Civil Matters - College Of Engineering Kansas State University



CIVIL MATTERSFROM THE DEPARTMENT HEADIn this issue of Civil Matters, we presenta summary of the department’sactivities and accomplishments over thepast year.We continue to enjoy and employthe completion of the department’sstate-of-the-art structural engineeringlaboratories located in Engineering Hall.We are proud to showcase our studentswho have been awarded scholarshipsand national fellowships to assist themin their studies here at K-State.I consider it a distinct honor andprivilege to serve as your departmenthead, and extend my sincere thanksto all who have supported andencouraged me and the departmentover the years. The future looks brightfor the civil engineering profession.In this issue we are also pleased tointroduce three new faculty memberswho have recently joined our CE team.I think you’ll find interesting as well,the story on a joint research projectbetween ourselves and faculty at theUniversity of Kansas that will targetwheat breeding trials in the state.Accomplishments of our students andstudent organizations, and designteams — who have showcased oureducational and professional serviceactivities at the state, regional, nationaland international levels — are alsohighlighted in this edition.CIVIL ENGINEERINGS U M M E R 2017InnovationCollaborationCO L L E G E O F E N G I N E E R I N GLeadershipEducation EntrepreneurshipIN THISISSUEEDUCATIONInnovationOur faculty, staff and students extendan open invitation to drop by for a visit.We’d love to chat with you and showyou around the lopmentGlobalImpactExcellenceTechnology2Research spotlight3Institute of Transportation Engineers4New faculty6Graduate student news8DiscoveryStudent news10Department news12Engineers Without BordersDISCOVERYON THE COVERMARY MADDEN, UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT, INSPECTS ACCELERATEDPAVEMENT TESTING MACHINE.LEFTSTEEL BRIDGE TEAM PRACTICES ASSEMBLING A BRIDGE STRUCTURE.Robert W. “Bobb” StokesDepartment Head andCivil Engineering Alumni Professorship HonoringDr. Robert SnellCIVIL MATTERSis published by the department of civil engineering,Kansas State University College of Engineering, Manhattan, KS 66506-5200.Invest in student success andjoin Innovation and Inspiration:The Campaign for Kansas StateUniversity. Call 785-532-7564, or log onto to learn more.Summer 2017Editing and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering CommunicationsContributing to content and photography . KSU Foundation, K-State Communications and MarketingDiscover

DISCOVERYResearch SpotlightK-STATE AND KU INVESTIGATORSCOLLABORATE ON 300,000 NIFA GRANTCollecting large amounts of plant traitdata in the field is difficult, especiallywhen plant canopies are dense. SteveWelch, a professor in K-State’s agronomydepartment, along with co-principalinvestigators Nathan Albin and DavidSteward at K-State and Carl Leuschen atthe University of Kansas, has received a 300,000 grant to test a new approach.According to Welch, wheat, rice, maizeand sorghum average barely 50 percentof the annual yield progress ratenecessary to meet food needs widelyforecast for 2050. Breeding rates areaccelerating, but technological limitsimpede collection of large amounts ofneeded plant trait data.“This project targets Kansas wheatbreeding trials, which can providea proof-of-concept test combiningmicrowave radar sensing with novelalgorithms to improve the situation,”Welch said.2K-State Civil EngineeringThe project exemplifies the networkingthat modern science requires. Steward,who is a professor of civil engineering,and Albin, an associate professor ofmathematics, will develop key signalprocessing equations for the study.Leuschen, associate professor ofelectrical engineering, will take radarmeasurements, initially in a largeanechoic chamber, which providesan electromagnetically quiet andcontrolled environment, and then inwheat fields. The researchers said theircollaboration highlights the expertiseuniversities offer to society and howtheir fields overlap.“We have developed state-of-the-artradar instrumentation for monitoringthe planet’s ice cover at the Center forRemote Sensing of Ice Sheets, and it isrewarding to see these technologiesbeing used for other applications, andeven better for applications in our ownstate,” Leuschen said.