Model G 86 Inches Per Secondz!INSTRUCTION MANUALforEXER-GENIE exerciserSAMPLE TESTINGOFCALIBRATIONEXER-GENIE exerciser,,o110uo iao1 0, .,11 uo1111 1,0100 POUN D R[ 1 TA NC[u, no1 0no tto nolOO POUNDS RCSI STA NC[Diagram11 1:,oJIO300uo no J o n oJH110no noPOUND S RCSISU. N C[40017SPECIFICATIONSWEIGHT:DIMENSIONS:Less than 2 pounds, completeIn carryingcase 8" x 9MATERIALS : Shaft and Spool .Bullet Pin . . . . .Screw and Snap Ring .Casing and Slip SleeveLine . . . . . . .Door Strap . . . .Handle s .Carrying Case . . . .Decals . .Bumper.ManualACCESSORIES(Optional/i"1with carryingx 2" -case.less footboardRust-proof aluminum alloy, chrome plated. Stainless steel. Coated metal. Anodiz ed aluminum. Specially braided nylonNylon. Hardwood, sealed and natural finishPlastic w ith metal zipperMylar. Vinyl compoundat extra cost)Copyright 1966, 1967 , 1968, 1970EXER-GENIE, INC. U.S.A.FOOTBOARDLONG LINE HARNESS SET (50' heavy duty nylon line and 2 nylon ShoulderHarnesses)SHOULDER HARNESSHEAVY DUTY NYLON LINE12 FOOT REPLACEMENT LINE15" WEB LOOP WITH SLIDE-UsedAs-Anchorin g StrapPhysical Therapy StrapHead StrapFoot Strap64 Registered Trademark of EXER·GENIE, INC.I
TYPICAL TEN STATION CIRCUIT FOR MENUSING 11 EXERCISERSTABLEOFCONTENTSINTRODUCTION. . . . . . . .GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . .CARE OF YOUR EXER-GENIE exerciser .EXER-GEN IE exerciser (Assembly). .OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Resistance Control) .ANCHOR ING INSTRUCTIONS.TO REMOVE & REPLACE HANDLES .TO SHORTEN LINE . . . . . .ACCESSORY ATTACHMENT . .EXERCISE METHODS . . . . . . .ANATOMY CHART . . . .EXERCISE INDEX . . . . . . . . .WARRANTY. . . . . . .PROGRESS CHART . . . . .IV11234556, 7789Inside front coverInside back coverEXERCISEINSTRUCTIONSSINGLE FLOOR SERIES:TOTAL ROW . . . . . . . . .ROW. . .LATS. . . . . . . . . TRICEPS. . . . . . .CHEST. . . . . . .SIT UP . . . . . .LEG. . .··.· ·····THIGH. . . . . . . . . . . ·····10, 11. 12. 13. 141515· 1617Fig. 173SINGLE STANDING SERIES:CHEST. . . . . . . . . .LATS. . .SCAPULAR. . . . .TRICEPS. . . .FORWARD BEND . . . . . . . .HIP. . . . . .THIGH. . . . . . .JOGGING. .1819192021212223. . . . . . . . . . . .23232425262627.RUNNINGSINGLE CHAIR SERIES:CHEST. . .SCAPULAR. . . . .LATS. . .TRICEPS. . . . . .FORWARD BEND . . . . .KNEE. . . . . . . . .LEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEN'S SERIES:BIG FOUR . . . .CURL. . . . . .TOTAL ROW . . . . .ROW. . . . . . . . .N ECK. . .CHEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28,292930,3132,333334Fig. 174An essential augmentation to the tenstationcircuit.One 'buddy ' runsagainst resistance to the end of a 50'heavy duty line ''' as partner in har ness ''' walks back to point of anchor.Proper form and running techniquemay be ana lyzed and corrected whilesubjects work to develop leg strengthand balance .* See accessories page 64II
THE TEN STATION CIRCUITThe ten station circuit requires only a small area. It can be used without prep aration indoor s or outdoor s with minimum supervi sion . It is adaptabl e to individualor group conditionin g.The EXER-GENIE exerciser with its comp actne ss, port ability and versatilit y isideally suited to circuit training .ADVANTAGES OF THE CIRCUITSince two students or athlete s can occupy each station as many as twenty ma ywork out at one time . The coach does not need to organize the class accordin gto size or strength. As partner control s resistance with the trail line, each personcan exerci se to the limits of his personal capacity throu ghout the circuit in 10 l 5 minutes .Cir:cuit exerci ses