


INTO THE LIGHTBYBRUCE MAcLELLANDAuthor ofR. F."Prosperity through Thought Force"FENNO & COMPANY18 East 17 Street,New York2131635


CONTENTS.Credo3Introduction5ManEternity is Now9GodinThinking and Thought ActionLaw.Repetitions and3652Governs; not FiatProsperity thro' DevelopmentAnAn21.Modern Thoughts.64.87Appeal113Address,121

dedicated to:That lovesome menof,and for humanity, which actuatesto suffermartyrdomto uplift mankind.

CREDO.This philosophy teaches:Thatlife isEternityisan everlasting evolution.are living in is within you. A condition ofmind not a place.Mankind may live in heaven by getting into communion with Infinity now.All have the Divine Life withinWeare Gods.Humanity has always been on the upward trend towards wisdom and communion with the common to mankind andcome to whosoever finds peace.The Creator seeks this communion butmankind does not establish the necessaryInspirationwillconditions to permit the inflow of divinelove.

Credo.If such conditions are established theinflow oftodowisdomwillremove the the force which developsDivine thought ennobles andstrengthens man.Law governs the spiritual would withthe same exactness with which it governsthe constellations.Sickness,are sins.Theinsanity,anger,viciousnessright impulse from the soul is morethan the act. If the impulse isessentialright the act will be right. If not restrictions on actions will not prevent thewrongfulact.

INTRODUCTIONWHENa faint glow of reason first began to tint the sky of intelligence with itspurple sheen, the primitive man felt thespirit feebly stir and, grasping blindly,sought to find his God. The fears engendered by the wild confusion of his age kepthim in a constant dread and wild hisgroupings ran.Withplastic clayskilled hands, he idolsawe beforeinhisownand un-made; then bowedcreations.In everycrash of Nature's storm he found anotherGod, and to appease him bowed in diffidence and fear. Demons filled his dreamswith nightmares drear and terror swepthissoul.AsThegrew he sat beneathand wondered what they were.the ages olderthe starsspirit,spoke toever ready to uplift mankind,himso softand low5it stilledhis

Introduction.6began to form.These thoughts of love and mystery, andwonders yet unknown; began to clear thecloud of fear and lead the man along.It led him through the labyrinth of Godsfor every passion and taught him of theGod within, loving and omniscient.Out from the heart a something criesunto the silence for a God and in theheart is shaped the power that each wouldbend before in fear, or reverence and love.The one creates a mighty man and setshim on a golden throne to praise or punfears;thenthoughtsemotion moves, responding to theimpulse such as moves in man.ish asAnother, higher grown, sees naughtGod of form, but as a spiritwithin hisdeems him, and yet the highest grown,in awful majesty of awe, is conscious ofGod as Law; vibrant in all and everything.Alifeomniscient, centering inand every one, and from suchcenter ever growing till the spark shall atlast encompass all.To these all life, allatomsall

7Introduction.are good, and peacefullive they, welcoming the expansion ofHim who lives within.thought,Whatall actspower is has not been rehas any man the right toThe finite mind is notdefine Infinity.thisNorvealed.capable of the conception.Weknowcommuknow that it brings content-the effect of closenion with him,ment, prosperity, and indwelling peace;and know how such communion can beweestablished, but as to the personalityknow naught.To say Godisspiritmore than woulditmeans nothing; noifwesay SpiritisSpirit.The law has beenrevealed to me.Onthat subject I speak with the voice of authority, but the lawmaker is not revealed.NorIwillMytruth.speculation as aunderstanding is the productvoiceof inspiration.ifpeaceOnceisaAny man mayreceivedeveloped in the innerreceivedwecry in unison,itlife.honor

Introduction.8not me, but rather honor ye the Fatherwhose wisdom speaks through me.Seek ye peace and know of your ownknowledge the law.Out from within came my understanding, nor was it taught by man.Men teach us that mankind was lostand God sent His only begotten son tosave us from sin, but I tell you that theworld has always been progressing, hasnever been lost, and did not require a begotten son to save it. Nor does the Supreme resort to such methods. He comesandmessage of wisdomto us in the silence of meditationthrillstheand ofman with hischeer.When down in the quiet depth of eoncentrative silence a radiance comes andwithitThe sealed bookpages we glean the les-understanding.opens and fromitslife.Mysteries unfold and a wisnot from man guides us onward toson ofdomdestiny.BRUCE MACLELLAND.

