Pup & PurrBook RecommendationsAll Ages1. A 30 Day Guide to Healing from the Loss ofYour Pet, Gael J. Ross2. A Dog’s Journey: A Novel, Bruce Cameron3. A Dog’s Life, Peter Mayle4. A Dog’s Purpose, Bruce Cameron5. A Dog to Remember, June Greig6. A Gift from Bob: How a Street Cat Helped OneMan Learn the Meaning of Christmas, JamesBrown7. A Mutt’s Treasury BONK!,Patrick McDonnell8. A Street Cat Names Bob: AndHow he Saved My Life, JamesBown9. Amazing Gracie: A Dog’s Tale,Dan Dye and Mark Beckloff10. Angel Animals: Divine Messengersof Miracles, Allen & LindaAnderson11. Being With Animals: Why We Are Obsessedwith the Furry, Scaly, Feathered Creatures WhoPopulate Our World, Barbara J. King12. Born to Bark: My Adventures with anIrrepressible and Unforgettable Dog, StanleyCoren13.Brute Strength (Dog Lover’sMysteries), Susan Conant14.Cat Daddy: What the World’sMost Incorrigible Cat Taught MeAbout Life, Love, and ComingClean, Jackson Galaxy15.Cat Women: Female Writerson Their Feline Friends, MeganMcMorris16.Cats Into Everything, BobWalker 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca Stone-Berry17. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul: Storiesof Feline Affection, Mystery and Charm (ChickenSoup for the Soul), Mark Victor Hansen, MartyBecker D.V.M., Carol Kline and Amy D. Shojai18. Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Dog’s Life: 101Stories about All the Ages and Stages of OurCanine Companions, Jennifer Quasha19. Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates: A Book ofHope for Those Who Have Lost a Pet, GaryKurz20. Collected Kona: Brief Takeson a Basenji, Marcia Woodard21. Come, Sit, Stay (SimpleSolutions), Arden Moore22. Conversations with AMBER,Gladys Taber23. Corduroy Mansions: ACorduroyMansions Novel,Alexander McCall Smith24. Covered in Cat Hair: MostlyTrue Stories of a Life Spentwith Cats, Robin AF Olson25. Dancing Dogs, Jon Katz26. Death in Show: A DogWalker Mystery, Judi McCoy27. Dewey: The Small-TownLibrary Cat Who Touched the World,VickiMyron with Bret Witter28. Dog Honest: A Chet and Burnie Mystery,Spencer Quinn29. Dog Parties: How to Party with Your Pup, ArdenMoore30. Dogs: Funny Side Up!, Nola Lee Kelsey31. Dog Songs, Mary Oliver32. Drop Dead on Recall (An Animals in FocusMystery), Sheila Webster
Pup & PurrBook Recommendations(page 2)33. Encyclopedia of DogBreeds, Caroline Coile,PhD34. Fashion Faux Paw: ADog Walker Mystery, JudiMcCoy35. For the Love of Dogs:An A-to-z Primer for DogLovers of All Ages, Allison Weiss Entrekin36. Friends Forever: What Our Dogs Can TeachUs about Friendship, Mary Ann Long and AnnaKuperberg37. From Baghdad with Love: AMarine, the War, and a DogNamed Lava, Jay Kopelman andMelinda Roth38. Healing Companions: OrdinaryDogs and Their ExtraordinaryPower to Transform Lives, JaneMiller, LisW, CDBC39. Heir of the Dog: A Dog Walker Mystery, JudiMcCoy40. Huggable Hounds, Quercus41. Katie Up and Down the Hall: The True Story ofHow One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into aFamily, Glenn Plaskin42. Last Dog on the Hill: The Extraordinary Life ofLou, Steve Duno43. Life Is Good: Lessonsin Joyful Living, Trixie Koontz44. Marley & Me: Life andLove with the World’s WorstDog, John Grogan45. Merle’s Door: Lessonsfrom a Freethinking Dog, TedKerasote46. Murder in the SeniorManor, Kathryn Braund 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca Stone-Berry47. No Buddy Left Behind, Bringing U.S. Troop’sDogs and Cats Home from the Combat Zone,Terri Crisp48. Paws & Effect: The Healing Power of Dogs,Sharon Sakson49. Pitbulls & Pit Bull Type Dogs: 82 Dogs the MediaDoesn’t Want You to Meet, Melissa McDaniel50. Poncho:Year One - A Puppy’s Life, Paul Gilligan51. Pooche Café, All Dogs Naturally Know How toSwim, Paul Gilligan52. Pukka’s Promise: The Quest for Longer-LivedDogs, Ted Kerasote53. Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover’sStory of Joy and Anguish, Mark R.Levin54. Salty Dogs, Jean M. Fogle55. Sasha, ExtraordinaryDachshund, C.J. Adams56. Show DogSings the Blues, DevinO’Branagan57. Stories of Dogs WeLove Sixteen Tales ofUnforgettable CanineCompanions, MarkTwain, Anton Chekhov,O. Henry and more58. Talk to the Tail, Revilo59. The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel, GarthStein60. The Boss Dog, MFK Fisher61. The Call of the Wild, Jack London62. The Cat Bible: Everything Your Cat Expects Youto Know, Tracie Hotchner63. The Cat’s House, Bob