available for sport s such as footb all, basketb all, wrestling, swimming and tenni s.TYPICAL TEN STATION CIRCUIT FOR WOMENUSING 11 EXERCISERSTABLEOFCONTENTSMEN'S SERIES Contin ued343535SCAPULAR . . . . . . . . . . .LATS. . . . . . . . . .BENCH PRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRICEPS. . . . . . . . . .BICEPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .FOREARM. . . . . . . . . . .FORWARD BEND . . . . . . . .SIT UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SIDE BEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LEG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIGH. . . . . .· . . . . . . . . . .LEG PRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JOGGING. . . . . . . . . . . .36373738393940414242DUAL FLOOR SERIES:TOTAL ROW . . . . . . .ROW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LATS. . . . . . . .TRICEPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHEST. . . . . . . . . .FORWARD BEND (Stand i ng) . . . . . . . .SIT UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LEG. . . . . . . . . . . . . .THIGH. . . . . . . . . . . . . .JOGGING. . . . . . . . . . .44 , 45454646464747484950DUAL CHAIR SERIES:ROW.LATS. . . . .CHEST. .TRICEPS. . .FORWARD BEND. . . . . . . . . . . . .5152525353. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?GH . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :INTRODUCTION TO 'SPECIFICS'FOOTBALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57BASKETBALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57TRACK. . . . . . . . . . . . 58f ! G::: : : :· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . .GOLF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BOWLING. . . . . . . . . . . . . .i!6060. 61TEN STATION CIRCUITWOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATIO N CIRCUI T62MEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCAT ION C IRCUIT . : : : : : : : : 63Fig. 172MISCELLANEOUSCALIBRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64ACCESSORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6462m
MEN'S SERIESGENERAL CONDITIONINGCONTINUOUSROWUPPER BODYBack - Shoulders - ArmsBIG FOURISOMETRIC HOLDLEG PRESSAnchor to footboard ? Use double han dles.Set resistance required to doUPRIGHT ROW ('clean'). Toss handleon trail line abo ut four feet away fromunit to increase resistance needed forMILITARY PRESS. Stand on footboardwith feet appro x. shoulder width apartand bend knees. Keeping arms straightand stomachin, grasp handle withpalms down and pull isometrically for10 seconds.Fig. 84Muscles most used Fig. 63 and usmedialis,Vastus intermedius,Vastus osus,Semimembranosus.Fig. 85Anchor 18" above floor. Use double handles. Assume position away from unit ,grasp handle and row through to chest. Drop handle, stretch forward and ·graspother handle to continue rowing.Fig. 64Ease IJl JancooMuscles most used: Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis,Posterior Deltoid,lnfr aspinatus, Teres minor, long head of Triceps brachii , Midd le Trapezius, Rhom boid. S\l11ttt%\'fJ1b%e1t.legs.Fig. 63CLEANThe 'curl ' (Fi g. 69 -70) may be included as part of the Big Four in place ofthe 'CLEAN' (Fig . 65 -66).Drop trail line. Keeping hands close tobody , pull to chin ('clean' ) .Muscles most used. Trapezius, Serratus anterior,Deltoid , Supraspinatus,Biceps brachii,Bra chialis, Brachiora dialis .Fig. 86Anchor at head level. Attach 15" web loop with slide .'' Grasp handle and pull iso metrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and flex head away from unit (to front,back and each side) .Fig. 66* See accessories.Rotate hands, bringing elbows down.Pg. 6428Muscles most used: Forward: Sternocleidomastoid ; Backward: Erector spinae musclegroup; Side: Sternocleidomastoid,Erector spinae muscle group.* See accessories Pg. 64, Pg. 6, Diagram 733
