Approaches And Methods In Language Teaching Pdf


Approaches and methods in language teaching pdf

Approaches and methods in language teaching pdf. Approaches and methods in language teaching 3rd edition pdf free download. Approaches and methods in language teaching summary pdf. Approaches and methods in language teaching 3rd edition ebook. Approaches and methods in language teaching ppt. Approaches and methods in languageteaching summary. Approaches and methods in language teaching richards and rodgers 2014. Approaches and methods in language teaching pdf free download.An approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning. Underlying any language teaching approach is a theoretical view of what language is, and of how it can be learnt. An approach gives rise to methods, the way of teaching something, which use classroom activities or techniques to help learners learn. Approaches and Methods in LanguageTeaching This is a video in which Jack C. Richards explains a little bit about approaches and methods in language teaching Grammar Translation Method Grammar translation method was the most popular and widely used method for language teaching between the ages of 1840 to 1940. This method was used for teaching and learning latin and itplaces a lot of emphasis on learning vocabulary and grammar. Direct Method The direct method was the outcome of the reaction against the grammar translation method. Some of the characteristic of the implementation of this method was: Giving instructions exclusively in the target language.Grammar was taught inductivelyTeaching everydayvocabulary and sentences. Oral Approach / Situational Language Teaching The oral approach is a method in which children to use whatever hearing they get from their surroundings. They also take help from the context to understand and use language Some of the characteristic of this approach are: Language teaching begin with spokenlanguage.The target language is the language of the classroom.Language points are introducing and practice based on situations. Audiolingual Method This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the direct method. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students should be taught alanguage directly, without using the students’ native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language. However, unlike the direct method, the audio-lingual method did not focus on teaching vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drilled students in the use of grammar. Watch a video explanation of this approach in this Youtube VideoCommunicative Language Teaching Communicative language teaching was actually developed in the opposition of audiolingual method which focuses on drilling and memorization. Communicative language teaching focuses on developing the ability of communication in learners in real life situations. It focuses on meaning rather than accuracy Learnmore about this approach with this video explanation Total Physical Response Total physical response (TPR) is a language teaching method developed by James Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at San José State University. It is based on the coordination of language and physical movement. In TPR, instructors give commands to students inthe target language with body movements, and students respond with whole-body actions. Learn more about the approach with this video explanation Silent Way The method emphasizes learner autonomy and active student participation. Silence is used as a tool to achieve this goal; the teacher uses a mixture of silence and gestures to focus students’attention, to elicit responses from them, and to encourage them to correct their own errors Learn more about this approach with this video explanation Communicative Language Learning The CLL emphasizes the sense of community in the learning group, encourages interaction as a vehicle for learning, and considers as a priority the students’feelings and the recognition of struggles in language acquisition. There is no syllabus or textbook to follow, and it is the students themselves who determine the content of the lesson by means of meaningful conversations in which they discuss real messages. Learn more about this approach with this video explanation The Natural Approach Thisapproach was influenced by Stephen Krashen’s theory of language acquisition. The natural approach focuses on communication as the major function of language. In this approach, language is considered as the vehicle or means of conveying a message and information. The natural approach was actually based on the observation and understanding ofthe acquisition of the first and the second language in informal settings Learn more about this approach with this video Suggestopedia Suggestopedia is a teaching method which is based on a modern understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. Key Elements Some of the key elements of Suggestopedia include: arich sensory learning environment (pictures, colour, music, etc.)a positive expectation of success The use of a varied range of methods: dramatic texts, music, active participation in songs and games, etc. Learn more with about Suggestopedia with this video The Communicative Approach The communicative approach is based on the idea thatlearning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language. Learn more about the Communicative Approach with this video Follow on FacebookYou can check our latest articles in any of these pages: Teaching English in Costa More Information Check these pages and sites before you go: 1996-2014,, Inc. or its affiliates With all of the different options available, it can be confusing for English language teachers to decide on which teachingmethodology or approach to use in the classroom. It can even get even more confusing in trying to understand the difference between a method and an approach. This article will unravel the complexity of this topic, giving an overview of important trends and their implications, both from an historical and pedagogical perspective. What’s the differencebetween a method and an approach? These two words – ‘method’ and ‘approach’ – are often confused with each other because of the similarity in their meanings. Both are instructional designs with principles and practices that guide the process of teaching and learning. The difference is to be found in their levels of flexibility. A method is a way ofteaching where there are prescribed objectives and guidelines, and the teacher has little or no leeway when it comes to implementation. An approach is a way of teaching whose principles can be applied in many different ways. Methods Grammar Translation This is a traditional teaching style that originated in the late 19th century. Students analysethe grammatical rules of English and then practice translating discourse from their mother tongue into English and vice versa. To achieve this, students are expected to memorize long vocabulary