“It is important to have the mostdetailed information we can get aboutour changing planet, and if there arecommonalities we can exploit betweensensing ice fields and wheat fields, thenso much the better,” he said.The grant is from the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture National Institute of Foodand Agriculture Early Concept Grantsfor Exploratory Research programfocused on plant and animal phenomicsand microbiomes. The program is apartnership with the National ScienceFoundation on emerging research in theareas of phenomics and microbiomes.SPEAKERS HIGHLIGHTITE YEAR OF PROGRAMMINGThe Institute of Transportation Engineers, or ITE, studentchapter is a group dedicated to improving skills and ideas ofstudents interested in traffic engineering. ITE focuses on realworld applications of knowledge through industry speakersand public education about traffic engineering.ITE welcomed Slade Engstrom from TranSystems in Wichitain the fall of 2016. Engstrom discussed smart transportationsystems/work zones in Wichita. With this technology, engineerscan determine flow rates for work zones, as well as diversionrates and how surrounding transportation networks change.In the spring of 2016, ITE invited two speakers: Nathan Bergmanfrom Bartlett & West in Manhattan and Brett Wilkinson fromKirkham Michael in Salina. Bergman discussed how Bartlett &West designs within the unique constraints of Manhattan andhow important practical experience is used in design work.During Wilkinson’s visit, talk was geared toward KirkhamMichael’s use of drones as a surveying tool. ITE studentslearned about the small fixed-wing aircraft and how it operatesautonomously — collecting large amounts of data. The dronesthen put together pictures and data to create 3-D images whichcan be exported to drafting software.Over the course of the year, ITE also concentrated on its missionof public outreach and education. The group created samplebrochures about the creation and importance of speed limits.The aim with the project is to inform the public about how speedlimits are decided and how they keep everyone safe on the road.ITE plans to finalize the brochures and distribute them in publicareas such as the DMV, which would allow the public to readthem and learn more about what engineers do.Eric Fitzsimmons is the ITE chapter faculty adviser.CIVIL MATTERS Summer 20173

EDUCATIONDepartment newsMARSTON JOINS CE FACULTYBefore pursuing his doctorate, heworked in both the private and publicsectors. He spent a year at Jones andCarter, Inc. as a design engineer beforebeginning a four-year stint with the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers as a hydrologicand hydraulic engineer. With the Corps,Marston primarily worked on flood anddam risk assessments, which involvedextensive hydrologic and hydraulicsystem modeling. He spent part of hiscareer working at the Corps’ researchand policy centers, including the RiskManagement Center, InternationalCenter for Integrated Water ResourcesManagement and the HydrologicEngineering Center. He obtained hisprofessional engineering license in 2013.With a chief goal of providing graduateand undergraduate students withcutting-edge research opportunities andengaging classroom experiences, LandonMarston joined the civil engineeringfaculty at K-State as an assistant professorin May 2017.“I want to help students expand theirhorizons and equip them for their futurecareers,” he said. “Mentoring students isa rewarding part of my job.”Marston earned his bachelor’s degreein civil engineering and MBA from theUniversity of Kentucky, his master’sdegree in civil engineering from TexasA&M, and is scheduled to receive hisdoctorate in civil and environmentalengineering from the University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign in December 2017.4K-State Civil EngineeringHis research explores theinterdependencies between food, water,energy and trade in order to establishtradeoffs, assess risk, and informsustainable policy and managementof these resources. More generally, heis interested in how society and waterresources co-evolve across differentscales in a coupled human-naturesystem. His research is inherentlyinterdisciplinary, drawing fromhydrology, water resources engineeringand economics. His work has beencovered by the New York Times, TIMEMagazine and the Los Angeles Times,among others.Marston has been recognized forhis research and teaching at thedepartmental, university and nationallevel. At the University of Illinois, he wasnamed Distinguished Teaching Fellowwithin the civil and environmentalengineering department. His studentsconsistently evaluated him as“excellent,” a distinction reserved forthe top 15% of campus instructors.In addition, he was one of only fiveuniversity instructors to receive thestudent-sponsored Teaching ExcellenceAward for recognition of outstandingteaching and instruction. His researchand academic achievements have ledto several awards and fellowships,including the National Defense Scienceand Engineering Graduate Fellowship.IM NEW TOCE FACULTYCivil engineering at K-State is pleasedto announce the addition of JeongdaeIm, environmental engineering, whojoined the department as an assistantprofessor in August 2017.Im earned bachelor’s and master’sdegrees in environmental engineeringfrom the Seoul National University,South Korea, and a doctorate inenvironmental engineering from theUniversity of Michigan-Ann Arbor.His research is in the area of environmental engineering and focuses on advancing the understanding of diversecatabolic activities of microbes, andhow to harness their activities for environmental engineering