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EPP 471Crape Myrtleyrttle BarkBa k ScaleAndAndndJapaneseeMMapleaple ScaleIdentification and ControlFind PDFs of presentationspreesentations and links to newpublicationspubliccatioons atat thethe SoilSoil PlantPlaant andand PestPest CenterCenterweb site underr publications and presentationsFrank A. Hale, Ph.D.ProfessorEntomology and Plant PathologyCrapeCraape MyrtleMyrttlee Bark ScaleEriococcuss lagerostroemiaCrape myrtle bark scaleis a type of felt scaleImages courtesy of M. Merchant, Texas A&M AgriLife ExtensionCrape Myrtle Bark ScaleCrape Myrtle Bark Scale Populationss - USANew fact sheets at: Areas/publications/pdf/fsa-7086.pdfAnd .htmShelby Co. TN (2013)Fayette Co. TN (2014)Madison Co. TN (2015)Tipton Co. TN (2015)Gibson Co. TN (2016)Ardmore, OK(2012)Little Rock, AR(2014)Newnan, GA(2013)RichardsonShreveportMonroeMcKinney Longview Bossier City(2014)TylerPlano(2011)(2011, 2012)DallasMinden(2004, 2005,AlexandriaMobile, AL 20142006, 2007)(2014) Houma(2012)CollegeStation(2013)In 2014, CMBS was also detected in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. In March 2015,CMBS was found in south Mississippi.Image courtesy of M. Merchant, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Stress Induced By the ScaleInsecticide UsedNot Treated‘Natchez’ crape myrtle on left treated with dinotefuran on May 28, blooms better,appears more thrifty and lacks honeydew and black sooty mold compared tountreated one on right (Courtesy of J. Robbins, University of Arkansas)Overwinteringerwrwwintering nymphsnymphin bark cracks2-18-16Overwintering nymphsOverwintering nymph2-18-16Overwinteringintering nymph exudingexwax filaments2-18-162-18-16

A multiprongedmultiproonged integratedintegraated pestmanagementgement approachapprooacch to crapecrmyrtle barkk scale First,Fapply a dodormant application ofhorticultural oilAdult Femalewithout coverVentral ViewAdult Femalewithout coverDorsal ViewAdult female without cover lateral viewStylet6-29-156-29-15Gravid femalesproducing eggs

CraCrapeape MyrtleMyrttle Bark Scalee Eggs IndiIn icatethat Crawlers Will Soon Follow6-29-15Pressure washing crape myrtleCrape Myrtle Bark ScalePeeled back to show eggsImage by Janet Creech of a brave and dedicated employee ofDon Williams Landscaping LLC, Shreveport, LAWashing offfff CrapeCraapeMyrtle Bark Scale AsA needed, use a JDJD9D9D9-C9C spray gun at 125–115050 psi with insecticidal soap solution ora power washer to physically remove scaleOverwintering exposed scaleon 2-18-16Pealed back scale showinghundreds of eggs on July 30Pressure washing CulturalCpractices for removal of waxx scalesscaleandnd sootyy mold from ornamentalsornamentals,s, Ds,D. W.Held,Heeld, C. Wheeler, and W. McLaurin, SNAAResearch Conference Vol. 51 2006, pp14141411-144. PressurePrewashing with 15 degree tip on wandremovedremmoved less than or equal to 2020% of the sootymold from crape myrtle leaves ReRemoved 80%Removed80% of the Florida wax scale onholly leaves at 870, 1160, 1450 & 1740 psi

Can pressurepreessuree washingimprove biological control? WithW reduced scale populations, predaceous ladybeetles have better predator to prey ratios neededto achieve an acceptable level of biological controlSpringng soil applicationsapplicatiointhe landscape thiamethoxamm (Meridiann 25WG) imidaclopridd (Merit and other brand names)Hyperaspis bigeminata dinotefurann (Safari 2 G) Safari 20 SGTrunk spray applications Safari 20 SG SpSpray bark on rootSprayootot flareffllare and on trunk betweenbetweesoil surface and 4-5 above the soil surface ApApply only with a low volume sprayer operatingApplyatt less than 20 psi to preventpbounce back anddrift of spray dropletsScale Monitoringg StickyStraptraps can be made to catch the emerging scalecrawlers UsUse double sided Scotch tape, black electrical tape,Usetor even white tape coated with a thin layer ofpetroleumpeettroleum jelly (Tape color depends on crawler color)– Use white tape for crape myrtle bark scale crawlers Flagg the branch and check several times per weekstarting 100-14- days before expectedd emergenceAdditionally, targettarggetscaleale crawlerscraawlersrs usingusfoliar sprays TheT key to effective scale control is to applyan insecticide with thorough coverage whenthe crawlers have emerged from the eggs Thus,Tmonitoring for crawlers is esseessential todetermine the propeproper timing of theinsecticide spraysTargetedgeted crawlercraawler sprayspapplications Tarargetrget crawlers with insecticide sprays whenwhthey emerge around May and again forsecond generation crawlers in early August

