Css3-layout Inctrl PDF


CSS3 LayoutFebruary 18, 2013In Control Orlandoby Zoe Mickley Gillenwater@zomigizomigi.com

What I doBooksWebStunning CSS3:A Project-based Guide tothe Latest in CSSAccessibilityspecialist at AT&Twww.stunningcss3.comVisual designerCSS developerand consultantFlexible Web Design:Creating Liquid and ElasticLayouts with CSSwww.flexiblewebbook.com2

the pasttable layout3

Problems with table layout Complicated/bulky markupAccessibility problemsSlower browser renderingRigid designsSpacer gifs4

the presentfloat layout5

Problems with float layout Difficulty with containmentWrapping/float dropDifficulty with equal-height columnsNo float:centerVisual location somewhat tied to HTMLorder6

the futurea whole mess o’ CSS37

Floats of the futurehttp://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-box/ New values for float property New ways to contain floats New float-displace property8

New values for float propertyThese include values like start andend to help with languages with RTLdirection, but check out how thetext wraps around this graphicwhen using the new contourvalue.unicorn {float: right contour;}Pretty sweet, right? Almost as sweet as this radunicorn pegasus.9

New ways to contain floatsCurrent behavior:One potentialway to get thisnew behavior:New behavior:p {min-height: contain-floats;}10

New ways to contain floatsCurrent behavior:Another way(if element hasbottom borderor padding):New behavior:p {clear-after: right;}11

New ways to contain floatsCurrent behavior:Or maybe just:New behavior:p {clear: both after;}12

Current float wrap behaviorp {float-displace: line;} Floats lay over blocks Lines get shortened13

Here’s when that sucks14

Fix with float-displaceul {float-displace: indent;}15

Another option for float wrapp {float-displace: block;} Floats do not lay overblocks Block’s width reduced16

CSS3 “content-flow” modules Multi-column Layout: flow a box’scontent into multiple columns in that box Regions: flow content into multiple,separate boxes Exclusions and Shapes: make contentflow around and within areas in moreintricate ways than floating17

Multi-column Layoutwww.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/ **11.1* 10*with browser-specific prefixes18

Regionswww.w3.org/TR/css3-regions/article {flow-into: orlando;}#one, #two, #three {flow-from: orlando;}12319

Exclusions and quotes are gonna beeverywhere. I can feel it.center {wrap-flow: both;}20

Shapes Use SVG-likesyntax or imageURL to definecontours Inside shapesapply to all blocks Outside shapesapply to floats andexclusionsImage from csslayout-features-to-look-forward-to/21

but where’s myjetpack22

CSS3 grid-related modules Grid Alignment?Template Layout?Grid Template Layout?Grid Layout—the winner!23

Grid X10**partially, with -ms- prefix24

Create a grid, method 1Column widths.wrap {display: grid;grid-definition-columns: 200px 1fr 200px;grid-definition-rows: auto auto;}Row heightsIE 10 also lets you use:-ms-grid-columns: 200px 1fr 200px;-ms-grid-rows: auto auto;25

Empty invisible grid1fr200pxautoauto200px26

Place elements in that grid-column:grid-column:1 2;}}}}navnewsmainaside27

Create a grid, method 2.wrap {display: grid;grid-template: "a a a a""b c c d"}abcd28

Create a grid, method 2.wrap {display: grid;grid-template: "head head head head""side1 main main side2"}headside1mainside229

Place elements in that -area:grid-area:"head" }"main" }"side2" }"side1" }head navside1 #newsmain #mainside2 aside30

Rearrange the grid@media screen and (max-width:500px) {.wrap { grid-template: "main side2""side1 side1""head head"}}mainside2side1head31

demo time32

Flexible Box Layoutwww.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/ X**†12.1XX†with -webkit- prefixcan be switched on in version 18 33

Which is lay:flex See also 34

How flexbox works Make boxes automatically grow to fillspace or shrink to avoid overflow Give boxes proportional measurements Lay out boxes in any direction Align boxes on any side Place boxes out of order from HTML35

Let’s tryflexboxout onthis page36

Original CSS.feature {float: left;width: 30%;margin: 0 4.5% 0 0;padding: 130px 0 0 0;}37

Create a flex container div class "feature-wrap" div class "feature" id "feature-candy" . /div div class "feature" id "feature-pastry" . /div div class "feature" id "feature-dessert" . /div /div .feature-wrap {display: flex;}Make sure to also addthe prefixed values andproperties for now.38

How the CSS might really look.feature-wrap {display: -ms-flexbox;display: -moz-flex;display: -webkit-flex;display: flex;}Optional for IE 10Optional for testing inFF 18 and 19Needed for Chrome and(someday) Safari39

Specify direction of flex items.feature-wrap {display: flex;flex-direction: row;}Default valueSwitch to vertical stacking:@media screen and (max-width:500px) {.feature-wrap {display: flex;flex-direction: column;}}40

Setting a point of referenceMain axisCross axisfor flex-direction: row41

Make flex items flexible.feature {flex: 1 1 0px;margin-right: 40px;padding: 130px 0 0 0; }flex grow factor42

