
FR E E !THEWINTER ‘18THE BEAUTY DETOXWhy cleaning upyour beauty regimeis as important asdetoxifying your dietMAGAZ I E COST OFCOFFEEWe speak to threepeople whose homesrun on batteriesWhat happens to allthe profits generatedby our caffeine habit?COMPETITIONSA home solar andbattery package,organic skincare andlots more ethical prizes

Welcome to MyGreenPod Magazine!Many of you will have started 2018 with your mind seton at least one resolution, whether it’s eating betteror exercising more. This issue is full of ways to makesimple, long-term changes that will have a lasting effecton you and the planet – all while having fun with newproducts and experiences! Enjoy.Katie HillEDITOR-IN-CHIEFkatie@mygreenpod.comAbout usMyGreenPod Ltd is an independent, family-run UK business,founded by Katie Hill and Jarvis Smith. We want to share thereal stories behind the brands working tirelessly to offer ethicalalternatives to mainstream products and services, in sectorsfrom beauty to banking.You might not see these options on the high street and,for various reasons, they may not be the first to appear inonline searches. But they are on Hero products and servicessupport the shift to a more consciouslifestyle – and may mean you save somecash (and have some fun) along the way.#PutYourMoneyWhereYourHeartIsSubscribe to receive each digital issueof MyGreenPod Magazine deliveredstraight to your com/mygreenpod60%of anything you put onyour skin is absorbedby your body90%of the profit in the coffeesupply chain is in the roasting14%of the plastic thrownaway in this countryis WINTER 3

C O N T E N T SHERO PRODUCTS06 Introducing the Heroes of the Season,plus our Top 5 Winter SwitchesNEWS08 We find out why Veganuary’sfounders are making it easier to govegan any time, anywhereENERGY10 Why export up to 80% of yourhome-generated energy to thegrid when you could use it yourself?ARTS & FASHION14 Meet the London family thatmade a documentary while livingwith tribal leaders and shamans20 One couple’s wish came truewhen they bought natural skincarecompany Pure Lakes21 Celebrities ranging fromBeyoncé to Ashton Kutcher swearby the Master Cleanse – but isfasting really good for you?FOOD & DRINK23 Find out why buying from yourlocal farm would mean you getcheaper, fresher produce thanyou’ll find at the supermarket – andhelp support British farming at thesame time24 Is kombucha just another fad,or the true ‘tea of immortality’?25 The proof is in the pudding– and this recipe will give you avegan Sunday dinner that’s as fillingand warming as any roast26 Coffee is second only to oilwhen it comes to the world’s mosttraded commodities – so where doall the profits go?HOME & GARDEN28 We speak to three peoplewhose homes run on batteriesCOMPETITIONS30 All the latest competitiongiveaways from,including a home solar and batterypackage worth 5kHEALTH & BEAUTY15 Natural beauty expert JaneyLee Grace on sticking to yourresolutions, with a little help.16 We find out why cleaning upyour beauty regime is just asimportant as detoxifying your dietEDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Katie Hill DESIGN: Suzanne Taylor PUBLISHER: Jarvis Smith PUBLISHING: MyGreenPod/Printed by Wyndeham GroupDistributed by On The House Distributors Ltd, and health food stores nationwide by Weleda UK, on behalf of MyGreenPod Ltd, who takes sole responsibility for its content.MGP does not accept unsolicited contributions. Editorial opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of MGP and the company does not accept responsibility for advertising content.Prices are correct at time of going to press and are subject to change. The Publishers cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. The contents of this magazine are fully protectedby copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission. If you have any queries relating to the magazine, call 0203 002 0990. FRONT COVER: Mau WINTER 5

BUSINESSheroIntroducing our Heroes of the Season!These superstar products and services areethical alternatives from companies thatare doing things differently (and brilliantly).TOP 5WINTERSWITCHESHEALTH &BEAUTYView all our Heroes at ‘18FOOD &DRINKARTS &FASHIONHOME &GARDENHow could our caffeine habit be moreethical? Single-use cups are a hugeissue – but so is the fact coffee farmersstruggle in poverty while westernroasters get rich. All Not 1 Bean Ltdcoffee is roasted in developing nations.FRIENDLY SOAPLAVENDER GERANIUMSHAMPOO BARThis nourishing shampoo bar is along-lasting, compact alternative toliquid shampoos in plastic bottles. Ittames the most disobedient locks andpromotes healthy, happy hair growth.Each bar’s handmade with castor oil,coconut oil, olive oil, lavender androse geranium essential oils, water andnothing else. Castor oil is a natural hairconditioner, while coconut oil and oliveoil produce a nourishing shampoo.