Sample Ads Teaching - University Of Hawaiʻi At Mānoa


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Sample national professional journal print ad Business Affairs IARCH . 1 2013 THE CHRO ICLE OF HIGHER EOUCATION ::----.Issue date &publicationname must bevisible.Entire pagecan bereduced to an8.5x11-inchsheet.A53WOHIO-East Carolina·-UNIVERSITYSenior Associate Vice President forFinance and Administration-·- .,. .U N I .V E R S I T YGceenvjJ!e. North.Carolina- - - - - - .-Ohio 1.JMersity is an lnaMdual wt.111 axcapilorlalfuaroa/. sirar,,g,c:.,. .-.,.-per.,onai toiCWl - - - . . . team as---Vice Chancellor for Advancementand r1sl manaQemOnt. With !he IOnQ termgoal ol su::cesslon . !he SAVP may81 lead ka)I adrninlo1taU-;e groups andadvanc& nu, !he mane,, andast Carolina University is pleased to announce its SGalCh for a new viceChanceUor (or advancemenL As a ksy member ot the chance!Jor's executiveteam, the vice cha/'leeUor will provide leadership by managlllQ the advancementinlrastru r.e and raislnll e reSQUrces necessary to ensure long-term success.F ur aa110n, tne sepanw, S01 (c) 3lln:n1sing a,m of OU.Cfor Ille Qa)l UrlMlo'Slly'sHaving just completed a successful capllal campaign. raising 219M , EastCarolina University (ECUJ has become e technological Innovator, an angina ofeconomic development, and a holbad of discova,y. WM 140,000 livlng alumni.ECU has served the people of North Carolina and U'l8 nation for more than acentury. ECU is a national leader in U'l8 health sciences, an eogine for regionaltransformation, and prides ltsell on service and community engagement. The,university was recently recognized nallonally w ilh Iha C . Peter McGrath award .- for communjty engagement and The Freedom Aw&(d tor service to the miltlalY-TheS J::085Slulcandl0Alewill bea l&aaef"and.,.,.,. aswelaslQmlOj)QI Chanenid ,11804. Cho \.kwelady was thefilst publoc inslltution of t\igllor leilmng in !heNonhwoot Tolrilory. The e e - of OUirlAlhens""""""lhefirsll endowm8nl ol an eduCa!lonal inIha Utwod SW . Cho UN-,,ay Is home 1011 colleges. !he College ol Msand Scionces; COiiege QI Coili;goof Fine Alts; College o! Heal1h Sciences andl',ons; Honors T'11orial Coliogo; PattonColiogo ol Education; Russ Coliogo ofoc:n-m.ncall r""' has aealad - onm,m,entS- ope,aliOnalerf Sltlewil have:l"lslO y o f with financial aamlnislrative sytltsm8 and operation9;experience with dllla and enalysls; !he lo diWelOP. eme, andn-. budget and financial sys1em5 n aEnrOlling nearly 28,000, Iha univers,ty lnctudes Ille founding Collage of-Ur"M1111ty;lheal:ilir/10work Wlln faoAy and proleS IOOal staffC0118aQue5. anq 10 build conman p,.spoooEducation. whidl lies been joined by: lhe Thomas Harriot Conege of Ms andSciences, as well as Iha coUeges of business, tine arts and commumcallon,heallh and human pertormance. human ecology, and technology and computerscience. The Division of Health Sclences·includes lhe School of Allied HealthSciences, lhe 13rody School of Medicine, tlje Collage of Nursing, and IM newSchool 01 Dental MedJclne.IMlUgll &Hectlve COIIOborallon -lnlormalioo Sl\aling; and QXj)Oliencewctl .l Q w11h a chlel 8J e0UIMI officor, a and TOCMOlogy; SawsColege ol Cormu1icalion; ColleQe; GraduateCoilege; and lhe HenlaQeCo8ega of 08loopa11'k Meclc,no. Al ti tcampuses and In 2 oenten, OU 1 11s 1.075gc:,.nng 00aR1, - and organrzalio(,al 00llSllllJ8llCI 10 provido accuall!, and C01JllianlA -.atadegreels - tull-tlmiil lacullll ind 794 po.r\-llme !acuityand emplo)'I 3.550 full- and pa1t-1lme stall.The UrwWSlly has an FY 2013 IIIQUr9d and an adllano8d d,egree anel/or professional exparienoe . U' 8Said is prolorn,d.ffResponsible for all Institutional tundrai ng and tho creatton and maiotenance alrelationships with an critical external constiruencies, Iha vice chancellor w1d workwlth lh&UAiV81'8ity, athletic, and medlC8! loundations. as weU as the alumniassociation, to develop and to Implement an integrated strategic plan formaximizing inslJtutlonal advancement.The position requires the demonstrated ability to wOlk effectively wilh uruversity-budget ol 686 million.The SAVP IS res.,oos,Ole tor ri5Cal piamng.financlal l8C0rds and rapanng, budge!R- a KenoledyBrlU Neumann Aasociataa, Inc.managamant, management of lnsbtubOnaldab!, mane,QI S)'SIOO"IS and data ""'8l)' iS,Boston, MAcandidate will be able to design, develap, and coordinate a comp,ehenswecampaign while al lhe same time building a strong and eHicienl organiZ.atlonalteam. Strong instltutional leadership is required tor the position. Afl advanceddegree and unlaerslty ei perience are preferred.ohiol,ilvp@brl1Jn1t1.Uru1:nn.coma : . . ,., . i l i i Q . , a l . 