INTO THE LIGHTGOD IN MANWITHINthe inner self ofknowledge. This innertouch with the Creator.manlies allalways inBecause man isthinking always of those things which belong to this worldly life; because he isself isswayed by passion, and greed, his attention is not attracted by the incessant callof the inner life that he stop, listen andhear.Because he does not he grows fartheraway from his own guidance which wouldtake him into touch with the source ofwisdom and bring happiness.He is the man who loseth even that hehath.To makeclearer letManisitthis important pointbe restated in this wise:body, mind and soul, or that9

Into the Light.10spark of divinelifewe termtheGodinman.The body has anintelligence ofownitsindependent of the mind. The closing ofthe eye before the oncoming, almost im-would enter andinjure it before the mind is aware thespeck is coming, is an example of the useperceptible, speck whichof the body intelligence.The mindiswhat we designateas"I."the thinking, controlling individuMind, in the ordinary person, isality.governed in its thought and limited in itsItisintelligence to the experiences it has had.Since these experiences of a necessity arelimited thewisdom of each mindisac-cordingly restricted.Therefore, if a question arises the decision must be based upon the result obtained fromsomesimilar previous experience, or the nearest experience to thecase arising.If no such condition hasarisen thecide.mindisat seaand cannot de-

Into the Light.11All technical learning is properly theproperty of the mind. The mind may belearned but hardly wise.The soul is the God in man and is ofwonderful intelligence. It knows nothing of learning, but all of wisdom.Intuitionisthe voice of the soul speak-ing to the mind.Some peoplearenaturally in closertouch with their souls than others."oneI feel that thissays,thing to do,"Whenthe rightthe wisdom of theismeansmind unconsciously.wisdom of the soul may beitsoul has reached hisNowthisconsciously used by developingharmonybetween body, mind and soul, which isthe principal aim and purpose of this effort.Notice, please, that a learned mind isnot therefore wise, and an uneducatedpersonmaybe possessed of great wisdom.mind rests and listens the promptcomesto seek repose, to think slowly.ingThen as the mind becomes calm newIf the

Into the Light.12thoughts arise andstartintonewexistencefeelingsthe thenqualities of godlife andcharacter of our God.Whenitgrowscome todormantinto theanxiety comes by turning to theinner self rest may be found throughwhich to gain power to persevere in calm,happy pursuit of the object desired.Thus God is in man and man is in God,forever and inseparable. Because only ofman's conformity to the things of thisworld does he fail to receive guidance inevery act through direct inspiration.No depth of depravity can eliminateDepravity ofit within an atmosofvilenesswhichphereseparates it fromgod in the innermind can only incasethisthe mind.even in theOnce soughtvilest, and inness will dropcommune"Yeself.awaywill respond,itaction grossuntil the man is fit toitsin unity with the" not fanciful.are GodsYeThe man of Bethlehem had suchunity and recognized that we were allare.

13Into the Light.capable of his development. He said wemight do the things he did, were jointheirs with him in the kingdom, were hisbrothers, were gods, yet thoseunderstand,clothedandwho do notnot understand,divinity which they dewillhim with anied to us.Thus menfor ages have been keptfromtheir birthright.Hetalked from the beginning of hisministry to the last lesson before the crossof his great peace.he found his power.It"wasin that peaceMypeace be untoyou," was his choicest blessing.Thatpeace is as ready to enter your mind as itbelief in the trinity,was to enter his.Noin sonship, or in the inspiration of the bibleisnecessary.Allphilosophers, all inventors are the product of the mood ofscientists,allScience does not conflict with the teachings ofThe conflicts are between the facts scienceJesus.has taught and the false theology of a benightedand ignorant age.