@Not1Beannot1bean.comALUCIA ORGANICSDOUBLE ROSEHIP OILCertified COSMOS Organic, thispowerful regenerative facial oil is madeusing rosehip seed oil and rosehip fruitoil. These antioxidant-rich oils fightfree radical damage and aid skin cellregeneration. Use day or ORGANICSTOMATO & BASIL SOUPWITH RED PEPPERS& MISOLAURA ZABOUPCYCLED BICYCLETYRE BELTGREEN FIBRES FINESTSATEEN ORGANICCOTTON BEDDINGThis delicious soup from Devon-basedTideford Organics is, like the rest of thecompany’s range, organic, vegan andgluten-free, with no added sugar. It’s agreat option for everyone, but peopleliving with IBS may be particularlyinterested: it’s the UK’s first organicFODMAP-friendly accredited soup.A low-FODMAP diet can ease andrelieve the uncomfortable – and oftendebilitating – symptoms of IBS byhelping sufferers to identify triggers.Scrap tyres take generations to breakdown and often end up in landfill sites.Laura ZABO’s solution was to upcyclethem into great fashion accessoriesthat are PETA-Approved Vegan. Thisbelt comes in a range of colours andtextures, meaning you’ll be able to givean ethical twist to any outfit – in theoffice or out on the town. Each one’smade from worn out or rejected bicycletyres, helping to keep useful, durablematerials out of the waste stream.This exquisitely pure organic cottonbedlinen has a high thread count (290)and a beautiful and naturally occurringgolden sheen. Organic cotton protectsproducers and the environment byeliminating the need for syntheticpesticides. This bedding is superbreathable and free from chemicals,meaning it’s gentle on even the mostsensitive skin. It’s made under safe andfair working conditions and certifiedorganic by the Soil aura WINTER mygreenpod.com2If your skin’s suffering from the mix ofcentral heating and cold weather, keepa tube of Weleda Skin Food with you atall times. This natural wonder balm willsoothe and nourish dry, chapped feeling the aftershocks of an overindulgent Christmas? PJ Kombuchawill help detox your body, boost yourimmune system and improve digestion.@PJKombuchapjkombucha.com4New year, new carbon footprint: it’stime to take the leap and switch toa renewable energy supplier. You’llalmost certainly be rewarded withsavings on your energy bills.@octopus s is world’s first hotel directory for purely vegetarian and vegan hotels,B&Bs, resorts and health centres. From vegan surfing camps to luxury hotels, exclusiveAyurvedic retreats to simple mountain chalets and Tuscan country estates to holisticwellness resorts on Bali, the hotels presented by VeggieHotels are dream destinationsfor fans of plant-based sustenance – and a whole lot more. Each is run with great loveand enthusiasm, and stands for a kind of tourism that’s ethical and sustainable.@VeggieHotels veggie-hotels.com5If you’ve gone into saving mode, makesure you put your money where yourheart is. With a Triodos Bank ethicalsavings account your money will onlyever be used to support good WINTER 7

V NNEWSHOW TO GOEGAWe find out why Veganuary’s founders are making it easier to go vegan any time, anywhere8 WINTER mygreenpod.comTurn topage 07to findout whywe’veawardedTidefordOrganicsTomato& BasilSoupwith RedPeppers& Misoa Heroof theSeasonawardkeeps getting bigger and better. There hasbeen a 20-fold increase in the number ofpeople pledging to ditch meat and dairy forthe month of January, and the campaigncontinues to double in size every year.60,000 took the pledge in 2017 and this year,Jane and Matthew estimate a further 150,000are taking part.The chances are you now know at leastone vegan; research commissioned by TheVegan Society found a 260% increase in thenumber of UK vegans over the past 10 years.More recently, our biggest supermarketchain, Tesco, announced that demand forvegetarian and vegan ready meals and snackssoared by 40% in just 12 months.In three years, ‘vegan’ internet searcheshave risen 221% and ‘dairy free’ by 91%. Thesesteadily growing food trends reflect people’sdesire for long-term change in their eatinghabits. We’re turning our backs on fads andquick fixes and opting instead for whole,real-food diets.One company benefiting from thesechanges is Veganuary sponsor TidefordOrganics, which has seen a 43% growth insales since switching to fully plant-basedproducts. Lynette Sinclair, the company’sMD, said, ‘On top of such a positive salesincrease, we’ve calculated the environmentalimpact of our new range. Tideford hassaved 63,000kg of CO2 this year – the sameamount of carbon stored by 74 acres of forestin one year, or the equivalent of switchingover 2,000 incandescent lightbulbs to LEDs.’EGG-FREE BAKINGAquafaba – the liquid in a canof chickpeas – is a great eggreplacement when baking.Three tablespoons are roughlyequal to one whole egg, whiletwo tablespoons can be