ATRRS Course CatalogPage 1 of 14Information For Course 071-SI/ASI2B (MC)Back to Course ListingSchool: 964ACourse: 071-SI/ASI2B (MC)Course Title: AIR ASSAULTAcademic Hours: 84Military Career Development Crs Completion (Resident):Military Career Development Crs Completion (DL):New SearchLocation: 6901 ROSSELL ST, BLDG 4155, FORT BENNING, GAPhase:DL Academic Hours: 0View Course PrerequisitesClass ScheduleNonconducted ClassesCancelled ClassesRescheduled ClassesViewClass ScheduleFY: 2021School: 964ACourse: 071-SI/ASI2B (MC)Course Title: AIR ASSAULTClass Maximum: 150 Class Optimum: 150 Class Minimum: 50Class Prereqs Report DatePhase:Course Length: 1 Weeks 3.0 DaysStart DateEnd DateCityState Zip001View30 Nov 202001 Dec 202011 Dec 2020Capacity Class Type Street150Resident6901 ROSELL ROAD BLDG 4159FORT BENNINGGA31905002View02 Nov 202003 Nov 202013 Nov 2020150Resident6901 ROSELL ROAD BLDG 4159FORT BENNINGGA31905003View01 Mar 202102 Mar 202112 Mar 2021150Resident6901 ROSELL ROAD BLDG 4159FT. BENNINGGA31905004View24 May 2021 25 May 202104 Jun 2021240Resident6901 ROSELL ROAD BLDG 4159FORT BENNINGGA31905101View26 Apr 202127 Apr 202107 May 2021240Onsite1CAMP GRUBEROK74423102View14 Jun 202115 Jun 202125 Jun 2021240Onsite5629 FL-16CAMP BLANDINGFL32091103View02 Aug 202103 Aug 202113 Aug 2021240Onsite1CAMP EDWARDSMA02542104View05 Apr 202106 Apr 202116 Apr 2021240Onsite1 GARRISON ROADANNVILLEPA17028Classes that have been nonconducted or cancelled or rescheduled have been excludedCourse Scope And Special InformationCurrently Effective 2017-10-11Course Scope:Purpose: To train Soldiers in the conduct of Air Assault operations, slingload operations, rappelling operations from an aircraft and through mental andphysical training to develop their leadership, self-confidence, and aggressive spirit. Phase Scope: This course produces the ASI 2B which is an integralcomponent of the Soldier's career progression with certification on the various aspects of Air Assault operations. PHASE 1 COMBAT AIR ASSAULT: Duringthis phase students receive instruction on the various aspects of combat air assault. This includes aircraft orientation, aircraft safety, aero medical evacuation,pathfinder operations, combat assault, and hand and arm signals. PHASE 2 SLINGLOAD OPERATIONS: During this phase students receive instruction onpreparing, rigging, and inspecting various standard slingloads. PHASE 3 RAPPELLING OPERATIONS: During this phase students receive instruction ontying a rappel seat, hook-up techniques, lock-in procedures, belay procedures, and combat rappel. Students will conduct multiple rappels from a rappel towerand from U.S. Army rotary wing aircraft. COURSE OUTCOMES: Demonstrate tactical and technical competence in rotary wing air movement operations.Integrate organic rotary wing aircraft into joint operations. Demonstrate technical ability to prepare external loads for rotary wing operations. Demonstratetechnical competence in rotary wing evacuation operations. Integrate rotary wing attack aircraft into air movement operations.Special Information:Troop Schools will not be funded by TRADOC (MDEP 00). Each Troop School will provide resources, funding, and manpower in order to conduct the courseIAW the USAIS POI and the MOA. Students requesting course/phase prerequisite waivers (e.g. AOC/MOS, Rank/Grade, Medical/Physical Standards, etc.) orunits requesting changes to POI content (e.g. during "on site" course conducts (MTT) request to delete/modify lessons/blocks of instruction, shortage ofequipment, etc.) will submit their request through the first LTC Commander in their chain of command. Waivers may be submitted electronically to thefollowing email or by mail to the Chief of Infantry's office: l.mil Chief of Infantry, U.S. Army InfantrySchool ATTN: ATSH-IP 1 Karker St, Suite 6107, Ft Benning, GA 31905. Waivers (minus Medical/Physical) must be submitted NLT 75 days prior to the classstart date. Waivers for Medical/Physical requirements must be submitted NLT 90 days prior to the class start date. Zero Day: During zero day students willparticipate in a uniform/packing list inspection, submit required course administrative documentation, and be evaluated on their physical and mental stamina.Students will be required to perform a: 1. Uniform/packing list inspection. 