Abaqus 6. 12 User Manual Pdf


Abaqus 6. 12 user manual pdf

Abaqus user manual 6.12.My SupportAbaqus/CAE User's Manual This reference manual includes detailed descriptions of how to generate models, submit and monitor analysis jobs, and evaluate and visualize results using Abaqus/CAE. Users of Abaqus/Viewer, which is a subset of Abaqus/CAE, should refer to Part V, Viewing results, for information on postprocessing.Abaqus Analysis User's Manual This manual is a complete reference for all of the capabilities of Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD and contains a description of the elements, material models, procedures, input specifications, etc. Usage information is provided for both the keyword and the Abaqus/CAE interfaces where applicable.Abaqus Glossary This glossary defines technical terms as they apply to the Abaqus Unified FEA Product Suite. Abaqus Example Problems Manual This manual contains detailed examples designed to illustrate the approaches and decisions needed to perform challenging, real-world linear and nonlinear analysis. Many of the examples are worked withseveral different element types, mesh densities, and other variations. Abaqus Benchmarks Manual This manual contains benchmark problems and analyses used to evaluate the performance of Abaqus; the tests are multiple element tests of simple geometries or simplified versions of real problems. The NAFEMS benchmark problems are included inthis manual. Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition This manual is designed to guide new users in creating solid, shell, and framework models with Abaqus/CAE; analyzing these models with Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit; and viewing the results in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE. Getting Started with Abaqus: KeywordsEdition This manual is designed to help new users become familiar with the Abaqus input file syntax for static and dynamic structural simulations. Using Abaqus Online Documentation This manual contains instructions for navigating, viewing, and searching the Abaqus HTML and PDF documentation. Abaqus Keywords Reference Manual This manualcontains a complete description of all the input options that are available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. Abaqus Theory Manual This manual contains detailed, precise discussions of all theoretical aspects of Abaqus. Abaqus Verification Manual This manual contains basic test cases, providing verification of each individual program featureagainst exact calculations and other published results. Abaqus Release Notes This manual contains brief descriptions of the new features available in the latest release of the Abaqus product line. Abaqus Scripting User's Manual This manual describes the Abaqus Scripting Interface, which is an application programming interface (API) to the modelsand data used by Abaqus. The manual takes you through the process of understanding the Python programming language and the Abaqus Scripting Interface. Many examples are provided to help you develop your own scripts. Abaqus Scripting Reference Manual This manual contains a complete description of each command in the Abaqus ScriptingInterface. Abaqus GUI Toolkit User's Manual This manual describes the Abaqus GUI Toolkit, which allows you to customize the Abaqus/CAE Graphical User Interface to address a specific set of problems. The manual is designed to guide you through the process of writing an application by explaining how to use the components of the toolkit and byproviding snippets of example code. Abaqus GUI Toolkit Reference Manual This manual provides a command reference that lists the syntax of each command in the Abaqus GUI Toolkit. Abaqus Interface for MSC.ADAMS User's Manual This manual describes how to use the Abaqus Interface for MSC.ADAMS, an interface program that creates Abaqusmodels of MSC.ADAMS components and converts the Abaqus results into an MSC.ADAMS modal neutral file that can be used by the ADAMS/Flex program. Abaqus Interface for Moldflow User's Manual This manual describes how to use the Abaqus Interface for Moldflow, an interface program that creates a partial Abaqus input file by translatingresults from a Moldflow polymer processing simulation. Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide This manual describes how to install Abaqus and how to configure the installation for particular circumstances. Your browser is not supported by this document. You can download Netscape Communicator from here. You can download Microsoft InternetExplorer from here. Your browser is not supported by this document. You can download Netscape Communicator from here. You can download Microsoft Internet Explorer from here. The documentation for Abaqus is extensive and complete. The following documentation and publications are available from SIMULIA through the Abaqus online HTMLdocumentation and in PDF format. For more information on accessing the online HTML manuals, refer to the discussion of execution procedures in the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual. For more information on printing the manuals, refer to “Printing from a PDF book,” Section 5.3 of Using Abaqus Online Documentation.Abaqus Analysis User'sManualThis manual contains a complete description of the elements, material models, procedures, input specifications, etc. It is the basic manual for Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, and