used inplace of one egg white.HOW TO MILK A NUTIt’s easy to find a substitute formilk; most supermarkets carry analmond, hemp, soy or rice milkalternative – or you could makeyour own by blitzing 1.5 cups ofnuts with 2.5 cups of water (adda couple of dates to sweeten).If you like a foamy latte, Oatly’sOat Drink Barista Edition frothsup beautifully.SUGAR HITHoney’s off the menu, but plentyof sweet products – includingOriginal and Golden Oreos,McVitie’s Chocolate ChipHobnobs, Co-op Jam Doughnutsand Jus Rol’s Pain Au Chocolat,Croissants and Cinnamon Swirls– are, surprisingly, vegan.FIND OUT MORETake the month-long vegan pledge any time of the year Explore vegan recipes at Make it easy with the Vegan Starter Kit Order your copy of How To Go Vegan at The potential impact of business-wideshifts is huge, but individuals can also makea big difference. Calculations suggest thateach person’s commitment to Veganuarycan spare the suffering of 30 animals andGOING VEGANNUALBut Veganuary isn’t just about Januaryany more; a new ‘Try Vegan This Month’initiative is helping anyone to go animal-freeat any time of the year.Participants who sign up will receiveall the same love and support from theVeganuary team as those who take partduring January, including access to globaladvice on a closed, 10,000-strong Facebookgroup and daily emails on the practicalitiesand benefits of trying a vegan diet.Help is also at hand from the newbook, How To Go Vegan (available fromWaterstones and Amazon). The result of apartnership between Hodder & Stoughtonand Veganuary, this accessible, practicalA LIFESTYLE IN DEMANDMAKE IT HAPPENsave carbon emissions equivalent to driving1,500km in your car.The internet, and social media inparticular, has been key to getting thisinformation out to a wider and more diverseaudience than ever before. Informationis only a few clicks away, and celebritieswith serious social clout, ranging fromLewis Hamilton to Beyoncé, are givingthe movement a nudge with publicendorsements of a plant-based diet.In her foreword to the new How ToGo Vegan book, Harry Potter star EvannaLynch wrote, ‘this is a beautiful, inspiring,information-packed tome, which feels like afriendly vegan fairy godmother taking yourhand and guiding you down your personaltailor-made path to becoming the best veganyou can be.’And that, in a nutshell, is what Veganuarytries to be. STAR APPEALPHOTOGRAPHY ISTOCKJane Land initially thought her partnerMatthew Glover was slurring his wordswhen he blurted ‘VEE-GAN-U-ARY’during a wine-fuelled conversation in theirliving room. ‘Maybe he was’, Jane said, ‘but itactually made sense!’As vegans, the pair had been ‘horrified’to discover how animals are treated in themainstream food system. ‘Becoming veganis one of the best things an individual cando to reduce animal suffering,’ explainsMatthew. ‘And we know that people whochange a behaviour for a month find it easierto change habits in the long term. Januaryseemed a logical time to encourage the shiftto veganism, as it’s when people commit toNew Year’s resolutions that will improvetheir own lives and also help others.’Within a couple of months, Jane andMatthew had created a brand and website,and the very first Veganuary was run lateat night from their bedroom; they wereentrepreneur and English teacher by day,animal campaigners by night.Since that wine-soaked autumn evening of2013, ‘the new month with the weird name’guide to going vegan makes replacing meatand dairy products easy and fun. ‘Beingvegan doesn’t have to be tough or scaryand we want as many people as possible togive it a try’, Matthew told us. ‘Our book isdesigned to help people along that journey,and it will be a useful tool for friends andfamily, too.’97%of respondents to2017’s Veganuary surveyreported feelinghealthier at the endof the WINTER 9

ENERGYresult of changes in the government’s renewable energypolicy. Their business, which created, released and soldover 25,000 units of a product for the UK solar market,went into voluntary liquidation when the FiT was cut.Thousands of people went out of work and businessduring this period, but Lee never lost faith; he’d seena little niche in the market that would maximise thebenefit of having solar panels and increase the payback.With products in his head, he partnered with Jordanand some of the original team came back to join him. InSeptember 2016 their new company, myenergi, was born.The main reason renewable energy’s exported to the gridis the disparity between when it’s harvested and whenthe property needs it.Lee Sutton, who used to be a solar panel installer,noticed the issue when he had a solar PV system fitted tohis own roof. ‘I quickly realised that it was great havingsolar when you're in all day and using the energy’, Leeexplains, ‘but most of the time people are out