LessonsFor TheNew ConvertIn Christ(Student Edition)A Local Church Ministry of 12 Lessonsdesigned to help the New Convert in Christto grow in the grace and knowledge of the LordWritten By:Dr. E. Ray ShuttSoul-Winning/Visitation PastorChurch of the Open DoorWestminster, MarylandChurch of the Open Door is an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church located at550 Baltimore Boulevard in Westminster, Maryland 21157 USA. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. Norris E. Belcher, Jr.Church Telephone: (410) 876-3838Church Web Address: All Rights Reserved (2014) Copyright 2014 Teacher and Student editions of “Lessons For The New Convert In Christ”2
“Lessons For The New Convert In Christ” is a set of twelve lessons designed to be taught in a class typeenvironment to those who have recently received Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.Each lesson is designed to be taught in a Sunday School Class environment which would lastapproximately thirty-five (35) minutes. Each lesson will have some specific verses for the new convertto read and mark in their Bible during the week after the lesson and before the next lesson to helpencourage and strengthen them in what they have been taught.Please make certain that each new convert is given an Authorized King James Bible when they attendthe first class so they are able to follow the Bible teaching of each lesson.This class should not serve to become a “Discussion Class” as this tends to take away from the setteaching of the lessons that the new convert needs to be taught so that they may become a spirituallymature and faithfully serving child of God within your church membership.However, it is encouraged that there be a short Question and Answer period at the end of each classtime, approximately ten (10) minutes, for any questions that may arise during the lesson time.“Lessons For The New Convert In Christ” has been designed and is intended to be used as a continuedextension of “The Soul-Winners Club” in fulfillment of our Lord’s Great Commission found in Matthew28:19-20 where we are commanded to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in thename of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all thingswhatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.Amen.”Our prayer is that through the faithful and loving teaching of God’s Word found within the pages of“Lessons For The New Convert In Christ”, each new convert who attends this class will not only begin togrow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, but that they will see the genuine Christ-centered loveand concern of the local soul-winning church and body of born-again baptized believers who first ledthem to Christ, and now, as newborn babes, they will desire the sincere milk of the word, that theymay grow thereby as seen in I Peter 2:2.May our Lord richly bless both the teacher of these lessons as well as each new convert being taught“Lessons For The New Convert In Christ”.Dr. Ray ShuttSoul-Winning/Visitation Pastor at Church of the Open Door*Church Phone: (410) 876-8383, extension 311E-Mail Address: or swc@opendoorchurch.orgChurch Website:*Church of the Open Door is an Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church located at 550 Baltimore Boulevard inWestminster, Maryland 21157 USA. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. Norris E. Belcher, Jr.) All Rights Reserved (2014) Copyright 2014 Teacher and Student editions of “Lessons For The New Convert In Christ”4
Table of Contents:Introduction To “Lessons For The New Convert In Christ” (Student Edition): Page 6Lesson One: Page 14Every new convert needs to know and understand what happened to them the very moment theyreceived Jesus Christ as their Saviour and to have a Biblically founded Assurance of their Salvation!Lesson Two: Page 24Every new convert needs to see and understand the importance of learning to trust and depend uponGod’s Holy Word in their life each day!Lesson Three: Page 36Every new convert needs to understand that they are indeed a new creature in Christ now that theyhave been saved!Lesson Four: Page 42Every new convert needs to expect certain things to happen now in their life from day to day!Lesson Five: Page 52Every new convert needs to understand why they need to go to church and why church attendance isso important for them now that they are saved!Lesson Six: Page 60Every new convert needs to understand what the Bible teaches about the local church!Lesson Seven: Page 70Every new convert needs to learn some basic Bible truths that will help them stay faithful to God in alost and dying world!Lesson Eight: Page 76Every new convert needs to know that God has a purpose and plan for their life!Lesson Nine: Page 82Every new convert needs to know how to tell their family and friends how to be saved!Lesson Ten: Page 88Every new convert needs to live as if today were the day that Jesus may come again!Lesson Eleven: Page 94Every new convert needs to continue to grow for the Lord from day to day!Lesson Twelve: Page 100Every new convert needs to commit himself to the One who has saved them!5
Introduction:What Does A New Convert In Christ Need Most After Receiving Jesus Christ As Their Saviour?When a baby is born into a young couple’s family, what a blessing it is to know that a new life has beenbrought into this world! As soon as that baby is born, the doctor and his medical team want to makecertain that it is kept breathing on its own and that it is kept safe from all harm so that it might havethe opportunity to grow up and later become a vital part of society.That child is watched over by both the doctor and the nursing staff to make certain there are noproblems or infections that would hinder the new born child’s growth and development.One of the first things that baby will learn to do will be to get nourishment from it’s mother and todevelop an appetite that it might grow and feed upon the correct diet that will satisfy the hunger thatit now has after being born.That baby is tenderly cared for and watched over by the medical staff who knows and understands thatthis child was not born to simply remain in the hospital with them or kept in some incubator all it’s life,but rather, they know and understand that their job is to lovingly deliver this child into it’s new familyand to ensure that it has been provided with all the care and proper inoculations needed that it mightsoon be taken home by loving parents where it will continue to grow and learn how to live an activeand productive life.Before that child leaves the hospital they will ensure that it has a good and safe environment to betaken to after it’s delivery so that baby can develop properly and grow up in a loving and caringenvironment after it has been delivered.Once home, those parents will love that child and care for every need of that child. They will providethe right nourishment that is needed and will be willing to give their child that nourishment as often asit is needed.Those parents will change that baby when it needs changing and will be sure to wash that baby when itis dirty.They will gently care for that child and calms it’s every fear of whatever may frighten it or cause it tofeel insecure. They will even stay up late and rock that new baby to sleep at night when it frets andcries, knowing that it cannot take care of itself at this time!Those parents will lovingly sacrifice so as to provide for that child and it’s every need. They will clothethat child and protect it from the elements and from all other things that may potentially harm thechild, no matter how small or insignificant those things may seem to be.Eventually, those parents will teach their new child to walk, and to talk, and to feed itself, and to clotheitself. They will love their child and teach that child to one day love and obey them in love and respect6
