2 0 2 0 G R A D UAT I O N C E L E B R AT I O NMAY 15, 2020 VIRTUAL
ORDER O F EX ERC I S E SCeremony OpeningMUSICAL PRELUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potomac BrassThe Academic ProcessionANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMMENCEMENT.John C. LachDeanTHE NATIONAL ANTHEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Mary FischerB.S. in Biomedical EngineeringDEAN’S WELCOMING REMARKS . . . . . John C. LachDeanPresentation of Student AwardsTHE ABDELFATTAH ABDALLA PRIZESEAS DEAN’S ALUMNI PRIZE.Anya Dara Welch. . . . . . . . . . .THE NORMAN B. AMES AWARDPatrick J. Cody. . . . . Camille Daszynski, Gabriela Herrera, and Mercedes SuazoTHE WILLIAM AND LOUISE CORCORAN SERVICE AWARD.Raoul Ayayidjin GabiamDirector, SEAS Computing FacilityTHE GEORGE ELLOWITZ PRIZE. . . . . . .THE SUSAN SHIN MEMORIAL AWARDKhyati Chirag Patel.THE SHELLY AND STEVE HELLER AWARDMyrto Kampouris.THE TAU BETA PI OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE AWARDGenevieve Flynn. Matthew Dionne and William JacksonTHE SEAS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SHOWCASE AWARDSDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringBest Graduate Poster. . . . Rose YinBest Undergraduate Poster . Bianca Karpinecz2 GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2020
Department of Civil & Environmental EngineeringBest Graduate Poster. Mahmudul HasanBest Undergraduate Poster . Khyati Patel and Lobna YoussefDepartment of Computer ScienceBest Graduate Poster. Pedram HosseiniBest Undergraduate Poster . Dennis Afanasev and Kevin DeemsDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringBest Graduate Poster. Hao ZhengBest Undergraduate Poster . Rachel Zaltz, Connor Kraft, and Phillip JonesDepartment of Engineering Management & Systems EngineeringBest Graduate Poster. Suparna MukherjeeBest Undergraduate Poster . Justin Williams and Abigail SharpDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringBest Graduate Poster. Jenna OsbornBest Undergraduate Poster . Samuel RudyTHE SEAS SENIOR AWARDSDepartment of Biomedical Engineering.Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.Department of Computer Science (Arnold C. Meltzer Award).Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Derrill Rohlfs Award)THE MARTIN MAHLER PRIZETBNTBN.TBN.TBN.TBNDepartment of Engineering Management & Systems EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringTBN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yoon Sil ChoiTHE NEILOM PRIZE FOR SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD . Caitlyn Pratt and Karen RiusTHE GARY AND JUDY BARD ENTREPRENEURIALENGINEERING ENDOWMENT AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison DeCicco, William R. Miller,and Lian Nicole ShowlSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE 3
ORDER O F EX ERC I S E S ( CO N T. )THE BENJAMIN C. CRUICKSHANKS AWARDSBiomedical Engineering . Shubham GuptaCivil Engineering. Olivia CantrellComputer Engineering . Samantha A. ParalikasComputer Science, B.S. . William R. MillerElectrical Engineering. Caitlin CarfanoMechanical Engineering. Allegra Danae FarrarSystems Engineering . Mritika ContractorTHE PHILIP KAPLAN AWARD. . . . . . . . . . . Caitlin CarfanoTHE ALFRED MARTIN FREUDENTHAL PRIZETHE DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR. William R. Miller. . . . . . Allegra Danae FarrarStudent Speaker Remarks . Samantha A. ParalikasB.S. in Computer EngineeringBeza Belayneh LefeboM.Eng. in Cybersecurity Policy and ComplianceRecognition of Graduates. Dean John C. Lach and Department ChairsBiomedical Engineering . Dr. Murray H. LoewCivil and Environmental EngineeringComputer Science.Dr. Majid T. Manzari. Dr. Robert B. PlessElectrical and Computer Engineering . Dr. Suresh SubramaniamEngineering Management and Systems Engineering . Dr. Thomas A. MazzuchiMechanical and Aerospace Engineering . Dr. Michael W. PlesniakSEAS Online Programs Director . Dr. Shahram SarkaniCeremony ClosingCONGRATULATIONS FROM SEAS. . SEAS Faculty & StaffRECESSIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potomac BrassThe program is meant to be a guide to the ceremony. Although every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy,the program is not an official record of an individual’s degree.4 GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2020
