreenBasalt Grey RAL 7012PRINT COLOR:PRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1Pages48 49PROJECT30 mmTUB FILLERICON - HANDSHOWERSMART CONTROL CONCEALEDICON - HANDSHOWER Basalt Grey RAL 7012SMART CONTROL CONCEALEDPRINT COLOR:P0000340170120GROHE DesignStudio30 mmHans LobermeierBasalt Grey RAL 7012PRINT COLOR:Basalt Grey RAL 7012PRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print on ButtonProfile No.:Date:Author:PROJECTPROJECTPROJECTPROJECTTUB FILLER2020THM scale CelsiusPantone 382 /RAL Design System1. PURE2. RAIN3. WATERFALL20THM - Print on Rosette1. DRIZZLE2. AQUA CURTAIN3. HANDSHOWERProfile No.:Date:Author:P0000340170120GROHE Design StudioHans Lobermeier30 mmSky BlueProfile No.:Date:Author:P0000340170120GROHE Design StudioHans LobermeierPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 130 mm30 mmTHM - Print on Rosette30 mm30 mmRAL 5015Eco GreenPantone 382 /RAL Design System110 70 60THM - Print on Rosette30 mmProfile No.:P0000329Date:06.01.2017Author:GROHEPRINT ELEMENTSM Design1 : 1 StudioJochenTHM scale CelsiusTHM scale CelsiusAllard/ FahrenheitProfile T ELEMENTSM Design1 : 1 StudioJochen2AllardSmart Box for AquasymphonyProfile No.:P0000330PROJECTDate:06.01.2017Author:GROHE Design StudioSmart Box for Aquasymphony 2JochenTHM scale CelsiusTHM scaleCelsius Allard/ FahrenheitProfile No.:Date:Author:P000033006.01.2017GROHE Design StudioJochenTHM scale CelsiusAllard/ FahrenheitPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM scale CelsiusTHM - Print on RosettePROJECTPRINT COLORSPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM scaleSmartCelsiusBox for AquasymphonyTHM scale Celsius3 / FahrenheitBasalt Grey RAL 7012Sky BlueP000032906.01.2017GROHE Design StudioPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1110 70 60RAL 2002Profile No.:PROJECTDate:Author:THM scaleSmartCelsiusBox for AquasymphonyTHM scaleCelsius/ Fahrenheit1AllardJochenPROJECTRAL 5015VermillionProfile No.:P0000329PROJECTDate:06.01.2017PRINT ELEMENTSM Design1 : 1 StudioAuthor:GROHESmart Box for AquasymphonyJochen1AllardTHM scaleSmartCelsius Box for AquasymphonyTHM scale Celsius2/ FahrenheitTHM - Print on RosetteEco Green Pantone 382 /DesignSystemBasalt Grey RALRAL7012ICON - HANDSHOWERSMART CONTROL CONCEALEDPROJECT30 mmTEMPERATURE ZONE 3THM - Print on RosetteTHM scale Celsius / FahrenheitTHM scaleSmartCelsiusBox for AquasymphonyTHM scale Celsius1 / Fahrenheit2020THM scale Celsius / FahrenheitPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM scale CelsiusTHM - Print on Rosette70 60Basalt Grey 110RAL7012Sky BlueP0000340170120GROHE Design StudioHans Lobermeier20Vermillion RAL 2002PRINT COLORSPRINT COLOR:Profile No.:Date:Author:4,5PRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print on ButtonPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1PRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print on Button4,5Basalt Grey RAL 7012THM - Print on Button2086THMButton- PrintonTHMButton- Print on ButtonPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print PRINTELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print onPRINTELEMENTSM1:1THM - Print on Buttonon ButtonPRINT COLOR:1. WATERFALL2. RAIN30 mm3. BOKOMATHM - Print on RosetteØ15,5mmCOLOR:ICON - HANDSHOWERSMART CONTROL CONCEALEDBasalt Grey RAL 701220PRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTTHM - Print on ButtonPROJECTTEMPERATURE ZONE 24,530 mm20mm 03PRINT COLOR: ZONE 1TEMPERATUREPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCTProfile No.: Profile No.:P0000344 r:GROHE DesignGROHEStudioDesign StudioHans LobermeierHans LobermeierØ15,5mm30 mm30 mmPROJECTPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 1THM - Print on Buttonmm 032020PRINT COLOR:HansLobermeierNo.: PRINT POSITIONP0000341re4i3e0m0r0e0bPHansoL snLobermeieraHProfile No.: 1P0000341 :.oN elfiorProfilePON JECTGROHE Design StudioAuthor:oidutGROHES ngiseDDesignEHORGStudio :rohtuAuthor:A30mmHans LobermeierPRINT COLOR: reiemrebHansoL snLobermeieraHHANDSHOWERICON - HANDSHOWERBasaltICONGrey -RAL7012SMART CONTROL CONCEALEDSMART CONTROL CONCEALED86:ROLOC TNIRPPROJECTYARPS YDOB - NOCI2107 LAR yerG tlasaB30 mmDELAECNOCLORTNOCTRAMSPRINTCOLOR:TCEJORPICON - HANDSHOWERICON - HANDSHOWERBasalt Grey RAL 7012Basalt Grey RAL 7012SMART CONTROL CONCEALED:ROLOC TNIRPSMART CONTROL CONCEALED1430000PoNlfiOorCPIYARPS YD:.OB -eN2107 LAR yerG tlasaB021071:etaDDELAECNOCLORTNOCTRAMSProfile No.:P0000340Profile No.:P0000340oidutS ngiseD EHO170120RG:rohtuADate:mm 