
N o.L li.ef:.v"-., ·,HENDRICKS·CIRCUIT COURT.ESTA TE OFqt' 'J,: .-- --- -- o-·· G. E.4" C. D. ··· · · · · ·- ·-· · · - Pate ./.f. .f.·····-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J :;. . . .f.-. / 189Fee Book ,No./. . Pa e.l.:. . .--Wm. B. Burford, Printer, I ndianapolis.

In the Matter of the Estate of ,,' . .· ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Deceased .APPLICATION FORltTTtRS Of TfSTAMfNTAR ,:LED.1 92Filed ----------· --------------· J 89Clerk.Wm . B. Burford, Printer , Indi:i,n a polis.

�····:········ ·······departed this life in said County, . testate, as .day. . . . . believes, on the .4. . . ---· · · · · ·o 189fc, that saW '2A:tf1: · ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·left a Personal Estate to be administered, of the probable value, as . .14. . informedC2r.u. . . - -aA.A.a.nd believes, of' .and he f'urther says that he iscL. .Dollars ;· · - - - - a1J. l. . -- · · ·- -- · . '2/J.l. . -········ ··············1 4l Y ; --- . . .and as such is entitled to administer on said estate.l j Sil(ned,Ij. . .LAd-- 7-·····. rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day.set;"' 1 to and subscribed before me, this .7.of.·····ch l ··· . . . . . . . .Clerk.

LJUL29189 ·

EDITOR'S AFFIDAVIT.(6-4-92-250)Pel'sonully appeared before the u ndersigned, JULIAN D.ItOGATE, editor of the Hendricks County Republican, aPuhlic vfl'eelcl U .Newspapel' of general circiilation, printed andpnblishecl in Danville, in the. County afol'esaid, who beingdnly swol'n, iipon his oaBi, saith that the notice, of which theu ttachcd is n f rL.W copy, wns duly piibZishecl in saicl paper fors.t11't/1.1·s; of which publica,tion/:i day of. · . , 189 'J: , and. weeks siiccess,:uely,was on lhethe last on th e . .da,y of.;;]o.M . . ,189. :l:Subscl'ib('(l ancl swol'11 to bef01·e m e, tl1isReceived . . . . Dollars and .the above notice, . .of. Cents, in fllll for publishin!j

N o.'ff l ESTA TE.S '}Jry - ./l dm'r.mINVENTORY-AND-Appraisement of Personal [slateR ecorded in I nventory R ec. N o.Pa!fes. . .189 .Filed. Cler k.:NOTE-All debts, choses in action, etc., mnst be inventoriedseparately from goods, chattels, etc., as indicated in inventory.Each item or article inventoried must be numbered.from 1 upward.Administrator must keep a copy of Inventory.Wm. B. Burford, Printer, Indianapolis.

ANof the personal estate of . - / / /deceased, late of. -. .fi.Y.t:J.Ln. . . ./'tf:! iftt1y .h'.,./'C.K. Countu. Indiana. taken by·r'4- - ------. . .·-------------------------------·-. -.---.---. ---.--.------ -- .-·-- .- --- --. ---.-- ---.---.--- --- -- -- -- -- --.-. --- 6(;Kl,fj, ·-·--------- . -.-------------------.---.--.-.-.------ -- . .--------- --.··-------.-----·--- -- --.-.-.-.-.-.---·--------· e'f! okl t -ef CL/JJ,edti- -"&o· w-a n.!UJ1!.Sed.h&e-e.on. S-ai appl'fliiBement was mflJd b.y -S-f.J;-id-a.p;praiSM'-s- in---tke pre-sel'tOO---Of"- sa;idistrator.and in the presence of each other.dmin-INVENTORY AND APPRAISEMENT OF DEBTS, DUES, DEMANDS, ETC.No.Nature of Deb to,Dues, etc.NAMES OF DEBTORS. rincipa l and date ofdebts, credits and dates,commencement and rateof interest, etc.AppraisedValue.Dols.Cts.If taken by widow,so note it, by "'Implacing in thiscolumn, opposite theitem so taken, itsappraised vu I ue.{ITotal a ppraised value o Debts. Dues, etc.,Total of Debts, Dues, etc., taken by Widow,REMARKS.