Abaqus/CFD; and it provides both input file usage and Abaqus/CAE usage information. This guide regularly refers to the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, so youshould have it available as you work through the examples.Abaqus/CAE User's ManualThis manual includes detailed descriptions of how to use Abaqus/CAE for model generation, analysis, and results evaluation and visualization. Abaqus/Viewer users should refer to the information on the Visualization module in this manual.Other Abaqusdocumentation:Abaqus Example Problems ManualThis manual contains detailed examples designed to illustrate the approaches and decisions needed to perform meaningful linear and nonlinear analysis. Many of the examples are worked with several different element types, mesh densities, and other variations. Typical cases are large motion of anelastic-plastic pipe hitting a rigid wall; inelastic buckling collapse of a thin-walled elbow; explosive loading of an elastic, viscoplastic thin ring; consolidation under a footing; buckling of a composite shell with a hole; and deep drawing of a metal sheet. It is generally useful to look for relevant examples in this manual and to review them whenembarking on a new class of problem.When you want to use a feature that you have not used before, you should look up one or more examples that use that feature. Then, use the example to familiarize yourself with the correct usage of the capability. To find an example that uses a certain feature, search the online documentation or use the abaqusfindkeyword utility (see “Querying the keyword/problem database,” Section 3.2.13 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, for more information). All the input files associated with the examples are provided as part of the Abaqus installation. The abaqus fetch utility is used to extract sample Abaqus input files from the compressed archive files providedwith the release (see “Fetching sample input files,” Section 3.2.14 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, for more information). You can fetch any of the example files so that you can run the simulations yourself and review the results. You can also access the input files through the hyperlinks in the Abaqus Example Problems Manual.AbaqusBenchmarks ManualThis manual contains benchmark problems and analyses used to evaluate the performance of Abaqus; the tests are multiple element tests of simple geometries or simplified versions of real problems. The NAFEMS benchmark problems are included in this manual.Abaqus Verification ManualThis manual contains basic test cases,providing verification of each individual program feature (procedures, output options, MPCs, etc.) against exact calculations and other published results. It may be useful to run these problems when learning to use a new capability. In addition, the supplied input data files provide good starting points to check the behavior of elements, materials,etc.Abaqus Theory ManualThis manual contains detailed, precise discussions of all theoretical aspects of Abaqus. It is written to be understood by users with an engineering background.Abaqus Keywords Reference ManualThis manual contains a complete description of all the input options that are available in Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, andAbaqus/CFD.Abaqus User Subroutines Reference ManualThis manual contains a complete description of all the user subroutines available for use in Abaqus analyses. It also discusses the utility routines that can be used when writing user subroutines.Abaqus GlossaryThis manual defines technical terms as they apply to the Abaqus Unified FEAProduct Suite.Abaqus Release NotesThis manual contains brief descriptions of the new features available in the latest release of the Abaqus product line.In addition to the documentation listed above, the following manuals are available for Abaqus interfaces and custom programming techniques not discussed in this guide:SIMULIA also providesdocumentation for all of the geometry translators described in “The Abaqus products,” Section 1.1.Quality Assurance PlanThis document describes the QA procedures followed by SIMULIA. It is a controlled document, provided to customers who subscribe to either the Nuclear QA Program or the Quality Monitoring Service.Lecture NotesThese notesare available on many topics to which Abaqus is applied. They are used in the technical seminars that are presented to help users improve their understanding and usage of Abaqus. While not intended as stand-alone tutorial material, they are sufficiently comprehensive that they can usually be used in that mode.Abaqus online resourcesSIMULIA has ahome page on the World Wide Web (www.simulia.com), containing a variety of useful information about the Abaqus suite of programs, including:Frequently asked questionsAbaqus systems information and machine requirementsBenchmark timing documentsError status reportsAbaqus documentation price listTraining course scheduleNewsletters

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Abaqus user manual 6.12. My Support Abaqus/CAE User's Manual This reference manual includes detailed descriptions of how to generate models, submit and monitor analysis jobs, and evaluate and visualize results using Abaqus/CAE. Users of Abaqus/Viewer, which is a subset of Abaqus/CAE, should refer to Part V, Viewing results, for information on .