Pup & PurrBook Recommendations(page 3)64. The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dogand Cat, Juliette de Baïracli Levy65. The Dog Bible: Everything Your Dog Wants Youto Know, Tracie Hotchner66. The Dog Decoder: The Essential Guide toUnderstanding Your Dog’s Behavior, Alderton67. The Dogist: Photographic Encounters with1,000 Dogs, Elias Weiss Friedman68. The Feline Mystique: On the MysteriousConnection Between Women and Cats, CleaSimon69. The Healing Power of PetsHarnessing the Amazing Abilityof Pets to Make and Keep PeopleHappy and Healthy, Dr. MartyBecker70. The Health Benefits of DogWalking for Pets and People:Evidence and Case Studies (NewDirections in the Human-AnimalBond), Rebecca A Johnson71. The Hound of theBaskervilles (withIllustrations by SidneyPaget), Conan Doyle72. The Multiple-Cat Family(Animal Planet Pet CareLibrary), Sheila WebsterBoneham73. The Multiple-DogFamily (Animal PlanetPet Care Library),Sheila Webster Boneham74. Till Death Do Us Bark: A Dog Walker Mystery,Judi McCoy75. Traveling With Your Pet: The AAA PetBook, AAAPublishing76. Unforgettable Mutts: Pure of Heart Not ofBreed, Karen Derrico 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca Stone-Berry77.Unlikely Friendships:47 Remarkable Stories fromthe Animal Kingdom, Jennifer S.Holland78.William WegmanPuppies 2014 Wall Calendar,William Wegman79.Woman’s Best Friend:Women Writers on theDogs in Their Lives, MeganMcMorris and Pam Houston80. Yoda, The Story of A Cat andHis Kittens, Beth SternBehavior & Training2. Right from the Start(eBook), Eva Bertilsson and EmelieJohnson VeghAnimals Make Us Human, Temple Grandin andCatherine JohnsonBehavior Adjustment Training: BAT for Fear,Frustration, and Aggression in Dogs, GrishaStewartBusted! I’m a Peoples,You’re a Dog!, SallyMontrucchioCat Training Kit. KarenPryorCesar’s Way, Cesar MillanClick to Calm, EmmaParsonsDo Over Dogs: GiveYour Dog a SecondChance for a First ClassLife, Pat MillerDog Body LanguagePhrasebook, Trevor
Pup & PurrBook Recommendations(page 4)Click on any of the titles below to purchase at discounted prices.10. Don’t Shoot the Dog:The Art of Teaching andTraining, Karen Pryor11. Don’t Leave Me! Stepby-Step Help for Your Dog’sSeparation Anxiety, NicoleWilde12. Feeling Outnumbered?How to Manage and EnjoyYour Multi-Dog Household,Karen Blondon and PatriciaB. McConnell13. Fetching the Perfect Dog Trainer,Katenna Jones14. Getting Started Clicker Trainingfor Cats, Karen Pryor15. Getting Started Clicker Trainingfor Dogs, Karen Pryor16. It’s Me or the Dog: How to Havethe Perfect Pet,Victoria Stilwell17. Made for Each Other The Biologyof the Human-Animal Bond, Meg Daley Olmert18. On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals,Turid Rugaas19. Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training andWhat It Teaches Us About All Animals, KarenPryor20. Scaredy Dog! Understanding and RehabilitatingYour Reactive Dog, Ali Brown21. The Canine Kingdom of Scent: Fun ActivitiesUsing Your Dog’s Natural Instincts, Anne LillKvam22. The Cautious Canine – How to Help DogsConquer Their Fears, Patricia McConnell23. The Hidden Life of Dogs, Elizabeth MarshallThomas24. The Loved Dog, Tamar Geller 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca Stone-Berry25. The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats, JeffreyMoussaieff Masson26. The Pit Bull Placebo: The Media, Myths andPolitics of Canine Aggression, Karen Delise27. Think Like A Cat!, Johnson-Bennett28. Through a Dog’s Ear: Using Sound to Improvethe Health & Behavior of Your CanineCompanion, Joshua Leeds and Susan Wagner29. Through a Dog’s Eyes: Understanding Our Dogsby Understanding How They See the World,Jennifer Arnold30. When Pigs Fly! TrainingSuccess With Impossible Dogs, JaneKillion31. Why Dogs Hump and BeesGet Depressed: The FascinatingScience of Animal Intelligence,Emotions, Friendship andConservation, Marc Bekoff32.Your Cat: The Owners Manualto Hundreds of Secrets, Surprisesand Solutions for Raising a Happy Cat, Dr. MartyBeckerRescue & Volunteerism1. 100 Simple Secrets Why Dogs Make Us Happy:The Science Behind WhatDog Lovers AlreadyKnow, PhD Niven David2. Getting Lucky: How OneSpecial Dog Found Loveand a Second Chanceat Angel’s Gate, SusanMarino and Denise Flaim3. Irreconcilable DifferencesThe Battle for the Heartand Soul of America’sAnimal Shelters, Nathan J.