and aboutduring the day when the sun is shining the strongest, sothey’re sending all their energy back to the grid.’This was obviously great when the Feed-in Tariff (FiT)was lucrative, but in December 2015 the governmentannounced a 65% cut in the subsidies received byhouseholders with rooftop solar panels. The rate wasslashed from 12.47p per kilowatt hour to just 4.39p.Lee and Jordan Marie Brompton worked at one of themany renewable energy companies that collapsed as aPOWER TO THE PEOPLE‘We saw a pattern emerging across Europe’, Jordan tellsus. ‘As the demand for electricity goes up, unfortunatelyso do prices – but the price of self-generation systemssuch as solar panels are coming down and technology isimproving at a rapid pace.’Generating electricity for use in your own propertyis a great way to lower your bills, and increasinga household’s ‘self-consumption’ – the amount ofhomemade energy it uses – amplifies these savings.Myenergi’s mission from the start was to ramp up selfconsumption in order to give power back to the people,lower utility bills and reduce pressure on the NationalGrid, meaning there’d be fewer reasons to use coal, gasand nuclear power.‘In using more self-generated ‘free’ energy, you’rebuying in less fossil fuel supplied electricity’, Jordanexplains. ‘You’re not only saving money, but also having apositive environmental impact.’ygreneUse yourCUTTING HOUSEHOLD BILLSPHOTOGRAPHY ISTOCK10 WINTER mygreenpod.comTOPThe eddiand harvican helpyou takecontrolof yourhome’senergyuseWith seven years’ worth of experience, the team atmyenergi put all its knowledge, expertise and experienceinto a new product, the eddi. It’s a clever little piece of kitthat helps you consume the green energy produced byyour microgeneration system.The device acts as an automatic power controllerthat diverts surplus energy to a designated area to savepower and minimise your utility bills. Once installed,this system, which costs 365 (including VAT), canreduce an average household’s energy bill by up to 250 per year.It’s a standalone product that works with any size ofarray to heat your immersion heater, storage heater,underfloor heating, towel rail or electric radiator – allwith surplus power from your solar panels or windturbine, and irrespective of whether or not you’re athome. ‘The full potential of the eddi could mean theproperty uses almost 100% of the power it generates!’,Jordan says.The eddi is fitted with a clear LCD display thatprovides details of the savings you’re making. It has awired current clamp, but myenergi has also developedthe harvi, the world’s first battery-free, wireless powermeasurement sensor, for ease of installation.CHEAP EV CHARGINGHot on the heels of the eddi, myenergi released a firstof-its-kind intelligent electric vehicle charger – a smartdevice that lets you charge any electric car with surplusenergy generated by your home.‘It does a similar job to the eddi, but the tech is verydifferent’, Jordan says. ‘We figured why not give it a go?Lee had an electric car and it really got to him that hewas unable to manage the solar efficiently when the sunwas shining. We did some research and were shocked tofind there was nothing on the market, so we designed,prototyped and tested the zappi.’The zappi has three charge modes – the cleverest beingthe ECO and ECO , which maximise the efficacy of yourmicrogeneration system. You can charge your car withsurplus energy, enjoy a full graphic display and viewlistings of your savings that date back to the time yourzappi was installed.The zappi’s smart features mean it could benefit anyhome, not just those with solar panels or a wind turbine.ABOVEThe zappiis the firstelectriccarchargerto pay foritself insavings Most properties with solar panels or a windturbine only consume a fraction of therenewable energy they generate; in fact, theaverage home uses around 20% and sends the rest backto the grid.The National Grid has said this is an issue, warningof the complexities and hazards of managing all theexported energy from what are effectively hundredsof thousands of mini power stations. On top of that,homeowners and businesses could in most cases drawfar greater environmental – and financial – benefits frommicrogeneration infrastructure they’ve already installed.SUPPLY AND DEMAND If you generate your own renewable energy,we salute you – but why export up to 80% tothe grid when you could use it yourself? WINTER 11