A LE TTER F ROM T HE D E ANDear Graduate:On behalf of the faculty and staff of the George Washington University’s School ofEngineering and Applied Science (SEAS), I congratulate you on your well-earned academicachievement.I hope you are as proud of your accomplishment as we—your professors, advisors, andmentors—are. We have watched you learn, grow, widen your perspectives, and deepen yourunderstanding of the engineering and computer science disciplines as you worked towardyour degree. Naturally, we wish we could be alongside you and your family and friends now tocelebrate the culmination of your hard work at our traditional in-person SEAS GraduationCelebration.John C. Lach, Ph.D.Dean, School ofEngineering and Applied ScienceLike you, we are saddened that the COVID-19 pandemic has required us to exchange ourin-person ceremony for a virtual ceremony this year. However, the changes in the ceremonyin no way diminish the value of your achievement and our recognition of it. In addition tothis year’s virtual ceremony, we are excited to invite you to return to campus next spring toparticipate in the 2021 GW Commencement.In the meantime, as you look forward to your next—or first—professional challenge, I hopeyou will recall what you have learned during your time at SEAS. First and foremost, you havestudied your discipline in technical depth and acquired an understanding of ethical practiceof engineering and computer science. You have learned to think creatively about complextopics, and you have learned the importance of working with people across disciplines andfrom various backgrounds. Your experiences inside and outside the classroom have preparedyou to become a valuable member of diverse teams solving society’s grand challenges.I challenge you to go forth from here as a life-long learner and to be ready to pursue newendeavors as you use your new knowledge and skills in the service of humankind. The worldis ever-changing, and we see this, now more than ever, in the current COVID-19 pandemicthat is a dynamic backdrop to our collective lives. As engineers and computer scientistsyou have important skills, and I am confident you will use them to help society adapt to thedemands that change brings.Whether you are now going on to your first full-time job, heading to graduate school orprofessional school, or otherwise continuing on your life path with the new knowledge youhave gained during your studies, please stay in touch with us and with your fellow alumni.Remember that the SEAS community extends far beyond campus and will always welcomeyou. With a worldwide network of alumni and friends, you will find opportunities to connectwith, support, and be supported by fellow Colonials wherever you venture.I wish you all the best. Raise High!John C. LachDean, School of Engineering and Applied ScienceSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE 5
STU DENT AWA RD SThe Abdelfattah Abdalla PrizeThe Alfred Martin Freudenthal PrizeEstablished as a memorial by the many friends andcolleagues of Professor Abdalla. For scholarship and serviceby a biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, orcomputer science junior or senior to Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE,Tau Beta Pi, or the department.Established as a memorial to Professor Freudenthal by hiswife, friends, students, and colleagues for his outstandingcontributions to engineering education. Awarded to thegraduating senior with the highest grade point average fromthe previous semester.The SEAS Dean’s Alumni PrizeThe Shelly and Steve