Video Marketing Strategy: Benchmarks For Success - Ascend2


Video MarketingStrategy: Benchmarksfor SuccessOvercoming Barriers To VideoMarketing Success.

Table of Contents01Overcoming Barriers toVideo Marketing Success07How Video MarketingEffectiveness is Changing02Most Important StrategicObjectives08Most Difficult Types ofVideo Content to Create03How Video MarketingTechnology is Used09Most Effective VideoContent Creation Resources04Most Challenging Obstaclesto Success10Comparative Analysis ofEffectiveness and Difficulty05How Video MarketingBudgets are Changing11Research Methodology andSurvey Demographics06Most Effective Types ofVideo Content Used12About the Research PartnersThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.You may adapt, copy, distribute and transmit this work. However, you mustattribute the work as produced by Ascend2 and its Research Partners but notin any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work. Youmay not use this work for commercial purposes.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

o1Overcoming Barriers toVideo Marketing SuccessForty-four percent of companies with successful video marketing programspoint to the lack of an effective strategy as the most challenging obstacle tovideo marketing success.But how have these companiesThe charts in this edition of theovercome this strategic barrier tostudy, titled Video Marketingsuccess?Strategy Benchmarks for Success,represent the opinions of the 228To find out, Vidyard in partnershipsurvey respondents who arewith Ascend2 fielded the Videosuccessfully achieving importantMarketing Strategy Survey andobjectives with video marketing.completed interviews with business,We thank them for sharing theirmarketing and sales professionalsvaluable insights.from around the globe.This research has been producedfor your use. Put it to work in yourown marketing strategy planningand presentation materials. Clip thecharts and write about them in yourblog or post them on social media.Please share this research creditedas published.Enjoy the report!

02Most ImportantStrategic ObjectivesWhat are the MOST IMPORTAN OBJECTIVES of an effective video marketing strategy?Improve customer education46%Increase brand awareness46%Increase online engagementA successful videomarketing strategy beginswith a roadmap to adesired destination. The45%Increase leads generatedmost importantdestinations or objectives39%Increase conversion ratesfor companies with35%Increase sales revenuesuccessful video marketingstrategies focus on28%Improve lead nurturingcustomer education, brand23%Increase website trafficawareness and onlineengagement.19%01020304050Analysis:Video has been proven to improve lead qualification and nurturing, but lessthan ¼ of marketers are focusing on this use for video. This is a strongopportunity for marketers to use video consumption data to help qualify leadsand nurture leads with content based on this data.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

03How Video MarketingTechnology is UsedWhat are the MOST IMPORTANT USES OF TECHNOLOGY in video marketing?Content creation63%Reporting & analyticsa basic requirement, distribution44%Content managementand hosting, and reporting andanalytics technology simplifies32%Sales enablementcampaign execution and measuring26%Lead managementthe performance of successful videomarketing programs.22%Lead nurturingstrategy includes technologyplanning. While content creation is55%Distribution & hostingAn effective video e majority of marketers are using technology to track videomarketing success. However, less than 20% of marketers are using thisdata-enabled technology to guide their lead nurturing. Video dataintegrated into marketing automation or CRM platforms offers aparticularly large opportunity to see into lead behavior and intent. Youcan see which videos leads are watching, how long they’re watching for,and what they’ve re-watched.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

04Most ChallengingObstacles to SuccessWhat are the MOST CHALLENGINGAnalysis:OBSTACLES to video marketing success?Lack of an effective stratgeyInadeguate video budgethurdle for marketers, but often41%Lack of compelling contentmore because video is siloed40%Lack of production resourcesinto its own component of themarketing department. The real39%Lack of performace metricsvalue of video arises when used30%Inadequate video distributionin conjunction with other25%Limited organizational buy-inmarketing activities and isseamlessly integrated with17%marketers’ overall strategies.14%Inadequate video SEO010203040The lack of an effective strategy, and an inadequatevideo budget, are the most challenging obstacles tovideo marketing success. Without the organizationalbuy-in and leadership commitment required toprovide sufficient funding, even the most effectivestrategy will fail.Video strategy is a common44%50The second hurdle: lack ofbudget may actually be a falseor misinterpreted obstacle. Alot of great videos are createdwith little to zero budget using aconsumer-grade camera,in-house actors, and editingprograms that come native toyour computer.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

05How Video MarketingBudgets are ChangingA significant 71% of companies with successful video marketing strategies areplanning to increase their budget. Only 5% see video marketing budgetsdecreasing while 24% believe their budget is sufficient to achieve theirobjectives and are not planning to change it.60How is the video marketing BUGET CHANGING?52%ANALYSIS:50Such a large percentage ofbudgets increasing means we40may start to see the budgethurdle, mentioned on theprevious page, easingmarginallyNot changingDecreasingmarginallyVideo Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard2%Decresingsignificantly