14Into the Light.peace. Buddha, Leo Tsa, Zoroaster, andJesus, each promulgated similar ideas atdifferent ages. Each was unknown to theThere must have been an instructor; but who could teach what no manknew?other.received their insight by findingandpeacethereby communion with infin-Theyity.Solitude, introspection, reflection, andthe yearning of the soul bring peace to theThenwisdom enters.Thus men become inspired: become sonsmind.Godthe spirit ofthe image of God in which weare built, this power to adjust ourselvesto his in a spirit worldof:'tisWewhich speaks a language without the aid ofsounds, and every height to which we climbshows grander heights beyond.Religious conceptions are determinedby the condition of our minds. There isbut one method of enlarging the scope:wemust grow into the kingdom. Throughthe wisdom thus found we discover a new

15Into the Light.worldthe world ofmindunfolding likea panoramic view of paradise before us;and we build a temple to ourselves a temthe temple ofple not made with handsandindividualism.As therighteousnesswonders of this new world unfold we wander farther and farther along its windingpaths, each peculiar to itself, and untanglefrom its varied bewilderments the skein oflife'smysteries.reach the limit of our courage and,knowing our journey must end, seek moreWecourage that wemay journeyon.Wefrom our restless, scatteredto conserve ourandconcentratethoughtfeel the lossMind becomes a text in whichenergy.we read our deficiencies. If unreasonablewe build up justice; if cruel we seek kindness. The whole desire is to recreate a balancedmanin heaven.a righteous man and livehitch our attributes to theWeDeity and become godlike.The jumble of tumultuous thought istrained into an orderly trend and gives usattributes of

Into the Light.16The impulse ofcosmos out of chaos.emotion, which has been the guide, isbrought into subjection and we becomeAmbition for self for riches,rational.and power, and showlosesitsattrac-tion; while aspiration for deeper knowlare as happy inedge supercedes it.Wethe cottage as in the mansion have lostourselves and in the losing found the kingdom of God.Then comes aninflow of the spirit, vita-strengthening, ennobling, healingthe physical infirmities and the soul sings"with the once blind man,This I know,lizing,;whereas I was blind now I cansee,"you will know that you are createdimage of God are a son of God.thenin theWeare capable of having, every attribute of the Infinite. Love, justice, truth,energy, confidence, courage or determination, may be brought from our innerselvesand fixedinmentalityforever.They will supercede hate, indolence, lassitude, doubt, fear, and indecision. Then

17Into the Light.from Infinite mind will fillwith wonder and joy; and a newthe radiationsour soulslife be lived that will be filled with beautiful thoughts and with emotions we never;knew wereWe are in close conwondrous power. Weexistent.nection with thisare Gods.Such a man can speak in a voice thatwould stop the world but, knowing mind,realizes that the words would fall uponsolid rock, and does not.The songs oflife are in his ear and the melody of hissoul forever sings the tunes of wisdom andof love.Peaceful, wise and silent, he passesamong other men as one of them; butwith a different goal in view, he guides hissteps along.WhenKings are crownedinpageantgrand, heedless he looks on ; then seeks thething that he may do to help his fellow-men.Inwith Him whoin humblenesshishearthebendsrules,his solitude, alone

Into the Light.18andlistens for the inner voice to teach himonce again for in his hand he holds a keyto unlock the realm of mystery.still;Aness comes, pulsations of the Spirit Loveinvest his soul. Friends come to visit himwhose languagehisemotions throb, andeach needs to but think the thought to passthe thought along.The mountains andtreeand everyand bush acknowledge him as afriend;as one oftherills,all.Wordsworth knew when he wrote:"Oneimpulse from the vernal woodCan teach you moreof man,Of moral evil and of goodThan all the sages can."Thebest illustration ofmoodhow thoroughlyone above anxietyexpressed in John Bur"roughs' immortal poem,Waiting."theof peaceand ambitionliftsisSerene, I fold my hands and wait,Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea.I striveForno more against time or fatemy own shall come to me.lo,

