Cannabis Market In Europe:Cannabis Market In Europe . - EMCDDA Home Page


Cannabis Market in Europe:A Growing Domestic Market(Fi t Results)(FirstRlt )Jean-Michel Costes, Christian Ben LakhdarOFDT3 avenue ddu StadeS dde FranceIdentifying Europe’s information needsfor effective drug policy93218 Saint-DenisLa Plaine cedexTel : 01 41 62 77 16Fax : 01 41 62 77 00www.ofdt.frLisbon,, EMCCDA7 May

Main goals tot gett a goodd overviewioff wherehcannabisbi iiscoming from in Europe, domesticproduction, the types of products available,the market shares of different productsamongst users, etc. Too cocollectect aanddaanalysea yse recentece t aandd reliablee ab edata on different cannabis products potencyin order to get an overview of levels andtrends in cannabis potency in Europe.

The Team Christian BEN LAKHDAR (OFDT) Laurence DUJOURDY (IPSL) David WEIBERGER (INHES) FabriceF b i BESACIER (IPSL) Nacer LALAM (INHES) Consultants: Les King (UK), Toine Spapens (NL)

First results Estimated volumes of cannabis usedMap of the cannabis routesEuropean cannabis markets: resin vs. herbPricece eelasticityast c ty oof tthee dedemanda d foro cacannabisab sproducts

CzhReylyanItampubP o li claBe ndN e lgth iu merlanAu dssP o tr iartD e uganm lH u a rkngS l a ryovakI r e ialaG ndreeNo cerwFi aynlaB u ndlgaS w ri aedeLa nL i tv i athuaE s niatonC y iaprusec55150 000100 00050 00002534337 02634 49630 12827 93517 27312 58911 69811 94410 0359 00 000UK128611350 000er82400 00037197KggG250 00029300 000aF r inanceSpEstimated volume of cannabis usedFigure 1. Estimation of cannabis used per country in Kilos (severalyears: between 2003 & 2007).Source: EMCDDA, INPES.Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL.

CzhReylyanItampubP o li claBe ndN e lgth iu merlanAu dssP o tr iartD e uganm lH u a rkngS l a ryovakI r e ialaG ndreeNo cerwFi aynlaB u ndlgaS w ri aedeLa nL i tv i athuaE s niatonC y iaprusec55150 000100 00050 00002534337 02634 49630 12827 93517 27312 58911 69811 94410 0359 00 000UK128611350 000er82400 00037197KggG250 00029300 000aF r inanceSpEstimated volume of cannabis usedFigure 1. Estimation of cannabis used per country in Kilos (severalyears: between 2003 & 2007).Global volume : 1750 tons [1500; 1900]Source: EMCDDA, INPES.Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL.

Estimated volume of cannabis used these estimations of volumes lead to acommercial retail value of 9.6 billions ofeuros [8.5; 10.8]. For comparisoncomparison, the European markets foralcohol and tobacco are respectively worth92 billions off euros and 1431 3 billions off euros((Euromonitor, 2007, 2008).)

Indirect indicator: transit and finaldestinationMap 1. Ratio between the annual mean seizures of cannabis (2001-2006)and the estimations of annual volume of cannabis used by country (%)(%).

Indirect indicator: front door, transitand final destinationGraph 2. Ratio between annual mean of cannabis seizures (2001-2006) and estimationof cannabis used per country in %.%140120100European mean:26.15%80604020GSpainN e reethcer elaPo n d sr tuBe g a llgiuIr e mlaBu n dlgariaUFr KaSw nceedN o enrwayID e tal ynmaF i rknlaC y ndpLi rusthuG a nier amaEs n ytonAu i asSl tr iaovaH u kiangarPo ylanCzLa decthR e v iapublic0Source: UNODC, EMCDDA, INPES.Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL.

Indirect indicator: front door, transitand final destinationGraph 2. Ratio between annual mean of cannabis seizures (2001-2006) and estimationof cannabis used per country in %.%140120100European mean:26.15%80604020GSpainN e reethcer elaPo n d sr tuBe g a llgiuIr e mlaBu n dlgariaUFr KaSw nceedN o enrwayID e tal ynmaF i rknlaC y ndpLi rusthuG a nier amaEs n ytonAu i asSl tr iaovaH u kiangarPo ylanCzLa decthR e v iapublic0Source: UNODC, EMCDDA, INPES.Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL.

Indirect indicator: front door, transitand final destinationGraph 2. Ratio between annual mean of cannabis seizures (2001-2006) and estimationof cannabis used per country in %.%140Front Door120Final destinationcountries100Transit countries80604020GSpainN e reethcer elaPo n d sr tuBe g a llgiuIr e mlaBu n dlgariaUFr KaSw nceedN o enrwayID e tal ynmaF i rknlaC y ndpLi rusthuG a nier amaEs n ytonAu i asSl tr iaovaH u kiangarPo ylanCzLa decthR e v iapublic0Source: UNODC, EMCDDA, INPES.Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL.

Extra European Cannabis RoutesNetherlandsCzech RepAlbaniaMorrocco

Cannabis market : resin vsvs. herbRatio of Seizures of herbal cannabis and cannabis resin between 2001 and 2006.resinherb

Cannabis market : prices trendTable 1. Growth rate of deflated average prices of cannabis products(European sub-regions*)H b lCHerbalCannabisbiCCannabisbi RResiniEastern Europe**-28,64%-19,37%Northern Europe10,13%-39,57%S thSouthernEuropeE-7,52%7 52%20 73%20,73%Western Europe15,22%11,98%AAveragegrowthth ratet off theth EuropeanEregionsi-2,70%2 70%-6,56%6 56%* Based on the UNO composition of geographical sub-regions** Czech Republic ExcludedSource: EMCDDA

Cannabis market : prices trendTable 1. Growth rate of deflated average prices of cannabis products(European sub-regions*)H b lCHerbalCannabisbiCCannabisbi RResiniEastern Europe**-28,64%-19,37%Northern Europe10,13%-39,57%S thSouthernEuropeE-7,52%7 52%20 73%20,73%Western Europe15,22%11,98%AAveragegrowthth ratet off theth EuropeanEregionsi-2,70%2 70%-6,56%6 56%* Based on the UNO composition of geographical sub-regions** Czech Republic ExcludedSource: EMCDDA

Price elasticity of cannabis demand Resin vs Herb Price Parity Purchase Power(Europeanstandard) Cross-sectional analysis (Europeancountries) Age and Sex of users (monthly users)

Price elasticity of demand for Resin

Price elasticity of demand for Herb

Price elasticity of demand for Herb

Conclusion OnOn-goinggoing issues: EuropeanpDomestic Production issue. Typologyyp gy of ggrowers And Potencyy of cannabis pproducts.

OBSERVATOIRE FRANÇAIS DES DROGUESET DES TOXICOMANIES(French monitoring Centre for Drug Addiction)3, Avenue du Stade de France93218 St Denis la Plaine cedexTel : 00 33 ((1)) 41 62 77 16 - Fax : 00 33 ((1)) 41 62 77 00Email : - Website : www.ofdt.fr21

Li u ania oni C y p ru C z Source: EMCDDA, INPES. Estimations: OFDT, INHES, IPSL. Estimated volume of cannabis usedEstimated volume of cannabis used Kg 19 7 Figure 1. Estimation of cannabis used per country in Kilos (several . Microsoft PowerPoint - EMCDDA 15 YEARS CONFERENCE-Costes-v2 [Mode de compatibilité]