06Most Effective Types ofVideo Content UsedWhat are the most EFFECTIVE types of video content used?Customer tesimonials52%Demonstration videos51%Explainer/ tutorial videos51%36%Thought leader interviewsProject reviews/ case studies26%Webinar videos20%Vlogs/ video blogs15%Event videos13%0102030405060What works and what doesn’t to overcome obstacles and achieve videomarketing success? More than half of companies with successful videomarketing strategies prefer three type of video content: customer testimonials,demonstration videos, and explainer or tutorial videos.Analysis:It’s not surprising that customer testimonials are seen to be the mosteffective as this strong method of social proof drives results outside ofvideo marketing, too. Notice, though, that they’re also seen as twice aseffective as case studies, which showcases the difference between youtelling your own success story and your customers telling them for you.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

07How Video MarketingEffectiveness is ChangingVideo marketing effectiveness is increasing for 91% of companies, with more thanhalf of those saying the increase is significant. This change in effectiveness isnoteworthy compared to other marketing methods and may reflect the rapidlygrowing rate of video marketing adoption.50How is video marketing EFFECTIVENESS CHANGING?48%40Analysis:43%As marketers learn moreabout video’s power to30generate more leads, qualifyleads, and ultimately turnthose leads into customers,they continue to see video’s20effectiveness allyNot ntlyVideo Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

08Most Difficult Types ofVideo Content to CreateWhat are the MOST DIFFICULT types of video content to create?Customer tesimonials43%Project reviews/ case studies40%Explainer/ tutorial videos31%Thought leader interviews30%Demonstration videos26%Event videos21%Webinar videos18%Vlogs/ video blogs14%01020304050The degree of difficulty to create some types of video content is a challenge formany companies. The most difficult types of content to create for companieswith successful video marketing strategies are customer testimonials, andproject reviews or case studies.Analysis:Customer testimonials are the videos considered most difficult tocreate but yet they are also the most effective type. In contrast, demovideos seem to be considered one of the easier video types to create,but they are ranked the second most effective. This makes demo videosa great opportunity for marketers.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

09Overcoming Barriers toVideo Marketing SuccessWhat are the MOST EFFECTIVE RESOURCESfor video marketing content creation?7%use in-houseresources only21%outsource toa specialist72%Use acombination ofoutsourcedand in-houseresourcesA significant 93% ofcompanies outsource all orAnalysis:part of their video contentUsing a combination of outsourced andcreation to accessin-house talent means you get the bestspecialized expertise andof both worlds. You can create quick,technology. A relatively highlow-budget videos on your own and on21% outsource all videotight timelines. You also have thecontent creation comparedoption to allow a creative team to taketo 7% that effectively createa fresh perspective on your brand andvideo content entirelyin-house.complete a video without burning upany of your own employees’ time.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

10Comparative Analysis ofEffectiveness and DifficultyDemonstration videos are nearly twice as effective as they are difficult tocreate. Conversely, project reviews or case study videos are nearly twice asdifficult to create as they are effective. These are important considerationswhen planning types of video to use in your strategy.Analysis of the most effective types of videocontent used versus the most difficult to create.Most EffectiveMost Difficult52%Customer tesimonials43% 52%51%Demonstration videos31%Explainer/ tutorial videos51%31%Thought leader interviews30%36%26%Project reviews/ case studies40%20%18%Webinar videos15%14%Vlogs/ video blogs13%Event videos01021%20Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard30405060

11Overcoming Barriers toVideo Marketing SuccessAscend2 benchmarks theNumber of Employeesperformance of widely-adoptedMore than 50036%digital marketing strategies and50 to 50019%practices using a standardizedFewer than 5045%Role in the Company30%questionnaire, researchmethodology and proprietary3-Minute Survey format. Findingsare examined in a quantitativecontext by experienced analystsand reported objectively.This survey was conducted onlinefrom a panel of more than 50,000US and international marketing,sales and business professionals.The following is a breakout of thecompany sizes and respondentroles represented in this report:CEO / COO / CMO /CSO etc.48%Marketing VP / Director/ Manager4%Sales VP / Director /ManagerMarketing or Sales StaffOther12%6%

12About theResearchPartnersWe Measure Your VideosPerformanceIf video is part of your marketingResearch-Based DemandGeneration for MarketingSolution Providersstrategy, you need a way toMarketing agencies, marketingmeasure its impact on, media and datacompanies partner with Ascend2As the world’s leading videoto reliably generate demand andmarketing platform, Vidyard cansupplement marketing you exactly how viewersOur Research Partner Programinteract with your videos. Thisare transparent – spotlightingmeans you can continuouslyyour brand and the interests ofimprove your marketing strategyyour market. Learn morebased on measurable results. Alongabout Ascend2.with hosting your video content,Vidyard reveals who’s watchingyour videos, and for how long withdetailed viewer analytics andengagement data you can pushdirectly into your MAP and CRM.Learn more about Vidyard.Video Marketing Strategy Benchmarks for SuccessResearch conducted by Ascend2 in partnership with Vidyard

own marketing strategy planning and presentation materials. Clip the charts and write about them in your blog or post them on social media. Please share this research credited as published. Enjoy the report! But how have these companies overcome this strategic barrier to success? To find out, Vidyard in partnership with Ascend2 fielded the Video