Ackworth Parish Magazine



DIRECTORYRector:Re v. P e t e r M o o r h o u s e ,The Rectory, High Ackworth.Honorary Assistant P r ie st:Rev. S . E. C. W h i t c o m b e ,10 C r i c k e t e r s C l o s e . (Tel.Reader:Mr. G. C o o p e r ,27 O r c h a r d D r i v e .Churchwardens:Mr. W. J. J a r r e t t ,11 O r c h a r d D r i v e .(Tel. 6 1 1 5 5 2 )Secretary:Treasurer:Covenant(Tel.(T el .780880)616477)611274)Mr. W. A. B r a n s t o n ,8 A n d r e w s Grove.(Tel. 6 1 0 5 9 0 )Mrs. A. H a r r i s ,Lo ng Lane Close,Mrs. J. F i rt h,5 Mi ll Close.L o n g Lane .(Tel.Secretary:Mr. J. G a r d h a m ,T e n t e r In gs H o us e,83 P o n t e f r a c t Ro a d .Mission Room Se cr et ar y:Mr. W.A. B r a n s t o nOrganists:St. C u t h b e r t ' s :Mr. J. Co ok ,32 B a r n s l e y Ro ad .(Tel. 6 1 3 9 8 8 )(T el .795450)614638)(Tel.794500)(as a b o v e )All S a i n t s ':Mr. P. C o o p e r ,27 O r c h a r d D r i v e .(Tel. 6 1 1 2 7 4 )Sunday S c h o o l :Mothers'Union:Mrs. K i t t y C o o p e r ,27 O r c h a r d D r i v e . (Tel.611274)T h e H o w a r d C h u r c h of E n g l a n d P r i m a r y S c h o o l ,Low A c k w o r t h .H e a d m i s t r e s s : Mrs. V. D o w n h a m (Tel. 6 1 1 2 4 3 )Church F l o w e r s .St. C u t h b e r t ' s : Mrs. P. A s q u i t h ,70 P o n t e f r a c t R d . ( T e l . 7 0 4 7 3 2 )A l l S a i n t s ':M i s s E. S m i t h , ' S o l e n t i a ' ,W a k e f i e l d R o a d . (Tel. 6 1 1 2 5 8 )Bell-ringers:Stella Pittaway,WestH a r d w i c k Farm ; ( T e l . 6 1 1 3 4 4 )C h u r c h of E n g l a n d C h i l d r e n ' s S o c i e t y :Mrs. M. J u p p , 14 F l o u n d e r s Hill.Parish M a g a z i n e :Distribution:Mrs. M. G a r d h a m ,T e n t e r In gs H o u s e ,83 P o n t e f r a c t Rd. ( T e l . 7 9 4 5 0 0 )

RECTOR'S NOTESM any c h u r c h e s are now kept locked t h ro ug ho ut the w e e k . Re ce ntthefts from c h u r c h e s in this area h i gh li gh t the d i le mm a fa ci ng parishes.Ideally c h u r c h e s s h ou ld be a v ai la bl e for p r a y e r and times of quiet, andyet a c h ur ch w h i c h is left open is, I'm afraid, a ta rg et for th ieves orvandals.A locked c h u r c h gives the impres si on that it is not used du ri ng theweek.In fact this is ofte n not the case.In A c k w o r t h there are midweek E u c h a r i s t s at both churches.In a d d i t i o n fu ne ra l se rv ic es areheld at both c h u r c h e s (see this m o nt h' s burials), and w e d d i n g s areheld at St. Cu th be rt 's .Ma tt in s is said dail y at St. C u t h b e r t ' s Church,Monday to T h u r s d a y at 7.30 a.m., and E v e n so ng is said at 7 p.m. on thosedays, and at 6.45 p.m. on Saturday.The S a t u r d a y se rv ic e includesp r e p ar at io n for the Eucharist.If an yo ne is free to join me in theseservices of M a t t i n s and Even so ng they w o u l d be m o s t we lcome.Theservices us ua ll y include times of quie t r e f l e c t i o n and pr a y e r s for theparish.Some p a r i s h e s ar ra ng e for the c h ur ch to be kept open atcertain times of the week, and m e mb er s of the p a ri sh sit in the church,on a rota basis, so that the buil di ng is not left empty.If a n yo ne iswi lling to he lp in this way pl ea se let me know.The p a t t e r n of se rv ic es on R e m e m b r a n c e S u nd ay wi ll be sl ig ht lydifferent this y e a r . The P a ri sh C o m m u n i o n wi ll be held at 10 a.m.,and wi ll be s h or te r than usual, in orde r to f i ni sh for the R e m e m b r a n c eSunday Se rv ic e wh i c h wi ll be held at 11 a.m.The c o l l e c t i o n at the11 a.m. se rv ic e wi ll go to the Popp y Fund of the B r i t i s h Legion.Musi c is vital to the c h u r ch 's w o r s h i p . In J o n a t h a n Cook and PaulCo oper the p a ri sh has two fa ithful and able organi st s.UnfortunatelyPaul C o o p e r is un ab le to c o n t i n u e as or ga ni st at All Saints' Church,because of work c o m m i t m e n t s and for p e r s o n a l reasons.He wi ll ho we ve rco ntinue to be a r e se rv e organist, and for the time bein g J o na th anCook will play at Evensong.The Holy C o m m u n i o n se rv ic e at 8.30 willbe a said se rv ic e until Paul can be replaced.On b e ha lf of e