2. The obstacle course. Students will be required to successfully negotiate 8 of 9obstacles, to include two mandatory obstacles: the "Tough One" and the "Confidence Climb". 3. Two-mile run. All students while wearing ACUs and runningshoes must complete a two mile run in less than 18 minutes or less. Upon successful completion of all zero day events and administrative in-processing,students will be admitted into the AAC. Those students who fail to meet the standards for any event or portion of an event will not be admitted into the AACand returned to their respective unit/command.Information for School 964A, Last Updated 17 Mar 2021Welcome to the Army National Guards Warrior Training Center (WTC) located atFort Benning, Georgia.ATRRS School Code: 964A WTC POCs:- HQ Address: 6901 Rosell Street, Bldg 4165, Fort Benning, GA 31905- Website: https://www.benning.army.mil/wtc/- Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ARNGWTCFacebook- Battalion Operations OIC: 706-544-7468- Battalion Operations NCOIC: 706-544-6308- Battalion Schools NCOIC: 706-544-6435- Battalion Staff Duty (During After Hours): 706-544-6133Training Companies A Co, teaches Ranger Training Assesment Course, Combatives Level I and LevelII Instructor Certification courses and Master Fitness Trainer Course. B Co, teaches Air Assault and National Guard/Reserves ONLY Pathfinder MTTfile:///C:/Users/RALENO 1.MIL/AppData/Local/Temp/GJCSVQIJ.htm4/21/2021
ATRRS Course CatalogPage 2 of 14 C Co, teaches Bradley Training Assesment Course, Vehicle Crew Evaluator,Abrams Training Assessment Course, M1A1 Abrams Master Gunner CertificationCourse, Senior Gunner Course, and multiple Senior Instructor/Operator Coursesfor the Stabilized and Un-stabilized platforms.MTTs: For information regarding the purchase and execution of an MTT at yourlocation, please contact the BN S-3. Note that WTC can only offer PathfinderMTTs to National Guard/Reserve Component soldiers.WALK-ONS: Walk-on soldiers are highly discouraged because WTC cannot guaranteethat soldiers that are travelling will be accepted. Submit your personnelthrough your Chain of Command for a valid ATRRS Reservation. If you have anyissues contact the BN Schools NCO or BN S-3 OIC/NCOIC PRIOR to sending ANYnumber of walk-ons.ORDERS: The ARNG WTC does not produce orders for Soldiers who are attendingany of our courses. If you need orders, contact your Unit Chain of Command andTraining POCs.TRANSPORTATION: To guarantee transportation; coordination must be arrangedprior to arrival. ARNG WTC Students arriving via commercial air should email acopy of their flight itinerary to the host site / unit, not WTC, unless it isa course held at Fort Benning, GA. All transportation will be conducted at thenearest airport. WTC will not arrange for soldier pickup from the Airport.Sending unit must coordinate transportation to the WTC.////////////////////////////NON RTAC COVID19GUIDANCE///////////////////////////1.In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the WTC Mobile Training Team(MTT) courses are applying the necessary COVID-19 mitigations to keepstudents, cadre and support personnel safe and healthy. This includes studentsattending the course as an insert or coordinated walk-on. Students scheduledto attend MTT courses should adhere to the guidance specified throughout thismemo.2.Commanders should counsel their Soldiers on the following preventativemeasures:a.Restrict movement for 14 days prior to the scheduled course start.Travel should be limited to duty/employment location and home.b.Necessity is defined as the following and limited to the closestservice to their place of residence: work, healthcare needs, grocery shopping,take-out meals, postal, banking, laundry services, gas stations, and otheressential activities.c. Prospective students should avoid bars, eating inside restaurants,gyms, saloons, large groups or mass formations, and indoor meetings thatexceed 60 cumulative minutes.3. The preferred method of travel is the use of sterile transportation such asGSA, Rental Car, or POV. However, if commercial air is utilized, students willstrictly adhere to airport and airline guidelines, practice