,,ENERGYan eddi or zappi can only improve yourreturn on investment in solar panels.They are classic no-brainer products.’BELOW(L-R) Lee,Jordan,Chris,Robin andSean at themyenergibase inBinbrookThe device can sense when economy or cheaper tariffsare available, meaning you get the cheapest chargepossible. The load balancing feature is also a popularone, as it slows down the charge to the car when theload’s increased in the home, which is great for the houseand the grid.The unit costs 495 (including VAT), but it’s an OLEVapproved device, meaning you could claim 500 backfrom the government’s Office for Low Emission Vehiclesif you've just bought an electric car.‘The zappi is the smartest charger on the market,and the only one that pays for itself in savings’, Leetells us. ‘How quickly it pays the customer back canvary quite drastically, as obviously the variables changefor each home. In most cases we predict the zappi willpay for itself within three to four years. For driverswho park their car at home a lot, or have a zappi at anoffice with microgeneration, it will be a lot quicker –somewhere between one and three years. Obviously ifthe government has paid for it under the OLEV schemethen the homeowner only has the installation costs topay, which start at 249.’CONTROL YOUR OWN ENERGYThe zappi can work alone, or you can use it alongside theeddi and harvi to manage all your home’s energy and savemoney by diverting power, turning appliances on andoff and reducing grid reliance. The devices provide totalflexibility in terms of choosing and managing where yourself-generated energy goes.‘If a home only has a small array the eddi can storesurplus energy as heat’, Lee explains. ‘This saves youfrom pulling power from the grid when you come homein the evening and want hot water. If you have a largerarray you could heat two loads, say underfloor heatingand your immersion, then when they're up to fulltemperature charge your car, or vice versa.’Similarly, if you have an electric car with a bigbattery that sits on your drive, it would make sense toslow-charge the car with a zappi to make use of homegenerated energy instead of exporting it.All of the devices can also be used alongside a batterysystem to mop up any surplus energy you generate ondays when the battery is fully charged by midday.Myenergi is currently developing a new app, due bysummer 2018, that will let customers control their energyuse from their phone. ‘You’ll be able to boost heating,increase your electric vehicle charge, switch surplusenergy priorities, view data and see financial savings’,Jordan tells us. ‘Having an eddi or a zappi can onlyimprove your return on investment in solar panels. Theyare classic no-brainer products.’THE TIME TO SWITCHDespite the setbacks created by the 2015-16 solar marketcollapse, moving goalposts and inconsistent renewableenergy policy, Lee and Jordan have refused to give up ontheir dream of a future powered by clean energy.‘The honest drive for all of us is the sector’, Lee says.‘What's not to love? Promoting green, clean energy thatwill help save the planet and our health as a collective.Imagine a world where people generate their ownelectricity and support the grids to decarbonise, whiledriving round in electric cars and breathing clean air.That’s our ultimate goal.’The fact myenergi’s products save people moneyis a great bonus on the way to saving the planet;‘Technology is improving at a rapid rate and the price ofmicrogeneration systems and batteries is coming downjust as quickly’, Jordan says. ‘This is the best and mostobvious time to make the switch to green energy.’ FIND OUT MORE Moreabout the eddi and zappi is at for the zappi are listed at More on Lee, Jordan and the rest of the team is OLEV12 WINTER


ARTS & FASHIONDOWN TOEARTHMeet the London family that madea documentary about living withtribal leaders and shamansFilmed by a London couple and theirthree young children, Down to Earthfollows the family’s search for a newperspective on life. In their five-year journeyacross six continents, they lived with some ofthe planet’s oldest indigenous communities,listening to their outlooks on modern civilisation and the need for change.THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIMEKEEPERS OF THE EARTHRenata and Rolf realised that tribal eldershave a source of wisdom that could be hugelybeneficial to the modern world. From there,they joined the dots between different societies and viewpoints, travelling with just onebag and a camera each in search of pivotalfigures they describe as ‘Keepers of the Earth’.The film brings viewers face to face withtribal leaders and shamans, many of whomhave never been filmed or interviewedbefore. From the heart of the Amazon to thejungles of India, and from the Australian outback to the Kalahari Desert, they encounterpeople who survive in harmony with theseasons and the planet.