Into the Light.I stayImyhaste.I19make delaysFor what avails this eager pace?stand amid the eternal waysAnd what is mine shall know my face.Asleep.Awake.Bynight or day,Thefriends I seek are seeking me.wind can drive my bark astrayNoNor changeWhat matterthe tide of destiny.stand alone,joy the coming years.heart shall reap where it has sownif II wait withMyAndgarner upThe waters knowThe brook thatSoits fruitof tears.their own,and drawsprings from yonder height.flows the good with equalUnto the soul of purelawdelight.The stars come nightly to the sky;The tidal wave unto the sea.Nor time, nor space, nor deep, nor highCan take my own away from me.Donot suppose Mr. Burroughs waseither an idle dreamer or a theorist. He

Into the Light.20was, andone of our greatest naturalists.vigorous, wide awake doer.The mood of peace does not imply inis,Aaction.If you move from one country to another thenature does not change. Your merits and faultsgo with you. So, also, do they when you passout of this life. If you would enjoy heaven growinto thatmind now.

ETERNITYUNWORTHYpeoplestand the laws oflifeISNOWwho do not underandlive ina stateof mere existence, usually suffering fromill health, often console themselves withwhen they pass out ofthe idea thatthisa great change will be effected without volition on their part.lifebelieve all good things will comethem and that an eternity, which begins then, will hold only joy and idleness.They are doomed to disappointment.There are no sudden transitions in naturenor can there be sudden transitions inTheytospirit law. Improvement, to be constant,must be a gradual awakening and a gradual growth.There may be a terrificeffortwhichwillproduce results butre-trogression follows.Eternityisnow.The God21inmanis

Into the Light.22ready to develop each mind into a forceand wisdom that will bring intense interest in the unfolding of the man and healthe body.are in the midst of eternity nowand must begin to grow by finding theWeGodwithin, unifying the consciousnessgrow into health andtherewith and thusstrength.If not donesomethenowitmust be doneatlater time, either in this life or inlifeto come.Noone"will ever escape"is nofaithroad to heaven""moreisthantherearoad toanyroyalit.Therelearning."Take, therefore, no thought for themorrow: for the morrow shall take thoughtfor the things of itself. Sufficient unto thedayisthe evil thereof."ment Daylive inForget a Judg-the now.GodFind thewithin and grow.Will ye neverOh, ye blind preacherssee?Awake from your lethargy, fromsurenessof a scheme of salvationyour!

23Into the Light.into touch with the things thatbe, into the light of the life that burns forand getyour guidance.Nowisthe only time. The past was;isthe future will never be.the present;Beright at the present instant and youwill be right forever, because there is noother time.This instantlives forever.If you set out upon a walk to some distant point and your attention is upon thedestination the step becomes hurried, uncertain, and the body tires.Keepisthevigorous,So withThe mindmind with you andthe body enjoys thethe stepexercise.hope of heaven later.the soul wearies, thusliving in aandlosing strength and growth.tiresretrogression;whenlivingIt bringsin the nowwould bring progression."All,therefore,whatsoever they bidand do; butyou observe, that observedo not ye after their worksand do not.""stickup"Itisfor they say,not worth while to:for this religion.Enterinto

Into the Light.24no controversies but find your God anddo. Our God is not a jealous God. He isready to help, if help is desired; and requires no sacrifice. He only asks that youconcentrate on the now the to-day; thatwith your betterandandLive,love,laugh, and beled into communion. Yea, verily, againI say unto you: if you are kind and considerate, just and true, at this instant youlive in the instantyouself.willbe so throughalleternity;forweareliving in eternity now.Forget not thatthe present is eternity that this instant isthe only time.:I would not, if I could, tear from theheart the idol there enthroned: would nottake from any one those things a lovingmother taught as reverently, at eventide,they bowed before her on bended knee.But I would teach to men the soul oftruth and leadthemdeem there isThe radiations,Iclose toGod.a center where,light as air,