for all they have lovingly done for their child through the years, and all for one reason so that one day,that child will grow up to become both an honor to its parents as well as a vital part of society who willone day show that same kind of love for his own family as his parents have shown unto him.And aren’t these the same things that God desires and wants provided for those “newborn babes” whohave repented of their sin and who have, by faith, received Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviourand have thereby been born into the family of God as one of his dear children?And is this not the “purpose” for having a New Convert Class in our church—to satisfy the spiritual andperhaps even the physical needs of someone who has been birthed into the family of God and whoneeds some basic love and concern shown to them in order that they might learn to “ desire thesincere milk of the Word and grow thereby ” as stated in I Peter 2:2?So what are the basic needs of a new convert in Christ and what do you need to know in order to begingrowing spiritually in the Lord?The Bible says in II Thessalonians 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep youfrom evil.” Therefore, we have developed twelve basic Bible lessons that will not only ground you andsettle you in your new faith in Christ Jesus, but will also “stablish you” and strengthen you to stand forChrist in a world that so often does not!There are specific Goals and Objectives for the lessons being taught in this class!For the New Convert The lessons for this class are designed to help establish and strengthen your faith in the Lord God whohas saved you and to help you to see and understand the importance of the Word of God in yourspiritual growth from day to day!As we learn from II Thessalonians 3:3 which tells us, “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you,and keep you from evil.”, you will see how the Lord uses His precious Word, the Holy Bible, to do this.And with the help of the Word of God, as well as with the help of the Holy Spirit of God who dwellswithin you from the moment you receive Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour, you will beamazed to see how God will work in your life and help you to grow as a child of God in the days tocome!7
Keep track of your attendance below and make sure you are on time and in class so as to completeevery lesson each week!Lesson One Completed On:Lesson Seven Completed On :Lesson Two Completed On:Lesson Eight Completed On :Lesson Three Completed On :Lesson Nine Completed On:Lesson Four Completed On:Lesson Ten Completed On:Lesson Five Completed On:Lesson Eleven Completed On :Lesson Six Completed On:Lesson Twelve Completed On :Now that you have accepted the free “. gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ ourLord.”, we want to help you continue to grow in your new life “in Christ”.Within the pages of these lessons, we have compiled many “HELPS” for you as a new Christian, all ofwhich are taken directly from the precious Word of God, and are so arranged as to give you Biblicalanswers to subjects that will assist you in your continued spiritual growth and maturity in the Lord.Each lesson in this class is designed with one Bible-based purpose in mind, and that being to HELP YOUAS A CHRISTIAN to continue to grow in the grace and in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ so that youtoo may be able to lead your family and friends to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!As a new Christian, you will want to meet and fellowship with other Christians and learn more aboutGod’s Word, so we also want to invite you to join us for each service here at Church!The lessons being taught over the next twelve week period will include the following Biblical truths andprinciples.Lesson One:Every new convert needs to know and understand what happened to them the very moment theyreceived Jesus Christ as their Saviour and to have a Biblically founded Assurance of their Salvation!- Every new convert needs to see themselves as God saw them before they accepted Christas Saviour!- Every new convert needs to see themselves as God sees them now that they have receivedChrist as their Saviour and have been saved!- Every new convert needs to understand their new relationship in Christ and how it haschanged their present condition as well as their future!8
Lesson Two:Every new convert needs to see and understand the importance of learning to trust and depend uponGod’s Holy Word in their life each day!- Why is the Word of God so important?- Why does the devil and the world hate the Word of God?- Why should the child of God love the Word of God?- Which Bible should I use as the Word of God and Why?Lesson Three:Every new convert needs to understand that they are indeed a new creature in Christ now that theyhave been saved!- What does it mean to be a “new creature” in Christ?- Old things are passed away - All things are become new Lesson Four:Every new convert needs to expect certain things to happen now in their life from day to day!- Every new convert should expect a new hunger for truth and righteousness each day intheir life!- Every new convert should expect attacks from Satan, the enemy of God, as they grow inChrist each day!- Every new convert should expect God to be faithful in providing victory, and joy, and peace,and wisdom in every aspect of their life so they too may be found faithful to serve Godeach and every day!Lesson Five:Every new convert needs to understand why they need to go to church and why church attendance isso important for them now that they are saved!- Why it is important to go to Church!- Why it is important to go to “the right Church” and how to correctly determine, through theWord of God, which church really is “the right Church” to attend!- Why it is important to not hesitate but to begin attending church immediately!Lesson Six:Every new convert needs to understand what the Bible teaches about the local church!- The Biblical purpose, ordinances, and observances of the local Church- The Biblical
Our prayer is that through the faithful and loving teaching of God’s Word found within the pages of “Lessons For The New Convert In Christ ”, each new convert who attends this class will not only begin to grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, but that they will see the genuine Christ-centered love and concern of the local soul-winning church and body of born-again baptized .