Make flex items flexible.feature {flex: 1 1 0px;margin-right: 40px;padding: 130px 0 0 0; }flex shrink factor43

Make flex items flexible.feature {flex: 1 1 0px;margin-right: 40px;padding: 130px 0 0 0; }flex basis44

Make flex items flexible.feature {flex: 1 1 0px;margin-right: 40px;padding: 130px 0 0 0; }Same as:.feature {flex: 1;margin-right: 40px;padding: 130px 0 0 0; }45

Add a fourth feature box div class "feature-wrap" div class "feature" id "feature-candy" . /div div class "feature" id "feature-pastry" . /div div class "feature" id "feature-dessert" . /div div class "feature" id "feature-bread" . /div /div 46

All boxes adjust in width47

Don’t need to do this anymore.2up .feature { width: 45% }.3up .feature { width: 30% }.4up .feature { width: 22% }48

Highlight a sale category.sale {padding: 130px 20px 20px 20px;border-radius: 3px;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);}What percentage width would I set tomake this twice as wide as other boxes,if I weren’t using flex?49

Make sale box twice as wide.sale {flex: 2;padding: 130px 20px 20px 20px;border-radius: 3px;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);}50

Default equal-height columns!.feature-wrap {display: flex;align-items: stretch;}This is the default value, so we don’t needto actually set this property, but this showsyou what it looks like.51

Vertical centering with ease!.feature-wrap {display: flex;align-items: center;}52

align-items(2011: t)(end)foocenter(center)foofoobaseline(baseline)53

Visual order HTML order54

Move sale box to front of line.sale {order: -1;flex: 2;padding: 130px 20px 20px 20px;border-radius: 3px;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);}Default order value is 0 for all flex items,so -1 moves this one before others55

New visual order, same HTML56

Accessibility implicationsProConKeep content in logicalorder in HTML instead ofstructuring HTML toachieve visual layoutFocus/tab order won’talways match expectedorder, may jump aroundseemingly randomly57

Tab order HTML order213458

Expected tab order12485367959

Frustrating mystery tab order18374965260

use the order property forgoodnot evil 61

Columns are too narrow62

Create multi-line flex container.feature-wrapper {display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;}.sale {order: -1;flex: 1 1 100%;margin: 0 0 20px 0;padding: 130px 20px 20px 20px;border-radius: 3px;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);}63

Flex items can now wrap64

Change icon position.sale {order: -1;flex: 1 1 100%;margin: 0 0 20px 0;padding: 20px 20px 1px 170px;border-radius: 3px;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.4);background-position: 20px 0;}65

Final layout66

use flexbox now forprogressive enhancement 67

How can I make this form: Display on a single line with image Vertically centered with image Span full-width of container68

Let’s try inline-block#order img, #order form {display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle; } div id "order" img src "cake.png". form label for "message" . /label input type "text" id "message". input type "submit" value "add to cart" /form /div 69

Inline-block achieves: Display on a single line with image Vertically centered with imageX Span full-width of container70

Different units make life hardPixelsEmsSome mystery percentage71

Make the text input flex#order, #order form {display: flex;align-items: center; }#order form {flex: 1; }#order #message {flex: 1;min-width: 7em;margin: 0 5px; }Make outer div and forminto flex containersVertically center kiddosMake form take up allspace next to imageMake text input take upall space in form leftafter label and buttonBut don’t let it getcrazy-small72

Use inline-block with flexbox73

Use inline-block with flexbox#order img, #order form {display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle; }#order, #order form {display: flex;align-items: center; }#order form {flex: 1; }#order #message {flex: 1;min-width: 7em;margin: 0 5px; }74

Full-width nav barnav ul {nav li {display: table;display: table-cell;width: 100%;text-align: center; }margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none; }75

Not so hot with no backgroundsUneven spacingDon’t like these gaps76

Even spacing with flexboxnav ul {display: flex;justify-content: space-between;margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none; }77

justify-content(2011: 78

Use inline-block with flexbox79

Use inline-block with flexboxnav ul {display: flex;justify-content: space-between;margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;text-align: center;}nav li {display: inline-block;}80

Or use Modernizr scripthttp://modernizr.comnav ul {display: table;width: 100%;margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;}.flexbox nav ul {display: flex;}nav li {display: table-cell;}.flexbox nav li {display: list-item;}81

prepare for thefuture82

Learn moreDownload slides and get links athttp://zomigi.com/blog/css3-layoutZoe Mickley Gillenwater@zomigidesign@zomigi.comzomigi.com stunningcss3.com flexiblewebbook.comTitle photo by Gilderic Photography )Rocket icon by Jason Peters, fire icon by James Bond Icons, both from The Noun Project83

CSS developer and consultant. 3 the past table layout. 4 Problems with table layout Complicated/bulky markup Accessibility problems Slower browser rendering Rigid designs Spacer gifs. 5 the present float layout. 6 Problems with float layout Difficulty with containment