MISSIONRasmussen College is an institution of higher learning dedicated to globalenrichment and meeting the evolving needs of our diverse communities.With an emphasis on innovative programs, dynamic curriculum, and general educationskills, we are committed to being a pioneer in the field of career-focused education.We empower our students, faculty and staff to exceed the expectations of society throughacademic excellence, community enrichment, and service to the public good.PURPOSESTO ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION, RASMUSSEN COLLEGE ESTABLISHED THESE PURPOSES:1. Educational Excellence and Assessment: Rasmussen College fosters a learning andteaching community that is challenging, stimulating and student-focused. TheCollege uses continuous evaluation and a number of assessment tools andmethods to ensure student learning, effective teaching, studentpersistence and institutional effectiveness.2. Teaching, Learning, and Development: Rasmussen College provides learningopportunities in an environment of mutual respect in an unbiased atmosphere,preparing students and team members for success, lifelong learning and continuedimprovement in a global environment.3. Mission and Service: Rasmussen College publicly states its mission and demonstratesits commitment to the public good by supporting career-focused education thatempowers local communities. The College builds community through education andinteracts with its constituency with integrity and transparency.4. Resources and Effectiveness: Rasmussen College allocates resources to humancapital, facilities and technology in its commitment to accuracy, connectedness andtimeliness. The College is dedicated to effective use and investment of resources anda quality learning and teaching environment for students, staff and faculty.5. Diversity and Inclusion: Rasmussen College promotes diversity awareness, respectfor multiple perspectives, and inclusion among all College stakeholders in andout of classrooms.
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONS2014-2015ACADEMIC CALENDARTABLE OF CONTENTSLetter from the President2AcceleratED3 2014 Fall Session IOctober 6 – November 16Flex Choice4 2014 Fall Session IINovember 17 – December 28SUPPORT 5School of Business6School of Education15School of Justice Studies16Flex Choice Option17General Education19Course Descriptions20Academic Information and College Policies27Faculty and Staff46 2014 Summer Session IIAugust 18 – September 28 2015 Winter Session IJanuary 5 – February 8 2015 Winter Session IIFebruary 9 – March 29 2015 Spring Session IApril 6 – May 10 2015 Spring Session IIMay 11 – June 28 2015 Summer Session IJuly 6 – August 9COLLEGE HOLIDAYS New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Dayand the following Friday Christmas Day888-5-RASMUSSEN1
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSWELCOME TORASMUSSEN COLLEGEI am honored that you have selected Rasmussen College as your institutionto achieve your educational goals. At Rasmussen College, we are constantlyresearching and developing new programmatic offerings and course deliverymethodologies that meet the needs of employers in our communities andour ever-changing student body. It is with this consistent programmaticfocus that Rasmussen College continuously updates existing programs andlaunches new programs in order to stay relevant with the careers of today.We understand there are many reasons that aided in your decision to completeyour education. Whether it was for career advancement opportunities, tomake yourself more in-demand in the job market or even a personal life goalthat you set for yourself—our programs are specifically designed for studentslike you to affordably complete your degree at a pace that’s right for you.Whatever your reasons may be for returning to school, you have taken the right step towardaccomplishing your goals. Combined with SUPPORT , our network of student support services,Rasmussen College provides you with a solid foundation of customized academic supporttools and resources, so you can be successful on your path toward earning your degree.At Rasmussen College, serving the diverse needs of the communities around us isingrained in the culture. By becoming a Public Benefit Corporation, we can continue tomake an impact on the social welfare of communities through career-focused educationand volunteer efforts that are not only sustainable, but potentially life-changing.I wish you the best of luck achieving your educational goal,and I look forward to seeing you at graduation.Sincerely,Kristi A. WaitePresident, Rasmussen College2rasmussen.edu