1 0 . : t u i M n A1tqlm'Mllmn'lot.ualf'Ol/1'd a F'O'mmi Of"IOU.": .Confidential inqulfies, nominations and applications may be senl Ill 1h11 university'sconsu11ants: Dennis Barden and Ahca Miller, at fCI IYG\ tA@lwiUJ ffeC ,;omCandidales should submit a oover lener describing lhe11 111terest in andqualifications for lhe position and a resume. . ,.,.o'lb.«ti. .'· ,'-bri llneumann·--·e: u;;; -- rc'h Consu1t1ng.;An equal opponunitylaffirmauve ac/Jon employer that accommodatesthe.needs of inr:Jwiduais w11fl r:Jjsabi/Jties. 'e:PP.ollcyCommssmDirector of Classificationand Compeo.sat:ionTh,:\ nl VU1,irua lid EduatJ.On Pol.icy Couuru»wn - locat in Oi:atlr.-.-wu ,l\d 5CJY a.11 o!Wc,t V11g uu:l's public uutitutionsof high. r cducatton see.ks ii Director of Cla.iskfic.iuion .a.ndCompcns.i.tton t Q provide ovcruU ludc.rship and cuordknatio11 of!."",,,.Hii;,atioo ar'.\d compensation iruti111d.,c:a: for h.idlerc:duc.t.11,m c.mpk,yeu. r't: teq1J.irt:d. Mu, ·, dcgrie-e nd C.,rulicd Compcnsot""' Pro c-.J (CCP) p,dtm:d.WITT/ KIEFFERand conduct research in v.idget studies; ad"ise studenu; and participate in facultyservice. Requirements: PhD in widgetstudiesor relat.'"1i field. Interested personsshould mail a CV to Unr,ersity of Hawaii atManoa, \\Ttdget Srudie::1 Program,, Honolulu, ED96S22. UHMU:mEEO/AA employer.!o ··«-- "Assistant Director of Special EventsThe Alslslant Oirecw asilsu tho lliff wr ol pe iol EvE,,u in pro,,idin J ful r#j d MCeS relaLE i 10 lhf . . - . : ! """'tiood llfllcff IO . n po1rS0nlort. .rocalondar, budget "POr\lt, UIMcilJ, Ublogiltia a n d chair 10 Ille CAxrrnonament Commiuee. Works w,lh rni,,rbnol li o 1ft.-.nity conminty .on . , . . , , cle ig,\ilfd t,yJ!w VP d l.kliYonllyAdvarament ,uch as, but no\IO, l , coo!., ,dedication,, dimm and fuoo-rAi.ler,. ri lhe iib encc 01 the Dire (, Irle)'wil iWUme full responsbf,I)' for lhe olfice. Musi WOii. lleiobie OOIJll OI1-itd llduding we,eb,nds.App,liuhon 1;4;1o:ning bcgim: M11r h I, 20l3 .n 'licW-.Wid ge1 Studits: Assistant Professor. Willteach unda:graduate and graduate coursesP UCXI. ci,pc.nir d until li1kd.To-E- r o l e . ThoSAVPalso-asU. T.,.ar ll'lo Ohio IJnM rsnySeruAssocialeVIC !PrasitlonfocF.-.ancaa n d - l S A TheSAVPn,pcrtsto the VICII Prosid,ant for Fllance is to-dl)I o t U,o.""'li dtlu: jQb :innow:ic:emcm. a.rad aµpli ation f '4u!rcmcou,"""w.hepe.wvoeu,du o.nd clid the.Job, Llnl .E.q.,.J Opponwu,y!Ajfinn.uJuo Actw,, mp/O) r. YU11fT Qwliic.llion,: 8acntla ' doglte in rdlt. od field -.l!lal"""'two)' lr cl reliledMflt coorclinallon exp,nenc.,. SIIO!VJ IUl)' "'-'l"' exceli«ll ploming. OOYn ll iallon dl'ld orgoruaoon 11o1!,; a,mpu i,, andlOCial medl/o U1 To "1 1)1)1, 90 LO hap:// and , di wJogposting numbo:, 0691:US,N .ri,a, / t p d iAdlltiluula!Cdx.J 14.lldc:l"H, asMGl I O . K b t .biU ll!Ct., b IIJIJ.! IU C. uokl,ecACQ.r-adtc:Ka,J. . "I) :a. l:. ua' t.: NEW JER E.I' INS1Tl\/1l. OF Tf01M)U)Cr HlCH"T:L . OllOZ., lllllllu S c - . l Q I I nc:uua,. lil . .Jol WA. Oep,,,,1- oi k-d«lM, Sul-c, tJ11M:t 'Ul)' I :Snc.riu CtAa:.P,0. Dia.lWJl,s.!u'CWpw1, '? ll:I0-3932. :Ui--67S .S9ta.:;IM :l18.'1.,1 7 l"7( . cc tl}l& J'1,1, J.!.C-0 '"W;.ffu,, A.:tol, ledl : M ' . n,.i:c pc. .-&tJ-.,;,11.of pRJ,"'fl""UU«cr.l c.Ya.atp,.abue&\llolOi,udW.,e-Lc:ur.noJt111:1,. kNII.iiS,c:aod. N.,.,. MOHt.-" AIk!IIQUOlll. W a.itw- D:'Kll.Wlllici WIIA 1 , j liOO OjHlO . 10,i.PJ'I . m.d. 1.A111""'-iikk:aN 1ac Nw:tlUlJ P UMI"' -'NOW.U-"""1 lr;w1UIM"""-Gll.-1'bdr,tjlCb.,,cl,&J it!ipc, ,S.auiy c.:s.i.f)' ,., . IQ Ui. IMrllllt 10,U0.ll11'idllffl V .i;u.,crktlU l,(a,ju,I ,.w 0.b .)11., tl.\lbc:n., rJu,u,t'ol. DcJ'otll111,Q1,. Us.,.MM"1-lb.U.,U Ulll11. 'll.l' 111 U l,4. .,.,. IU loq ' run a full ad that includes employer name ("University of Hawaii"), title, duties, MQs, DQs (if any),& application instructions. Can't summarize the job & then link to the full description on Work at UH.