NGBENT LEGRECIPROCATING STRAIGHT LEG(Hip(K"'' '"d H;pExtension)E teas;otFig. 91 Fig. 89Anchor at shou lder leve l. Use wi re hand les . With arm extended to side, grasp han dle and pull isometrically for 10 seconds. Keeping arm straight, ease resistance andmove arm to front of body. As arm crosses center of body, rotate palm and movearm downward.Musclesmostused: Delto id, obrachialis .Fig. 61Fig. 62Anchor overhead when seated. Attach15" web loops. ' Controlling resistanceon trail line with lowered leg, push isometricallyfor 10 seconds.Keep in gknees locked and toes po i nted, moveleg in downw ar d sweep . While main tainin g resistance, lowered leg movesto exercise position and exercised legassumes control of resistance.Anch or overh ead when seated . Attach15" web loops .,:, Do not point toes .Bend knee and brin g one thigh asclose to body as possible. Extend other leg to control resistance on trai llin e. Push isometrically for 10 seconds .Push bent leg to full extension. Wh ilemaintaining resistance other leg movesinto bent knee positi o n and exercisedleg assumes control of resistance.RECIPROCATING SCAPULARAdduction)(HorizontalAbduction)Muscles most used: Semitendinosus,Semimembranosus,Bicepsfemoris ,Gluteus maximus, Gastrocne"Jius.Muscles most used: Quadriceps (Rec tus femoris, Vastus medialis, Vastusinterm ed ius, Vastus lateralis), Gluteusma x imus, Semitendinosus,Semimembranosus , Biceps femoris .Fig. 93Anchor at shoulder level. Use wirehandles . Facing unit with arms extendedand slightlyforwardfr omsides, gras p handles and pull isometrica lly for 10 seconds. Keeping armsstrai ght, alternately move arm s in arcfr om front to side .Anc hor at shou lder level.Use wirehandles. With arms extended slightlyforward, gras p handles and push iso . metr ically for 10 seco nds .Keepin gelbows locked, alternate ly move armsin arc from side to front .Muscles most used: Deltoid , Pector alis major , Coracobrachialis.Muscles most used : Trapezius, Rhom bo id, Deltoid, Triceps brachii,lnfra spinatus , Teres minor.NOTE: Do not twist at waist34* See accessories.Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 927
MIDSECTIONLATSFORWARD BENDAbdominalUPPER BODYTrunk - ShouldersAreal;Fig. 58Anchor above head when seated. Use double handles. With head lowered and elbows forward, grasp handle bel1ind neck and pull isometrica lly for 10 seconds. Easeresistance and bend forward and down.Muscles most used: Rectus abdomi ni s, External oblique,abdomin is.Int ernal oblique, Tran svers eFig. 94Anchor overhead. Use double handles. Extend arms over l1ead, gra sp liandle andpull down isometrically for 10 seconds. Keepin g elbows loc ked , ease resista nce andpull to thighs.Muscles most used : Latissimusceps brachii .LEGSdorsi , Pectora li s major, Teres major,Delt oid. Tri -BENCH PRESSKNEE EXTENSIONMuscle s most used are witl1in thequadricepsfemorismusc le group:Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis , Vastus intermedius,Vast us lateralis.Fig. 60Fig. 59Anchor to back leg of chair. Attach 15" web loop. ,:, With knee bent. push isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and push leg to full extension.* See accessories.Pg. 6, Dia grams 8 & 926Fig. 97Fig. 96Anchor at chin level. Use doub le handles . Grasp l1andle and push isometrically10 seconds. Ease resistance and push arms to full extension.forMuscles most used: Deltoid, Pectoralis ma jo r, Coracobrachi alis, Biceps brachii, Tri ·ceps brachi i, Pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior.35