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSYOUR BACHELOR’S DEGREE—AcceleratEDOur AcceleratED Bachelor’s Degree Completion Program isWith fully online, six-week courses competitively priced atdesigned for students with previous college credit who want 260 per credit, our AcceleratED students can completeto transfer their credit, accelerate their degree timeline andtheir Bachelor’s degree in as little as 18 months.*earn their Bachelor’s degree at an affordable cost.SAVE TIMETRANSFER CREDITSMaximizing your transfer of credit is one way RasmussenTransferring your credits doesn’t need to be difficult.College helps minimize your time to graduation. ThroughAt Rasmussen College, our transfer policies*our AcceleratED program, we also help streamlinework to maximize your credit transfer by:your time to graduation with six-week courses. This A ccepting successfully earned course credits andefficient course structure, combined with our extensivetransfer policy options, can allow you to completeyour Bachelor’s degree in as little as 18 months.Associate’s degrees, regardless of area of study B lock transferring successfully earned college credits (60 quartercredits or 40 semester credits), regardless of area of studySAVE MONEY A llowing no expiration of previously earnedOur AcceleratED Bachelor’s degrees are designed to E arning credit for prior learning and military experiencemaximize your return on investment. In fact, with ourcourses competitively priced at 260 per credit, you cansave up to 43% in tuition costs over other colleges.*Plus, with our tuition guarantee, your tuition cost willnot increase if you are continuously enrolled.*general education creditsWe will review your transcripts, so you know exactlywhich credits transfer and whether you are eligiblefor one of our AcceleratED programs.You can review our official transfer policies atrasmussen.edu/admissions/transfer-students.* Time to complete is dependent on number of credits transferred in and credits taken per quarter. 260 per credit applies to students taking 12 or more credits per quarter and does not includethe 150 course resources fee. Rasmussen College reserves the right to deny or accept transfercredits per the policies in the course catalog. Tuition will not increase for four years followingthe start date of a program if a student is continuously enrolled quarter to quarter. Please referto your Program Manager for details and restrictions on the Partner Success Grant. Averagecost per credit was calculated by taking the average cost per credit of five online collegesreported in: Barclays Capital, and US Education Services. Publication. US Education Services2011 Online Education Pricing Survey. Equity Research, 28 Sept. 2011. Web. 10 Oct. 2011.888-5-RASMUSSEN3
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSFLE CHOICEEarn Your Degree—Your Way.Rasmussen College offers a more flexible way to earn your degree online—your way. With Flex Choice, you enroll in our online, faculty-led coursesand you can choose to take self-paced courses at no additional cost to help you save money and graduate sooner.WHY COMBINE FACULTY-LED ANDSELF-PACED COURSES?YOUR SCHEDULE. YOUR CHOICE.Self-paced courses are fully online and designedwant to learn through a combination of faculty-led and self-paced online courses. The moreto be completed on your own time. With Flexambitious your schedule is, the more you can save.Choice, you can take them alongside your faculty-Students enrolled in the Flex Choice option take a minimum of two faculty-led coursesled courses to:We reinvented our online approach to give you flexible options so you choose the way youper term and gain access to a library of self-paced courses that are available to them at Choose Your Own Pace: move quicklythrough concepts you understand or slowdown and receive support to learnnew materialno additional charge. Faculty-led courses are delivered in a six-week online format and Make Progress at Your Convenience: proveyou have mastered concepts and receivecredit toward your degree on a schedulethat works best for youwithout completing self-paced courses. If self-paced courses are selected, they must betuition is charged at 260/credit plus a 150 course resources fee for each faculty-ledcourse. Students may choose to take self-paced courses as they apply to their programrequirements. The self-paced courses are optional and students can complete this degreetaken alongside faculty-led courses and be completed within 60 days. No other discountsor scholarships can be applied. Save Money: enroll in faculty-led coursesand gain access to our library of self-pacedcourses at no additional cost to help yousave money on tuitionThe degree will be awarded upon successful completion of the required courses or after Save Time: taking these flexible coursesin the same quarter as your faculty-ledcourses can help you graduate soonerdocumentation for transfer credit acceptance toward the degree in which the student isall requirements have been met by a combination of course completion and credit transferbased on an assessment of the student’s prior learning experience. Upon completion ofthe requirements in each self-paced course, Rasmussen College will evaluate the student’senrolled under our existing prior learning/credit transfer policy. Credit by examination (TO)or transfer (TR) credit will be granted, as applicable.Please note self-paced courses and TO/TR credit are likely not transferrable to othercolleges; credit transfer decisions are always at the discretion of the receiving institution.4rasmussen.edu