Heller AwardFor a student demonstrating outstanding service,commitment, and scholarship in the School of Engineeringand Applied Science.Established in 1999 by Drs. Rachelle and Steve Heller. It ispresented to the sophomore female with the highest gradepoint average and a computer science degree emphasis.The Norman B. Ames AwardThe Philip Kaplan AwardEstablished by friends of Professor Ames in memory ofCarolyn E. Schmidt (a relative) who died July 20, 1978.Awarded to a senior for significant contributions to thestudents, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, andthe George Washington University.The Martin Mahler PrizeThe Gary and Judy Bard EntrepreneurialEngineering Endowment AwardRecognizes the ability and initiative of a young entrepreneurin the E-commerce curriculum in the computer sciencedepartment, and serves as an incubation model for electronicbusiness. Established in 2003.The William and Louise Corcoran Service AwardEstablished to commemorate the founders of the Schoolof Engineering and Applied Science, this award is givento faculty, staff, and students who have contributed to theintellectual and social life of the School.The Benjamin C. Cruickshanks AwardEstablished in 1991 by the Engineer Alumni Association asa memorial to Professor Cruickshanks, who was associatedwith GW for more than 40 years as a teacher, writer, coachof the GW Baseball team, and a strong supporter of studentactivities. Awarded to a graduating senior with the highestacademic standing in each undergraduate major.The Distinguished ScholarFor academic achievement and distinctive schoolcontributions by a senior.The George Ellowitz PrizeEstablished by Robert L. Morris in honor of George Ellowitz.Awarded to a junior or graduating senior for demonstratedexcellence and interest in the humanities or social sciences.6 GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2020Established in memory of Philip Kaplan by his family.Awarded to the graduating senior majoring in electricalengineering with the highest grade point average.Created in 1953 by a gift of Martin Mahler for an upper classor graduate student who submits the best reports on testsin the materials laboratories class, with preference given toprestressed concrete tests.The Neilom Prize for Social Impact AwardEstablished in 2020 and named for the original benefactors.This award is given to a junior or senior with a clear andarticulated interest in the application of engineering to aparticular area of social change.The Susan Shin Memorial AwardEstablished in 2005 by friends of Susan Shin to honor hermemory. This award is given to a junior who best exemplifiescaring and service to fellow SEAS students.The SEAS Research & Development ShowcaseAwardsAwarded for the best poster presentations of student researchwithin the School of Engineering and Applied Science.The Senior Design AwardsAwarded for superior achievement in engineering design ineach undergraduate major.The Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Sophomore AwardAwarded by the GW Chapter of Tau Beta Pi to the studentwho ranks first at the end of the sophomore year.
CA N DI DAT ES FO R DEGR E E S I N CO U R S EDegrees are conferred by the university upon those students in the following lists who have completed all degree requirements.BACHELOR OF ARTSAPPLIED SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGYCOMPUTER SCIENCEDavid M. HueyMd AhammedAbia S. KhanGeorge FragouliasSpencer AltusZachary MumbauerManyung Emma HonBasia Aba BaldwinAndrew M. NguyenJesse A. RabagliaAvi B. DuhanEmily S. ReillyZhangyu HeGlen Thomas Warren, Jr.BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGAshley A. LemniosPengyu ChenMdawi Bandar AlfraikhRohan M. ManjanathaYoon Sil ChoiAmer Ahmad S. AsiriLoren Grayson MarinoKathryn A. CiccantellKyle William BakerJames P. McConnellSamantha J. CribbinPeter E. BarrowsBraden NagataKyla Ryanne D’SaSania BibiShirali NigamSophia A. ErtelColette S. BilynskyEbunoluwa