social distancing,limit contact with the public, wear a cloth face cover at all times, andselect direct flights. In the event that direct flights are not an option,units should request flights with limited lay-overs, especially flights withlay-overs in busy airports for extended periods of time.4. Upon arrival to the course, students will not enter any barracks orbuilding on site without first being screened by a medic or cadre member.Students will present the WTC prescreening questionnaire (signed by aPhysician39s Assistant or Medical Doctor) and a memorandum for record signed bythe first 05 in the Soldier39s chain of command. The memorandum will outlineall measures taken by the Soldier to mitigate his/her exposure to COVID toinclude a detailed travel plan.//////////////////////////////RTAC COVID19 GUIDANCE////////////////////////////National Guard Soldiers must follow NGB travel guidance for ETPs to attendWarrior Training Center schools.1.All RTAC students will quarantine at their current duty station for 14 daysand travel to Ft Benning via sterile transportation.2.RTAC Students current unit submits a memorandum to United States ArmyInfantrySchool (USAIS) Commandant for approval to attend the desired functional schoolstating quarantine procedures and sterile transportation to FBGA. The memomust be signed by 1-star General Officer and submitted to United States ArmyInfantry School (USAIS) Commandant for review and approval. These must besubmitted 14 days prior to in-processing. Submit all waivers mail.mil3.Quarantine is defined as, a 14 day period in a barracks or barracks likeenvironment with minimal outside contact to ensure no spread of viral vectorsto individuals in quarantine.4.Sterile Transportation is defined as, government transportation with noexposure to outside threats during the trip. It does not include commercialair, rail, bus, or POV travel. Units are responsible to consolidate studentsand procure sterile, government transportation from origin to Fort Benning,GA.5.Individuals that fail to meet the requirements as outlined above will notgain entry to the course and will be returned to their point of origin.///BREAK///If you ARE local to Fort Benning (you are stationed here) you must do thefollowing:file:///C:/Users/RALENO 1.MIL/AppData/Local/Temp/GJCSVQIJ.htm4/21/2021
ATRRS Course CatalogPage 3 of 141. You may quarantine at your unit for 14 days prior to course start but youmust arrive on in-processing day with a memorandum signed by your BattalionCommander outlining your quarantine and sterile transportation to Camp Butler.2. Quarantine is defined as a 14 day period in a barracks or barracks likeenvironment with minimal outside contact to ensure no spread or viral vectorsto individuals in quarantine.3. Sterile Transportation is defined as, government transportation with noexposure to outside threats during the trip. It does not include commercialair, rail, bus, or POV travel. Units are responsible to consolidate studentsand procure sterile, government transportation from origin to Camp ////////////////////////////////////Course: Ranger Training Assesment CourseATRRS Course Number: 071-2E-F290/011-F123Course Website: mScope: The RTAC Course consists of 14 days of training. The first weekis designed to mirror the first week of Ranger School39s (Benning) phase. Thesecond week is designed to Coach, Teach, and Mentor students during the patrolphase of the course. The purpose of the RTAC is to prepare Soldiers to succeedat the US Army Ranger School. RTAC accomplishes this by assessing theSoldiers39physical and mental capabilities, training the Soldiers on Troop LeadingProcedures, and Reconnaissance/Ambush patrols to the samestandards conducted at the US Army Ranger School. RTAC is designed toverify that all medical/dental and administrative paperwork is complete forRanger School attendance. Students will be required to pass the minimum RangerPhysical Assessment(RPA) of 49 push-ups, 59 sit-ups and 5 mile (release) runin 40:00 minutes or less. In addition to the RPA, students will be evaluatedat the Combat Water Survival Test, Land Navigation, Road March, Ranger TaskTraining, Patrols, and Peer Evaluations.ATTENTION: SGLVs must now be completed online