v e r yo neI wo u l d like to thank Paul for the se rv ic e he has gi ve n to the parish,and to All Saints' in particular.If there is an o r g a n i s t in A c k w or thwi ll in g to r e pl ac e Paul I w o u l d be p l e a s e d to he ar from them.A C h r i s t i n g l e Se rv ic e is to be held again this y e a r , on Ad ve ntSunday, 30th November, at 6.30 p.m. at St. C u t h b e r t ' s Church.Themoney r a is ed at this se rv ic e is given to the C h u r c h of En gl an d C h i l d r e n ' sSociety.Last ye ar over 100 c h i l d r e n and their fami li es a t te nd ed thiscandlelit se rv ic e and 284 was ra is ed for the C h i l d r e n ' s Society.AC h r i st in gl e is an orange, s y m b ol is in g the world, w r a p p e d ar ou nd witha red ribbon, r e p r e s e n t i n g the bloo d shed by Je su s for us, the wholedecorated wi th fr uits to show the se asons of the ye ar and the fruitsof the earth.A c a nd le in the orange is lit to sy mb o l i s e Ch ri st asthe Light of the World.Each ch i l d w h o ra is es m o n e y for the So cietyand who at tends the se rvice will re ce iv e a C h ri st in gl e.Furtherdetails of the se rv ic e wi ll be c i r c u l a t e d th ro ug h c h i l d r e n ' so r g a n i sa ti on s in Ackworth.Pete r Moorhouse.

HR. W. A. B R A N S T O NMr. Bill Branston, wh o is now in hissecond year as our c h u r c h wa rd en , was broughtup in a fa mi ly wi th a st rong c o m m i t m e n t tothe Church.His father, a J u n i o r C h u r c h ofEn gland S c h o o l . h e a d m a s t e r , was c h u r c h w a r d e n atSt. Dionysius, Ma rk et Ha rb orough, for ma nyyears;he was also S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of theSu nd ay School w h i c h met b e fo re m a t i n s andagain in the a f t e r n o o n - Bill r e ca ll s atte nd in gtwice ever y Su nd ay until he wa s confirmed.Asa si xt ee n - y e a r old pupi l at King E d wa rd Gr a m m a rSchool, M a rk et Ha rb or ou gh , Bill w a s c h os en to r e p r e s e n t theLe i c e s t e r s h i r e s c ou ts at the Tent h Wo r l d Jamb or ee , and he spent am e m o r a b l e four we ek s in the Philippines.He we nt on to re ad CivilEn gi n e e r i n g at Leed s U n i v e r s i t y wh er e he was C h a i r m a n of the Scoutand Gu id e Club.Wh i l e at co ll eg e he le arned to p l a y bridge, pl ay edho ck ey for the un iv er si ty , and in the h o li da ys c o n t i n u e d to playcr ic ke t for the local vi ll ag e te am of G u m l e y in L e i c e s t e r s h i r e where,he tells me, the road r a n th rough the o u t f i e l d and cars wo u l d stopat the b o u n d a r y till the end of an over!Mr. B r a n s t o n is a M e mb er of the In st it ut e of Civi l Engineers,a C h a r t e r e d Engineer, and a F e ll ow of the G e o l o g i c a l Society.Atp r es en t he is O p e r a t i o n s Ma n a g e r at Soil M e c h a n i c s Ltd., a sp ec ia li stc o mp an y of In te r n a t i o n a l G e o t e c h n i c a l Engines.He is re sp o n s i b l e forthe c o m p a n y ' s D o n c a s t e r office, soils l a bo ra to ry and depot and forthe c o n t r a c t u a l work c a r r i e d out by Soil M e c h a n i c s in the Un it edKingdom.D u ri ng his c a r e e r he has be en r e s p o n s i b l e for land andm a r i n e soils i n v e s t i g a t i o n in ma ny ma jo r projects;new po we r st ationsmo to rw ay s, bypasses, dams, the p r op os ed A55 s u b m e r g e d tunnel c r o s si ngat Conway, and work at Sellafield.The ea r l y ye a r s of his w o rk in g life were spent m a i n l y in Bristol,wher e he h e lp ed c o n s t r u c t the C u m b e r l a n d Basi n swing b r id ge co mp le xbefore s p en di ng a ye ar as resi de nt e n gi ne er at a fa ct or y in Gateshead.He b e ca me s c o u t m a s t e r of the 43rd Br is to l St. M a r y ' s Stoke Bi sh opscout troop.Then, af te r m a r r i a g e to Biddy, w h o had c o m p l e t e d herN.N.E.B. t r a i ni ng in Reading, they lived at W i n t e r b o u r n e Down wher ethey a t t e n d e d All Saints.Bill c o n t i n u e d his work wi th the scouts,while Bi dd y was for a time in volved in the local playgroup.Du ri ngthis p e r i o d of th ei r life they spent