Application Management Services - ELM Solutions


Focus where it matters.ELM SolutionsApplication ManagementServicesExpertise to help you strategically manage your applications and drive better outcomes withconfidence and ease.For corporate legal and claims departments, developing effective staffing strategies to efficiently manage legaldepartment operations is critical. Finding talent and expertise to manage technology applications and relatedfunctions has been on the rise as leaders continue to implement multidisciplinary strategies to get the mostvalue from their investments and optimize department operations.Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions portfolio of Application Management services provides expertise to help youstrategically manage your Passport or TyMetrix 360 solution and drive better outcomes. Using a client-focusedmanaged service model, we provide expert legal outsourcing to help you manage short and long-term initiatives,bridge staffing gaps, efficiently handle surges in work, and maximize your internal capabilities.Now, more than ever, corporations are looking for special ized knowledge at scale to solve business challenges.The shift to strategic outsourcing has proven to be effective to help organizations quickly adapt to change, andadopt a more holistic and flexible operating model to maximize efficiency, improve process quality, control cost,and free lawyers’ time to focus on high value work.

Our suite of Application Management services provide you with expertise and staffing foron-going application management. We offer System Administration, Solution Operations,and Report Development services to help legal and claims departments to optimize theirtechnology investment.Business ValueManaged Services for ApplicationManagement enables our clients to:Optimize internal resources and increase agility in managing staffing gapsLeverage deep expertise and specialized knowledge to efficiently and reliablymanage applicationsDrive optimal value from their technology investmentsReduce overall costs of application managementGain confidence in budget predictability with flexible, subscriptionbased pricingThrough the increased transparencyand additional assistance, ELMSolutions is undoubtedly making ussmarter about our system so we canuse it better, which will ultimatelyresult in real, substantial cost savingsand discounts down the line.”- Vicki Andreadis, Assistant GeneralCounsel, Jefferies LLC

Application Management ServicesExpertise to help you strategically manage your applications anddrive better outcomes with confidence and ease.System AdministrationEfficiently manage the day-to-day administration ofyour application with expert know-how that enables your usersto stay productive and your operations to run smoothly.Our team of experienced application management expertshandle the day-to-day administration and maintenance foryour Passport or TyMetrix 360 solution. We proactivelymaintain your system’s performance and ensure it runsefficiently so your users can stay productive.Solution OperationsUse our team of experts to streamline support oflegal business processes and efficiently manage solutionoperations with flexibility and ease.Proactively plan for and flexibly adapt to evolving businessneeds. Access talent and specialized expertise to maximizein-house resources, and reduce turnaround time for pressinglegal projects.Report DevelopmentGain timely insights to inform decisions with expertsthat quickly develop, run, and manage reporting requirementsfor your department.Experienced solution experts use your current businessintelligence tools to develop and configure business reports tomeet your needs. Spend less time creating reports and moretime utilizing reports to make better business decisions. User maintenance: password resets, add and removeusers, manage roles and permissions Vendor maintenance: add and remove legal serviceproviders, and coordinate onboarding for new providers Install requested updates, newly licensed modules thatrequire no customization Report scheduling and distribution Scheduled job monitoring and management Configure web forms including label changes, screenlayouts, and required fields Perform workflow reassignments for users. Manage matters, create, update, and assignresponsible professionals to matters Configure, set up, and apply AFA agreementsto matters Manage timekeeper rates, budgets, andaccruals for matters Budget entry and approvals Perform manual data entries into the systemas needed Run and generate ad hoc data requestsGather reporting needs and requirementsCreate reports that track the key metrics you decideMonitor report execution and distributionPerform any necessary adjustments to reports tomeet business needs Configure and personalize user home page reportwidgets and tool settings Each service can be used in combination with each other or can be individually selected to meet your needs.

ExpertiseFlexibilityHighly trained and skilled resources have deepexperience and knowledge working with yourPassport and TyMetrix 360 applications to ensureyour solution is managed efficiently and reliablyOur services are modular and can be usedindividually or in combination togetherWe use proven best practices, processes,technical expertise, and other methods tomanage your service engagement on time, withquality, and to your standardsSelect either offshore or nearshoreresources to fit your budget and needsExperts are matched to your project based onthe skillsets required for successEfficiencyCost ControlGain valuable time and free up yourinternal resources to focus on high valuelegal workQuickly adapt and plan for short or long-terminitiatives without the expense and hasslesassociated with hiring internal staffSpeed productivity with proven businessprocesses and best practicesManage your budget with simple, predicable,and easy to use annual subscription pricingEliminate multiple statements of work withone service contractOur Applications Managementservice expert has been valuableresource who has helped menavigate and enhance theadministration of our billing."- Vicki Andreadis, Assistant GeneralCounsel, Jefferies LLC

Application Management ServicesOur team is an extension of your team.Your service is tailored to your businessobjectives and preferences. Yourengagement lead is your expert resourcethat is assigned to your project based onthe skillsets required for your department’ssuccess. This highly trained resource willbe working at your direction. You agree onthe tasks and activities to be performedeach week, the timeline for completion,communication touch points, and metricsto track progress. Our goal is to operateseamlessly as an extension of your in-houselegal operations team.As a Wolters Kluwer’s ELM Solutions client,you receive all support and servicesassociated with your spend and mattermanagement system, including accountmanagement, client success managers, andother technical support as part of our GlobalClient Services team.SecurityProtecting and securing your datais our top priority. Our ApplicationManagement services leverage thesame rigorous security controls asyour Passport and TyMetrix 360 applications. Wolters Kluwer’s ELMSolutions is ISO-27001 certified, andService Organization Control (SOC)ISAE3402 audited to ensure yourdata is protected end-to-end.We partner with you totransform the way youmanage your applications.

Contact information:Wolters Kluwer’s ELM SolutionsWorld Corporate Headquarters3009 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1100Houston, Texas 77056Phone 800.963.3273Please visit wkelmsolutions.comfor more information. 2018 Wolters Kluwer and its affiliates. All rights reserved.When you have to be right

Wolters Kluwer's ELM Solutions portfolio of Application Management services provides expertise to help you strategically manage your Passport or TyMetrix 360 solution and drive better outcomes. Using a client-focused managed service model, we provide expert legal outsourcing to help you manage short and long-term initiatives,