·-·-IIIII.· 1.----IIIIIIIIII-,-Total appraised value ofI·- . .oods, etc .- .Total value of Goods talcen b.11 Widow.RECAPITULATION.Appraised value of Debts, etc., .Appraised value of Goods, etc .- . ' . . . .Total rwpraised va,hte of Personal Estate.Total amount of Personal /Eslcde taJcen by Widow as shown b!t inventor!J,- .and her receipt hereto attached,Si!Jned b lj us this .r.da;y of . . ,, . .189 . . . {; /. hc 4 j L L.lAdministrator.t Appraisers.)

,'State of Indiana,County, Set :We . . .and . . .swear that we will honestly and impartially appraise all the personal estate of. . deceased, late of said Count!! and State, thatmay be exhibited to us, at its,fair cash value./::iubscribed and sworn to before; me. this. .day of . .189 .State of I ndiana, . k' E.u.&. . n . County, Set:.A:tn,1.nist:p.a'fnr. . ./f.- .l. . . . . - -· · · · · · · · ·The undersi!fned,of the estate of .l.l!,.d eceased, late of said Count!! and State, swear . that the f'oref!oing Inventory contains acomplete statem ent of all the personal estate of said decedent which has come to . ·-'"·············knowledJ!e, 11;8-Y).(;.ll aom,p],et eme:n of.' t.t:hken,.;by the- wid.ow of Sfliid-r!J,e,.c.edent, and tlie- appraisem-ent thereof".,.----xfd ,f-········ - -- cLSubscribed and /\0 .dayto before me, this . -;··;;(:'··········WIDOW.cJd . . . . . . .189 .Z-ff··;z;7J'J; ······. ;JJ::L rkCounty.RECETPT.RECEIVED OF. .!ldministrator.of the estate of my deceased husband . . .the items and articles mentioned in the foregoing Inventory as char!!ed to and selected byme, and the appraised value of which, as shown by said Inventory, amounts in the aggregate to the sum 0/:. . .Dollars and. Cents.Dated. . . .189 . .WITNESS :

cvfo,I !/s;.[QJ. .,

tL '77,{, 1 th '/1- cuu· , oU cuul ,rn« A, dx:71-dl . dt ,u.,cfu,d a v. ol rnc.,a.A:u J,, Ccn v,J fo:,aLnd u w.J, IJ; s /&1"-" ----- du.J.rnf0 /) f'Wtdr,11. ,.1 :-

1/1/-6. s&Jo-o o eru1 ti-,., .J.,Jj, cL 1 4.d I, uj, ti; Jf,ud pa/i'/;;u/4c,,4 , eJ6 , 0 'J ·--,;;-;; a M' 4 /I 'f t& .J,,JJ:; .t.uffA Ga J -t 1 t 4 &a. Jf-U'o.J;;;; 1 J Jo a Lt l'f, , C{ClMJ,-fJ {!} ?f d fW GC ck, :JAdJ:,JwAr.wct. - ' WIN @ft 'cit f au,uJ, /fp!,