one ye ar in P e n m a e n m a w r wh il stBill was m a n a g i n g the i n v e s t ig at io n for the Nort h Wa le s co as t road;then, in 1975, the f a mi ly mo v e d to C h e l t e n h a m wh er e they at te nd edSt. Pe t e r and St. Paul, Leckhampton.C l ai re was bo rn in 1971 andMi chael in 1977.W h e n Bill ca me nort h in 1977 to work in Do nc as te r, the familymo ve d to their p r es en t hous e in A n dr ew s Grove, Ackw or th .Theyat te nd ed St. C u t h b e r t ' s Church, and two ye ar s later Bill was electedto the P.C.C.He is Se c r e t a r y of the M i s s i o n Room, C h a i r m a n of theFabric C o m m i t t e e and o r ga ni ze s g r a s s - c u t t i n g in the ch ur ch ya rd , whil eBiddy is a S u nd ay Sc ho ol teacher, a m e m b e r of the Social C o mm it te eand looks af te r the M i s s i o n Room.Both have be en in volved in f u n d ra is in g ac ti vities, p a r t i c u l a r l y in he l p i n g w i t h the sp ri ng andau tu mn fetes and the g a rd en party.

S E E -L IN KNEWS FROM W AKEFIELD DIOCESENOVEMBER 1986DARE TO LOVECOOKING CANONC H R IS T IA N A ID is ready to supply youwith Christmas Appeal materials and ideasNew for 1986 is a special 'Christmas box',an easy-to-make cardboard cut-out showingthe Nativity and the Christmas Star. Itserves as a tree o r table decoration and as acollecting box. It's free! F o r childrenChristian A id has an attractive new Adventcalendar (price 1). Children are asked toput a coin through each day's window asthey open it. Details o f these and otherideas from Christian A id, PO Box 1, LondonSW9 8BH.B B C T V 's 'Cooking Canon', the Rev JohnEley, Vicar o f A ll Saints' Bromsgrove, iscoming to share his culinary expertise withthe parish o f Birchencliffe this month. Hewill perform a 'Cook-In' fo r parish fundson Tuesday 18th. (See 'What's O n ’).FAMOUS AUTHOR ANDPREACHER IN W AKEFIELDCAN ON M IC H A E L G R E E N , Rector o f St.A /date's, Oxford, and a well-known authorand preacher, will be coming to Wakefieldon Friday December 5th for Advent Praisein the Cathedral. This will be one o f CanonGreen's last preaching engagements beforehe leaves in January to become Professoro f Evangelism at Vancouver.AREA L FAMILY CHRISTMAS?THERE ARE over 80,000 overseas studentsin this country at the moment. The VictoriaLeague for Commonwealth Friendship is acharity which arranges for young studentsto spend Christmas with a British family,and weekends at other times of the year.All hosts/hostesses are offered a smallcontribution of 4 per night per guest, andthe League pays half the student's travellingexpenses. Thousands of young people willbe spending a lonely Christmas away fromhome. If you would like to help by invitingthese young people, please contact TheGeneral Secretary, The Victoria League,18 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N5BJ (01-930 1671). CHOIR SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHON LEY Church Choir triumphed at theRoyal School of Church Music SwimmingGala, held at Cambridge Road Baths inHuddersfield on October 4th. RippondenChoir came second, and Mirfield third.Shields were presented by Mrs. JoyceHaigh, and the whole event was arrangedby the Halifax District Committee of RSCM.POPPY DAY APPEALTHE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION urgentlyneeds collectors for this year's PoppyAppeal. Anybody can volunteer by contacting their Area Organiser simply bydialling 100 and asking for 'FreephonePoppy Appeal'. The more money raised,the more can be spent on the victims of theSecond World War and the 70 so-called'peacetime' conflicts since 1945.Remembrance Sunday is on November 9th,and house to house collections start onOctober 27th. LIVING PRAISEN O R M A N T O N Music Group has just put out anexcellent cassette/record and needs to sell a further250 copies to cover the initial outlay.LIVING PRAISE FROM NORMANTON is thetitle, on the label o f Ears and Eyes Music H eeds): 6 inclusive o f V A T and postage from DerekHowell, 3 Newfield Avenue, Normanton WF61SL (Tel: Wakefield 890095). Just right to giveto your godchild: and cassettes are the perfectChristmas present for your distant friends —lighter than books, less fragile than records.Strongly recommended by Bishop Richard.WITH THIS ISSUE . . . CENTENARY INSET1888-1988

