High School Alliance Spring 2018UNMC High School AllianceA Health Sciences Enrichment Program for High School StudentsSpring 2018Volume 1 Issue 1In this Issue:Year Eight Was GreatImportant DatesClass UpdatesFinishing UpThis newsletter is producedby the UNMC High SchoolAlliance at the University ofNebraska Medical Center.Year Eight Was Great!We are almost finished with year eight of the UNMC High School Alliance program.As some of you know, we started this journey in the 2010-2011school year andhave been growing ever since. We had 32 students that first year and now withthe addition of our stellar seniors, we have over 70 students in the program. Wehad four classes and now we have 10.As we conclude year eight, we have to look ahead to 2018-2019. Next year youwill see us with six class offerings in the fall semester and six class offerings in thespring semester. We are going to bring back a class for next year and add a brandnew one. More on that in our Fall 2018 newsletter next October.I am looking forward to the 2018-2019 school year and seeing our alumni return tocampus to begin their professional school careers and meeting the new studentswho want to be a part of this program.I want to thank everyone who makes this program what it is. The SherwoodFoundation, the Omaha Public Schools, all of our participating school districts, theUNMC faculty, the UNMC staff and professional students; Nebraska Medicine, andof course all of the students who come to class everyday ready and willing to learnabout healthcare and all of the different careers they can pursue.Have a great summer everyone. We will be back in August 2018! -- HeidiEditor: Heidi KaschkePhotographers for this issue:Heidi Kaschke and RichWatson.Contributors: Jaynie Bird,Terri Gulick, Heidi Kaschke,Michele MerrillPictured above is the UNMCHigh School Alliance Class of2018. Pictured below arestudents who spent anafternoon with the therapydogs that were on campus atthe beginning of the springsemester.
High School Alliance l Spring Spring20182018Pictured above on the left: Genesis Obando Council Bluffs TJ) and Audrey Bavari (Omaha Burke) practice compoundingtechniques with frosting. Pictured on the right are the pharmacy class students who learned techniques to fill medicine inIV bags in the pharmacy lab.PharmacyFor the third year, Dr. Christopher Shaffer led the Introduction to Pharmacy course. Within this course,students were exposed to the different aspects that make up the role of a pharmacist. They were alsogiven the opportunity to learn the role pharmacists play as part of a medical team when caring forpatients.Dr. Shaffer invited 10 Pharmacy students, ranging from 2nd to 4th year, to present specific concepts tothe students through lectures and activities. Dr. Shaffer’s tag-line “Better living through Chemistry”guided instruction. Students were introduced to multiple concepts including: pharmacognosy, drugdiscovery, drug formulation, pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease, anti-cholesterol pharmacologyand therapeutics, and personalized medicine.Through lectures and hands-on activities, students gained an understanding that the role of apharmacist goes well beyond just being able to count by 5’s. Students were given the opportunity tolearn about drug development from Dr. Martin Conda Sheridan and Dr. Corey Hopkins, and spend aday in their labs seeing first-hand the process of developing new drug therapies. Student were also ableto utilize the model pharmacy to try their hands at creating IV bags for ‘medication’ distribution.Dr. Patrick Fuller with Nebraska Medicine provided the students the opportunity to shadow differentpharmacist, from varying specialties, within the hospital. Spending the class time with the pharmacist,and seeing the different professionals that the pharmacist interacted with, really connected the studentsto the concept that the role of a pharmacist is changing, with one student saying “my biggest take awaywas learning the wide range of roles a pharmacist plays in clinical care and how they make rounds withthe other specialists, rather than being a second party that's reported to, pharmacists are makingdecisions for patients and they help determine different treatments.“By: Jaynie Bird, MS Certified High School Teacher