25Into the Light.and peace,and ne'er to cease,Of joy andlove, of restIn constantflow,As steady as the ocean's roar,Comes unto men forevermore.Nowifsuch thought be sound and true,And Godthus speaks to I and you,Is not this world a place where weThe powerAndof Lovefeeling, seeing,feelandknowingall,maysee,Attune our hearts to heed the call?Inspiration is an attribute of mentality.It has been said that Jesus was inspired.Hewas, and so also was every great andunselfish man that ever lived.GotamaSakyasinha, Zoroaster, Leo Tsa, Socrates,Plato, Paine, Lincoln were all inspired.All our strength to do, all our plans,allour thoughts are from the source ofstrength.The degree of inspiration depends uponthe condition of the mind and the amountof courage in the soul.If the mind is turbulent, vindictive, andselfish these attributes bar the inflow of

Into the Light.26If peaceful, concentrative, and asIfpiring, such mood invites the spirit.cowardly, the soul shrinks when the spiritspirit.comes and the shrinkingcloses thedooragain.The Power aboveloves theman whothen do; and willhimselfthrough the man.expressBut because of the conformity of ourwill listen without fear,minds to the business and pleasure of thislife, and because of the false understanding created by a foolish interpretation ofthe Nazarene's thought we do not knowweare capable of receiving radiationsfrom the creative principle.thatNor can we until we are born again.Not literally born, but all the passions,prejudices, and beliefs obliterated; returning to the condition of the child-mind.Seeking, wondering, asking, with no preconceived ideas to influence. Determinedand willing to know the truth evenif allour present conception of religion,soci-ology, andethicsisobliterated.

27Into the Light.If you are taught something that conflicts with the lessons of childhood themindinstantly rebels and refuses to believe.It does this in intense natureswhether the newer idea be by inspirationdirect from God, or from God throughsome man who is in communion with Him.The child-mind is a trusting mind. It"fortoldbelieves as taught,me so." It will believe anything taught.father told his little girl no Santa Clausmy mamaAhad everlived.She turned to the motherprove such a personage did live. Themother, not being willing to take from thetobaby the pleasure the fable brought, gaveassurance that there really was such abeing.'Thechild turned to the father,"There," she said,Santa Claus."convincetheEvenchildIknewtherewas athe father could notofthetruthwhenmother taught the falsehood.The mother takes the child to churchit becomes accustomed to attending thatchurch every incident becomes a sugges-

Into the Light.28tion ; a couplet on the slate.Nextsions are formed.Thus impres-teaches that her religionthe only trueisAll mothers dothemotherAll agesdo this. The Brahman, the Buddhist, theJew, the Confucian, the Mohammedan,the Catholic, the Protestant, one and all.They always will because it is a tendencyreligion.ofmindthis.upon the corupon all matters;to stubbornly insistrectness ofespeciallyitspositionuponsupposititious matters re-This religion clings forquiringever to the child unless scientific educationfaith.isobtained.that faith.Then the child will renounceBut they do not renounce themoral law, nor the religious instinct.Neither would they renounce the doctrineof the Nazarene if it was correctly interpreted.Weknow Santa Clausisa chi-mera and theologyfalse; but we canscarcety convince the child of the one, northe sectarian of the other.It has ever been so.Thefaith of the