I n the matter of the estate ofVlilliam Airy, deceased.C001es the administrator of the ·estate ofdece William Airyby Hogate & Clark his attorneys,and shows to the Court and files thoaffidavit of Julian D. Hotjai; e fron vhich it q,ppears that a noticeaof the fi l i11g offinal settleaent report had bee n ::fi:ie given in theHendricks County Re 1 uu1ican,a publc wc s kly newspaper of genera : circula'!i.O!l ini11t .:i ! an.j .1. Ublisl1ed L1 th o County of He n.lricks , the first ofwhicl l publications was on the 9th. day of August 1394 and the lastthe 16th . day of August18 4 .Said affidavit is in the . fo 11owi1g wordsThe adr.ainistrator als files the affi cfa,vit of Hug( H. I . ) nhH.Hadley frarwhicl, it appears th:?.t a like notic e was pos ·.e at the CourtHouse door on the 3rrl. day of September im14 .Sairl affidavit is as'follaOW to-wit:- (H. I. )And 1ow the final r e ort h e r e iu come s onto be Lear·i . And aft e r e xai'l Lti i ::.; s a i rl r oport and hoinG fully advisedthe Court doth say · and find that said fi na l r e ort was fil ed in thisCourt on the 3rd. day of AugU.st 1894 and by an indorsement in writingby th e Clerk was set for hearing on t he 3 rd .ay of Se pt emb e r 1894.The Court also fin s tha t said ad:c.1inistrator is charg e able Vlith th esum of 7 60. 34 anofentitled to cr u ·its on his vouchers fiihed ithe sm7 76 . 31 leaving a balance overpaid by the adn1inistrator in the sumof 15.97 .The Court finds said report corr ct and the same ought bGItis there for e ordered adjudged and decr eed by the Courtthat said final report bo and th e same is hereby in all things approved and confinned, a.nd Ashley Johnson fl.Executor of the wi 11 of saiddecedent be andt he is hereby fully and finally discharg e d from hisbond and trust.All of which is finally ordered, adjudg ed and decreed by the Court.

l'If) , )r1a;,: -.) II3-.

EDITO R'S AFFIDAVIT .(6-4-92-2.5())Personally appeared be/ ore the iindersigned, JULI.il.N D.Hogate & Clark. Atty .for Executor . J.Notice to Heir;-Crect·t·' 1 ors, eto.In the matter offutAiry deceased.e es ate of "Williamtet 1 t11 4.Hendricks Girccuit Court Sept,li otice is hereby oiven hJo)rn.son as executo':. 0f t bat A.sldcyWliha1n Airy lt e "·111 ofand Ii led J1 j, ace eceased has Presentedse.t t Jenwnt 0·f ,ai CgL d ai?cYiJ'ertstbinfina l1.aw1 11 co 1n e up fur th.' '" .o snn1etion of saicl Circu it ecexapll1mt1011 and acof 8PJH. 1894 'lto.n th e 3rd daycre.dit1)rs or leg tee / . dtune all heirs, nure l to a.1 · 11'. sai esta te nre recnuse, if an/J1i;; s id co.u rt and sbowvopchcrs 8liou!d\ ol"iie"dbJ sat ccount 11ndh e1rs of aid c'tat ' are,Pl· Ancl. theat the tim e ai1 l ,1 111f er Y required:w1l m :. ke Prt' of1i; rahorcsfqd tn ar1 (·arI any T a of said e t.1 te. e1r, HP or l'laun A HLEY J oH,,; 00 ,.wi {ub folHOGJJ.TE, editor of fh e H endricks County Republican, aPublic Weekly .News?Ja,per of gene1·al circulation, printed andpnblishecl in Dan ville, in the County aforesaid, who beingdulu sicmTi, iipon his oath, saith that the notice, of which theuttarhed isSubscl'ib frl, anclEx r:uf,;r.8 9'.!t.SlUOl'llto uefore me, t!lisJof .Bereivecl . .the above notice-trLie copy, ii·cis dnly piiblished, in said paper fo rho'Ang . 3, 1891.-··- ··· ··-········ -··-· ·· ·· ········- · - · · · ··a,Dollars and . Cents, in full for publishing

No. //) @ 6EST .A TEOFPROOF ()F POS1 ING1BY CLERK, ETC.F iled189Cl erk .Wm . B. Burford, P rinter, Indianapolis .