‘I had come to a stage where I started tosee the patterns of the system through mywork in corporate boardrooms,’ RolfREADER OFFERAhead of Down to Earth’s UK releasethis May, MyGreenPod readers havea one-off opportunity to be part of apre-premiere screening event, wherethey can speak to the film-makersand hear their story first-hand.DATE: 24 March 2018TIME: 12:00-15:00LOCATION: Rio Cinema,Dalston, LondonPRICE: 19.50 (incl. hot drink & snack)BOOK WINTER mygreenpod.comexplains. ‘The higher I came into thehierarchy of corporations, the more disappointed I became with the leadership Iencountered. The lack of vision, the lack ofunderstanding of the bigger picture, theegotistical games that go on – not to mention the incredible short-term focus. Imaginehow I felt when I met these Native Americanchiefs who spoke about their responsibilityto take decisions that will positively affectseven generations ahead.’THE POWER OF FILMCan documentaries have a real impact on theway we live? Super Size Me famously causedMcDonald’s to drop its super-size option,and The End of the Line stopped major suppliers from selling swordfish and bluefin tuna.Down to Earth, however, is aimed not atthe usual corporate culprits but at us –individual human beings and our lifestyleand behaviour. The makers believe thereinlies the solution to the big challenges we facein the world. FIND OUT MOREView a trailer and see how Down to Earthhas inspired people-powered change Arrange a screening for your organisation PHOTOGRAPHY RENATA HEINENThe film was made by artist Renata Heinenand leadership consultant Rolf Winters, wholived in London until an encounter with aNative American tribe inspired them to taketheir children out of school and move to theNorth Michigan backwoods.‘Becoming parents made us look differently at the world and our own role in it’, Renatatells us. ‘I didn’t want my children to becomea product of our system and the urge grew tobreak away, to lead a more pure way of life.’The couple home-schooled their children,learnt to grow their own food and exploreda more basic life spent in close connectionwith Nature. The idea to make a film camethree years into their journey, when theymeet a Potawatomi medicine man known asNowaten (He Who Listens).

HEALTH & BEAUTYLOVESJANEYNatural beauty expert Janey Lee Grace on stickingto your resolutions, with a little help – ‘in 2018 I’ll take better care of myself and improvemy beauty regime’ – and take baby steps that buildup every day. Sometimes we need a bit of help!I also think it’s important to remember tochoose happiness. It sounds way too simplistic,but the happier we look, the more attractive weare. Of course there are some wonderful naturaland healthy products to help us on our way, too!Here are my top picks for winter.This is the time we put pressure on ourselves tolose weight, exercise more, eat less, perfect ourbeauty regime and all the rest of it. The key tochanging or improving any habit is always abouttaking daily actions in line with our goal.Life coach Cat Raincock uses progressivehypnotherapy to re-programme thought patternsand get to the root of beliefs, then change habits ofthought and action. She suggests stating our resolutionsPRODUCTSCLEAR AWAYTENSIONADD SOME SHIMMER!Apply a slick of the fabulousWeleda Tinted Lip Balm –available in Nude, Rose and BerryRed (all 6.95, 10ml) – for a hintof gloss and subtle shimmer. Thenyou’re ready to smile! Remember,as Thich Nhat Hanh said,‘Because of your smile youmake life more beautiful’.Give yourself an energising facialmassage using the unique jade‘massage tool’, the Hayo’u BeautyRestorer De-Stress Face Tool( 29.17). It increases circulation,stimulates collagen and relaxesfacial muscles, clearing tensionfrom the face to refresh yourmental state and reveal yourradiant complexion. Just oneminute, using a little facial oil,works a treat; you’ll see instantresults and long-term benefi ts.SOAK ANDREGENERATESoak away the new year blueswith a relaxing bath using WestlabDetoxifying Himalayan Salt ( 5.99,1kg). Westlab sources the highestquality Himalayan salt crystals,which are naturally cleansing andrich in essential skin minerals. Thepretty pink crystals have beenaround for millions of years andcontain an impressive 84 differentminerals, including magnesium, forsmooth, radiant, healthy skin.HEALING OILSThe gorgeous Silvan SkincareSoothe Face Oil ( 16, 50ml) isrich in healing botanical oils toease symptoms of inflammatoryskin conditions, leaving the skinsmooth, soft and moisturised.Organic evening primrose, hemp,jojoba and kiwi plus chamomile,neroli and everlasting flower calm,soothe and nourish sensitive skin.FIND OUT MOREMore on Cat Raincock’s progressive hypnotherapy is at catraincock.comWestlab’s salts and soaks can be found at More about the Hayo’u Beauty Restorer is at Silvan Skincare’s full range is at View Weleda’s new tinted lip balms at More of Janey’s recommendations are at

made a documentary while living with tribal leaders and shamans HEALTH & BEAUTY 15 Natural beauty expert Janey Lee Grace on sticking to your resolutions, with a little help. 16