Sony Xplod Car Stereo Manuals For Sale


Sony xplod car stereo manuals for sale

Sony xplod stereo manual. Sony xplod manual. Sony xplod car stereo manual pdf. Sony xplod 50wx4 car stereo manual.24 results for page48 results for page96 results for page components included may vary by country or region of purchase: RM-X211 image not available per color: to view this video download flash player contact support parts & repair sony electronics inc. (sony) guarantees this product (including any accessories) against material defects orprocessing as follows: 1. labor: for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase, if this product is determined to be defective, sony will repair or replace the product, at its choice, free of charge, or pay the labor costs at any rized sony autho service. after the warranty period, you must pay for all work expenses. 2. parts: moreover, sony willprovide, for free, new or reconstructed replacements in exchange for defective parts for a period of one (1) year. after the warranty period, you must pay for all costs of the parties. 3. accessories: parts and work for all accessories are for a (1) year. to get the warranty service, you must take the product, or deliver the prepaid product transport, eitherin its original packaging or packaging that offers an equal degree of protection, to any authorized sony service. this warranty does not cover the customer's instructions, installation, set settings or receiving the prob- lems signal. This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to acts of god, accident, or improper, abuse, negligence, orcommercial, or modification of, or any part of the product, including the antenna. this warranty does not cover damage due to improper operations or maintenance, connection to supply of improper voltage, or attempted repair by anyone but a structure authorized by sony to service the product. this warranty does not cover products sold as is or withall faults, or(like fuses or batteries). This warranty is valid only in the United States. Proof of purchase in the form of sales invoice or receiptthat it is proof that the unit is in the guarantee period must be presented to obtain the guarantee service. This guarantee is not valid if the series number applied in the factory has been modified or removed fromthe product. The repair or replacement provided for by this guarantee is the exclusive remedy of the consumer. Sony does not be responsible for any accidental or consequential damage for violation of any warranty expressed or implicit on this product. With the exception of the measure forbidden by applicable law, any implicit guarantee ofmarketability or appropriate for a particular purpose on this product is limited due to duration of this guarantee. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of accidental or consequential damage or allow limitations on how hard an implicit guarantee lasts, therefore the limitations or exclusions mentioned above may not be applied to you.Furthermore, if you enter into a service contract at the Sony Partnership within 90 days from the date of sale, the limitation of how hard an implicit guarantee does not apply to you. This guarantee gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights vary from state to state. For your comfort, Sony Electronics Inc. has established telephonenumbers for frequent questions: to identify the Servicer or dealer closest to you or for the assistance of the service or the resolution of a service problem or for product information or operations , call: For an accessory or an accessory part not available from your authorized dealer, call: Sony Customer Information Services Center 1-800-222-7669 orVisit the Sony website: 1-800-488 -ons (7669) 4-557-152- 02 AUDIO AUTO

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Sony xplod stereo manual. Sony xplod manual. Sony xplod car stereo manual pdf. Sony xplod 50wx4 car stereo manual. 24 results for page48 results for page96 results for page components included may vary by country or region of purchase: RM-X211 image not available per color: to view this video download flash player contact support parts & repair sony electronics inc. (sony) guarantees this .