Python Programming - PythonAnywhere


PYTHON PROGRAMMINGNotes by Michael Brothers of ContentsINTRODUCTION . 5What is Python? . 5Ways to Code Python . 5Using Anaconda . 5Using Jupyter Notebooks . 5Python 2 vs Python 3 . 5PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code. 5Using this guide: . 5PYTHON PROGRAMMING . 6Variables . 6Multiple Declaration . 6Multiple Assignment . 6Data Types . 6Operators . 6Comparison Operators: . 6Chained Comparison Operators: . 6Strings: . 7Lists: . 7Tuples:. 7Dictionaries:. 7Sets:. 7Comments:. 7WORKING WITH STRINGS . 8Built-in String Functions: . 8Built-in String Methods: . 8Splitting Strings: . 8Joining Strings:. 8Turning Objects Into Strings. 8String formatting with formatted string literals (f-strings). 9String Formatting with .format() . 10String Formatting with Placeholders: . 11Escape Characters: . 11WORKING WITH LISTS: . 12Built-in List Functions: . 12Built-in List Methods: . 12Adding & Removing List Items . 12List Index Method. 12Sorting Lists. 13Making a List of Lists: . 13LIST COMPREHENSIONS . 14WORKING WITH TUPLES . 15WORKING WITH DICTIONARIES . 15Dictionary Comprehensions:. 15WORKING WITH SETS: . 16Set Operators. 161REV 1020

Built-in Set Methods . 16Frozensets . 16RANGE . 16CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS & LOOPS . 17If / Elif / Else statements: . 17For Loops . 17While Loops . 17Nested Loops . 17Loop Control Statements (Break, Continue, Pass & Else) . 18Try and Except . 18INPUT . 19UNPACKING . 19Tuple Unpacking . 19Dictionary Unpacking . 19FUNCTIONS . 20Default Parameter Values . 20Positional Arguments *args and **kwargs . 20PRE-DEFINED FUNCTIONS . 21LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS . 21MORE USEFUL FUNCTIONS . 22MAP . 22FILTER . 22REDUCE . 22ZIP . 22ENUMERATE . 23ALL & ANY . 23COMPLEX . 23PYTHON THEORY & DEFINITIONS . 24SCOPE . 24LEGB Rule: . 24In place. 24Sequenced . 24Iterable. 24Statement . 24Stack. 24FUNCTIONS AS OBJECTS & ASSIGNING VARIABLES . 25FUNCTIONS AS ARGUMENTS . 25DECORATORS:. 26GENERATORS & ITERATORS . 27NEXT & ITER built-in functions:. 27GENERATOR COMPREHENSIONS . 27WORKING WITH FILES . 28READING AND WRITING TO FILES . 28RENAMING & COPYING FILES with the OS MODULE . 28CREATING BINARY FILES with the SHELVE MODULE . 28ORGANIZING FILES with the SHUTIL MODULE . 29DELETING FOLDERS AND FILES . 292REV 1020

Using the OS module: . 29Using the SHUTIL module: . 29Using the Send2Trash module: . 29WALKING A DIRECTORY TREE . 29MANAGING EXCEPTIONS . 30Raising Exceptions . 30Raising Your Own Exception . 30Tracebacks . 30Assertions . 30Logging . 31Logging to a text file . 31Create your own Exception class: . 31OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING – Classes, Attributes & Methods . 32Classes:. 32Built-in Types: . 32Instances: . 32Attributes:. 32Methods: . 32Inheritance: . 32Special Methods (aka Magic Methods): . 32For Further Reading: . 32Example 1: . 33Example 2 – Methods: . 33Example 3 – Inheritance: . 34Example 4 – Special Methods: . 35MODULES & PACKAGES . 36COLLECTIONS Module: . 37Counter . 37defaultdict . 37OrderedDict . 38namedtuple . 38RANDOM Module . 38DATETIME Module . 39TIMEIT Module . 39PYTHON DEBUGGER – the pdb Module. 40IDLE'S BUILT-IN DEBUGGER. 40REGULAR EXPRESSIONS – the re Module . 41Searching for Patterns in Text . 41Finding all matches . 41Split on multiple delimeters with regular expressions . 41Using metacharacters . 42STYLE AND READABILITY (PEP 8) . 43APPENDIX I: GOING DEEPER: . 45Reserved words . 45The ' ' variable . 46Print on the same line: . 46Print multiple objects using the * unpacking operator . 46Some more (& obscure) built-in string methods:. 473REV 1020

Some more (& obscure) built-in set methods: . 47Common Errors & Exceptions: . 47Using dir() to identify available names and functions . 48Adding a username & password . 48Picking a random rock/paper/scissors . 48Referential Arrays . 48Deep and shallow copies. 48Dynamic Arrays . 49More ways to break out of loops (in "Goto" fashion) . 49Bitwise Operators:. 49How to take an input as a list , tuple or dictionary . 50Unpacking a nested list using sum() . 50Adding an incremental counter as a class attribute . 50APPENDIX II: PYTHON "GOTCHAS" . 511. Default Arguments . 512. Rounding issues in Python . 513. Some methods permanently affect the objects they act on AND RETURN A NONE VALUE . 514. print() returns a None value . 51APPENDIX III: CODE SAMPLES . 52Try and Except . 52Capture Tracebacks to a File . 52Assertions: The Stoplight Example . 52Logging with a Buggy Factorial program . 53Find every target item in a nested list using recursion . 53APPENDIX IV: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PYTHON 2 and PYTHON 3 . 54APPENDIX V: OTHER RESOURCES . 56Docs, Tutorials and Popular Forums . 56Sharing Code and Version Control . 56For More Practice . 564REV 1020

The following courses and resources aided in the creation of this document:Introduction To Python Programming Instructed by Avinash Jain Python Tutorial Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages, 1st ed by Bill Lubanovic (paperback)Complete Python Bootcamp Instructed by Jose Portilla omate the Boring Stuff with Python Instructed by Al Sweigart

Python can be run from a command prompt using IDLE (runs an editor & a python shell side-by-side), though it is far more common to write Python programs using a text editor (Notepad, Notepad , Atom, Sublime Text)