atupdated SGLV will result in dismissal from the course.1. Arrival. All Soldiers travelling by commercial aircraft must carry acomplete uniform, PT uniform and all necessary paperwork in their carry-onbag. The uniform is Operational Camouflage Pattern Uniform or your serviceequivalent.2. Commercial Transportation. Regardless of how the student travels to FortBenning, he will pass through or close by Columbus, Georgia. Downtown Columbusis 12 miles from Fort Benning, and is a city with a population ofapproximately 200,000. Columbus is served by major airlines and seven majorhighways. There are two inter-city bus lines that operate in and out ofColumbus daily. If the student arrives in Columbus by commercial plane, he maytravel to the post by city bus (Metra) or taxi. If a Soldier cannot make thereport time the day of in-processing, then they are authorized to report theday prior and will be housed in the barracks overnight.3. Travel by POV. There is a parking lot at Camp Butler, WTC area that islighted, fenced and locked. Students reporting with privately owned vehiclesmust park them in the lower lot, during in-processing, and leave them therefor the duration of the course.4. Reporting. Incoming students will report at 0800. Soldiers unable to reportat the required time will contact the RTAC Operations NCO at 706-626-2969.Reporting location is 6901 Rosell Rd, Building 4157 located in the HarmonyChurch area of Fort Benning. Students must report in Operational CamouflagePattern Uniform or your service equivalent with a camelbak. Only nametape andUS Army tape will be worn on the OCP. Early reporting is authorized andtemporary barracks will be provided.5. Orders. Incoming students will have 5 copies of their orders assigning themto the RTAC/Ranger Course. 161039s or a 4187 with unit funding code (TDY) arethe Units responsibility. Students who are TDY en route must also have 5copies of their PCS orders.6. Airborne. All airborne qualified students need to bring proof of theirAirborne qualification; the Airborne Course Certificate and parachutist badgeorders both suffice. International Students mustbring a copy of orders that states they are graduates of the U.S. ArmyAirborne School. Students are not required to be Airborne qualified, but areencouraged to attend the Airborne Course prior to attending RTAC.7. Meals. Meals will be provided.8. Lodging: Lodging will be provided. Statements of non-availability will notbe provided.9. Medical. Refer to the Medical tab for medical requirements y the following medical criteria are non-waiverable:a. Chronic or daily use of medicationsb. Any condition that would make a soldier non-deployable c. Previous hotweather injury (cannot begin course from the months of April-October) d.Previous cold weather injury (cannot begin course from the months ofOctober-April)10. Commanders Validation Letter. Incoming students will have a copy of theCommanders Validation Letter. An example of this letter will be sent to allincoming students in the course welcome packet 45 days prior to in-processing.11.Sister Services.a. Air Force. Air Force personnel attending RTAC are required tocontact the AF Liaison NLT the week prior to Zero Day. Contact (706) 835-8350or BB (706) 761-2706 for coordination.b. Marine Corps. Marines attending RTAC are advised to report to theFort Benning USMC Liaison on the Thursday before Zero Day. Contact the Adminfile:///C:/Users/RALENO 1.MIL/AppData/Local/Temp/GJCSVQIJ.htm4/21/2021
ATRRS Course CatalogPage 4 of 14Section (706) 626-8004 or the OOD (706) 326-6510 for assistance immediatelyupon arrival to the Fort Benning/Columbus area.12. Re-attempting Ranger School Waiver. The ARTB Commander may require that astudent present a request for waiver for attendance (previous LOM, SOR), priorto re-attempting Ranger Training. Waiver must be approved and forwarded at theO-6 level of the unit chain of command. The RTB Commander will exercise hisdiscretion on approving/disapproving the request for waiver based on thestudent39s prior school performance. Student must be able to present a hardcopy of the waiver during Day Zero in processing.13. Packing list. Students must arrive with a printed packing list signed bycompany commander of first