Sample national professional journal 30-day web adJob Search ResultsAssistant Professor of PsychologyWaldorf College in Iowa Save PrintDeadlineOpen until filledDate PostedMarch 15, 2014TypeSalaryPosting date must be visibleTenured, tenure trackNot specifiedEmployment Type Full-timeWaldorf College seeks candidates for a permanent, full-time position in its Psychology Department. Applicants with a background inphysiological or cognitive psychology are especially encouraged to apply.The successful candidate will be expected to teach four courses per semester potentially including the following courses: CognitivePsychology, Physiological Psychology, Sensation/Perception, Principles of Learning, Human Growth and Development, ResearchMethods/Statistics and/or seminars in the candidates area of expertise. Responsibilities also include advising undergraduate students andaiding in the ongoing development of the departments growing residential and online Bachelors degree programs in cooperation with thedepartment chair and faculty governance. Appointment begins August 15, 2014.Candidates should possess the following: completed by August 2014, ABD considered if near completion.Evidence of excellence in teaching at the college level preferred.A strong commitment to the development and welfare of undergraduate students both inside and outside of the classroom.Commitment to continued professional development and involvement of students in undergraduate research.The ability to relate well to students, faculty and staff.Excellent communication skills.A willingness to be responsible for student outcomes.Willingness to meet prospective students and their parents who visit campus.Waldorf has upheld the Lutheran tradition of excellence in higher education since the college was founded in 1903. This tradition valuesservice to the community, academic excellence, freedom of inquiry, a liberating education, and learning through the exchange of ideas in openconversation. More information about Waldorf College can be obtained at http://www.waldorf.eduApplication by persons in under-represented groups is particularly encouraged.Review of applications will begin May 5, 2014 and continue until position is filled. To apply, please send letter of application addressing thequalifications above, a current vita, teaching evaluation summaries (if available), three letters of recommendation, and copies of graduatetranscripts toDr. Scott Searcy, VPAA, Waldorf College, 106 S. Sixth Street, Forest City, IA 50436 or via e-mail to date3 /15/2014 10:25 AM

Proof of 30-day web ad postingThe Chronicle of Higher EducationThe Chronicle of PhilanthropyRecruitment Advertising Order ConfirmationThank you for your purchase. Your Chronicle ad has been published. Below is your order confirmation. Werecommend that you save or print this e-mail for your records.Billing InformationAd Order NumberE-Mail Address@hawaii.eduOrderer/Client InformationAdvertiser/AgencyUniversity of HawaiiUniversity of Hawaii at ManoaATTN: Disbursing Office - INVOICES,2445 C1Honolulu, HI 96822USAHonolulu, HI 96822USAPhone Number(808)956-Advertiser/Agency Acct. NumberOrder InformationAd TypePrint Line Ad with 30-Day Web Run:\d SizeColor1.0 X 46 words NONE KeywordPublications and Start DatesPublicationWeb Dates/ Print Issue DatesChronicle of Higher Education3/22/2013Chronicle.comf]obs3/15/2014 to 4/13/2014# of InsertionsPrint/Web SectionLine Ad30Online PostingPricing InformationTotal NET Ad Price Due to our printing deadline, please call or e-mail within 24 hours of receipt of this e-mail if there are any changesyou would like to make to your ad, otherwise your ad will run as is.Please Note: Any duplication of this ad without consent from The Chronicle is strictly prohibited.Total NET Ad Price above is !1fil of commissions and discounts - your invoice will be sent to you separately whichcontains the itemized list of your charges. This is not an invoice.An e-mail notification will be sent to you when your electronic tearsheet (e-tearsheet) is ready to be viewed online.If you require a paper tearsheet and you have not already purchased it with your order, you may order one bycontacting the Accounting Department at 202-466-1006. The e-tearsheet service is for print ads Q!!Jy .Please print your Web ad from our Web site for your records. It will be available on 3/15/2013.http.I/chronicle com/iobs/0000 77If you need to view your ad after the ad has expired, please click on the following link to access your ad through ourarchives:http /!chronicle com/iobs/archived1000077Questions ? Contact The Chronicle at (202) 466-1050 or e-mail JObs@chromcle.com3/l li201J 5·23 09PM

