Acorn 120 Stairlift Installation Manual -


Acorn 120 stairlift installation manual

Acorn stairlift removal instructions. How to install acorn 130 stairlift. How to install acorn 180 stairlift.You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 8 to 19 are not shown in this preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 24 to 29 are not shown in this preview. The top stair lift user manuals for most current and previous models. Please contact us if you would like to add a manual to this page. User manual for the current model Acorn 130/T700 Usermanual for the model Acorn 120 User manual for the original model Acorn Superglide User manual for the model Acorn 180 curved User manual for the original Bruno model SRE-2010 User manual for the original Bruno model SRE-3000 Operators manual for the Bruno CRE-2110 curved model User manual for the Bruno SRE-2750 Electra-ride LT(discontinued) Operator’s manual for the Bruno SRE-1550 Electra Ride ll Stairway elevator (discontinued) User manual for new Handicare 1000 User manual for the Handicare model 2000 curved User manual for Handicare Xclusive Handicare/Minivator user manual for older Simplicity 1000 and 2000 models Owners manual for the Harmar PinnacleSL600 Owners manual for the Harmar Helix curved model Owners manual for the Harmar Pinnacle SL300 Owners manual for the Harmar Pinnacle model Owners manual for the Harmar Summit cable drive lift models SL350 AC and SL350 OD Owners manual for the Harmar Vantage SL400 (discontinued) Owners manual for the Hawle/Precisioncurved stair User Guide for the Meditek (discontinued)E120, D120, D160 and DSP100 Models Additional information on the discontinued Meditek models Guide with controller diagnostic display (discontinued) Merits Pilot E603 Owners manual for the Savaria K2 Savaria K2 Plus owners manual Owners manual for the Savaria SL-1000 Owners manualfor the Savaria Stairfriend curved model Staying Home model SL19 owners manual User manual for the Sterling/Minivator model 1000 User manual for Sterling/Minivator Simplicity 950 Owners manual for the Summit lift cable drive model (old) Owners manual for the Access Excel model (discontinued) Owners manual for the TK Citia BOS (batteryoperated system) discontinued Owners manual for the Flow2 curved model User manual for the TK Levant (discontinued) User manual for the UP curved Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on PinterestShare on LinkedIn The Acorn Stair lifts Installation Guide is straightforward and detailed enough for the do-it-yourselfer or the experiencedcontractor. Once the acorn stairlift has been inspected to ensure all parts were shipped complete and undamaged, follow the instructions on the Acorn guide to get a long and safe service from the stairway chair lift. Start by installing a battery in the remote and testing it by turning the keys in the switch. When the lift is plugged in properly, it willemit a steady beeping noise to let the user know it is powered up. Next, the seat box needs to be assembled. It is made up of several parts, which can be put together with a set of socket wrenches and screwdrivers. The installer should also have a utility knife, tape measure and level available. Before beginning, inspect the railing to make sure thereare no obstructions. Check for pipes, which may stick out, windowsills protruding into the stair rail space, newel posts or other obstacles. A skilled contractor can plan for these obstructions, or the acorn lifts can be adjusted to avoid them. When all permanent and removable objects are cleared, join the rails at the bottom of the stairs. This makes iteasier to position and install. The Acorn Stair Lifts Installation Guide walks the user through connecting the rail cables (assembled at the factory) and proper positioning of the stair brackets. The ideal location for these brackets is top, bottom and the middle joint on either side. Setting the rail properly is vital to the smooth function of the stair chair.The carriage installs onto the rails via plastic end pieces, which must be positioned with care. Rough handling of the carriage could result in damage to one of the three micro switches located on the underside of the unit. At this point, the seat’s angle must be set. The acorn stair lift instruction guide gives step-by-step details to the process of settingthe seat post on the main carriage. Double-check to make sure no wires are becoming trapped as the seat is positioned, then fix it in place with a retaining bolt. When the instructions have been followed properly, the unit can now take a test drive to the bottom. The lift must now hook up with the motor drive pinion and ‘tooth bed’ rack on the rail.With the acorn stair elevator at the bottom, it should locate the drive pinion with ease. The installer will want to perform a thorough inspection of the chair, the rails and all visible parts. The clearance of the lifts is adjustable as well. After inspection and the test run, proceed to tighten down the brackets, which were placed at top, bottom and middle.Once the area is prepared, fit the transformer kit to the charge station and the new stairway elevator will be ready to use soon.Related:

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operated system) discontinued Owners manual for the Flow2 curved model User manual for the TK Levant (discontinued) User manual for the UP curved Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on PinterestShare on LinkedIn The Acorn Stair lifts Installation Guide is straightforward and detailed enough for the do-it-yourselfer or the experienced contractor.