sergeant verifying all required items are present.Current packing list is located 2019ngList.xlsx). Boot policy is contained within the packing list.14. Haircuts. All students will arrive on Zero Day with an appropriatehaircut.a. All Male Ranger students will have a Ranger haircut. A Ranger haircut isdefined as: stubble-entire head shaved with hair clippers with no guardattached. There is no requirement to shave your head with a razor.b. All Female Ranger Students will have a haircut IAW Female Short Lengthstandards in AR 670-1. AR 670-1 defines a Female Short Haircut as, "hairlength that extends no more than 1 inch from the scalp (excluding bangs). Hairmay be no shorter than 1/4 inch from the scalp (unless due to medicalcondition or injury), but may be evenly tapered to the scalp within 2 inchesof the hair line edges.15. Heat Mitigation Statement. If you plan on attending RTAC in thesummer months, ensure that you are in peak fitness due to the increasedhumidity and high temperatures. If possible, arrive at Ft. Benning two weeksprior to the course start date in order to acclimatize your body to the higherheat and humidity. WTC cannot facilitate billeting for students that arriveearly, except for those arriving the day prior to course start date.16. Unauthorized Items. No unauthorized items, as defined in the Rangerpacking list, will be brought to the course. Any contraband will beconfiscated on Zero Day and stored in an unauthorized bag in a locked cage.Contraband is anything not on the Ranger School Packing list.17. Ensure you visit http://www.benning.army.mil/tenant/wtc/RTAC.html for anyadditional information or documents that may be needed.18. National Guard Soldiers who graduate the Ranger training Assessment Coursehave a six month grace period to attend U.S. Army Ranger ////////////////////////////////////Combatives Level I (964-COMBATIVES) and Level II (964-COMBATIVES LV 2)Scope: Level 1 certified instructors are capable of teaching basic Combativescore Level 1 techniques. They can implement Combatives Level 1 training at theSquad level with oversight from Level 2 certified instructors.Level 2 certified instructors are given a more detailed understanding of coreLevel 1 techniques, and are given a broadened knowledge of some more advancedfighting techniques. They can implement Combatives Level 1 training at thePlatoon level with oversight from Master Combatives certified instructors.Master Combatives certified instructors are authorized to teach theLevel 1 & 2 courses as well as run Battalion sized Combatives programs.General:The Army National Guard Warrior Training Center teaches Level 1 and Level 2Combatives courses. We do not implement Soldiers training at any level. It isthe duty of the Units to implement Soldier level training utilizing certifiedInstructors.1. Reporting:Reporting Date: The report date will always be on a SUNDAY, and the start datewill always be on a MONDAY. In-processing hours: 0900-1300 on SUNDAY at theARNG Warrior Training Center (WTC), 6901 Rosell Rd, Bldg 4157, FortBenning, GA 31905.Students will be lodged at the ARNG Warrior Training Center. We do notrecommend lodging anywhereelse due to the nature and length of the training. A statement ofnon-availability of government quarters WILL NOT be issued. Meals are notprovided but Soldiers will be released for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Soldiers reporting to MTT Locations should contact their Unit for reportinginformation.2. Documentation- Three copies of your orders or DD Form 1610. Ft Benning Soldiers attending aclass on Fort Benning, GA must present a completed Service School Worksheetfrom their Unit in lieu of orders.- DA 705 (APFT Scorecard) with 70% of greater in each event and dated withinone month of the report date.- Medical records annotating current PHA (MEDPROS IMR) within ONE (1) YEAR.Soldiers over 40 must undergo a cardiovascular risk evaluation IAW AR40-502,4-14 and provide a memorandum from SMs provider annotating acardiovascular risk percentage. LASIK / PRK and retina injuries must beidentified upon arrival.- Combatives Level 1 Certificate for students attending the Level 2 course3. Packing ListCombatives Level 1- Military Sleep System or Equivalent- 1 Full sets of OCPs (complete with patches and name tapes)- 3 or more sterile OCPs- 1 Patrol Cap with name Tape and Rank- 1 Pair of Combat Bootsfile:///C:/Users/RALENO 1.MIL/AppData/Local/Temp/GJCSVQIJ.htm4/21/2021