High School Alliance l Spring 2018Behavioral HealthIntro to Behavioral Health: Concepts and Career from FamilyTherapy to Forensic Psychiatry was led by Dr. Kristen Hembree .Two doctoral student interns, Christian Klepper and Patty Nuhfer,joined Dr. Hembree in presenting content and leading activities.Students have been fortunate to hear from behavioral healthresearchers and clinicians, who talk about not only their field ofexpertise and practice, but also their educational background andcareer path. During our class time, students completed an eighthour certification course in Youth Mental Health First Aid. Eachstudent successfully completed the course and the exam and nowcarry the certification.Throughout the semester, students developed mini-lessons to givetheir peers a bit of background information before a guest speakeror field trip went deeper into a subject. It was nice to see how manyof the high school students have natural teaching ability.A highlight of semester was visiting Project Harmony, as well asQuality Living, Inc. While the mission of each is vastly different,behavioral health clinicians play a key role in caring for some of themost vulnerable members of our community. We are so fortunateto have both agencies in Omaha and we appreciate them openingtheir doors to the High School Alliance students.Important DatesMay 15: Last day for SeniorsMay 24: Recognition Day at1:30 pm in the TruhlsenEvents Center of the MichaelSorrell BuildingMay 25: Last day for Juniorsand the last day of the yearImportant UNMCEventsJuly 21, 2018 – AlumniReunion – SAVE THE DATEVooDoo Taco at AksarbenVillageBy: Michele Merrill, MA, Certified High School TeacherHOSA – Future Health ProfessionalsNebraska Medicine and UNMC hosted the annual stateleadership conference for HOSA – Future HealthProfessionals on March 19-20, 2018. The UNMC chapterwon medals in 13 different events and qualified for theinternational conference in Dallas, Texas which will be heldthe last week of June 2018.Thank you to all of the students who participated andcongratulations to all of the medal winners including ourstudents who competed with their home high school HOSAchapters and our alumni.Good luck and have fun in Dallas!3
High School Alliance l Spring 2018Keyla Deal (Council Bluffs TJ) and Emily Kokesh(Papillion LaVista South) practice living anatomy inthe gross anatomy lab bone room.Corrina Cramer (Millard West), Alyssa Lawrence(Omaha Central), Kristin Pivonka (Millard South)and Haile Bartlett (Ralston) find their illim (hipbone) in the anatomy class.AnatomyThis year marks the eight year of the HSA Anatomy course and for the first time the class was supportedby numerous Masters of Anatomy students. Masters students were able to provide insight duringspecimen exploration and examinations. The Masters students were also available to help answerquestions during open review times.Thirty-six High School Alliance students were enrolled in the Anatomy course this spring.Drs. Simet and McCumber, faculty in the Genetics, Cell Biology, and Anatomy Department, completedtheir second year as co-leads for the course. Dr. Binhammer, a veteran within the department, alsoplayed a critical role in lectures and lab support. This year focused on both the upper and lower limbs,but also included materials on the cardiovascular, respiratory and GI systems. These new additionsallowed for the students to expand their knowledge of all the different parts working as whole within thehuman body.Dr. Simet and Dr. McCumber strengthened the discovery of the human body through hands-on activitiesand the use of the Complete Anatomy app. The students were able to use iPads on loan from theGenetics, Cell Biology, and Anatomy Department to complete many of the assignments from the course.They were also encouraged to use the iPads as a study tool to utilize the Complete Anatomy app, onlineresources, and materials found on Canvas. The students were presented the chance to complete theanatomy units threaded with gross anatomy, radiology, physiology, and living anatomy elements. Thestudents had opportunities to take what they had learned during small group sessions and apply it toresistance training in the UNMC Student Life Center Gym.By: Jaynie Bird,MS Certified High School Teacher