BISHOP DAVID W R IT E S .Having managed to snatch enough time frommy October diary to write this month'sletter, I find that my thoughts are stillrevolving very much around the Consulta tion in which I was privileged to share inTanzania during August.The wholeexperience was both refreshing and distur bing.It was indeed refreshing to see so lively andenthusiastic a company of Christian people—that joy and enthusiasm so infectious too,that it was impossible not to be caught upin it all. So often I was reminded of thoseverses in the Acts of the Apostles whichspeak of believers daily being added to thecompany of those who followed in the wayof Jesus Christ. And there in Tanzania thepriority of every one of the Dioceses isundoubtedly primary evangelism and mis sion.The visit was a disturbing experience too inthat I became very much aware of what itmeans to live without even that basicnecessity of life — water. Where I was inDodoma, we seemed to be more withoutwater than with it, and wherever we wentthe story was the same — that water wassimply not available. It wasquite by chancethat I met at MVUMI Hospital an engineerwho was working for Water Aid. When Isaid I was from Wakefield he immediatelyresponded warmly and appreciatively ofwhat the Diocese had done so that LeghoMulo might have water. And that is wherehe was off to the very next day. Our effortshave been recognised and certainly therecould have been no better project for us tosupport.And talking of projects, it has been goingthrough my mind that one of the things forthe Centenary would be to establish a linkwith a Diocese in Africa, perhaps Tanzania.I have found the whole Partners in Missionprocess an enormous encouragement —sharing, worshipping, discussing and plan ning together. It has definitely widenedmy own horizons and opened my thinking.I think I have received far more than I wasable to give by way of such a visit. Equallywe as a Diocese could only be enriched byestablishing such a link.As you will see from the special inset thismonth, plans for the Centenary are begin ning to take shape. My hope is that everyparish in the Diocese will be taking part inwhat really amounts to our own Partners inMission type exercise. That too is both arefreshing and a disturbing prospect, ahenterprise which, in the power of the spirit,can only yield a rich harvest.With joy in Christ,David WakefieldPEOPLE AND PLACESThe Rev D A V I D C L A R K E , Vicar of Birkenshawwith Hunsworth, is to be Vicar of Illingworth inthe North Halifax Group.The Rev M I C H A E L M O R P H Y , Assistant Curateof Halifax Parish Church, is to be Vicar ofLuddenden with Luddendenfoot, and will beInstituted on December 1st by the Bishop ofPontefract.T h e Rev J O H N C A T L E Y will be Instituted atMOR LEY ST PETER w ith Churwell on November7th ( RP).T h e Rev I A N G A S K E L L will be Instituted atCLECKHEATON ST LUKE & Whitechapel onNovember 17th ( RP).PERSONALMarjorie, Edward, and Jonathan Gee wish tothank all who sent their condolences when Racheldied.RETIREMENT AT 85ELIAS JONES retired this Michaelmas, his 40thAnniversary as a Reader at Carleton, Barnsley.He has been active throughout Barnsley Deaneryand was a member of the Readers' Committee fora time. The Bishop of Wakefield presented Mr.Jones w ith a memento to mark his 40 yearsservice.OLDEST READER DIESW ILLIA M HERBERT SCHOFIELD died onSeptember 15th, aged 91 years. He was the oldestReader in the Diocese, and served his entireministry at St Mary's, Horbury Junction, remain ing active until very recently. He was regardedby all who knew him with great affection andwas a staunch defender o f his faith. He celebratedhis Diamond Jubilee as a Reader tw o years ago.GEORGE CALLAGHANThe Rev George Callaghan died recently. He was80. He had been living in a home for retired clergyat Scarborough.A former Church Arm y Officer, he was Curate ofKirkheaton, Vicar o f St Catherine's, Sandal, andVicar o f Barkisland with Scammonden. In hisretirement he looked after St Mary and St James,Halifax for five years until 1981.