03Date:170120re4i3e0msnaH Studio :.oN elfiorP10r0e0bPoL DesignAuthor:GROHEAuthor:GROHE Design Studio30 mm021071 Hans Lobermeier:etaD30 mmHans LobermeieroidutS ngiseD EHORG:rohtuAmm 03reiemreboL snaHPROJECTPRINT COLOR:2086nottuB no tnirP - MHTProfileP0000341 :ROLOC TNIRPICON- No.:BODYSPRAYP0000341oNlfiOorCPIYARPS YD:.OB -eNPRINT POSITION ON PRODUCT2107 LAR yerG tlasaB20T CEJORPProfileNo.:14SPRAY30000PBODYBasaltICONGrey -RAL7012170120SMARTCONTROL SMARTCONTROLDELAECNOCLORTNOC :utGROHES 86PRINT COLOR:nBasaltottuB nGreyo tnirPRAL- MH7012TPRINT POSITIONONPRODUCTØ15,5mmØ15,5mmPRINT ELEMENTSMØ15,5mm1 : 1 THM- Print on Button30 mm20861 : 1 M STNEMELE TNIRPProfile No.:P0000339Profile No.:Profile No.:Profile P0000339No.:Profile P0000339No.:Profile P0000339No.:Profile P0000339No.:Profile P0000339No.:Profile P0000339No.:P0000339 P0000339Profile No.:Profile :170120 170120 170120Date: Date:170120 DesignGROHEStudioDesign StudioPROJECTTCEJORPAuthor:Author: GROHE DesignGROHETHMStudioDesignStudio: 1- MHT30 mmPRINT1- Print: 130MonELEMENTSSButtonTNEMELmmEMTN1I:R1P30 mm 30 mm 30PRINTTHM - Print on ButtonottuB noMtn1immrP30 mmmm30mm ELEMENTS30nmm30Hans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHans LobermeierHansLobermeierHans LobermeierPRINTCOLOR:PRINT COLOR::ROLOC TNIRPICON- BODY SPRAYBODYSPRAYYARPS YDOB - 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TECHNOLOGYgrohe.comFLOW PERFORMANCEFREE OUTLETSCBACHOTAxxxxBCxD E A CD ExxxxxxxCPrint on Dust CapAlternative:SMARTCONTROL CONCEALED MIXERSPrint on sticker matt transparentxxHOTCOLDPRINT ELEMENTS M 1 : 11 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 bar6 bar34,938,2PROJECToutlet B or C15,622,01 bar2 bar3 bar4 bar5 bar6 baroutlet B or C16,723,729,033,537,441,0outlet Boutlet Coutlet B 1,033,637,433,936,841,0outlet Aoutlet Boutlet Coutlet A Boutlet A B 532,538,232,546,750,9outlet Doutlet Eoutlet Aoutlet D E let Doutlet Eoutlet Aoutlet Coutlet to valve boxoutlet D E Aoutlet D E A 9,741,048,141,050,9outlet Bhand ,0ACOLDxxSMARTCONTROL CONCEALED THERMOSTATS27,031,2Rapido NG ( Smart Control Concealed)outlet Boutlet Coutlet B Coutlet Aoutlet Boutlet Coutlet A Boutlet A B CPages 50 18,021,218,025,327,8Profile 1632,335,4GROHE Design Studio34,938,2Hans Lobermeier28,433,628,440,043,931,136,831,143,848,1
RANGEgrohe.comGROHTHERMSMARTCONTROL THERMOSTATRANGE AT A GLANCESMARTCONTROL GROHE RAPIDOMIXERSSMARTBOXRANGE AT A GLANCE ACCESSORIESCUBECUBE ACRYLIC GLASSMIXER-CUBE29 123 00029 124 00029 125 000Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,singledoubledouble, integratedhandshower union29 153 LS029 156 LS0Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,singledouble29 147 000SmartControl Mixer,single29 126 00029 127 000Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,tripletriple valve29 157 LS029 158 LS0Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,tripletriple valve29 149 000SmartControl Mixer,tripleROUNDROUND ACRYLIC GLASSMIXER-ROUND29 118 00029 119 00029 120 000Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,singledoubledouble, integratedhandshower union29 150 LS029 151 LS0Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,singledouble29 144 000SmartControl Mixer,single29 121 00029 122 000Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,tripletriple valve29 904 LS029 152 LS0Grohtherm SmartControl, Grohtherm SmartControl,tripletriple valve29 146 000SmartControl Mixer,triplePages 54 5529 148 000SmartControl Mixer,double29 145 000SmartControl Mixer,double35 600 000GROHE Rapido SmartBox14 055 000Backflow protectioncombination(EN1717)49 003 000Reversed GROHETurboStat Cartridge ¾"14 053 00MService Stops(2 pcs)14 048 000Extension Set
GROHE RAPIDO SMARTBOXgrohe.comPURE FREUDEAN WASSERLife-giving, universal, joyful – water itself is thesource of inspiration for the whole of our distinctiveproduct portfolio.Each of these products is alwaysbased on our four core values: Quality, Technology,Design and Sustainability. Balancing these ineverything we do, allows us to deliver unrivalledwater enjoyment to our MAN PERFECTIONISM INSPIRESULTIMATE CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE.MASTERING WATER
With three outlets for a wider range of shower options, the GROHE Rapido SmartBox can take on the job where two rough-ins are normally needed. Which is a huge savings in work and effort. ALL PORTS WITH 1/2 INCH STANDARD The GROHE Rapido SmartBox makes adapters practically redundant. It has ½" connections, made to fit all standard pipes.