Sample Work at UH ad (optional)Work at UH Advertisement-- If possible, recruit only 1 rank at a time. If more than 1 rank, thenmust have a very clear way of distinguishing who's applying for whichrank(s). If applicant doesn't specify, then must assume he/she wouldaccept at any rank, even a lower one.Title:Assistant Professor (Hospitality Management)Position Number:0085897, 0087434Hiring Unit:School of Travel Industry ManagementLocation:ManoaDate Posted:October 28, 2014Closing Date:Continuous - application review begins December 12, 2014Salary Information:Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.Monthly Type:9 MonthTenure Track:TenureFull Time/Part Time:Full TimeTemporary/Permanent:PermanentFunding:General FundsOther Conditions:To begin approximately August 2015.Duties and ResponsibilitiesTeach undergraduate and graduate courses in travel industry management and additional subjects based on programmatic needand the candidate’s specific expertise.Duties, MQs, & DQs havebeen kept as succinct aspossible; DQs are not alengthy wish list.Courses to be taught to be selected from human resource management/organizational behavior, operation management/strategicmanagement, event/meeting planning, and food and beverage management for the hospitality industry.Engage in research and scholarly activities leading to publicationsProvide professional, university, and department service.Advise undergraduate and graduate students.Supervise graduate student research.Minimum QualificationsDoctorate from a college or university of recognized standing in a relevant field.Evidence of teaching ability at the university level.Evidence of ability to publish research in refereed academic journals.ABD considered, candidates must submit a letter from their committee chair confirming their expected date of completion. -- Good to include ABD in case selecteedoesn't graduate by offer/selection date.Desirable QualificationsRecord of funded research or experience in one or more of the following: human resource management/organizational behavior,food and beverage management, operation management/strategic management for the hospitality industry, or event/meetingplanning.Experience with web-enhanced and/or distance education.To Apply:Submit cover letter indicating how you satisfy the minimum and desirable qualifications,curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts (copies are acceptable but official transcripts arerequired at the time of hire), names and contact information (including telephonenumbers and e-mail addresses) of at least 3 professional references.Address:Electronic Address: TIMapply@hawaii.eduFaculty SearchSchool of Travel Industry Management2560 Campus Road, George Hall 345Honolulu, HI 96822Inquiries:Susan Kikuchi; 808-956-4889; susan.kikuchi@hawaii.eduThe University of Hawaiʻi is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex,gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, incomeassignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, domestic or sexual violence victim status,national guard absence, or status as a covered veteran.Employment is contingent on satisfying employment eligibility verification requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986; reference checksof previous employers; and for certain positions, criminal history record checks.In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, annual campus crime statistics for theUniversity of Hawaii may be viewed at:, or a paper copy may be obtained upon request from the respective UH Campus Securityor Administrative Services 19/3166206/4/post. -- URLPrint date -- 3/11/2015 10:18 AM

The Chronicle of Higher Education The Chronicle of Philanthropy Recruitment Advertising Order Confirmation Thank you for your purchase. Your Chronicle ad has been published.