Pup & PurrBook Recommendations(page 5)4. Love Has NoAge Limit: Welcomingan Adopted Dog intoyour Home, Patricia B.McConnell, Ph.D. and KarenB. London, Ph.D.5. No Buddy Left Behind:Bringing U.S. Troops’ Dogsand Cats Safely Home fromthe Combat Zone, TerriCrisp and C. J. Hurn6. One Dog at a Time: Savingthe Strays of Afghanistan, PenFarthing7. Oogy: The Dog Only A FamilyCould Love, Larry Levin8. Redemption: The Myth of PetOverpopulation and the No KillRevolution in America, NathanWinograd9. Rescue Ink: How Ten Guys Saved CountlessDogs and Cats, Twelve Horses, Five Pigs, OneDuck, and a Few Turtles, Rescue Ink and DeniseFlaim10. Rescue Matters: How to Find, Foster, andRehome Companion Animals: A Guide forVolunteers and Organizers, Sheila WebsterBoneham11. Rescue Me, Bardi McLennan12. Rescued in America (The Photo Book Projects,Volume 2), Melissa McDaniel13. Scream Like A Banshee: 29 Days of Tips andTales to Keep Your Sanity as A Doggie FosterParent, Tamira Ci Thayne14. Shelter Dogs, Traer Scott15. The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds, D. CarolineCoile Ph.D.16. The Lost Dogs, Jim Gorant 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca Stone-Berry17. Unchain My Heart: Dogs Deserve Better RescueStories of Courage, Compassion and Caring,Dogs Deserve Better, Inc.18. Until Tuesday A Wounded Warrior and theGolden Retriever Who Saved Him, Luis CarlosMontalván19. Walk A Hound Lose A Pound How you and YourDog Can Lose Weight, Stay Fit, and Have FunTogether, Phil Zeltzman and Rebecca A. Johnson20. Wanted! Animal Volunteers, Mary R. Burch21. Why Good Things Happen toGood People: How to Live a Longer,Healthier, Happier Life by the SimpleAct of Giving, Stephen Post22. WORD: A Real Dog Lockedin a Shelter Cage for Eight YearsUntil , Florence Petheram23. Yoda,The Story ofA Cat and HisKittens, Beth SternChildren’s Books1. A Dog’s Way Home,Bobbie Pyron2. Annie Loses Her Leg ButFinds Her Way, Sandra J. Philipson Because ofWinn-Dixie, Kate DiCamillo3. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell4. Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White5. EverDogs, Marty Crisp6. Frosty: A Raccoon to Remember, Harriett E.Weaver7. Garfield Gets in a Pickle: His 54th Book,
Pup & PurrBook Recommendations(page 6)8. Go Dog Go!, Dr. Seuss9. Hug Time, Patrick McDonnell10. I Got Two Dogs, John Lithgow11. Just Like Heaven, Patrick McDonnell12. Move Over Rover, Karen Beaumont13. Old Turtle and the Broken Truth, Douglas Wood14. Old Yeller, Fred Gipson15. Peanuts:You Can Be Anything!, Charles M.Schultz16. Rascal the Raccoon, Harriett E. Weaver17. Sounder, William H. Armstrong18. South, Patrick McDonnell19. Stop and Stay Put, Kaye Hall20. The Completed Hickory DickoryDock, Jim Aylesworth21. The Gift of Nothing, PatrickMcDonnell22. The Lion, the Witch and theWardrobe, C.S. Lewis23. The Little House on the PrairieSeries, Laura Ingalls Wilder24. The Monster’s Monster, Patrick McDonnell25. The Watching - ACorgi Christmas Tale,Millie J. Williams26. What Is Your DogDoing?, Marilyn Singer27. Where the Red FernGrows, Wilson Rawls28. White Fang, JackLondonList your favorites here! 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca
PSST. Attention ANIMAL RESCUE VOLUNTEERS!5 Easy Opportunities to Help Yourself and Your FriendsD DIf you would like to receive FREE tips, tools and techniques to promote your foster dogs orcats, register to receive our monthly, please go to the link above and register today!D DYou are welcome to join our on-line community. We have lots of experience, strength, hopeand humor to share with you and we’d love to hear yours too!D 13 MUST HAVES for FOSTER DOG MOMS DDownload your free copy at: Easy Print PROMO Ideas for Foster Parents DIdeas you can use to help your foster find their way home and make more friends for yourrescue too. Download your free copy at: DBirthday Cards * Thank you Cards * Christmas * Holiday and Encouragement Cards too.FUNraiser with friends and family. Mail them a reason to smile.Help them feel your love and support too.Fundraiser for rescues: 25% of every purchase is donated to rescues and shelters. You maychoose a recipient from our list. You may also add yours by sending a request or calling (540) 207-1889. 2016 Adopt Foster Volunteer Viveca
17. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul: Stories of Feline Affection, Mystery and Charm (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker D.V.M., Carol Kline and Amy D. Shojai 18. Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Dog’s Life: 101 Stories about All the Ages