Barkark and foliar spraysspraayfor scale controlDormantnt pruning in the landscape removesreemuch but not all the scale CoConservatio of beneficial insects is veryConservationimportant Appplypply insecinsectct ggrowthgrrowth regulators (IGR(IGRs)IGRR ) such asRs)pyriproxyfenpyy p y n (D((Distance,DFulcrum)) & buprofezin(Talus 70 DFF)Moderate pruningHeavy pruning of older plantsHeavy pruningCoppicing will kill crapecraapmyrtle bark scaleImages courtesyof M. Halcomb,UT Extension

Japanese Maple Scale Veryy small, white bodyy GeneralisGeneralistGst – attacksanumerous species!p chcherry,cherry, dogwood,dogwogwwood,EuonymusEuonymuus,uss, hholly,olly,,hornbeam,hhornbeamm Item,Iteaea,eaea, llilac,llinden,inden, magnmagnolia,agnnolia, maple,maple,pyracanthappyracanthha,, privet,haprivett,pt PrPrunusrunusus,rredbud, a,iaa, SStyraxtyrayraax,axaxx,yellowwood, & ZelkovaImage courtesy of A. Fulcher, UT Two ggenerations perp yearyin KY, TN and MD East coast, south of us, and spreadingpg Whilei this pest has been in many states for years it has recentlyrecenbecome an emergingg g nursery pest (KY in 2006, TN in 2010) Neww onoonn-lineliinne fact sheet Documents/W277.pdf

Japanese maple scale on euonymusAdult Female (Dorsal)Image courtesy of David Cook, UT ExtensionJapanese maple scale control aneseMaple Scale in the Nursery.pdf AnA annual application of dormant oil isrecommended but another controlmethod shoushould be used to gain control uments/Japanese Maple Scale in the Nursery.pdfJapanese maple scale control test FromFfoliar insecticide sprays,p y , insecinsectgrowth regularegulatorsulaators (IGRs) such aspyriproxifenn (F(Fulcrum)Fulcrum) were one of themost effective chemicals for reducing scalepopulations TimingTis critical so that the crawler stagecan be sprayed with thet IGRs Fulcrum,Distance and panese Maple Scale in the Nursery.pdfJapanese maple scale control test 00.50.55-1.0-1.1.0 % summer oil should be addedadde tothe IGRs to aid in the spread of thechemicals Additionally,Athe oil application withloosen the scale covers, allowing forr moremomsynchronous emergence of crawlerss –bringing them in direct contact with ents/Japanese Maple Scale in the Nursery.pdf

Japanese maple scale control test DiscusDN/G provide the best results fromthe systemic soil drenches ata the end ofthe first year of monitoring NoteN te tthat DiscuDiscusscucuu NusN/G containcontainsains imimidaclopridmidaclopandd ImidaclopridImmidaclopridd iss what isimpactingng ththehe scalele ssince iit is systemicwhile thee cyfluthrinn is not IImidaclopridmidaclopridmd ininsecticidesnsecticides for landscapelanduseinclude Merit and other apanese Maple Scale in the Nursery.pdfJapanese maple scale control testD DiscusN/G significantly reduced but didnot eliminateelimina Japanese maple scale in thefirst year However,Hby year two, Discus N/G treatedtrees had no visible signs of nese Maple Scale in the Nursery.pdfQuestions? AllA season horticultural oil targetinggg adadultsdults and eggsg duringggdudormantdrrmantmant periodp(late(falfallll orr earlyespring) apply whentemperature is above 60 600 F Imidaclopridd (Merit and other brands) as a spring drench In spring and summer target the crawlers with: pyriproxifenn (Distance, Fulcrum)) – IGR or buprofezinn (Talus 70DF)) – IGR horticulturalhorrticultural oil (0.(0.55-1 peppercent)rcent) can be tantanknknkk-mixedmixed withmwDistance, Fulcrum or Talus for improved .edu/publications/Documents/PB1594.pdf

Identification and Control Frank A. Hale, Ph.D. Professor . Fulcrum) )& RsR) such as pypyp yyriproxyfenpy & buprofezin (Talus 70 DF (D(D F) . While this pest has been in many states for years it has recentWhile this pest