High School Alliance l Spring 2018Study of Patient CareUnder the direction of Dr. Connie Miller, students have explored the many roles of nurses and otherproviders in today’s healthcare environment. A constant thread throughout the semester was improvingcommunication with patients and families.Students learned from professionals in the fields of neonatal intensive care, trauma/flight nursing, speechlanguage pathology, dietetics, athletic training and orthpaedics to name a few. Students discussed theimpact of seizures, diabetes and stroke on the individual, the family and the community. One highlight ofthis semester was visiting the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital-Omaha Campus. We not only had apresentation by Madonna staff, but were able to tour their amazing facility.Students participated in a class with staff from the Nebraska Medicine orthopaedics clinic where theylearned about a variety of traumas. The class included a lesson on how to apply a cast to the arm, andstudents had an opportunity to practice on a classmate. Needless to say, many photos were taken thatafternoon!The semester is ending with student presentations. Each small group is responsible for teaching theirpeers about working with special populations in a healthcare setting, as well as in the community.Students created an awareness campaign to go along with their teaching project and are hoping to helptheir peers and family learn more about the needs of members of our community.By: Michele Merrill, MA, Certified High School TeacherSamantha Wood (Omaha Burke) learns how to takethe blood pressure on Jon Paul (Omaha Central).Htee Klee Paw (Omaha South) has her bloodpressure taken by Sekina Yaseen (Omaha Central)in the Study of Patient Care class.5
High School Alliance l Spring 2018GeneticsClaire Fettig (Bellevue East) and Amara Rodis(Millard West) review their gel plates in the Geneticsclass.Joel Jacob (Millard North), Chase Jablon (BellevueWest) and Alexa Armentrout (Bennington) checktheir gel plates in the Genetics class.The Genetics class was a challenge for its students this semester. However, with the expert help of Dr. MauriceGodfrey the students expanded their knowledge. Students completed simple Punnett squares determining thegenotypes of offspring and traced inherited diseases through a pedigree. Students explored how genes can be linkedand how often recombination events occur. Students also learned how to calculate the frequency of recombinationevents and how to map the location of genes on a chromosome.Genetics students each submitted a saliva sample to the 23 and Me company. Results of the 23 and Me testing wereused for ancestry analysis and discussion of ancestral origins.Of course, with scientific knowledge there are ethical and societal implications. As students delved deeper into theprocedures used to explore the human genome, discussions about why and if these procedures should be usedarose. Students viewed the futuristic movie “GATTACA” and reflected on whether or not parents should be able tochoose to take out genetic alleles for disease, or to choose phenotypic traits including; height, weight, eye or haircolor. All Genetics students read DNA USA by Ryan Sykes. Sykes uses genetic markers to trace the ancient originof different populations and speculates the migration patterns that lead to their modern locations. Each student