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSLEARN WITH SUPPORTGRADUATE WITH CONFIDENCESUPPORT , our comprehensive networkof student services, provides a customizedPROGRAMMANAGERlevel of support to help you earn yourdegree and succeed in your chosen career.At no additional cost to you, our team of SUPPORT PERSONALSUPPORTCENTERREGISTRARprofessionals—from your program manager, to your careerservices advisor, to everyone in between—is available toYOUhelp you succeed in your classes and in your career.Our dedicated team of faculty and staffprovides exceptional customizedsupport to help you reach youracademic and career goals. YourSUPPORT team DENTSUCCESSMANAGERPROGRAM MANAGERCAREER SERVICES ADVISOR Helps you determine the degree that is right for you Assists you in completing your application Provides you with guidance throughout your college career Develops your professional career-seeking skills Helps you prepare your resume and create your professional portfolio Provides you with guidance on your careerchoices and networking opportunitiesSTUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES ADVISOR Helps you navigate the financial aid and FAFSA application process Answers questions about your award letter and the GI Bill Guides you to available scholarship, loan and grant opportunitiesSTUDENT SUCCESS MANAGER Develops course schedule for your My Degree Plan Works with you to determine a balanced course load Ensures course availability throughout your degree timelineFACULTY Incorporates industry experience in the classroom Helps you become proficient with course material Works with you to develop career-specific skillsACADEMIC TUTOR Provides 24/7 math assistance for introductoryalgebra and college algebra Offers tutoring assistance seven days per week in English, anatomyand physiology, economics, general chemistry, biology and Spanish Available online and on campus—chat,call, email or schedule a tutoring sessionPERSONAL SUPPORT CENTER Technical support specialists available 24/7 Helps with software installation and web browser configuration Troubleshoots Internet connectivity, password reset,online course access and other technical issuesONLINE LEARNING CENTER Schedules faculty and student tutoring Provides study aids, writing assistance,time management and test-taking strategies Offers convenient, 24-hour turnaround oncomprehensive writing quality reviewsMANAGER OF STUDENT RECORDS Records credentials on your transcript as you achieve them Monitors graduation requirements888-5-RASMUSSEN5
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSSCHOOL OF BUSINESSACCOUNTING ASSOCIATE’S DEGREELEARNING OPTION: FLEX CHOICEAssociate of Science Degree in Florida; Associate of Applied Science Degree in Illinois,Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, and WisconsinGENERAL EDUCATON COURSESCAREER OPPORTUNITIES:English Composition (Required course)ENC 1101 English CompositionCommunication (Required courses) COM 1002 Introduction to CommunicationCOM 1388 Communicating In your ProfessionHumanities (Required courses) HUM 2023 HumanitiesPHI 2103 Introduction to Critical ThinkingMath/Natural Sciences (Required courses) AST 2002 Introduction to AstronomyMAT 1031 College AlgebraSocial Sciences (Required courses)** ECO 1000 Principles of EconomicsSYG 1000 Introduction to Sociology Accounting Clerk Auditing Clerk Bookkeeper Bank Teller Account Management TraineeOBJECTIVE:Graduates of this degree program learn to manage accounts receivable andaccounts payable. They learn to prepare tax returns and financial statements,and use computer applications proficiently. They know financial and managerialaccounting concepts as related to the business environment. Graduates valuewritten and interpersonal communication, critical thinking and problem solving,information and financial literacy, and diversity awareness skills and theirsignificance in academic and workplace situations.ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTSApplicants must achieve a score on the College entrance placement exam acceptablefor admission into the College at a level that does not require developmentalcoursework. Alternatively the applicant may be exempt from all or portions ofthe College entrance placement exam per the terms of the College Acceptanceor Rejection of Application for Admission Entrance Placement Exam.In addition, applicants must successfully complete the Introductionto Computers module of the Computer and Microsoft Productivitycompetency course. Applicants must complete the online orientationcourse prior to starting in a program with a Flex Choice option.Students enrolled in the Flex Choice Option take a minimum of two faculty-ledcourses per term and gain access