ATRRS Course CatalogPage 5 of 14- Reflective Belt- 5 Tan T-Shirts- Towel- Personal hygiene kit- Shower shoes- Mouth piece- Groin protection- 1 set of IPFU Complete- 2 Pair White Socks- 1 Pair of Shower Shoes- 1 Pair of Running Shoes- Camelback or similar water containerCombatives Level 2- Military Sleep System or Equivalent- 1 Full sets of OCPs (complete with patches and name tapes)- 3 or more sterile OCPs- 1 Patrol Cap with name Tape and Rank- 1 Pair of Combat Boots- Reflective Belt- 5 Tan T-Shirts- Towel- Personal hygiene kit- Shower shoes- Mouth piece- Groin protection- 1 set of IPFU Complete- 2 Pair White Socks- 1 Pair of Shower Shoes- 1 Pair of Running Shoes- Camelback or similar water container- ACH Helmet- FLC or equivalent- Tactical Knee and Elbow Pads- 180 inch wrist wraps- IBA/IOTV completeMissing items need to be identified promptly and may be purchased at FortBenning, GA or local area supply stores.4. Mobile Training TeamsUnits interested in purchasing MTTs need to do so through their State QuotaSource manager. You may contact the WTC BN Schools NCO to get preliminaryspecific information but a formal request will be submitted through : Master Fitness Trainer Course (MFTC)ATRRS COURSE NUMBER: 9E-SI6P/920-ASIP5PHASE: 2 (RESIDENT)COURSE WEBSITE: RSE SCOPE:Instruction will include all aspects of Army39s Physical Readiness TrainingSystem IAW current Army Doctrine and Regulations. Students will learn how toperform as unit advisors to their commanders on physical readiness issues aswell as establish and monitor both unit and individual Physical ReadinessTraining Programs. The instructional objectives of the MFTC instruction willinclude the science of exercise, physical fitness assessment, exercisetraining principles, exercise prescription, exercise leadership anddevelopment of individual and unit physical readiness programs in accordancewith current Army doctrine and regulations.SPECIAL INFORMATION:For Travel to any class listed, the recommended travel day is Sunday for CONUSSoldiers and Saturday for OCONUS Soldiers, the weekend prior to the start dateof each class. This ensures that the Soldier is well rested on Sunday and willreport on Sunday (Day 0) for in-processing and ready to complete the ModifiedTactical Athlete Physical Assessment on Monday (Day 1).On Day 0 students will report to the Warrior Training Center, BLDG 4157 in theAPFU uniform at 1400. Students will immediately conduct HT/WT screening andin-processing.Ensure that you have the following items:a) TDY orders or DD Form 1610.b) CAC Card (Students must know there PIN and AKO Username/Password)c) Pend) Notebooke) MFTC Phase 1 (DL) Certificate of Completionf) Current PHA (within one year) and MEDPROS IMR printout. In addition, theSoldiers medical history must have no changes since the last PHA. Further,if any medical issues do exist then they must be approved at the discretion ofa medical provider. REFERENCE DA PAM 40-502, 6-5, (6). Soldiers must meet theretention standards of Chapter 3 of AR 40-501. Soldiers over 40 must undergo arequirements flier in welcome packet or contact the school house for moreinformation.g) Memorandum signed by the unit commander appointing the student as a primaryor alternate Master Fitness Trainer (MFT).h) Physical Fitness: DA705 for Record within last 30 days with a score of 240or higher (70 point minimum in each APFT event).The following information is provided to assist Students (Resident and MTT):a. Height/Weight: Soldiers who do not meet the standards of AR 600-9 WILL NOTbe allowed entrance in the course. You will be released back to your unit andmarked as an unqualified arrival immediately. b. Physical Fitness: DA705 forRecord within last 30 days with a score of 240 or higher (70 point minimum ineach APFT event). Soldiers who fail to meet minimum MFTC standards of 240 orhigher with 70 points in each event will not be allowed to in-process into thecourse and will subsequently be released back to your unit and marked as anunqualified arrival immediately. Physical Health/ Profiles: Students with atemporary profile WILL NOT be allowed in the course. Students with a permanentprofile that prevents them from executing exercises in FM 7-22, WILL NOT beallowed attendance in the course. Students with a permanent profile, that doesnot prevent them from executing exercises in FM 7-22, WILL REQUEST a waiverfile:///C:/Users/RALENO 1.MIL/AppData/Local/Temp/GJCSVQIJ.htm4/21/2021