applications.Specifically, he investigates biotransformation pathways of contaminants ofemerging concern, or CECs, and developsbiotechnologies to control, reduce andutilize greenhouse gases.A major research thrust has focusedon biologically mediated abioticdegradation processes acting on CECs,including endocrine disruptors andperfluorinated compounds. His researchalso examines plant-microbe interactionsusing plant stem cells for environmentalengineering applications.Im has a track record of industrial funds,and has close collaboration with industrysectors and other research institutionsincluding DuPont, American ChemistryCouncil and the Plant Cell Culture Library.His research has been published in highimpact peer-reviewed journals includingEnvironmental Science and Technology. Hisinterdisciplinary research and collaborationswill not only support the strategic planof the department focusing on theimprovement of urban infrastructure andaccess to clean water, but also contributeto the College of Engineering’s 2025vision to become a top 50 public researchengineering college.JONES JOINS CE DEPARTMENTChristopher Jones joined the CEdepartment as associate professorin August 2017. He holds bachelor’s,master’s and doctorate degrees in civilengineering from Texas A&M University,as well as a bachelor’s degree in physicalscience from Southwestern materials science for cement-basedmaterials. He has worked primarily withthe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissionand Department of Energy, and anticipatescollaborative research with the K-Statemechanical and nuclear engineeringdepartment.Prior to joining the K-State faculty,Jones served as a principal member ofthe technical staff at Sandia NationalLaboratories, where he led the NuclearPower Reactor Containment IntegrityResearch program within Sandia’s NuclearEnergy and Fuel Cycle Programs Center.At Sandia, Jones received researchawards from the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission and the U.S. Department ofEnergy. He hopes to continue to fosterrelationships with these organizations, aswell as develop new partnerships with theKansas Department of Transportation andthe Federal Highway Administration. Hestrongly values and is eager to support thecentral teaching, research, and scholarshipmission and vision of the College ofEngineering and Kansas State University.Jones has technical expertise in the areasof computational mechanics, particularlyfor transient dynamics to include blastand impact loading, beyond design-basisinternal pressurization loading, as wellCIVIL MATTERS Summer 20175

NEWSGraduate student newsCE STUDENTS ATTENDTRB ANNUAL MEETINGThe Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting was heldJan. 8-12, 2017, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center,Washington, D.C. The information-packed program attracted morethan 12,000 transportation professionals from around the world.The meeting program covered all transportation modes, with morethan 5,000 presentations in more than 800 sessions and workshops,addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators,practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government,industry and academic institutions.JOHN A. ANGOLD GRADUATE ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTSABOVE: UDITHA GALGAMUWA, RIGHT, WITH ADVISER SUNANDA DISSANAYAKEBELOW: SAMEERA CHATURANGA, RIGHT, WITH ADVISER SUNANDA DISSANAYAKETwo civil engineering graduate students working in the trafficengineering and safety area, Uditha Galgamuwa and SameeraChaturanga, attended and presented papers at this year’s meeting.Their adviser, Sunanda Dissanayake, professor in civil engineering, isworking on several research projects related to practical applicationsin transportation engineering.The students’ travel was funded by the Graduate School andthe department of civil engineering, providing them a valuablenetworking opportunity.JUNG GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGINEERINGXingdong Wu, CE doctoral student, has been selected to receive theJung Graduate Scholarship in Engineering for the 2017-18 school year.This scholarship was established by Robert I‐Jen, 1968 K-State master’sgraduate in mechanical engineering, and Sophia Shui‐Kan Jung,to support Kansas State University, the College of Engineering andgraduate students.The graduate award recognizes outstanding engineering students fromthe People’s Republic of China and Republic of China.Wenji Zhang, and Qihui Yang, both doctoral students in ECE, and HuanWang, doctoral student in CHE, were also named recipients.FROM LEFT: XINGDONG WU WITH DEAN DARREN DAWSON6K-State Civil EngineeringFour graduate students in civilengineering were recipients of theJohn A. Angold Graduate EngineeringScholarship for the 2017 springsemester. This scholarship wasestablished by Art Grix Jr., and LindaAngold Grix of Gold River, California,in the memory of John A. Angold,1938 K-State graduate in electricalengineering, who retired after