alsochose a novel to read that discussed different aspects of modern genetics and the role they play in today’s society.Students wrote a book report based on their novel choice and reflected on the concepts presented and the influencethey would have on them personally.During the rest of the semester, students explored how DNA fingerprinting for identification and to solve crimes. Oncestudents became experienced in running electrophoresis gels, students spliced DNA and inserted the resultingpieces into bacterial plasmids, which expressed a new phenotype. They glowed! Students were introduced to theuse of genetically transformed bacteria as an intricate part of producing and delivering medication. Students alsolearned that while gene transformation can be used to transform the phenotypes of bacteria to make them glow or toproduce human insulin and hormones, they can also be used by UNMC researchers in the quest to cure cancer.By: Terri Gulick, MS Certified High School Teacher
High School Alliance l Spring 2018UNMC High School Alliance AlumniThe Classes of 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 and 2018Arlington: Kimberlie Gaffney 2011; Brandon Keffer 2016; Hannah Thompson 2017.Bellevue East: Stephanie Dinogan 2011; Alyssa Meyer 2011; Christine Blair 2012; Jake Herbert 2012; Zachary Stovall 2012;Ellen Brightweiser 2013; Ziomara Jurado 2013; Colin Milos 2013; Madellyn Wilson 2013; Alexis Reza 2014; Gabe Rollings2014; Cierra Snaples 2014; Elizabeth Alexander 2015; Morgan Dillon 2015; Ashley Eastman 2015; Alexis Bennett 2016;Annie Gentes 2016; Raheen Jones 2016; Sandy Montoya 2016; Emma Hauenstein 2017, Claire Fettig, 2018, Hannah Traster2018.Bellevue West: Alexander Clarke; 2011; Lauren Garcia 2011; Leah Whitney 2011; Kevin Hanna 2012; Max Lydiatt 2013;Rebecca Sis 2013; Austin Stacey 2013; Justin Thorstad 2013; Alexa Aikens 2014; Conner Beyersdorf 2014; Courtney Smith2014 ; Taylor Webb 2014; Alexis Araujo 2015; Daniela Cortes 2015; Kelsi Smith 2015; Luke Diego Galvan 2016; JaydenJensen 2016; Terese Navarra 2016; Allison Aden 2017, Brooklyn Larimore 2017, Amelia Rice 2017, Elias Smith 2017, CasiaDotzler 2018, Chase Jablon 2018, Heather Richard 2018, Asja Woodard 2018.Bennington: Katie Schrum 2011; Ben Wichelt 2011; KyLee Mumma 2012; Sydney Salmon 2012; Mike Wilhelm 2013; TylerHoush 2015; Kassee Jones 2015; Autum Breazile 2016; Grace Corrigan 2016 ; Savannah Meads 2016; Chad Bowman2017, Grace Matheny 2017, Alexa Armentrout 2018, Alexis Gutschow 2018.Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln: Henry Black 2011; Kelcie Huebner 2012; Natasha Konfrst 2012; Sarah Trant 2012; RileyBarton 2013; Jeremy Vogel 2013; Scott Brown 2014 ; Hope Philbrick 2014; Jessica Valdez 2014; Daniel Cano-Pargas 2015;Patricia Harte-Maxwell 2015; Ahidee Zavala 2015; Amanda Coffman 2017, Madeline St. Clair 2017, Kayleana Cox Johnson2018, Misa Kawamitsu 2018,Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson: Miranda Ethen 2011; Brianne Moore 2011; Kelsie (Skow) Snow 2011; Sarah Ingwersen2013; Jaimie Granger 2014; Kateland Bryan 2015; Jorge Cisneros 2016; Candace Mayfield 2016, Keyla Deal 2018, GenesisObando 2018.Douglas County West: Leigha Peterson 2011; Katelyn Goeden 2012; Taylor Vencil 2013; Emily Kahlandt 2014; MadisenClevenger 2015; Julissa Bakken 2016; Allissa Flynn 2016; Darienne Blair 2017, Kelly McEvoy 2018.Elkhorn High: Emma Fanning 2017Elkhorn South: Ella Hustad 2017, Ridhi Konijeti 2017, Jacob Owens 2017.Ft. Calhoun: Killian Roehr 2016.Gretna: Caleb Guern 2011; Emma Connelley 2012; Adrian Dammermann 2012; Elise Gahan 2013; Kristen Kuhn 2013;Sabrina Montemarano 2013; Rachel Smith 2014; Robert Anderson 2015; Allison Bartenhagen 2015; Macenzie Christensen2015; Ellen Karloff 2015; Morgan Daffer 2016 ; CaRyn Christensen 2017, Gabriella Moore 2017, Bailey Troudt 2017,Lindsey Roberg 2018, Grace Sullivan 2018.Louisville: Madalyn McFarland 2012.Millard North: Andrea Bierman 2012; Kim Duong 2012; Bailey Finn 2012; Jessica