29Into the Light.mothersisa fixed institution.Its truth orfalsity does not enter into the matter.To be born again means to remove theseand be capable of believing the truthwhen it comes. To be willing and able tosay, I want to know the truth without reideasgard to consequences.Thus one is born again, and childlike"seeks to know.Seek and ye shall find.""Knock and it shall be opened unto you "means to arrive at this point where it ispossible to receive inspiration.With this desire to know comessomewhere thedesire to be quiet.fromThat isinspired thought. Yield untoled.Seek seclusion and waiting,firstyourit and bewithout straining or haste. Peaceabout to come unto you and with peacelisten,iswillcome the wisdomto leadyou alonggrowing as you grow.It will guide you in business as well asin religion and lead you to the God withinforever,a comprehension thatmakes things clear which other men doyourself.Itis

Into the Light.30an insight intoesoteric things. Men and motives becomean open book, when one is brought intoIt givesnot understand.harmony with thesoul of things that be.wonderfully effective this mentalIf you make a habit of withattitude.Itisdrawing to a room and there give yourselfup to silent meditation and desire, theroom will become impregnated with anatmosphere of peace which can be felt assoon as entered. It will be a haven of restwhen turmoilbesets the spirit.Solituderemoves the thought element which isaround and stops the disturbing effects.Once the unity is felt the soul craves itscontinuation the blind eyes are opened tosee the beauty of the new world and noth;ing can ever takeTheeffectisitaway.magical.Face, form, andactions adjust themselves to the new conditions and life is lived upon a higherTheworld, whose homage was renounced, stands before you with baredhead and humble mien; you became theplane.

leastInto the Light.31among men and foundyourself thegreatest in theYour thoughtkingdom of righteousness.goes out and away to sim-minds and the union creates a tremendous force to work for the uplifting ofmankind. The vibrations of the spiritsteal upon you and your spirit merges withilarit.Therement,issong,and joy, and content-in the soul.Suchisthe most attractive attitude ofOnce reached, no book nor man isrequired to guide you, for you are inspiredof God. The nobler we become the higherbecome our aims and the brighter becomesmind.the light of destiny.The kingdom of heaven has been foundand you are living in it.The Nazarene said: " The kingdom ofheaven cometh not with observation," and"neither shall they say,Lo herethere; for behold the kingdom ofwithin you."In other wordsdom andpointitwe cannotor, loGodissee the king-out or place;!itabove the

Into the Light.32not a place. He defiwithinyou, a conditionnitely says itthat permits the inflow of divine wisdomand divine love. To seek the kingdomworld becauseit isismeanstoearnestlydesireaconditionwhich will permit the inflow of divineThatthought.conditionnot saying prayers.initselfItisistheprayerkind of prayer meant by praying ceaseblinded by superstition andfear, you feel the whispering of truth withThe sunin you, group ye up and on.lessly.If, allshine of inspiration will drive the cloudsaway and be a guiding light to beckon youon.When youon the way to the goal,of doubt will o'ershadow the soul,set outThe darknessAnd hope, through the gloom, be the one misty lightTo beckon you on through the shadows of night.But couragewill come, with Infinite love,To strengthen the soul with strength from above;And in the sweet peace of a treasure so dearYou feel the end of the journey is near.Hadscience been so far advanced when our theologyas it now is, the idea of a place clalledwas formedheaven would never have been promulgated.

Into the Light.33There need be no fear in thus seekingdirect communication with the Infinite.It is your birthright by His command and"desire.Ask and it shall be given toyou."God is not some dreadful being beforewhom we must tremble. It is of us a partand the law of all.If we do those things which are not bestfor us it does not injure the Supreme nordraw down His wrath upon us.He wants us to receive His spirit be-causeitwill givehappiness beyond anyother happiness, and produce a growthtowards the ultimate which is to be.weprefer to live from our own menis no dire punishment inflicted.theretalityYou only lose the happiness which mightIfbe yours.Seeking the spirit does not infer theleaving of an active life to seclude one'sself in a monastery.That is not desired.Neither is a holier than thou passes our home daily who is theologyA