Adeyinka OgunwandeIsabella A. EvangelistaDaniel BurfordRobert Harold Parsons IIIIsabella P. GonzalezAnastasia K. CarrKhyati Chirag PatelGabriela HerreraEmily C. CheungNicholas J. PhillipsAlexander Blake JasperChristianne ChuaKimberly Ann PikeIsabella JohnsonNina F. CiccarelliKaren RiusGeordie LairdRafael ColonNicholas Alexander RobinsonFabian Gabriel LarachCamille DaszynskiRuochen ShenJoshua OkoroMuna A. DaudMercedes SuazoGrace Elisabeth OlenzakKyle A. DevineLiam SweeneyRyan C. PantaloneElizabeth Mary FischerMeghana TallamElizabeth A. PasnikMikias Debebe GebremeskelAileen Ines VenegasBrian C. ToscanoMateusz Stanislaw GierdalskiMelody A. WeigelCaitlin N. TysonDaniil D. GregorievZachary Eric WilliamsShubham GuptaMatthew J. WrubleskiCOMPUTER ENGINEERINGHiroyuki N. HutchesonMona ZiaeiNolan J. CarvalhoBACHELOR OF SCIENCETara Sardar JaafReem EltahirAbiha JafriCIVIL ENGINEERINGWilliam W. HaftelDunya KarimiKhalid Wallid S. AbanumayMichael J. HegartyBianca C. KarpineczJoseph AnobianYarema I. IosipivJi-Eun KimKhala Tehnae AntoineGregory Franklin KahlJulie A. KobyraThomas P. ArenaPaul K. KennedyJacob A. LashinskyKwame Mensah Bonsu, Jr.Connor KraftAmir LatifianSamantha J. BrickSophia Victoria MartinezJay LeeOlivia CantrellKirthi NarayananSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE 7
CA NDIDAT ES FO R D E G R E E S I N CO U R S ECOMPUTER ENGINEERING(Continued)Samantha A. ParalikasJiawei ZhangBritt Andrew KaukeinenYunke ZhaoPrabhlean KaurJared Joseph KernRachel Sabrina ZaltzELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGKhaled AloulCOMPUTER SCIENCEOliver G. LocherCaitlin CarfanoSebastian LoraDennis AfanasevRichard Edem DeduMichael T. MacchiaruloDavid E. AlejosMary S. DepaulEliana S. MahaneyJack AshfordJoseph D. FrongilloTirin ManchandaAimen BajwaMaeshal HijaziJordan P. MarkofskyJaeseok ChoiDevin-Anne T. JessupMarshall Richards McCrawPatrick J. CodyPhillip R. JonesAngus Ross McLarenZacharie DayBrandon Kristofer McGeeTimothy MooreAllison DeCiccoKristin R. MellingAlexandra L. MorgantiLarissa Djoufack BassoDavid T. NguyenDaniel NguyenJoseph EspyTien L. NguyenMarissa L. OlivoBenjamin P. Fernandez, Jr.Jonathan NtaleGabrielle Carmen ParkhillJenny FisherYoung Soung ParkDominick Joseph Petrosino, Jr.Sogand GhodsHolly N. ZimmermanNathan R. PollockMatthew T. GilmoreJoseph John HallalChloe HutchinsHenry J. JaenschChengkai JiMonica V. KavathekarJialiang LiangWeiming LongTimothy LytkineMihir R. MankadDaniel E. MarleyBraden Paul MeyerhoeferPaul MillerTheodor Marcos MillerWilliam R. MillerJonathan R. MinkinAlicia Dawn MontgomeryShiva Omrani SabbaghiSimon Aswin PatelGregor G. PeachRobert Thomas RankinKyle E. RoodSuraj S. ShahLian Nicole ShowlAbigail ShriverEric A. WendtJennifer A. WrightAhmet K. Yilmaz8 GRADUATION CELEBRATION 2020MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGIsaac S. AbecassisKhadija AbousalamaJiyoon AnJoel AsiamahJung Min BaeNor BashashJohn BassettRachel Gabrielle BittnerSteven Joseph Brunetto, Jr.John ChambersDaniela Coaquira OrosAidan E. KingSamantha N. RacanIsabel S. RothSamuel L. RudyMitchell SantosJonathan B. SchwartzAndria SperryNafeez TalukderFares TelloAlexander T. WeitzelConnor M. WestBrandon N. WuZihong XuJustin T. ConnerSYSTEMS ENGINEERINGDerek R. DickehuthJose M. BarbaDelon B. EtzelGabriela BarberAllegra Danae FarrarMritika ContractorIsaac G. FinbergMatthew E. CoteErin E. FlynnMaximilian ForstenhaeuslerCameron Delaney FosterKeily Madison GleasonEmma GleysteenRachel GrayRobert Norman Griffth IIIEllis R. GuzewichAlexis B. HareBenjamin Thomas HarrisJoseph C. DanksGabriel Adrian Figueroa ArceJoshua A. FinnGrant Kaan GemiciGabriella Verastegui LunaVictoria M. NilsenElise Catharine Nittin
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE 5. A LETTER FROM THE DEAN. John C. Lach, Ph.D. Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Dear Graduate: On behalf of the faculty and staff of the George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), I c