N E W G A M E S . An evening of games fortraining, 7.30-9.30pm at Flanshaw StMichael's Middle School. Details from RevDavid King, Wakefield 371802.21,22 S A L T 8i L I G H T . A Conference w ith JohnStott. Being Christians in today's society.Workshops on practical themes. St George'sChurch, Leeds. Details from Kathy Grieve25 The Drive, Roundhay, Leeds LS8 1JQ.20WHAT'S ON IN NOVEMBER111A M U S I C A L E V E N I N G in Paddock UnitedChurch, 7pm. Invited Choir. Adults 1,Children 50p, incl. supper.B A N D C O N C E R T by Paddock Youth Bandat Kirkburton Church, 7.15pm.O P E N D A Y at Dewsbury Parish Church,9.30am-4.45pm. Visits to bell chamber.Saxon cross fragments. Church silver & oldparish registers on display.THANKS G I V I N G S E R V I C E , 5pm.1,8,15 P L A N N I N G A D V E N T , C H R I S T M A S 8.E P IP H A N Y : Sunday School Teachers'Training mornings, 9 ,30am-12.30pm, withDss Alison Lowe. 1st— Kirkburton Deanery(venue to be arranged), 8th— St. Peter'sHall, Barnsley, 15th— Halifax Parish Hall.2ALLS A IN TS 'F ES TIV A LS E R V IC E ,6.30pm at Batley Parish Church. 900thAnniversary Celebrations.23-79E U C H A R I S T at DewsburyParish Church, 10.30am. Preacher: Arch deacon of Pontefract.S T F A I T H ' S W E E K at Stanley Royd Hospi tal, Wakefield. Details from Rev RogerGrainger, Chaplain (Wkf. 375217).F ES TIV A L151515171820L E O N C O O P E R 'S A N T I Q U E R O A DS H O W at St. Mary's Hall, Mirfield. 1admission includes one valuation & lightsupper. Tel: Mrs. Preece, 499191.C O N C E R T by Dewsbury Music Centre atDewsbury Parish Church, 7pm.A U T U M N F A Y R E at Parish Hall, Holmbridge, 2.30pm.T R I U M P H , Scottish Rock Gospel Bandappearing at St. George's, Lupset, 7.30pm.Adults 2, Teens 1.50. Tickets fromGareth Phillips, 102 Lennox Drive, Wake field WF2 8LF (374361).L ITU R G IC A LD EM O N STR A TIO NofGood Friday Service, 7.15pm at St. JohnWakefield. All welcome. Numbers attend ing, please, to Archdeacon of Halifax (Brighouse 714553).BB C T V C O O K I N G C A N O N E N T E RT A I N S . A 'Cook-In' in aid of Parish Fundsat Birchencliffe Parish Hall, Hudds (nearjunction 24 of M62). 7.30pm. Tickets 2.50incl. wine & refreshments. Tel: Elland72679 or 73140.50th A N N I V E R S A R Y of BirchencliffeMothers' Union. 7.30pm Service in church,followed by supper & exhibition in ParishHall. All Welcome. Please give names toMrs. Ellam, Hudds 640126.S C H O O L T E A C H E R S I N S E T S ESSION9.30-12.30 at Church House, Wakefield.Resources and their use. RE and childrensresponse. 1 (incl. coffee) payable on theday.22C E L E B R A T I O N F O R S T C E C I L I A Localmusicians and singers. Concert of musicby Holst and Vaughan Williams. 8pm atHeptonstall Parish Church. 2 at door.22-29 T H E S O R C E R E R .Meltham ChurchG & S Society in the Church Hall. 7.30pm(not Sunday). Adults 2.25, concessions 1.10. Ring Hudds 851493.24E V A N G E L I S M E V E N I N G , 7.30pm atTreacy Hall, Wakefield Cathedral. 50p tocover costs. Details from Halifax 54153.29A U C T I O N at St Cuthbert's Church Hall,Linden Rd, Birkby, 1.30-4,30pm. ViewFriday 7-8pm. Refreshments.29THEB O R E A S W IN D Q U I N T E Tat St.Cuthbert's Church, Ackworth.Tickets 2.90 adult, 2 OAP, 1 child & unwaged.Details from Mrs. O'Neill, Pontefract705805.H A L I F A X P A R IS H C H U R C H F R I E N D S .6.30pm Evensong. Preacher: The Bishop ofHorsham, Curate of Halifax 1952-4. 