Into the Light.34Hepersonified.that astiffhas conceived the ideacarriage, a grave countenanceand a long stride constitute Christianityand acts the part. The man is a fool.One does not desire to shout from thehousetops that hekeepshisfor thoseis sanctified,knowledgewhobut ratherto himself exceptingseek.Friends notice the change and wonderwhy he has become so kind, and even-tempered; where he found the wisdom thatmade himso able to grasp his businessproblems.Agreat change comes over desires.con-Low-minded companions are notSociety is replaced by thegenial.quietcomradeship of a chosen few.Hurry,and flurry, and worry were somewhere lostin the transition, while confidence to at-what one needs has taken their place.Somewhere the realization has comethat prayer is earnest desire and that allwisdom to plan, and energy to execute arefurnished the man and that verbal requeststract

35Into the Light.for specific gifts ofswered.The outlook upongreatand anmoneylifeare not an-has undergone aPrudery, pompousness,change.air of sanctimony with its accom-panying vacuity is never found in suchmen.Would you have prosperity, honor, andhealth ? Then seek ye the God within andcreate a heaven in your soul, for in suchseeking has been found the way to keepthe mind clear and the acts pure."Blessed are they who do hunger andthirst after righteousness forthey shall befilled."In the silence ofWithmymyOff the path of strife"Whichchamberheart attuned tomyfeetGod;and anguishhave always trod;Yearning not for boon companions,Welcoming the friends that stay,Oft I watch the gaudy pageantHurrying, jostling on its way.Lifeisan evolutionmanent but change.nothingisper-

THINKING AND THOUGHTAC-TIONTHEbrainispart of the bodythethrough which mind acts upon the body,and what we have heretofore termed thesubconsciousness is but the storehouse ofthe mind.The bodyupon the mind. If it isin pain the mind cannot center upon athought. If it is over lusty and full ofpower the mind is vigorous, but not necessarily ofactsdeep insight.If the bodycanscarcelyisfull offreepassion the mindof amorousitselfthought, and if it thinks along such linesthe bodily lust is increased.Ordinarily the body intrudes its presence upon the mind.think of our-Weselves as the body. In the grossly materialthe body is the big thing, the me.In those who are working to spiritualize36

Into the Light.themselves thereis37a constant conflict be-tween the resistance of the body to the assertion of the supremacy of mind.At times the body predominates andthe mind becomes discouraged, then a reaction comes and the mind reasserts itself.These constant conflicts invariably resultsupremacy of reaches the point where thein close companionship with thein the completeWhenmindisbody fades from conscious-Infinite theness and,toit,whenthe attentionwhoselustsperceptible,isattractedwas some pigmyand passions were almost imand make no impress uponseems as thoughitthe mind.Thus isself controlThoughts standeventually a relation tomindsomething similar to the relation of mindto body. In the first place the qualities ofmind determinethought.Acleanthecharactermindofthewill think noblethoughts; a strong mind think forcefulthoughts. Base thoughts will be repug-

Into the Light.38nant to a noble mind. Such mind attractsclean thought and repels base thought.mindIf a vileWhenitthe thoughtisreversed.a thought passes through a mindleaves aIf vigorIf lewd, thepermanent impress.ous, the mind is left stronger.mind is weakened.The force of the mind determinesthevigor of the thought.Clean, vigorous thought elevates therace, because other minds feel its effectand arebenefited.Thoughts are asreal as electricityandare capable of projection to any distance.Telepathy is so well recognized that aman whoscoffs at the Scienceof accepting.isonly expos-Itsrecognition isitself is on the brinkMind and thoughtare bothmagnetic. In response to the law of attraction similar minds attract each other;and in turn attract, and are attracted by,similar thought.clean, successfulAman in a strange city

39Into the Light.would never form friendships among vileThe association would not desires a b

CONTENTS. Credo 3 Introduction 5 GodinMan 9 EternityisNow 21 ThinkingandThoughtAction. 36 LawGoverns;notFiat 52 Prosperitythro'Development. . 64 RepetitionsandModernThoughts. 87 AnAppeal 113 AnAddress ,121