ATRRS Course CatalogPage 6 of 14from the U.S. Army Physical Fitness School. Upon USAPFS approval, the studentcan attend the course. d. Equipment/Uniform Requirements: The Soldier and unitof assignment are responsible for ensuring all items are obtained prior toarrival at the school. Clothing and Equipment List are provided in the welcomeletter that is sent out NLT 45 days prior to the class start date. e.Transportation: Soldiers arriving by commercial air will have to make groundtransportation arrangements on their own to and from the Airport. It is alsothe sending unit39s/Soldier39s responsibility to provide a means oftransportation through the duration of the course. If you are driving in yourPOV ensure you have a driver39s license, registration, and insurance card inorder to gain access to the installation.TRAVEL INFORMATION:Fort Benning Students:For students attending Master Fitness Trainer Course at Fort Benning, lodgingis available onsite at the Warrior Training Center. Fort Benning provideslodging via IHG contract. The sending command is responsible to educate/briefSoldiers on Travelentitlements/authorizations. The MFTC does not provide meals daily during theweek or weekend. Transportation is not provided. It is the sending unit39sresponsibility to provide transportation. A POV or rental car is highlyrecommended.Mail: Incoming mail will be distributed by COB the day received. Youraddress during the resident MFTC at Fort Benning is:Warrior Training CenterMaster Fitness Trainer Course)Attn: Rank, First, MI, Last6901 Rosell Rd. Bldg. 4157Fort Benning, GA 31905Contact the Warrior Training Center at 706-544-6133 for moreinformation.Mobile Training Team (MTT) Students:The host unit will provide an MOI outlining lodging, meals, transportation,and other travel information. Travel information will be disseminated viawelcome packet to the student. Soldiers arriving by commercial air will haveto make ground transportation arrangements on their own to and from theAirport. It is also the sending unit39s/Soldier39s responsibility to provide ameans of transportation throughout the duration of the course. If you aredriving in your POV ensure you have a valid driver39s license, registration,and insurance card in order to gain access to any installation. Contact theWarrior Training Center at 706-905-9496 for more information.REPORTING INFORMATION:Fort Benning Courses:On Day 0 students will report to the Warrior Training Center, BLDG 4157 in theAPFU uniform at 1500In-processing will begin prior to or immediately following the APFT. Ensurethat you have the following items:a) TDY orders or DD Form 1610.b) CAC Card (Students must know there PIN and AKO Username/Password)c) Pend) Notebooke) MFTC Phase 1 (DL) Certificate of Completionf) Current PHA (within one year) and MEDPROS IMR printout. In addition, theSoldiers medical history must have no changes since the last PHA. Further,if any medical issues do exist then they must be approved at the discretion ofa medical provider. REFERENCE DA PAM 40-502, 6-5, (6). Soldiers must meet theretention standards of Chapter 3 of AR 40-501. Soldiers over 40 must undergo acardiovascular risk evaluation. REFERENCE: AR 40-501 3-14 A (5). See medicalrequirements flier in welcome packet or contact the school house for moreinformation.g) Memorandum signed by the unit commander appointing the student as a primaryor alternate Master Fitness Trainer (MFT).h) Physical Fitness: DA705 for Record within last 30 days with a score of 240or higher (70 point minimum in each APFT event).MTT Cou
School: 964A Location: 6901 ROSSELL ST, BLDG 4155, FORT BENNING, GA . ATRRS School Code: 964A WTC POCs: - HQ Address: 6901 Rosell Street, Bldg 4165, Fort Benning, GA 31905 . through your Chain of Command for a valid ATRRS Reservation. If you have any