8pmAnnual Meeting.122229DIOCESAN C O N F IR M A T IO N10.30amat the Cathedral, by the Bishop of Wakefield.30A N TIQ U EANDCOLLECTORSFAIRorganised by Leon Cooper in St. Mary'sHall, Mirfield. Ring Batley 475057 forstalls.10.30am-5pm.Admission 30p.Refreshments.Proceeds to DewsburyInfirmary Appeal Fund.AND IN DECEMBER5Prepare the Way ofthe Lord' — a service of praise and readingsat, 30pm in Wakefield Cathedral.Preacher: Canon Michael Green, Rector ofSt. Aldate's, Oxford. Worship led by theNormanton Music Group.A D V E N T P R A IS E :ORGAN RECITALS IN NOVEMBER1ST P A U L S , M O R LE Y .Francis Murton7.30pm.23Dedica restored and extended 3 manualOrgan by Bp. Ralph Emmerson.Evensong 3pm. Recital by Keith(Assistant Cathedral Organist).M I R F I E L D P A R IS H C H U R C H .SimonLindley of Leeds Parish Church. 7.30pm.Free admission, silver collection.M I R F I E L D P AR IS H C H U R C H .tion ofWalkerChoralWright26

WITH THIS ISSUE . . .BISHOP'S1986CHORISTERCENTENARY INSETAWARDM ARKETPLACEDESK W ANTED, large, wooden, w ith drawers.The following choristers were successful in thisyears Bishop's Chorister Examination:Michael AisbittCaroline MoulsonHeidi EarnshawDeborah SkipperMark StevensonHeather SimpsonJoanne KilburnEmma JonesRhiannon GarsideAnita Elizabeth WalkerKate JonesRachel HaighRachel DysonHelen ThewlisMark Kenyon1888-1988The CathedralNew MillNorthowramUpper HoptonRippondenRippondenCrosland MoorCrosland MoorCrosland MoorCrosland MoorCrosland MoorCrosland MoorBirchencliffeHonleyGomersal, St MaryThe medals w ill be presented by Bishop Davidduring Choral Evensong in the Cathedral onThursday 6th November at 6.30 pm. All arewelcome at the service.CONFERENCES - COURSESFAITH IN TH E C ITY . Scargill Communityinvite you to follow-up 'Faith in the C ity', 10th14th November. Guest Speaker: Rev. RogerClarke, of the William Temple Foundation. Costfor the week 65, bursary help available. Applyto The Bookings Secretary, Scargill House,Kettlewell, Skipton, N. Yorks BD23 5HU.(075676 234 or 315).H EALTH & RELAXATION open to men &women o f all ages. 1st, 2 n d & 4th Tuesdays eachmonth at Alverthorpe St. Paul'sr First School,Wakefield, 8pm-9pm. Slow, gentle movementsto music, followed b y a period of relaxation& meditation. Details from Mrs. Helen Parkin,Wakefield 377824.BY WHAT AU TH O R ITY? Open Synod GroupNational Conference, 30 Jan-1 Feb 1987, at HighLeigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts.Prof. Stephen Sykes, the Very Rev Peter Baelz,Miss Ruth Etchells, Prof. Adrian Hastings. Cost 30. Booking form : Mrs. Terry Garley, 64Wyndale Drive, K irk Hallam, Ilkeston, DerbyDE7 4JG.COURSES IN JOURNALISM. Tw o-day courses,mainly for beginners, are being organised for1987 at Church House, Westminster. Cost 30plus V A T . Details from R o y Clements, Wakefield275274.Please contact Rev Lindsay Dew, Knottingley87010.COPIES W ANTED o f New Cathedral Psalter withChants (73) set b y George C. Martin (St. Paul'sCathedral Chant Book), for S t John's Choir,Birkby. Tel: Hudds 27071.FIRST D A Y COVERS of Christmas stamps,franked in Dewsbury: 'THE DEVIL'S K N E L L A L L SAINTS CHURCH - DEWSBURY - W.YORKS - 18 NOV, 1986'. 