ARMSARMSTRICEPSTRICEPS(ElbowExtension}Fig. 54Fig. 98Fig. 99Fig. 100Anchor above head . Use double handles . With elbows bent and forward, grasp handle above head and push isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and pusharms to full extension.Fig. 55Anchor above head when seated. Use double hand les. With elbows bent and fo rward,grasp handle above head and push isometrically for 10 seco nds. Ease res istanceand push arms to full extension.Muscle most used: Triceps brachiiMuscle most used: Triceps brachiiRECIPROCATING TRICEPSRECIPROCATING TRICEPSAnchor at head level. Use wi re handles. With elbows bent and forward,gras p handles and push isometricallyfor 10 seconds. Alternately push armsto full extension.Musclemost used: Tricepsbrachii.Fig. 56Anchor above head when seated. Use wire ha ndles. Wit h elbows bent and forward ,grasp handles and push isomet r ically for 10 seconds . Alternately push arms t o f ullextens ion.Muscle most used: Triceps brachiiFig. 1013625
UPPER BODYARMSBICEPSLATS( Elbow Flexio n)Trunk · ShouldersRECIPROCATINGAnch o r overhead wh en seated. Use double handles. Extend arms overhead , gras pha ndle and pul l down isometr ica lly for 10 seconds . Keepin g el bows locked , easeresis ta nce an d pu ll to knees.Muscles mostceps brachii.used: Latissimusdorsi,Pectoralismajor,Teres ma jo r, Deltoid,Tri -Fig. 104Fig. 103Anch or at head level. Use double han dles. Keepin g elbows up and arms extended , grasp handle and pull isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and pull handle toward head .Muscles most used: BicepsBrachialis,Brachiorad ialis . ·BICEPSAn cl1or at llea d level. Use wi re l1andles. With elb ows bent. grasp hand lesand pul l isometrically for 10 seconds.Alte rnately flex and extend el bows.Muscl es most used : BicepsBrac hialis, Brac hio radia lis .brachii,brac hii ,FOREARM DEVELOPMENTRECIPROCATINGLATS./An cho r overhead. Use wireExtend arms , grasp handl esisometrically for 10 seconds .elbowslocked,alt ernatelyarms with downward sweep.handles.and pullKeepin gexerciseMuscles most used: Lat issimus dorsi,Pectora l is ma jor, Teres major, Deltoid,Triceps brachii .Fig . 105Fig . 106Anchor 6 "· 10" abo ve tab le. Use wir e handles. Position forearm at r igh t angle totable or desk . Grasp ha ndle and pull isome t rica lly for 10 seconds. Ease resistanceand sweep arm downward. Repeat with other arm.Muscles most used: Teres major, Lat issim us dorsi , Subscapular is, Pectora l is majo r,Brachioradialis,Ul nar flexor, Round pronator . Radia l flexor.Fig . 532437
GENERAL CONDITIONINGMIDSECTIONJOGGINGFORWARD BENDAbdo mi nal AreaAnchor at waist level. Attach harness '''and place around midsection.Jogagainst resistance.Fig. 108Fig. 107SINGLE CHAIR SERIESAnchor at head level. Use doub le handles . Keeping knees bent and head lowered,grasp handle behind neck. With elbows forward, pull isometrica lly for 10 seconds.Ease res istance and bend downward as far as possible.Musc les most used.: Rectus abdominis,abdom inis.External oblique, Internal ob lique, Transverse(HorizontalUPPER BODYRECIPROCATING SCAPULARRECIPROCATING CHEST(HorizontalAdduction)Abduction)FORWARD BENDFig. 