Powers 2012; Lynn Chi 2013; Athira Jayan2013; Marisa Varghese 2013; Jennifer Falcon 2014; Miranda Schilling 2014; Anna Spethman 2014; Kaitlin Bierman 2015;Tanmayee Chengalasetty 2015; Aysha Hussain 2015; Bailey Payne 2015; Natalie Torrez 2015; Alair Vega 2015; HayaAbdel-Jabbar 2017, Cierra Lampman 2017, Madelyn Mann 2017, Rizwan Siddiqui 2017, Gavin Graves 2018, Arya Pokhrel2018, George Varghese 2018.Millard South: Aasia Fortier 2012; Morgan Baier 2014; Collin Burton 2014; Cassidy Kepler 2014; Amy Moore 2015; MalloryBurton 2016; Shelby Cooper 2016; Barrett McDonald 2016; Angelica-Mae Cipriano 2017, Emily Philo 2017, Kristin Pivonka2018.Millard West: Karina Marin 2012; Cameron Riecke 2012; Brianna Weber 2012; Mary Danielson 2013; Conner Hile 2013;Austin Post 2013; Sujana Maddipati 2014; Courtney Shannon 2014. Emma Frerichs 2015; Sean Powell 2015; HenryAnderson 2016; Bailey Newsome 2016; Thomas Owens 2016; McKenzie Paulison 2016; Morgan Penry 2016; Omid Sidiqi2016; Abigail Konz 2017, Preston Lau 2017, Kobe Bosley 2018, Corrina Cramer 2018, Keith Dietz 2018, Joel Jacob 2018,Amara Rodis 2018.Murray Conestoga: Kaylyn Weilage 2018.Omaha Benson: Daisy Gonzales 2011; Luz Tapia 2011; Shannon Weeks 2011; KaShonda Williams 2011; Michaela Menard2012; Charlene Shambare 2012; Kylee Askew 2013; Emily Dennis 2013; Jasmine Ayers 2014; Mileah McKelvy 2014; MonicaHouston 2015; Tyler Miller 2015; Katelyn Oathout 2015; Purni Biswakarma 2016; Grace Harkins 2016; Mason Kroeger2016; Whitney Brodersen 2017, Devan Ritchie 2017, Anna Weddington 2017, Marissa Montalvo 2018, Steven Pruss 2018.Omaha Bryan: Matt Estabrook 2011; Mariah Bliss 2012; Daisy Gomez 2013; Monica Barajas 2014; Ashley Bacon 2017, AnaGonzalez 2018, Esmeralda Rodriguez 2018.Omaha Burke: Keely Emmack 2011; Rachel Hilt 2011; Gregory Wilcockson 2011; Damian Catlin 2012; Marcel Hallaert, Jr.2012; Gary Liu 2012; LaRae Mottl 2012; Travis Craig 2013; Emma Nice 2013; Alex Goodman 2014; Emma Robbins 2014;Brianna Shaw 2014.; Amber Wood 2014; Brianna Martinie 2015; Sierra Brakhage 2016; Brianne Hood 2016; Jonathan Kent2016; Sydney Kirkpatrick 2016 ; Fern Thaisetthawatkul 2016; Alexandra Gaeth 2017#, BreAnna Green 2017, MohamadHazim 2017#, Tanesha Temple 2017, Audrey Bavari 2018, Sara Curtis 2018, Yessenia Garcia 2018, Brooke Lawson7
High School Alliance l Spring 20182018,Emily Rodriguez 2018, Karol Rubio Acosta 2018, Samantha Wood 2018.Omaha Central: Fujehat Ara 2011; Marquise Lindsey 2011; Noam Margalit 2011; Melissa Sutton 2012; Lauren Bandel 2013;Rema Idriss 2013; Brevan Jorgenson 2013; Lucas Meyer 2013; Serena Moore 2013; Sam Parr 2013; Megan Wolford 2013;Heidi Klem 2014; Naima Oz 2014; Abby Wolfe 2014; Madison Wolfe 2014; Noah Yoshida 2014; Mikaela Cooper 2015*;Yesika Juarez-Oxlaj 2015; Emily Mayberger 2015; McKenna Paintin 2015; Elijahiana Parker 2015; Diana Castillo 2016;Melanie Dryak 2016; Peter Hinchey 2016; Emily Petrick 2016; Alexis Shade 2016; Taylor Burghardt 2017, Cindy Licea2017, Joseph Lukowski 2017, Alexsus Richardson 2017, Kayliana Taylor 2017, Isabeau Tholen 2017, Allison Zetterman2017, Max Christensen 2018, Alyssa Lawrence 2018, Jon Paul 2018, Sekina Yaseen 2018.Omaha North: MacKenzie Wyatt 2011; Ibukunoluwa Awodele 2012; Kenia Sanchez 2012; Naki Brizendine 2013; LindzeyBusch 2014; Alyssa Duval 2015; Sophia Holmes 2015; Madison Lee 2016; Ashley Vacura 2017, Ailynne Gallegos 2018,Kenya Lewis 2018, Ashna Win 2018.Omaha Northwest: Eduardo Gonzalez 2012; Chris McElwain 2012; Gabriela Arellano 2013; Tania Lopez 2013; AdrianaRomero 2013; Emilee McElwain 2014, Brizeth Covarrubias 2018.Omaha South: Lucia Rodriguez 2011; Mauricio Davila 2012; Rosio Granados 2012; Arelica Guerrero 2012; KimberliHernandez 2012; Salomon Ramirez 2012; Leslie Ramirez 2012; Dulce Rangel 2012; Isis Uribe 2012; Kathya Carvajal 2013;Paris Cross 2013; Bernice Gutierrez 2013; Kevin Harkins 2013; Valeria Hernandez 2013; Laura Herrera 2013; Kyle Miles2013; Yesenia Rodriguez 2013; Jennifer Benitez-Albiter 