1 for FDC withKnell stamp only. 2 for FDC w ith complete set.Orders to All Saints Stamp, 2 Oxford Rd., Dews bury WF13 4LN (Cheques to 'A ll Saints PCC').VIDEOS FOR CHILDREN, 3 0 mins each, greatestadventure stories from the Bible: Moses; Danielin the lion's den; David & Goliath; Joshua & thebattle o f Jericho; Samson & Delilah; Noah's A rk .Free loan from Jo hn Davey, Holm firth 686811.BOOKSHELFCHRISTIAN CRACKERS (2). Following the hugesuccess of Christian Crackers, Phil and MaryMason have published more humorous storiesabout church life. Price 60p from WakefieldCathedral Bookshop.OUR W ORLD,GOD'S WORLD b y Barbara Wood.Advent & Christmas preparation linked to theneed to respect and preserve God's earth. Fore w ord b y David Bellamy. 2.50 from Bookshopsor 2.85 from The Bible Reading Fellowship.HOW TO BOIL AN EGG - 70 local receipes andhints from St Michael’s Church, Cornholme —proceeds fo r their roof repair fund. Ideal inexpen sive Christmas present, 1.50 post paid from Mr.L. Slater, 745 Burnley Road, Todmorden,OL14 8LF.TH E CHRISTMAS TR EE: A new look at theNativity story b y 9 7 year old Ethel Wallace. Asimple and vivid presentation of the nativity withblank pages for personal drawings or cuttingsfrom Christmas cards. 1.50 from bookshops or 1.80 from Bridge Publications, 2 Bridge Street,Penistone, Sheffield S30 6AJ.ANTI-APARTHEID GROUPAN Anti-Apartheid Group has recently beenformed in Calderdale. Details from the RevDavid Calvin-Thomas, Vicar o f St. Matthew's,Rastrick (Brighouse 713386).SEE-LINK EDITO R: Rev Stephen Kelly, Alverthorpe Vicarage, St. Paul's Drive, Wakefield WF2 0BT.Tel: 371300. COPY FOR DECEMBER (and Changes of Order) to him IN W RITING, PLEASE, byNOVEMBER 3rd. COPY FOR JANUARY by DECEMBER 1st. SEE-LINK PRINTERS: John LindleySon & Co Ltd., for the Wakefield Diocesan Board of Finance, 1 South Parade. Wakefield WF1 1LP.

Bi ll 's a c t i v i t i e s have not been c o n f i n e d to p a r i s h business,however;for three ye a r s he was C h a i r m a n of the Fr i e n d s of BellLane First Sc ho ol w h e r e C l a i r e and later Mi c h a e l w e r e pupils.Hewas also a c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r of the A c k w o r t h R e c r e a t i o n a l Co un ci land h e lp ed to p r o d u c e the c a l e n d a r of w e e k l y e v e n t s that was at onetime d e l i v e r e d to h o u s e h o l d s in Ackworth.It seems to me sc arcelys u rp ri si ng that he a d mi ts to pl a y i n g b r id ge on ly o c c a s i o n a l l ynowadays, that he finds it d i ff ic ul t to fit in a game of te nnis - heis a m e m b e r of both the A c k w o r t h and Sandal te nn is cl u b s - and doesnot put as m u c h time as he wo ul d like into his st am p c o l l e c t i o n orhis garden!Mo ir a D e a r n l e y******TH UR SD AY ,*****Mr.******(USBOURNE)13th NOVEMBER,at 60 HOLL Y BANK,****C H I L D R E N ' S BOOK PA R T Y****8 p.m.*the home of*& Mrs. J. Dawson.*C H R I S T M A S CA RD S 8 S T A T I O N E R Y A L S O ON SA LE**P R O C E E D S IN AI D OF C H U R C H FU ND S* * * * * * * * * * * *****Thank Y o u .Mrs. J. M o r r e l l ' s c o ff ee m o rn in g in S e p t e m b e r r a i s e d 22.30.,and Mrs. E. U p r i g h t ' s c o ff ee m o rn in g in O c t o b e r r a i s e d 60.Manythanks to all w h o su pp o r t e d these events, w h i c h w e r e he ld in aid ofc h ur ch funds.PI4-1IHIT DE PE ND S WH IC H W A Y YOU LOOK AT ITD u ri ng a tw o- we ek hosp it al stay I gr ew ve ry fond of my g r a n d m o t h e r l y ro om -m at e, Agnes.One day wh il e she was napping, I no ti ce dthat on the stan d b e s i d e her bed she had p r o