Alternative Self Portraits - Denton ISD


An “Alternative Self Portrait” is not just a“traditional” self portrait.It’s unique, interesting, different &creative to you! Express yourself!

1. Portrait a picture of a person’s face

2. Self PortraitsA portrait an artist makes usinghimself or herself as the subject.

2. Self Portraits: A portrait an artist makesusing him/herself as the subjectSelf portraits can be different styles:PhotographsRealistic DrawingsStylized or Abstract

We will create 2 selfportraits!This “Alternative” self portrait isWe willusePortrait.the grid method with the photos we already took!TRADITIONALSelfwhat we did in Art 1Realistic value drawing using It’s a stylized, high contrastebony pencil.painting using black acrylic paint.

3. Grid enlarging:process of using a grid to enlarge an image; forcopying very precisely

Old School Style!3. Grid enlarging:process of using a grid toenlarge an image; for copyingvery precisely

Gridding to thesame sizeGrid Enlarging:

4. Proportion The size of one object compared to another.A part considered in relation to the whole.A relationship between things or parts ofthings with respect to sizeProportion is the agreeable relation of partswithin a whole

4. Proportion- The size of one object compared to anotherA part considered in relation to the whole.A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to sizeProportion is the agreeable relation of parts within a whole

Proportion- The size of one object compared to another

5. Facial proportions: Guidelines that helpyou get the general size, shape andposition of features placed correctly on theface.

5. Facial proportions: Guidelines that help you get thegeneral size, shape and position of features placedcorrectly on the face.

6. Human Body Proportions Body proportions are thestudy of relation of humanbody parts to each otherand to the whole. Used to relate two or moremeasurements based onthe body.

Proportions based on Age Body proportions are the study of relation ofhuman body parts to each other and to thewhole

GUYER STUDENT EXAMPLES:Traditional Self Portraits

Painting Project Choices:High Contrast (Just black & White)More blackMore white

OR, Monochromatic Value Scale:3 values5 values

A self portrait that isnot just “traditional”.Make it unique &interesting, different &creative to you!Express yourself!

Objectives for Alternative SelfPortraits:1. Creative Interpretation of assignment – 20 pts2. Creative Use of Materials (you can collage,draw, etc.) – 20 pts3. Effort & Technical accomplishment – 20 pts4. Dynamic Composition (not boring) – 20 pts5. Craftsmanship (neatness) – 20 pts

Why do Artists createSelf-Portraits?What does the self-portrait tellyou about the artist?

8. Frida Kahlo – Mexican artist who’s tragiclife inspired her self portraits.The Two FridasSelf-portraitscan help anartistunderstandor expresshim/herself.

Self-portraits allowan artist topractice renderingdifferentexpressions andmoods.Léopold BoillyGrimacing Man (SelfPortrait)

Self-portraits canadvertise theartist’s skill topotentialcustomers.Jean-AugusteDominique IngresIngres as a Young Man

Self-portraitscan preserve amemory or bemade as a giftfor someoneelse.Everett ShinnSelf-Portrait

Self-portraiturerequires selfexploration inorder for the artistto make decisionsabout how to bestrepresenthim/herself.Ralph BartonSelf-Portrait

9. Andy Warhol – Pop art style about popularcultureSelf-PortraitWhat qualities of aself-portrait canchange the waythe artistexpresses orrepresentshim/herself?

Friday 2/1 – B3 & AB5In Art 1 We looked at 7 artists who madedifferent self portraits. Who was Yourfavorite & WHY?

Expression, posture, clothing, background, colors,texture, media, and style can all change the way yourepresent yourself.What do you want your self-portraitto say about you?

10. A mind map is aMinddiagramMappingused to represent words, ideas,pictures, tasks or other items linked to and arrangedradially around a central key word or idea.It is used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas.

Assignment Part 1 Create a preliminary mind map of your goals,interests, personality etc in your sketchbookto plan your ideas for the final project. Use a minimum of 5 large branches with 3small branches each. Draw a picture and write a word for eachbranch.

DistortionsStudent- Very Alternativeself portraits!!!Examples

Assignment Part 2 Create a 1 inch by 1 inch grid on your photograph. Create a distorted grid on your drawing paper. Using your pencil, draw the contours in each squareof your photograph to the corresponding distortedsquare on your drawing paper. Last, erase your grid lines.

Distorted Grids

M.C. EscherPrint Gallery

Student Examples

Mrs. Meisner’s Alternative Self Portrait

Mrs. Meisner – Abstract Self Portrait

We will create 2 self portraits! We will use the grid method with the photos we already took! This “Alternative” self portrait is what we did in Art 1 It’s a stylized, high contrast painting using black acrylic paint. TRADITIONAL Self Portrait. Rea