fa' HEIR CREDITORS, ETC.In the Matter of the Estate ofIN 11HE HENDRICKS CIRCUIT COURT,; ; ,.; · ··. · · Iv;11 4 e is hereby lfiven that. . . · ·· · . . . . ,as cl.cu&.mmmm. . . . . . .'2fdl.J.,a.M.A ;li.Y. account and vouchers in . a.,lof th"F! ot,.N 'ofdeceased. ha Jpresented and ,Zled. . . . . .Term 189mmsettlement of said estate. and that th;.;-ame will come uo f'or the examination and actionof said Circuit Court, on the .time all heirs. creditors or . le atees. day of . /w. . . , 189t/,., at whichvl said estate are required to appear in said Court andshow cause, if any there be. why said account and vouchers should not be approved. .11.ndthe heirs o/ said estate are also hereby required at the time and place aforesaid to appearand malce proof of their heirship or claims t. 189.t./

Hendricks County,)ss:The undersi!fned,. . beinJ! dulr-tsworn, on oath say, that the notice; of which the annexed is a true copy, was by himposted at the Court House door of the County and State aforesaid, in Danville. fortwo successive weeks, the date when said notices was first posted, as aforesaid, beinf! the CfJ'n)" . . . . day of' ,aJ189 ';J.C2II . .L

CLAIM FILE .No. ./ . .vs. ESTATEOF --.Claim, -c ::;.,,. v--cJlx.:i J-; 0 '-r-/;j.t;/1 . w.;IXE . D . .b::. . . . . Pa!fe / f'1418Filed . . . , 189 . . Clerk.Wm. B . Burford , Printer, Indi1tnapoli s,

\.,,,,· The State of Indiana, Hendrd!J o t ]?.Personall11 appeared be/Ore me, ENOCff.-.OrlfGGA'fE, . le e;,, .mtCourt,- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -within and f or the Count1J of Hendricks aforesaid,who, upon his{? . says. the. -- -- ------- hereunto attached, is just a,ndtrue; that the claim, after deducting all credits. set-offs, and deductions to which theEstate is entitled, is .fustl1J due and wholl1J unpaid.SubscrilJed and4//L .- -- - ---------' - -e, -.to belore me,thi da11 of. . . . . -··· .18;7"- & C ,

I VouoMr Jf0. eee1ued0su111of;{-.;ff·of t/U' ""'.to oftheGIUrd ii 'f ·· · fatmt-Ormmm .% .189i j.deceased, .,of .l!r"::l. ·············ona untof·· · · i .·: : :.·.· · · · · ·- -w - . -B R OR .- PRONTER,I :.- J. :o o""'ro"s .····················

Ion account of' .II ·····-;- · · · · · · · · · · -· -· ··-· . . . - ---------I t1k / l189 Z.

ulo ,11,.

I f one ,,. .No./ /. . . - . .@f-. 189 . . eeeived of . f.fh.A. .1i.,.Aam.infatm.to,·::,''.:,,:,:;'' fu.y,i/!f 5jl!!::! · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··D ::: :on nccountof. /& . p I 7JIJ:M, -- · ;· JN v6.c. .f -M - · · 4Aft . . hr. .V.X, t.f. .-h· qt ····· . · · · · · · · · ·1. . . .- M8 . BURFORD, PRINTF:R, INP I AN s- -. ········ . .

! I Voucher . o././! l PLLJ ( l ';{-tt //: d.: '· 189.-!.:: eeeived of . dJ.1.&? . f/. L:.1d . .L .the.Adn,in;,,,."' '''theSlWIon account of. .'!'i.L/l ( z/1 ( l ') . . . decPasecl:of .,.d.L./'. . ----'· ··- - . f.,S-r' ' DoLLA RS,of iht' estate of'. . / /II :izi:(. / ; .ld.,crn1./.L. :.r. J .t:.t.ll.tL1rnWM.II. BURf-"ORP Ell IN P U!t.:t.L.l. L .I. ./. . .