2014; Dania Cervantes 2014; Moises Delgado 2014; Nanci Moran2014; Jesus Perez 2014 ; Sagar Poudel 2014; Hayat Rahmeto 2014; Jasmin Samano 2014; Carlos Vera 2014 ; Luis Banda2015; Brenda Esqueda 2015; Ines Gomez 2015; Jacqueline Lopez-Ortiz 2015; Alica Luis 2015*; Jaqueline Neri 2015; AbrilRangel-Pacheco 2015; Guadalupe Rodriguez 2015; Yvemide Anacius 2016; Jordi Castelan 2016 ; Noah Fant 2016; AliciaLuis 2016*; Eduardo Mendoza-Lopez 2016 ; Jonithon Miller 2016; Mario Mujica 2016; Idania Ramirez-Henriquez 2016;Julian Rodriguez 2016; Fernando Wisniewski-Pena 2016; Karen Amaya-Campos 2017, Catalina Barajas 2017, Alicia Hogan2017#, Leah Huerta 2017, Dayana Montano Salama 2017, Madelene Portillo 2017#, Aurora Rodriguez-Servin 2017,Gianpierre Terry 2017, Jose Vazquez-Renteria 2017, Adriana Alvarado-Silva, 2018, Maria Elizarraga Hernandez 2018, JoseMartinez 2018, Ammelia Mendoza-Lopez 2018, Htee Klee Paw 2018, Karla Ponce-Merida 2018, Joanna Preciado Alvarez2018, Elsa Ramirez 2018, Sandra Ramirez 2018, Daniella Ruiz Martinez 2018.Papillion LaVista: Courtney King 2011; Stephanie Schiffert 2013; Nathaniel Vaughan 2013; Dylan Ashby 2015; SydneyRheault 2015; Emma Taylor 2017, Isabella Haave 2018.Papillion LaVista South: Natalie Strohmyer 2011; Elisabeth Baker 2012; Andrew Donovan 2012; Becca Mann 2012; MarcusMcKenzie 2012; Flora Mondi 2013; Megan McClanahan 2014; Cassandra Kleinschmidt 2015; Maggie Fritch 2016; ChloieHowland 2016; Quentin Mays 2016; Sarah Naber 2016; David Bridges 2017#, Delany Murphy 2017#, Kobe Riedel 2017,Lea Sobrilsky 2017, Gracie Davis 2018, Emily Kokesh 2018.Platteview: Mitchell White 2017, Braedyn Lenker 2018.Ralston: Shekinah Kiagiri 2015; Martha Sanchez-Hernandez 2016; Taylor Wagner 2016, Haile Bartlett 2018, Sydney Hanson2018.Westside: Bikash Adhikari 2011; Josh Atwell 2011; Melissa Laughlin 2011; Laurene Yuskevich 2012; Kate Durst 2013;Angela Reynolds 2013; Joe Schanbacher 2013; Bradley Collett 2014; Sonja Denholm 2014; Daniel Dooling 2014; RubyHickman 2014; Quinn Nelson 2014; Naomi Samuel 2014; Madonna Attia 2015; Daniel Coyle 2015; Kelsey Coziahr 2015;Sidnee Dudley 2015; Miranda Thacker 2015; Michelle Xiao 2015; Madison Hoy 2016; Savana Nawojski 2016; Jakob Phillips2016; Elias Witte 2016; Kristen Day 2017, Kaya Miller 2017, Jessica Paprocki 2017, Lauren Fehr 2018, Kera Lawrence 2018,Sam Mormino 2018. Denotes Second Year Senior 2015*Denotes Second Year Senior 2016 Denotes Second Year Senior 2017#Denotes Second Year Senior 2018The Class of 2018 ice skatingat the Ice of UNMC.
High School Alliance l Spring 2018Finishing Up . . . The Stellar Seniors . . .The Stellar Senior class this year completedindependent studies in labs that researched typesof pediatric cancers, pancreatic cancer, infectiousdiseases, and mosquitoes that carry the Zikavirus. The Stellar Seniors also took classes andserved on the Honor Council. We wish this classof Stellar Seniors the best of luck on their futurehealth care careers.Alicia Hogan, Omaha South: College of St. MarysMohamad Hazim, Omaha Burke: University ofNebraska Omaha UHOP or Brown UniversityDelaney Murphy, Papillion LaVista South:University of Nebraska at OmahaDavid Bridges, Papillion LaVista South: Universityof Nebraska at OmahaAlexandra Gaeth, Omaha Burke: University ofNebraska at OmahaMadelene Portillo, Omaha South: University ofNebraska at Omaha UHOPTop and bottom photos left to right: Alicia Hogan,Omaha South, Mohamad Hazim, Omaha Burke,Delaney Murphy, Papillion LaVista South, DavidBridges, Papillion LaVista South, Alexandra Gaeth,Omaha Burke, and Madelene Portillo, OmahaSouth – The UNMC High School Alliance StellarSeniors 2018.9
UNMC High School Alliance A Health Sciences Enrichment Program for High School Students . Spring 2018 . Volume 1 Issue 1 Year Eight Was Great! have been growing ever since. We had 32 students that first year and now with In this Issue: Hig h School Alliance Spring 2018 . Year Eight Was Great Important Dates Class Updates Finishing Up