nearly42 years at the Atchison, Topeka andSanta Fe Railway. Adrijana Savic, doctorate studentin civil engineering with a focus onstructural engineering James Scott, master’s student in civilengineering researching load-testingconcrete railroad ties to determine theremaining effective prestress force Lisa Shofstall, master’s student in civilengineering inventorying Kansas’class III railroads and detecting ballastfouling using GPR Md Zahidul Karim, doctorate studentin civil engineering with a focus ongeotechnical engineeringRecipients of the scholarship must begraduate students in good standingat the university and majoring inany curriculum within the Collegeof Engineering. Their area of studymust relate to the railroad industry,transit or transportation, with railroadindustry-related applicants receivingpriority.The four civil engineering graduatestudent awardees are —LEFT TO RIGHT: SR. ASSOCIATE DEAN GARY CLARK, SPRING 2017 RECIPIENTS: LISA SHOFSTALL, MD ZAHIDUL KARIM,ADRIJANA SAVIC AND JAMES SCOTTCHI EPSILON NEWSThe Kansas State chapter of ChiEpsilon initiated 12 members duringthe fall semester and three membersduring the spring semester.Chi Epsilon had two service projectsthis year. During the fall, it partneredwith the K-State chapter of ASCE tocollect donated hair for the Matterof Trust Clean Wave program, whichuses hair to clean up oil spills. In thespring, Chi Epsilon partnered with ASCEto clean up a section of highway aspart of an Adopt-A-Highway project.Members spent one Saturday cleaning asection of ditches on Highway 24.New officers for the fall 2017 semesterare Laura Neilsen, Madison Lage, DrewHoops, Luke Augustine, George Millerand Alec Weninger. Faculty adviser isProfessor Hani Melhem. Future chaptergoals include increasing membershipand community involvement.CIVIL MATTERS Summer 20177

NEWSStudent news2016-17 SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARD RECIPIENTSAndrus, RebeccaAnthony, MatthewBall, MeganBitendelo, SwediCaddell, MichaelClark, AmyDavis, JohnErickson, LaurenEscobar, KevinFangman, AbrahamFehr, WillFernandez, JorgeFlaspohler, BrandonFlaspohler, StephenFoerster, AndrewFrancis, ChristopherHeidzig, WestonHeronemus, EvanHeronemus, SethHinshaw, KaraHolmes, MorganHutchison, DanielJones, KristenKeller, Casey8Alfred Walton Johnson Memorial ScholarshipCivil Engineering Excellence ScholarshipCoen Family Civil Engineering ScholarshipCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipArchie R. and Dorothy E. Hyle Engineering ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseTeddy O. and Nancy L. Hodges Undergraduate Engineering ScholarshipRalph and Dora Rogers Memorial ScholarshipTointon Family ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseAlan and Sharon Sylvester Civil Engineering ScholarshipChas Turnipseed Memorial FundEdmond E. Young ScholarshipEngineering Leadership and InnovationFoundation for Engineering - DoleseRex Eberline Civil Engineering ScholarshipJim and Pat Guthrie Civil Engineering ScholarshipChas Turnipseed Memorial FundClair A. Mauch Memorial Scholarship in Civil EngineeringJim and Pat Guthrie Civil Engineering ScholarshipStephen and Deloris Berland Civil Engineering ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipRex Eberline Civil Engineering ScholarshipChas Turnipseed Memorial FundE. C. Lindly Scholarship for Engineering StudentsKarl J. Svaty Memorial Engineering ScholarshipFrancis D. Wagner Memorial ScholarshipL. W. Newcomer ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseEngineering Leadership and InnovationAlbert Niu Lin Scholarship in Civil EngineeringL. W. Newcomer ScholarshipTointon Family ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseJeanne M. and Edward J. Mulcahy ScholarshipWalter M. and Alice K. Bellairs ScholarshipAlok Bhandari Civil Engineering ScholarshipForrest Faye and John Warren Frazier ScholarshipJeanne M. and Edward J. Mulcahy ScholarshipKansas Asphalt Pavement Association, Inc. Civil Engineering ScholarshipWarren and Mary Lynn Staley Engineering Excellence ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseK-State Civil EngineeringKlugh, IsaacLage, MadisonLee, AlexandraLewis, WilliamLowery, JacobMathis, MarkMcMillan, EvanMeyer, DarrenMeyer, EthanMiller, GeorgeMoluf, KevinMoris, BlakeNachtigall, JohnNeilsen, LauraPieper, GarrettRoemer, MaceeRogers, LucieSchmidt, BarrettStuder, JacobSwartz, BrockWaters, BaileyWatson, ElenaWetter, LukeWinzer, AerianTointon Family ScholarshipVicki Scharnhorst Civil Engineering ScholarshipBartlett & West, Inc. Civil Engineering ScholarshipBeavers Heavy Construction ScholarshipChas Turnipseed Memorial FundMick and Nancy McAuliffe Civil Engineering ScholarshipDonald G. Dressler Memorial ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseCharles Freund Memorial ScholarshipWalter M. and Alice K. Bellairs ScholarshipCivil Engineering Excellence ScholarshipEverett J. and Marilyn J. Cupps Civil Engineering ScholarshipClair A. Mauch Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering‘Red’ Web Sproul Memorial ScholarshipEdward L. Wilson Civil Engineering ScholarshipKevin and Dianne Honomichl Civil Engineering ScholarshipMax E. Foote ScholarshipBartlett & West, Inc. Civil Engineering ScholarshipR. D. and Mary C. Andersen ScholarshipShelby K. Willis Civil Engineering ScholarshipTointon Family ScholarshipFrancis D. Wagner Memorial ScholarshipBrungardt Honomichl & Company, PA Civil Engineering ScholarshipJohn and Diane Ahern Family ScholarshipPaulson Civil Engineering Student Excellence AwardFoundation for Engineering - DoleseCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipEngineering Leadership and InnovationEdwin F. and Eunice F. Wambsganss Engineering ScholarsFoundation for Engineering - DoleseBen A. Sellers Scholarship in Civil EngineeringBruce E. Roberts ScholarshipLoyal and Jill Huddleston Civil Engineering Scholarship‘Red’ Web Sproul Memorial ScholarshipCoonrod Memorial Civil Engineering ScholarshipFoundation for Engineering - DoleseLen and Stella Harden Scholarship FundS. H. Brockway Memorial ScholarshipHal and Mary Siegele Scholars FundGEO-WALLTEAMThe K-State Geo-Wall Team competedApril 21-22 at the 2017 ASCE StudentMid-Continent Conference inFayetteville, Arkansas. Jacob Studer,team captain, Jared Fangman,and Marshall Ruetti attended thisconference/competition.The competition consists of threestages: reinforcement fabricationstage, wall construction stage andloading stage. After the loading stage,the wall is scored based on measureddeformations and design to of thestructure. The K-State wall successfullyFROM LEFT: JARED FANGMAN, JACOB STUDER ANDMARSHALL RUETTIwithstood the 60-lb. loading without acatastrophic failure.The Geo-Wall Team designs amechanically stabilized earth (MSE)wall following competition rules thatchange each year. In the past, the faceof the MSE wall was poster board withcraft paper soil reinforcement attachedby tape. This year only 60-lb. craft paperwas allowed.All team members plan to return in2018 and believe this year’s positiveexperience will prepare them for nextyear’s competition.Stacey Kulesza, CE assistant professor, isfaculty adviser for the team.STEEL BRIDGE TEAM WINS REGIONAL COMPETITION, QUALIFIES FOR NATIONALSThe Kansas State University Steel BridgeTeam won first place at the AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers/AmericanInstitute of Steel Construction MidContinent Student Regional ConferenceApril 21 at the University of Arkansas,Fayetteville.midspan and cantilever under a totalweight of 2,500 pounds. The bridgepassed the lateral stability test withminimal sway deflection.Team captains are Isaac Klugh andAndrew Foerster, both seniors in civilengineering. Hayder Rasheed, professorof civil engineering, is faculty adviser forthe team.On the national level, the team ranked25th out of 43 teams and placed 8th inthe stiffness category.The highly competitive conference sawteams from 13 universities competing towin first or second place to qualify for thenational competition over Memorial Dayweekend at Oregon State University.The K-State team won first-place awardsin the categories of efficiency, lightnessand overall. The students finishedbuilding the bridge in 14.05 minutes.The structure weighed 232 pounds, andexperienced only a three-quarter-inchcumulative deflection measured at theCIVIL MATTERS Summer 20179

DISTANCE EDUCATION MASTER’S DEGREE COURSESThe civil engineering department offers graduate-level coursesleading to a master of science degree in civil engineering to offcampus students — no matter where they live All courses neededfor the degree will be offered online or by other multimediadelivery methods. At the end of their program, students needto complete an oral examination conducted by their graduatecommittee. A master’s degree can also be counted as a year ofcredit toward earning a professional engineering license. Forinformation on earning this license, go to the Kansas Board ofTechnical Professions online at Global Campus1615 Anderson Ave.Manhattan, KS 66502global@k-state.edu1-800-622-2578 (toll free) ACCREDITATIONThe Bachelor of Science in civil engineering at Kansas State University is accredited bythe Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, and has hadcontinual accreditation since 1936.ABET PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESThe educational objectives of the civil engineering program at Kansas State University arethat most graduates, within three to five years, will —1. Be successful in their civil engineering careers; and2. Pursue professional development, advanced degrees and registrations as appropriatefor their careers.ABET STUDENT OUTCOMES(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering;(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;(c) an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs withinrealistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, healthand safety, manufacturability, and