JJLVLL'Lb v-1 «//J.'4!. '!.1s9'1,1-rooc;,,,, .A.oJ/J . . . . eee1vedofof tl R estate of'e-A.1J-f'/ ·./t?::/1;/'"Jp, '//h4 J., c,.JM/fthe' "' of' :.,, 0 ; ········on rwcount of.11i!Hnrrl:- ; ;J .Ad inistmto,. . deceased,.'. . · ·············[DOLLARS. d "' . . . theJ 'k:eR., . /::J; . .dJ.d Li/VU. . h,J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · ··· · ·.· ·-· '-"'" "·· ;e ;;z4: Ut ·

f'oucher .No.I.kt .Ik:k.v.JL.'L l. { '1·-t.JA./.Z.A .'r. .1 8 9 .'\. '14-;} tlJ. ·"'·' ·· . . . . the .JJ.dm,in;"'"" "'·. ;iJ/ .l . d eceased:!1eGeiued of .of' the estate of'1,.l. U:{J. . . DOLLARS ,th e .nun of.·-::.·',.on ((,Ooount of . . . l .l { -i. 1. -- { Jd. e{ . ,. LJ. 'L .( . . . . , LJJ '. 8(.tP.1. . -/ U t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;, ;········L.! 11WM.!I . BUR FO RD, PRINT Elt, I N OI A"-A PO l.IS· ····· 7z ;f Xl"t····. .C. .z;:···:

ITonch er .i\ .o. ./ \ -. . - / t 'tk. . ."!!. . . . . . . 189 .'?. eee1ved of.,A . . . the.11.dmin;,,,.,,,., ,of the estate of. VWv;Jd ecerised ,: ,:: :·· ; JJ ·:zz·.· · · · · · ·.· · . . · . 11 ·· ···,·· - : ; ; ;::.::::::::.·.·.········ . WM- -- ·-·:4;, ----·-······ ·····B. BURFORD. PR N TER. N O" M P0U S. .··f ····· . /. --- ·········· . .

I /'oMc;,,,. .fl.o. j eee1v edof tlu estale ofthes 1w1f.of ., .c. 4:'. .l. .2 c.-u .tfiJ./. /e). ···1 -;f;. . .,/,.1 //, l'tc U.(f. /,.!/ . 189 . ."'"'" ''1.1.;:. . 1h, .1/Jln,in; { .l /), .deceased,of.·-··r·····it. .l. .lC.f.l,. . . Utf'.l . /)···--- L.- .('. . DOLLARS,Ori; (ICCOnntofi . -f'. . l1J.f-1f e:.h l lf flt. . ia t .'t:.tn. ft. ·'I .{ ;0; f-1rfr' 1 : 'cc:; . :,;:-')!, ; ·· - ' (WM8DVltl'ORP. PRINTER, IN OIANAPOl. 1::1

I onclier .No. / eGeivedof ""' estate of of - f .i.//- - 189}.c ,,J -- . . . . . . . .the .11.dmini-stratol' d de'eased , :·,::::,.: /!; CC C ::::: ::,- ------· --{; . dtt.6:. . . . . . . . . . . . ····· - - ····-- . . . · ···· ···· ··-.:·. · . 0 . .: . .··· · · · ;;;p ·.· · · · ·· ·· ··.· · · ··

11Iituo ILU l,:,,. . J. lz.a. L .s.::::. . . 189 J eee ived of ·- . 4 l47 ·-j r .i.IJ.,:a.the .Aof' , 11 estate of'.! 11t 'I Ir. 'rt " l/LA t. ·t. /deceased, the su111 of .,'1,/(A.Ict. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-:: :. .?,., . DOLLARS, vonche" .No. . / Yi . . ln in,;.,i,.,,,.,.I'on account of'. .I �·Z.f ····· ·' ··················(c.t{ . -L/ .lf/-tarc/ . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·.( »n .,Ma.BURFORD. PR HTCR, 1N OIANAPOL1S·ft· · c·. ]/; ;;· . ::: .