109Fig. 110Anchor at head level when seated. Use double hand les. with elbows forward and headlowered, grasp handle beh i nd neck and pull isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and bend forward and down.Musc les most used: Rectus abdominis,abdominis.Muscles most used: Deltoid,alis major, Coracobrachialis.External oblique, Internal ob l ique , .Transverse*See accessories.38Anc hor at shoulder level when seated.Use wire hand les. Facing unit witharms extended and s lightly forwardfrom sides, grasp handle and pull isometrically for 10 seconds . Keeping elbows locked, alternatelymove armsin arc from front to side.Anchor at shoulder level when seated.Use wire handles. With arms extendedslightly forward,grasp handles andpush isometricallyfor 10 seconds .Keepingelbowslocked,alternatelymove arms in arc from side to front.Pector-Muscles most used: Trapezius, Deltoid,Triceps brachii, lnfraspinatus , Teresminor.NOTE: Do not twist at waistPg. 6, Diagrams 10 & 1123
HIP & THIGHMIDSECTIONINNER THIGH PULLSIT UPAbdominalFig. 44Anchor 18' above floor. Attach 15 " web loop. ,:, Placing hand against wall for support , stand sideways to unit with feet ;ipart and pull with leg isometrically for 10seco nd s. Ease resistance and swing leg across as far as possible. Face op positedirection to work other thi gh.Muscles most used: Adductorbrevis, Addu ctor magnus,Adductorlon gus ,Ar eaFig. 111Anchor 6 " above floor . Use double handles. Keep ing knees bent and feet flat 0 11floor , grasp handle behind neck. With elbows forward and lower back on floor. raiseshoulders and pull isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and curl forwarduntil elbows to uch knees . Feet may be held down by partn er or objec t.NOTE: Do not arch back .OUTER THIGH PULLMuscles most used: Rectus ;ibdominis,abdominis.(Hip Abduction)External obliq ue, Int erna l oblique . TransverseSIDE BEND( Lat era I Flexion)Fig . 45Anchor 18" above floor . Attach 15" web loop. ,:, Stand sideways to unit and placehand against wall for support. Cross leg toward unit and push with leg isometri allyfor 10 seconds. Ease resis tance and swing leg away from unit as far as possible.Face opposite dire ct ion to work other thigh.Muscles most used: Gluteus medius, Biceps femoris,branosus, Tractus iliotibialis .* See accessories.Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 922Vastuslateralis,Semimem -Fig. 113Fig. 114 (Alt.)Anchor to footboard: " Use wire handles. Shorten line (Pg- 5, Diagram 6). Keepingshoulders bac k, bend direct ly to side, grasp handle s and pull isome tric ally for 10seco nd s. Bend to other side. Pull isome trically for 10 seconds and return.Muscles most used: Interna l oblique,sp in ae.* See accessories pg . 64Externa l oblique,39Rectus abdominis,Erector
LEGSMIDSECTION(HipAnchorExte nsi on )seated18" aboveFORWARD BENDIRECIPROCATING STRAIGHT LEGAbdominal1AreaAnchor overhead. Used doub le handles. Keeping knees bent and head lowered,grasp handle behind neck with overhand grip. With el bows forward , pu ll isometrica ll yfor 10 seco nds. Ease resistance and bend downward as far as poss ible.Muscles most used Semitendinosus ,Semimembranosus , Bicepsfemoris ,Gluteus maximus, Gastrocnemius.Muscles most used: Rectus abdominis,verse abdominis .Attach 15" web loops .'" Keeping toes pointed, bring one leg up and over body.Contro lli ng resistance on trail line w ith lowered leg, push isometrica l ly for 10 seconds. Keeping knees locked, move leg in downward sweep. While mainta ining resistance, other leg moves to exercise position and exercised leg assumes controlof resistance.Note: Both legs may be exercised simultaneouslyExternaloblique,Internalob l ique, Trans-HIP AND LEGHIP FLEXIONHIP EXTENSION'J(Pg. 16, Fig. 20)RECIPROCATING BENT LEG(K nee and Hip Extension)Anchor overhead whenMuscles most used: Quadriceps (Rectus femoris . Vastus media l is, Vastusintermedius, Vastus latera lis) , Gluteusmaximus, Semitendinosus,Semimem branosus, Biceps femor is.Anchor18" above floor. Attach 15" web loops.' :' Do not point toes. Bend knee and bring one thigh as closeto body as possible . Extend other leg to contr ol resistan ce on trail line. Push isometrica lly for 10 seco nds. Push bent leg to full extension. While maintainin g resistance other leg moves into bent knee position and exe rcised leg assumes controlof res is ta nee.Note: Both legs may be exercised simu ltaneously* See accessories Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 940(Pg. 16, Fig. 22);IAnchor 18" above floor. Attach 15"web loop. ,:,Facin g door, bring footclose to unit and pul l isometrica l ly for10 seconds. Ease resistance and pullleg backward.Anchor 18' above f loor. Attach 15"web loop.' Push leg forward isometrica lly for 10 seconds. Ease resistanceand push leg forward to full extens ion.Muscles most used:Tensor fasciaelatae, Rectus femoris, Adductor ma gnus, Vastus latera lis , Vastus medialis .Muscles most used: Gluteus maximus,Sem ite ndinos us,Sem imembranosus,Biceps femo r is, Gastrocnemius.*See accessories.Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 921
ARMSHIP AND THIGHTRICEPS(ElbowINNER THIGH PULLExtension}(Hip Adduction)Fig. 119Fig. 37Anchor above head. Use double han dles . With elbows bent and forward,grasp handle above head and pushisometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and push arms to full extension.Musclemostused : TricepsAnchor to footboard. Use double handles. Preset resistance . Keeping elbowsforward,grasp handle behind headwith underhand gr ip and push arms tofull extension overhead.An c hor 18" above fl oo r . Attach 15" web loops. ''' Stand sideways lo unit and placehand against wall for support. With feet apart, pull with leg isometrically for 10seconds. Ease resistance and swing leg across as far as possib le. Face oppos it edirection to work other thigh.Muscles most used: Addu ctor brev is. Addu ctor magnus.Adcluctorlongus. Gracilis .OUTER THIGH PULLMuscle most used: Triceps brachiibrachii(Hip Abduction)Anchor at head level. Use wire handles.With elbows bent and forward , grasphandles and push isometrically for 10seconds. Alternately push arms to fullextension .Muscle most used: Triceps brachii.Fig. 122Fig. 121An cho r 18" abo ve floor. Attach 15" web loops. ' Stand sideways to unit and placehand against wa ll for support. Cross leg toward unit and push with leg isometrica llyfor 10 seconds. Ease resistance and swing leg away from un it as fa r as possible .Face opposite direction to work othe r thigh.Musclesmost used: Gluteusmedius , Biceps femoris , Vastusbranosus, Tractus iliotibialis.*See accessories.Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 9Fig. 382041lateral is, Semimem -
LEGSUPPER BODYLEG PRESSLATSTrunk - ShouldersLegsFig. 124Fig. 123Anchor to footboard ::'Attach harness ':' to end of line (Pg. 6, Diagram 12.) Stand onfootboard with knees bent . Lift isometrically for 10 seconds. Straighten back, easeresistance and push legs to complete extension . End with heel raise.NOTE:Do not lift with back.Muscles most used: Quadriceps (Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis, Vastus inter medius , Va.;;tus lateralis), Gluteus maximus , Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus .GENERAL CONDITIONINGJOGGINGAnchor overhead . Use double handles. Extend arms , grasp handle and pull downisometrically for 10 seconds. Keeping elbows locked and arms straight, ease resistance and