to a library of self-paced courses that areavailable to them at no additional charge. Faculty-led courses are delivered ina six-week online format. Students may choose to take self-paced competencycourses as they apply to their program requirements. The self-paced courses areoptional, and students can complete this degree without completing any self-pacedcourses. If self-paced courses are selected, they must be taken alongside otherfaculty-led courses and be completed within 60 days of accessing the course.LOWER DIVISION48888MAJOR AND CORE COURSESACG 1022 Financial Accounting I4ACG 1033 Financial Accounting II4ACG 2062C Computer Focused Principles3ACG 2680 Financial Investigation4ACG 2930 Accounting Capstone2APA 1500 Payroll Accounting4BUL 2241 Business Law4CGS 1240 Computer Applications and Business Systems Concepts 3CTS 2511 Excel3E242Career Development 2FIN 1202 Financial Markets and Institutions4GEB 1011 Introduction to Business4MAN 2021 Principles of Management4MAN 2062 Business Ethics4MAR 2011 Principles of Marketing4TAX 2002 Income Tax4Total Associate’s Degree CreditsTotal General Education Credits36Major and Core Credits57TOTAL DEGREE CREDITS93In addition to the courses listed, at designated points in their programs of study,students are required to complete with a passing grade a seminar course. Studentsmust complete the E320 Junior Seminar during the quarter in which they finishthe Associate’s degree requirements to graduate from an Associate’s degreeprogram.** It is recommended that students complete their Social Sciencesrequirements in one of the following combinations: (1) Principles ofEconomics and Introduction to Sociology; (2) Principles of Economics andone Flex Choice option lower division Social Science General Educationcompetency course; or (3) both Macroeconomics and MicroeconomicsFlex Choice option lower division Social Science competency courses. Flex Choice self-paced competency course option(s) available, see page 17 for details6rasmussen.eduSTUDENT INVESTMENT DISCLOSURE: For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program,and other important information, please visit our website at rasmussen.edu/student-investment-disclosure.
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSSCHOOL OF BUSINESSBUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE’S DEGREELEARNING OPTION: FLEX CHOICE Entry-level Business Assistant Bookkeeper Management TraineeOBJECTIVE:Graduates of this program know concepts in accounting, business, businessethics, business law, and finance. They can demonstrate management skillsincluding planning and decision making, organizing, controlling, and leadingemployees. They can interpret basic financial data and perform basic accountingskills. They can use computer applications for the business environment.Graduates value the importance of effective written and interpersonalcommunication and critical thinking in a variety of professional contexts.ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTSApplicants must achieve a score on the College entrance placement exam acceptablefor admission into the College at a level that does not require developmentalcoursework. Alternatively the applicant may be exempt from all or portions ofthe College entrance placement exam per the terms of the College Acceptanceor Rejection of Application for Admission Entrance Placement Exam.In addition, applicants must successfully complete the Introductionto Computers module of the Computer and Microsoft Productivitycompetency course. Applicants must complete the online orientationcourse prior to starting in a program with a Flex Choice option.Students enrolled in the Flex Choice Option take a minimum of two faculty-ledcourses per term and gain access to a library of self-paced courses that areavailable to them at no additional charge. Faculty-led courses are delivered ina six-week online format. Students may choose to take self-paced competencycourses as they apply to their program requirements. The self-paced courses areoptional, and students can complete this degree without completing any self-pacedcourses. If self-paced courses are selected, they must be taken alongside otherfaculty-led courses and be completed within 60 days of accessing the course.English Composition (Required course)ENC 1101 English CompositionCommunication (Required courses) COM 1002 Introduction to CommunicationCOM 1388 Communicating In your ProfessionHumanities (Required courses) HUM 2023 HumanitiesPHI 1520 Ethics Around the GlobePHI 2103 Introduction to Critical ThinkingMath/Natural Sciences (Required courses) AST 2002 Introduction to AstronomyMAT1031 College AlgebraSocial Sciences (Required courses)** ECO 1000 Principles of EconomicsSYG 1000 Introduction to Sociology48SCHOOL OFCAREER OPPORTUNITIES:GENERAL EDUCATON COURSESBUSINESSAssociate of Science Degree in Florida; Associate of Applied Science Degree in Illinois,Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin1288MAJOR AND CORE