I otw lwr .No.;:-.:.l.(,t. .,1 ;,,,L?-1,. /.c. . ./'7'1. .,1. /2. ('. . eGeivedof thr' estate of'Of . ft 1 . 6. -- -; . . . .-1 ./.t.dI(rol J-1.l.1.1. , .,.f.tJ. .L .Jhe .!1.dminisfl'at01/I l 'd eceased,.'.L . DOLLARS ,the sum of' . . .!L.-(/ . . . .on rwcount of. :./.u . / / . .0. . }1. /·jJi L . !.c.'}l .dt.7.189. .1.tc.ty, -/:- .V1-. ./.LJLC. r. . .CLtAtr,1. . . 1a./ ·-'--· ·'?,.(uJ .J4 .At1.L/;, . . . . . .'.'. . .k.r.1. iA.t . '--II: &1;: ····· · · · · .· .· -" - . .:.·· · · : i ·;y ··· ,,i·· - · · · ·

· ufo,2-I

/louoher .No. eGeivedof . GJ/, of tlu estate ofthesu111{ ---2 2./# di: /'./ 1891. .th e .lldm)ni,t ·ntmd eceased ,of'------ ------,,- ---------------------------- DOLLARS'!on aooo1mt of.du . - ----- --- :.j L /j -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-)J J / {1&9S. .I l'oncher.N.o. 2 Z - eGe1vedof.of' fht' estate of'. ······ .ti" ./l(lm.inish-nto'.deceased;of -- · · · · · · ·- ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rZ.::.on ncco":nt of. . b A : ;z 7 · · · · f:?the.II.'ooLLARS ,SU711·. . ; ;J;f . . . ···· ·. : . : · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

I1 01wlier.No. ( e;medofthf' eljof . . .· · ·of .

CLERK' - OF.F IQE,JVo. . . ./ . / .y.:J.Hendri ks Co., Ind., . .c. . l rj'.-'7'3ltea1vecl .(/ ·· · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . t?ztjtiatci th;, late @?! ··- . , '.0feaadet/,Danville,. . . .e/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-@'otfaM ant/.: . nta ,· · - - · 'i ·· : .·· · ·· · · · · · ················ ·-··········--···· ·········· m . ' " ' ' ' ' . · .······ .···-········· ···-··················· ···· ··-········ ········ ··---·-·· ----····· ············· ···················· ··-······ ········· ··-···· ;z/ ;::;L':ti;;;;;; . . m l: /;,l


I oucher .No . /of 1 e : e of Ye:!: theSU/I Iof'd t.Nu, -- - - - ? on account of . . . . . .ld-'f.- -------------------- 189 . !. .IU a.A.:.tf'! BURfORO, PR INTER, INOIA. Af"Ollq!) DoLLAR· ;. -- - . ---------------------------- ·v"'····· ··· ·· ·· ··········· ········ ······· MtheAdmt::::. ··-·----

I r o"''"" .N.o. l.of)1/ 11tp-z (( ./':Zt.11)l{mmm mm m 189L' e: e: of 7. :; JlwA tm:::: flu """ of . ···:···on rwcount of . fa . ,·; :;z ·'-·"· ·· · · · · ·. -. . . DOLLARS,. .- ··· ········· ·············· ····· ·· ·········7 ·······················tw.

!I)""cl"".No. .7········,c- '},"'"ftt j/ eGei Ved of . J .; ,,:.1 Kfi' ;'"'L. ./ : 1 "-of' the estate of'the''"" of . -r.?vr.r. Vz --·.,/tf--7189 m.the .Admin; ,f,·ntm.:: . .·7F.,,.DOLLARS,deceased, ff.'-:. i /. . . . .d. :( ·(L . . O::!:. .cC . 0-:.:1. . -:'. - . .e. . .d . . . . ····· .on rwoount of'. . .-;;':i . ····"·". .,--···-······'YM8.9URfO O.PRINTER, OtDIAl'fi\POl.IS. . ··-·····- ·················. 1.h Of- ---