pull to thighs.Muscles most used: Latissimusceps brachii.dorsi,Pectoralismajor,Teres major,Deltoid,Tri -RECIPROCATINGSCAPULAR(HorizontalAbduction)Anchor at shoulder level. Use wirehandl es.Facing unit with arms extended an d sli ghtly forward from sides,g rasp hand les and pu ll isometr ica llyfor 10 seconds. Keeping arms strai gh t,altern ate ly move arms in arc fromfront t o side.Anchor at waist level. Attach harness ':'and place around m idsection (pg. 6 ,diagrams 10 & 11). Jog against resistance.NOTE: Do not twist at waistMuscles most used: Trape zius, Del t o id, lnfr asp in at us, Teres minor, Tri ceps Brachii.Fig. 125Fig. 35* See accessories pg. 644219
UPPER BODYSTANDING SERIESCHEST(Horiz ontalAdduction)DUAL EXERCISESFig. 29 Fig. 30Fig. 31An chor at sho ulder level. Use wire handles. Witl1 arm extended to side, grasp hand leand pull isometrical ly for 10 seconds . Keeping arm straight, ease resistance andmove arm to front of body. As arm crosses center of body, rot ate palm and movearm downward.Muscles most used: PROCATING CHESTEXERCISE TOGETHER - WEAK AND STRONG - OLD AND YOUNGAnchor at shoulder level.Use wirehand les. With arms extendedandslight ly forward from side, grasp handles and push isometrically for 10 seconds. Keeping elbows locked, alternately move arms in arc from side to front.NOTE: Do not twistat waist .Muscles most used: Deltoid,major. Coracobrachialis.18PectoralisWith partner controll ing resistance on the trail lin e, individuals with differencesstrength and size may exercise together, each working to
DUAL SERIESHIP AND THIGHGENERAL CONDITIONINGINNER THIGH PULL(Hip Adduction)TOTAL ROWAnchor 18" above floor. Use double handles. Partners alternatelywhile moving to starting position.contro l resistanceGrasp handle close to unit and pullisometricallyfor 10 seconds againstpartner contro lled resistance.Fig. 25Anchor 18" above floor. Attach 15" web loop. ,:, With feet apart, pull with leg isometrically for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and swing leg across as far as possible.Face opposite direction to work other thigh.Muscles most used: Adductorbrevis, Adductormagnus, Adductorlongus, Gracilis.OUTER THIGH PULLFig. 126Keeping elbows high, row to cl1est aspartner eases resistance.Fig. 26Muscles most used:Biceps d,lnfraspinatus,Teres minor,Jong head of Triceps brachi i, MiddleTrapezius, Rhomboid.Fig. 27Anchor 18' above floor. Attach 15" web loop .''' Cross leg toward unit and push iso metrically for 10 seconds . Ease resistance and swing leg out as far as possible.Face opposite direction to w?rk other thigh.Muscles most used: Gluteus medius . Biceps femoris.branosus, Tractus iliotibialis.Vastus medialis,Semimem -INNER or OUTER THIGH PULL(Hip AdductionLower back to floor as partnersit up.beginsMuscles mostmuscle group.spinaeused:Erectorand Abduction)Anchor 18" above floor. Attach 15"web loops. ,:, Alternately work thighs insc issors motion. Face opposite direction and repeat.Fig. 28Fig. 128*See accessories.44Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 917
LEGSSTRAIGHT LEG(HipGENERAL CONDITIONINGExtension)TOTAL ROW C o111i,111eclAnch or 18" above floor . Attach 15 "web loop. ,:, Keepin g knees locked andtoes pointed , bring legs up and overbody and push downward isomet r ical lyfor 10 seco nds. Ease resistance andmove legs in downward sweep.Muscles most used: Semitendinosus,Semimembranosus , Bic eps femoris ,Gluteus m aximus, Gastrocnemius.With hand s at ch est, contin ue loweri ng bac k to f loo r as pa rt ne r ext ends arms andcomp let es sit up .RECIPROCATING STRAIGHT LEGMuscles most used : 1st part ner: Erecto r spi nae mu scle group. 