p p e d up a st ri p ofneed le po in t wi th an odd kind of de si gn on it.Later, w h e n she wasawake, I as ke d her about it."A fr iend m a d e that for me.I shook my head.language, isn't it?"Can you see wh at it says?""What do you m e a n ?"No," r e p l i e d Ag ne s wi th a wi de grin.and sp ok en all of y o u r life."It's some foreign"It's a w o r d y o u' ve seenFor the rest of the day I gl a n c e d at the d e s i g n off and on, butI did not see the w o r d - on ly m e a n i n g l e s s w h i t e ciphers."It'll come," Ag ne s re a s s u r e d me."Just ke ep lo ok in g at it".The next m o r n i n g wh en I woke up, I t u rn ed to the design.JESUS.The wo rd s t o o d out in bo ld brow n letters."I do n' t know wh y it tookme so long," I c h a t t e r e d to Agnes, "it's so obvious!""Well," Ag n e s sa id , her eyes twinkling, "Don't feel so bad.So me ti me s it takes folks a li fetime to find Je sus."From:Guidepostsq u ot ed in the m a g a z i n e ofSt. Geor ge 's , Leeds.

SE RV IC ECHRISTINGLEIN A I D OF THE C H U R C H OF EN G L A N DC H I L D R E N ' S S O CI ET Y**ST.CUTHBERT'SCHURCH*SUNDAY,30TH NO VE MB ER ,6.30 p.m.*D e ta il s will be c i r c u l a t e d in Church,th ro ug h c h i l d r e n ' s o r g a n i s a t i o n sin Ackworth.and**********TheBibl eRe ad in g*******FellowshipF r o m J a n u a r y 1987 the cost of three b o o k l e t s of Daylight,G u i d e l i n e s and C o m p a s s wi ll be 3.60 per annum.W o u l d you pl ea selet me know if you wi sh to c o n t in ue ta ki ng the b o o k l e t s - telephoneHe ms w o r t h 611274.Kitt y Cooper.THENovemberMOTHERS'UNION5th.9.15 a.m.Co rp o r a t e Co mm un io n, All Saints'N o v e m b e r 27th.2.30 p.m.Se rv ic e and M e e t i n g in the Mi s s i o n Room.Sp ea ke r Mrs. Jo y c e Morrell.Church.Ki t t y Cooper.Au tu mn FayreTh is wi ll be he ld on N o v e m b e r 1st at 2.30 p.m. in the Mi ss io nRo om to be o p e n e d by Mrs. Elsie Atkinson.Th e r e wi ll be a va rietyof stalls, c o m p e t i t i o n s and refres hm en ts .Gi f t s for Sale w o u l d bemuch a p pr ec ia te d.P l e a s e support this event by b r i n g i n g both yo urmone y and yo ur friends.***********************A C K W O R T H C O NC ER T SO C I E T Y*Saturday,*****Saturday,******1st November, the F a i r f i e l d Qu artet, 7.30 the M e e t i n g House, A c k w o r t h School.29th November, the Bo re as W i n d Qu artet,at St. C u t h b e r t ' s Church.***************7.30 p.m.******BELIEFMARRIAGE LINESThe great secret of a s u c c e s s f u l m a r r i a g e is totreat all d i sa st er s as i n ci de nt s and none of thei n ci de nt s as disasters.H a ro ld Nicolson.

RE GI S T E R SPARISHTHEHoly Ba pt is mS e pt em be rS e pt em be rS e pt em be rSept em be rM i c h a e l G e or ge Hancock, 9 W o o d h a l l Drive.C h e r y l May Stevenson, 3 Bank s Avenue.N i c h o l a Bell, 49 Bell Lane.Ke r r y Hotson, 28 D o n c a s t e r Ro ad Estate.28th28th28th28thC h r i s t i a n BurialS e pt em be rSe pt em be rS e pt em be rS e pt em be rS e pt em be rSe pt e m b e rSe pt em be rE l i z a b e t h Cl ar ic e Walker, aged 83 years.A l b e r t Brown, aged 78 years.W

the Light of the World. Each child who raises money for the Society and who attends the service will receive a Christingle. Further details of the service will be circulated through children's organisations in Ackworth. Peter Moorhouse.