lists and complex grammatical paradigms. A usual approach with regard to a classroom activity would be to provide a student with an item of grammar,show how it is used in a text and then practice using the item through writing paragraphs, essays or summaries in the target language. The method emphasizes accuracy over fluency. Learners develop reading and writing skills, with little opportunity to practice listening and speaking. This means that students learning English through the GrammarTranslation method often have trouble communicating in the real world. Audiolingualism This way of teaching was originally called the Army Method because in World War II, it was used to teach soldiers to be orally proficient in the languages of the enemy. This method was a reaction to what was seen as the failures of the Grammar Translationmethod, with the major differences being the prioritizing of speaking and listening over reading and writing, and the banning of the mother tongue in the classroom. Audiolingualism drew on Skinner’s Behaviourism theory, very much in vogue at the time, that asserts that anything can be learned through conditioning. Correct answers by studentsreceive praise, whereas students who supply incorrect answers get negative feedback. Lesson materials focus on oral-pattern drills where teachers verbally present new structural patterns and learners are expected to repeat the teacher’s words with the same intonation and pronunciation. After class, students listen to tapes through headphones inlanguage labs and follow the same process – the voice on the tape presents language that the learner orally repeats. Total Physical Response Total Physical Response (TPR) was developed by James Asher in the 1960s. It’s a method built around the coordination of speech and action where teachers give commands in the target language and studentsrespond with physical movement. Asher believed that students learn a second language in the same way that infants learn their native tongue. He claimed that a lot of the linguistic input young children hear is in the form of a command. They respond physically, which activates the right side of the brain, thus allowing them to be able to internalizelanguage immediately. On the first day of a Beginner Level English language class, the teacher might initially ask students to stand up, sit down, jump, walk, turn and stop. Then later, commands might include more information, such as touch your head, write the number 3, point to the window and walk to the door. As students become moreadvanced, the teacher will introduce new linguistic elements such as prepositions (walk between John and Mary), adjectives (pick up the red pen) and adverbs (stand behind your chair), and will develop sets of commands with more and more detailed and complicated information. Silent Way Like TPR, Silent Way was created in the 1960s by onespecific educator – Caleb Gattegno. He believed that the best way for a student to learn a language was for a teacher to remain silent for a large portion of the lesson. At the time, Silent Way was viewed as an unconventional or alternative method by mainstream experts. Interestingly, while the method has its detractors, there is no question that it wasthe catalyst for a paradigm changing shift in the way we view the role of the teacher and the student. Silent Way was the first method to really emphasise student learning rather than the teacher’s teaching. Students take an active role in the learning process and are encouraged to participate as much as possible. This focus on developing studentautonomy with the teacher acting as a facilitator is now completely accepted as a valid and effective teaching philosophy. Approaches Methods were popular and mainstream up until the 1990s, when experts in the field started to suggest that the key learning goal of language teaching and learning be communicative proficiency. To achieve this, it’simportant to acknowledge that different cohorts have different weaknesses that need to be addressed, which therefore requires a flexible teaching approach from the instructor, rather than a rigid methodology. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) In the 1990s, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) quickly became the most popularapproach and is now the central paradigm in English language teaching. CLT emphasizes the engagement of learners in classroom activities that replicate real-life situations, so they can practice how to communicate in the real world outside the classroom. To improve communication skills for use in the outside world, the teacher engages learners inthe pragmatic and functional use of language, with a focus on meaning and fluency, rather than form and accuracy – very much a practical rather than theoretical way of learning. The primary goal of CLT is for learners to develop communicative competence which involves linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence andstrategic competence. Features of CLT include communication through interaction (cooperative and collaborative learning), the use of authentic texts and students contributing personal experiences. Classroom activities, such as role plays, interviews, games and surveys are completed in pairs and small groups, requiring debate, negotiation andcompromise. Task-based Teaching (TBT) Task-based Teaching (TBT) [and Task-based Learning (TBL)] is the approach that TESOL Advantage advocates as best practice when it come to English language teaching. While TBT’s basic principles are derived from CLT, there are some important differences. Critics of CLT have raised the followingconcerns: Teachers can struggle with the non-specific requirements of CLT. Teachers are often worried about giving up too much control during a CLT exercise. Many learners have low intrinsic motivation to communicate in a foreign language and so struggle with CLT student-centric exercises. Because CLT is a meaning-focused approach, learnersmay struggle with grammar issues. TBT addresses all of these concerns. It gives teachers a specific requirement to focus on – getting the students to complete a task. Teachers worried about their classes becoming chaotic because of a lack of structure in the lesson now have clear steps that create guidelines and boundaries – a pre-task, task andpost-task. Students become more empowered and motivated when they complete tasks because they ‘own’ the language and control the task response. While TBT definitely has a greater focus on meaning than form, teachers can add an optional language focus at the end of a task to cover any grammatical issues that the task highlighted. For moreinformation on TBL, you can read the article ‘What is Task-based Learning’ on our website.

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Approaches and methods in language teaching pdf. Approaches and methods in language teaching 3rd edition pdf free download. Approaches and methods in language teaching summary pdf.