2 nd pa rtne r: Rect usabdominis, External obliq ue, Int ernal o bl iqu e.Anchor 18" above floor. Attach 15 "web loops. ,:,Keep ing toes pointed , bringone leg up and over body . Controllingres istance on trail l ine with loweredleg, push isometrically fo r 10 seconds.Keeping k nees locked , move leg indownwardsweep . While maintainingresistance, other leg moves to exercisepositionand exercised leg assumescontrol of resistance.Fig. 130'Press' arms overhead to co m plete exte nsi on as part ne r assum es sta rtin g posit ion.Fig. 21BENT LEGMuscles mostante r ior.used: Deltoid,Tri ceps bra chii , Supraspina tus,Tra pezi us, Serra t us(Knee and Hip Extension)Anchor 18" above floor . Attach 15"web loops. * Do not point toes . Bendknees and brin g thighs as close tobody as possible . Push isometricallyfor 10 seconds . Ease resistance andpush legs to full extension .UPPER BODYSCAPULAR ROWMuscles most used: Quadriceps (Rec tus f emoris , Vastus medialis, Vastusintermedius, Vastus lateralis) , Gluteusmaximus, Semitendinosus,Semimem branosus, Biceps femoris .Fig. 23Anchor 18" above floor. Attach 15 " web loops .,:, Do not point to es. Bend knee andbring one thigh as close to body as possibl e. Ext end oth er leg t o control resistanceon trail line. Push isometrically for 10 seconds . Push bent leg away from head .Whi le maintai ning resistance other leg moves int o bent knee position and exercised leg assumes control of resistance .* See accessories.Pg. 6, Diagrams 8 & 916Fig. 131Anc hor 18" above floo r . Use double ha ndles . Extend arms fo rw ard , gra s p ha ndlea nd pull isometrically for 10 seco nds against partner cont ro lled res istance . Kee pingelbows high, row to chest as partner ease s resist ance to ass ume st arti ng posit ion.Muscles most used: Trapezius , Rhomb o id.,tr;
UPPERBODYUPPERBODYRECIPROCATING CHESTLATS(HorizontalTrunk ShouldersAdduction)Anchor 18" above floor .Use wirehandles. With arms exte nded sl ight lyforward, grasp handles and push isometrically for 10 seconds. Keeping elbows locke d, alternately move arms inarc from side to front.NOTE: Do not twistat waist.Muscles most used: Deltoid, Pectoral ismajor, Coracobrach iali s.Fig. 132Anchor 18" above floor. Use double handles. Extend arms overhead, grasp handleand pull isomet ric ally for 10 seconds aga inst partner contro lled resistance. Keepingelb ows loc ked, pull down to thighs as partner eases resis t ance to assume startingpos ition.Muscles most used : Latissimus dorsi, Pectoralis major, Teres major, Delto id , Tricepsbrachii.TRICEPSAnchor 18 " above floor. Use doublehand les. With elbows bent and forward,grasp hand le above head and push isometrically for 10 seconds against part·ner controlfed resistance. Push armsto full extension as partner eases re·s istance to assume start ing pos ition .Musclemostused:Tricepsbrachii.Anc hor 18" above floor . Use wire handles. Wit h arms extended and elbows locked,grasp handles and pull isometrically for 10 seconds. Keeping elbow s lock ed, alternately work one arm upward.Musclesmostused: Deltoid,AbdominalAdduction)Fig. 134Anchor 18" above floor. Use wire handles. With arm exten ded , grasp handle andpull isometr ically for 10 seconds against partner contro ll
Cir:cuit exercises available for sports such as footb all, basketball, wrestling, swim . table or desk . Grasp handle and pull isome trica lly for 10 seconds. Ease resistance and sweep arm downward. Repeat with other arm. Muscles most used: Teres major, Latissim us dorsi , Subscapular is, Pectora lis majo r, .