COURSESACG 1022 Financial Accounting IACG 1033 Financial Accounting IIACG 2062C Computer Focused PrinciplesAPA 1500 Payroll AccountingBUL 2241 Business LawCGS 1240 Computer Applications and Business Systems Concept E242Career Development FIN 1000 Principles of FinanceGEB 1011 Introduction to BusinessGEB 2930 Business CapstoneMAN 1300 Introduction to Human Resource ManagementMAR 2011 Principles of MarketingMAN 2021 Principles of ManagementMNA 1161 Customer Service 44344324424444Total Associate’s Degree CreditsTotal General Education CreditsMajor and Core Credits4050TOTAL DEGREE CREDITS90 Flex Choice self-paced competency course option(s) available, see page 17 for detailsIn addition to the courses listed, at designated points in their programs of study,students are required to complete with a passing grade a seminar course. Studentsmust complete the E320 Junior Seminar during the quarter in which they finish theAssociate’s degree requirements to graduate from an Associate’s degree program.** It is recommended that students complete their Social Sciencesrequirements in one of the following combinations: (1) Principles ofEconomics and Introduction to Sociology; (2) Principles of Economics andone Flex Choice option lower division Social Science General Educationcompetency course; or (3) both Macroeconomics and MicroeconomicsFlex Choice option lower division Social Science competency courses.SCHOOL OF BUSINESSMISSION STATEMENTThe Rasmussen College School of Business preparesstudents to be confident, results-oriented businessleaders who are active contributors in their chosenfields and diverse communities. Our programs focuson building a strong business foundation while helpingstudents acquire the skills employers demand, includingcritical thinking, communication, teamwork, and digitalfluency, as they relate to various business settings.We measure our success through the academicperformance, commitment to lifelong learning, andethical and professional contributions of our graduates.STUDENT INVESTMENT DISCLOSURE: For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program,and other important information, please visit our website at RASMUSSEN7
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSSCHOOL OF BUSINESSBUSINESS MANAGEMENT BACHELOR’S DEGREELEARNING OPTIONS: ACCELERATED FLEX CHOICEGENERAL EDUCATION COURSESBachelor of Science DegreeUPPER DIVISIONCAREER OPPORTUNITIES: General and Operations ManagerOBJECTIVE:Graduates of this program know concepts in management, organizational leadership,and business ethics. They understand finance and accounting, and advancedmanagement theories and techniques that can be incorporated in a variety offields. They can apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate facts and theories;locate, evaluate, and integrate appropriate primary and secondary sources;infuse their ideas with the ideas of others to create new knowledge; recognizeand address complex ethical situations; communicate effectively in a variety ofscenarios; and operate efficiently within a continually changing environment.Graduates value communication, critical thinking and problem solving, scientificand information literacy, financial literacy, diversity awareness, and knowledgecreation skills and the need to incorporate them in meaningful ways.ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS:To be considered for admission, students must hold a conferredAssociate’s degree from an accredited institution as recognized by theDepartment of Education, or students must have successfully completed60 quarter or 40 semester credits with a grade of C or higher.Students enrolled in the Flex Choice Option take a minimum of two faculty-ledcourses per term and gain access to a library of self-paced courses that areavailable to them at no additional charge. Faculty-led courses are delivered ina six-week online format. Students may choose to take self-paced competencycourses as they apply to their program requirements. The self-paced courses areoptional, and students can complete this degree without completing any self-pacedcourses. If self-paced courses are selected, they must be taken alongside otherfaculty-led courses and be completed within 60 days of accessing the course.Communication (Required course) MMC 3407 Visual Communication in the MediaHumanities (Required courses) AML 4680 Literature of American MinoritiesPOT 4001 Political ThoughtMath/Natural Sciences (Select 1 course) EVR 3410 Human Uses of the EnvironmentMAT 3172 The Mathematics of GamesSocial Sciences (Required courses) AMH 3304 Visions of America Since 1945CPO 4003 Comparative Politics4848MAJOR AND CORE COURSESUPPER DIVISIONACG 3357 Accounting for Business ManagersBUL 4388 Business Law and EthicsGEB 3110 Research and Report WritingGEB 4220 Managing a Diverse WorkforceGEB 4310 Statistics for BusinessGEB 4410 Advanced Principles of MarketingGEB 4505 Organizational DevelopmentISM 3015 Management of Information SystemsMAN 3175 Applied