Kaizen ThroughEmployeeEmpowerment
Arabian Automobiles Company is one of the largestautomobile distributors in the Gulf and is the flagshipcompany of the AWRostamani Group. AAC is the soledistributor for Nissan, Infiniti and Renault in Dubai andthe Northern Emirates and continues to implement thebest management processes, technology and businesspractices so that our customers can leave the showroomassured they are receiving the world’s finest standards ofservicing and support second to none.
Salah YamoutDirector Sales & MarketingArabian Automobile Company
Gordhan PunjabiHead of Training & KaizenArabian Automobile Company
Agenda What is Kaizen Why kaizen How Employee aspect of Kaizen Q&A
KaiZenChangeGood"do it better, make it better,improve it, because if we don't, wecan't compete with those who do."
AWR Quality Policy5AWR Automotive iscommitted to the principlesof Total Quality Management& Continual Improvement
AWR Core Values
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch Planning
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch Launch
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch 47
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch Training
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch EmployeeSuggestion
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch KaizenBranch Events“Genchi Genbutsu” Current situation Impact Root Cause Evaluate Employee Suggestions Build Kaizen Action Plan Define Measurements Agreement on Way Forward
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch alidation ofSuggestionsSuggestionsAgreed to beImplementedImplementationof SuggestionSuggestionImplemented
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch KaizenAudit“Inspect what you want to Expect”
Kaizen JourneySymposiumAuditImplementationBranch KaizenSymposium2014
Employee Aspect of Kaizen
Employee Aspect of KaizenAppreciated
Employee Aspect of KaizenEmpowered
Employee Aspect of KaizenSupported
Employee Aspect of KaizenTrained
Employee Aspect of KaizenConvinced
Thank you
Build Kaizen Action Plan Define Measurements Agreement on Way Forward Kaizen Journey . Launch Suggestions Planning Audit Team Training Employee Suggestion Branch Events Implementation Symposium Implementation Employee Suggestion Suggestions Agreed to be Implemented Kaizen .