---/101wher .No.lj1 ecei vedof ./faof' t hf' estate of'the"'"' of//; L.jJ: 1 . U .( ,. ./(\ "} fa1. .1. /j. . --- ---···· 189.1. . 4Lt; 7··· . -1& .-t{.1. l/.J.,6/.-,. . .Jhe Admi;nisfrator ot/, .I a ., C-C( . . . c·· ·· ·· ·· dereased,!Ek Oj- R; . fa4 //L. . . . . · · ···A·-, /f.L . L. . a .t.,. Lon r1,ccount of . · ··· -·/.}(.· [,, ),,( /· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. ! } ./" 7::.J.m m8UR1'"0Rp, PRIJlllTF.R, 7; i ml Cc-l DIA S ;- -

I VoiwherNo0- ee i d f 'of' the estate of'thes1Ni1)r ·. v /! 189 -·.·. ·. ·.· .theArlmini,tratm/ , -Ve-- deceased, of --------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------- -- DOLLARS ,on account of'?- - - 7 -- - - - - - ·

If 01wher .No . . . eeeived ofof t h e estate of'th """Aii1)'I h.1/Lth -- f fu; /t ----·----------189 .1., 0 ,if:f theAdn,in;,1mto1{J1{//(/ / Y.deceased,,.§ i-· . . . . .············ · ; · · . . . . . . . . DOLLARS,of.!:/' ?-cft/ -----------·--·-. .'!··· · · -· · · · · · -·--··-···· · · · · ·{1 dof .on rwcotJJn l .---t?. ---I --·--------··--r.P.L/" l'M8BURFORO, PRIN T ER, tNOIA,.,APOLIS(/! - -. re ---········-·· -. -

Ion: .,.·-;7 't/. , f 15::. C::. 189'!,,. eeeiued. ot71'1 . , r- -:;r · ·"-··· . . theAdmhdstraf '.No'";of the estate of.j/1/.,- . -- ::. 't:[4.-i,, . JTl/l.:J . . .deceased ,;- -- · · '. . . DOLLARS ,on cwcount of. dJUw. " ,,, [ M {! /,.,,.7.'"'l4-0RA-CVLv I k!!f.':lc f' /; !k ::u.Lthe sum of' .I t: c/kl 7 y,,. .-WM//Jk,:;f ! t/J LB BURFORD, PR INT ER, I NOI At. APOl. 18.

. . . ···········-··· ··················· M8. BURFORO, PmNTER, IN O A . . POUS.················· . ·········-·············;j. . !.· ·············

Voucher .No . . {. eeeivedthe """ of' . , ./id.1.,,1 //./t{1.#u'l ,tj,,h i .1-lc. !!&. . ,.4 . . · BURFORD,. : .h.d. t. ---. -------·······-- 189.''L.td';Jd ;/ ( ,/,/LJ.ll'.L;. .t.#)1''''"'"'"'II : . /··:/. -; --- ------ - - · ······· .r/of . . . . . . . . , . / 7of"" "'"''' of.on rwoount of.- . .theAdm,foi.,tmtord,ece,,,,,a.,/ . .; . DOLLARS,- ---·········· . . . . . . . ·· ···· · · · ·j;- ; · ·1 1 c/ ··:·PR INTER,IND llS. --- - --L- ---. . . . .---

cf/ .1-1:l!Aomt4e to II/I J ,,Ill / uI(//(


L. 1/J1.a2jzay totl/ Ll.(rz;ct.f,cc.,/al ala r/ate Jc. ,/!; Je:/ /er/, : u n ' C,/ i t. / . ,1/J,i v-v v z-0 cf) f/o.I - - -L()- -1.1'Jlf/ . . .I:PfiomUJe to /(}t.r!Jtclet , !ill) ollat(}.I

ItOGATE, editor of the Hendricks County Republican, a Puhlic vfl'eelcl U .Newspapel' of general circiilation, printed and pnblishecl in Danville, in the. County afol'esaid, who being dnly swol'n, iipon his oaBi, saith that the notice, of which the u ttachcd s is n f rL.W copy, wns duly piibZishecl in saicl paper for