sustainability;(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;(f ) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;(g) an ability to communicate effectively;(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in aglobal, economic, environmental,and social context;(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning;(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues; and(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, andmodern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice.10K-State Civil EngineeringFall 2017Spring 2018CE654CE732CE742CE745CE775CE802CE816CE874Design of Groundwater Flow SystemsAdvanced Structural Analysis IAdvanced Steel DesignStructural DynamicsTraffic EngineeringAdvanced Mechanics of MaterialsWater Qualify Engineering: Fate and TransportSustainable Transportation Asset ManagementCE680CE728CE743CE762CE774CE872Economics of Design and ConstructionAdvanced Geotechnical DesignAdvanced Reinforced Concrete TheoryWater Treatment ProcessesPavement DesignTransportation Safety2017 CE DEPARTMENT AWARDSASCE Outstanding Faculty Award — Prathap ParameswaranASCE Outstanding Advisor of the Year — Asad EsmaeilyChi Epsilon Student Advocate of the Year Award — Hani MelhemChi Epsilon Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award — Hayder RasheedChi Epsilon Advisor of the Year — Mustaque HossainOutstanding Graduate Faculty Award — Sunanda DissanayakeOutstanding M.S. Award — Abu SufianOutstanding Ph.D. Award — Rund Al-MasriOutstanding Staff Award — Cody DelaneyOutstanding Colleague Award — Hani MelhemOutstanding University and Professional Service Award — Asad EsmaeilyOutstanding Research Award — Hayder RasheedOutstanding Teaching Award — Shahin Nayyeri AmiriESMAEILY NAMED ASCEREGION 7 OUTSTANDINGSTUDENT CHAPTERFACULTY ADVISORAsad Esmaeily, professor of civil engineering, has beenrecognized by the ASCE Region 7 Board of Governors as oneof this year’s recipients of the Region 7 Outstanding Faculty/Practitioner Advisor Award.In announcing the award, Region 7 Governor Aaron Fritsnoted of Esmaeily, “Your contributions to both the professionand Kansas State University are very significant as noted inyour nomination form; your involvement with various ASCEcommittees both as a member and as an officer exemplifyyour commitment to civil engineering.EXCELLENCENEWSDepartment news“As well, your dedication to the students at K-State isillustrated by the comments your students and colleaguesshared with us — your extra efforts did not go unnoticed byyour peers and students. Lastly, I have personally noticed yourcontinued efforts to enhance the student chapter success atKSU in the various meetings I have been able to attend. Youhave always been there for the students with a smile on yourface and a willingness to stay involved and engaged,” he said.“I applaud your efforts to lead by example to your students, asit is clear you are succeeding in being an excellent role modelfor them to emulate.”PROFESSIONAL PROGRESS AWARD RECIPIENTNathan Bergman, Rossville, is a1998 and 2002 graduate of KansasState University with bachelor’s andmaster’s degrees, respectively, in civilengineering. He has been with Bartlett& West for nearly 19 years, currentlyserving as a senior project managerand office manager for its Manhattanlocation. He worked as a projectengineer and then a project manager inthe company’s transportation divisionin Topeka for the first 10 years, wherehis projects included highway andlocal roadway design, and stormwaterdrainage design and modeling. He hasspent the last nine years in Bartlett& West’s public works division inManhattan, managing roadway, water,sanitary sewer and stormwater projects.Bergman, a former resident of Onaga,is a licensed professional engineer inKansas and a certified professionaltraffic operations engineer.CIVIL MATTERS Summer 201711

EXCELLENCEOLNEY RECEIVES DOD SMART SCHOLARSHIPENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS VISITGUATEMALAK-State has been working with thecommunity of El Amate, Guatemala,for the last three years. In the summerof 2016, the first phase of the programwas completed with the construction ofa two-room school building. Now thechapter is working with the communityto implement a sanitation system to gowith the new school.During the January “assessment”trip, the team met with communitymembers to discuss goals andconstraints of the sanitation project.They also performed a topographicsurvey of the area, took pictures ofthe site, and visited neighboringcommunities to assess design andconstruction of other sanitation systemsin the area.Information gathered on this trip wasbrought back to be used for the designphase of the new

in civil engineering and MBA from the . University of Kentucky, his master's degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M, and is scheduled to receive his doctorate in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in December 2017. MARSTON JOINS CE FACULTY. Before pursuing his doctorate, he . worked in .