Management PrinciplesMAN 3504 Operations ManagementMAN 4143 Contemporary Leadership ChallengesMAN 4240 Organizational Behavior AnalysisMAN 4441 Negotiation and Conflict ManagementMAN 4602 International BusinessMAN 4720 Strategic ManagementMAN 4900 Management CapstoneRMI 4020 Risk ManagementTotal Bachelor’s Degree CreditsUpper Division General Education CreditsUpper Division Major and Core CreditsTotal Upper Division CreditsTOTAL DEGREE CREDITS44444444444444434246791181 Flex Choice self-paced competency course option(s) available, see page 17 for detailsIn addition to the courses listed, at designated points in their programs of studystudents are required to complete with a passing grade a seminar course. Studentsmust complete the E410 Senior Seminar during the quarter in which they finish theBachelor’s degree requirements to graduate from a Bachelor’s degree program.Total credits above assume students enter in with a conferred Associate’sdegree which grants them a transfer block inclusive of lower divisiongeneral education and lower division major and core courses.SCHOOL OF BUSINESSMISSION STATEMENTThe Rasmussen College School of Business preparesstudents to be confident, results-oriented businessleaders who are active contributors in their chosenfields and diverse communities. Our programs focuson building a strong business foundation while helpingstudents acquire the skills employers demand, includingcritical thinking, communication, teamwork, and digitalfluency, as they relate to various business settings.We measure our success through the academicperformance, commitment to lifelong learning, andethical and professional contributions of our graduates.8rasmussen.eduSTUDENT INVESTMENT DISCLOSURE: For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program,and other important information, please visit our website at rasmussen.edu/student-investment-disclosure.
R ASMUSSEN COLLEGE — 2014-2015 ACCELERATED AND FLEX CHOICE LEARNING OPTIONSSCHOOL OF BUSINESSBUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYSIS BACHELOR’S DEGREELEARNING OPTION: ACCELERATEDGEB 3110GEB 4310IDC 3152IDC 3309IDC 3688 Business Systems Analyst Business Analyst Management AnalystOBJECTIVE:Graduates of this program know concepts in network administration and management,database analytics, business intelligence, enterprise business software applications,project management, and business management. They understand computerhardware and software and how to implement software applications in organizationsof all sizes, manage and utilize databases in a business environment, and effectivelywork with cross-functional teams. They can apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluatefacts and theories; locate, evaluate, and integrate appropriate primary and secondarysources; integrate their ideas with the ideas of others to create new knowledge;recognize and address complex ethical situations; communicate effectivelyin a variety of scenarios; and operate effectively within a continually changingenvironment. Graduates value critical thinking, communication, diverse perspectives,technology and information literacy, leadership, integrity, and lifelong learning.ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS:To be considered for admission, students must hold a conferredAssociate’s degree from an accredited institution as recognized by theDepartment of Education, or students must have successfully completed60 quarter or 40 semester credits with a grade of C or higher.GENERAL EDUCATION COURSESUPPER DIVISIONCommunicationMMC 3407 Visual Communication in the MediaHumanitiesAML 4680 Literature of American MinoritiesPOT 4001 Political ThoughtMath/Natural Sciences (Select 1 Course) EVR 3410 Human Uses of the EnvironmentMAT 3172 The Mathematics of GamesSocial SciencesAMH 3304 Visions of America Since 1945CPO 4003 Comparative Politics48Research and Report WritingStatistics for BusinessEnterprise Resource ReportingData WarehousingAdvanced Relational Databasesfor Business Applications IIDC 4088 Business Process ReengineeringIDC 4111 Advanced Relational Databasesfor Business Applications IIIDC 4291 Advanced Business Process ManagementIDC 4375 Database Analytics and AdministrationIDC 4572 Systems Analysis and DesignIDC 4637 Business Systems Analysis CapstoneIDC 4733 Database Security ManagementISM 3005 MIS TechniquesISM 3015 Management of Information SystemsISM 3314 Information Technology Project ManagementMAN 3504 Operations ManagementMAN 4240 Organizational Behavior AnalysisMAN 4720 Strategic ManagementTotal Bachelor’s Degree CreditsUpper Division General Education CreditsUpper Division Major and Core CreditsTotal Upper Division CreditsTOTAL DEGREE
the 150 course resources fee. Rasmussen College reserves the right to deny or accept transfer credits per the policies in the course catalog. Tuition will not increase for four years following the start date of a program if a student is continuously enrolled quarter to quarter. Please refer