Sanitary And Phytosanitary Measures Agreement 10 KEY


Sanitary and PhytosanitaryMeasures Agreement10 KEYRESULTSFROM 2020

1SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 2020Sanitary and Phytosanitary MeasuresAgreementContentsThe Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and PhytosanitaryMeasures (the “SPS Agreement”) aims to ensure that WTOmembers’ health protection measures in the areas of food safety,animal and plant health do not restrict international trade morethan necessary.1Annual overviewThe WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measuresoversees the implementation of the SPS Agreement and isa forum for discussion of members’ specific trade concerns.The information in this brochure is based on the 2020 AnnualOverview of the Implementation of SPS Transparency Provisionsand Specific Trade Concerns.About the WTOThe World Trade Organization is the international body dealingwith the global rules of trade between nations. Its main functionis to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freelyas possible, with a level playing field for all its members.3Over 2,000 SPS notificationswere submitted in 2020,an all-time high.245Tanzania was among the top tennotifiers of SPS notificationsin 2020.46More than two-thirds of regularnotifications submitted in 2020related to food safety.DisclaimerThis document has been prepared under the WTO Secretariat’s ownresponsibility and without prejudice to the position of WTO members andto their rights and obligations under the WTO. The designations employedin this publication and the presentation of material therein do not implythe expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the WTO concerningthe legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers.58Almost half of trade concernsdiscussed in SPS Committeein 2020 referred to food safety.Developing countries havesubmitted more SPS notificationsthan developed countries.3679In 2020, 63 members submittedat least one SPS notification;14 raised at least one specifictrade concern.810More than half of trade concernsraised up to 2020 have beenresolved or partially resolved.911Committee adopted Fifth Reviewof Operation and Implementationof SPS Agreement in 2020.7Number of trade-facilitating SPSmeasures in 2020 was morethan twice as high as in 2017.10Over four-fifths of membersused online system to submitnotifications in 2020.12

SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 202013WTO members submittedover 2,000 SPS notifications in 2020,an all-time high.These notifications about proposed SPS regulationsprovide members with the opportunity to comment on draftmeasures before they enter into force, helping to reducethe potential for trade conflicts. The 2,122 SPS notificationsin 2020 were submitted by 63 members, continuing anupward trend since 1995.SPS notifications submitted,and number of submitting 52000200520102015RegularEmergencyCorrigendaMembers who have submittedat least one notificationAddenda2020

4SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 20202SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 2020Developing countries have submittedmore SPS notifications thandeveloped countries.The share of notifications submitted by developing countrieshas steadily increased since 2000. Moreover, developingcountries have submitted a higher share of regularnotifications than developed countries since 2008. A similartrend is visible for emergency notifications since 2002.This confirms their growing commitment to fulfilling thetransparency obligations of the SPS Agreement.3Tanzania was among the top tennotifiers of SPS notifications in 2020.Tanzania, the only least-developed country among the topten notifiers, submitted approximately 4 per cent of the SPSnotifications received last year, mainly related to food safety.Brazil, at 23 per cent, submitted the largest share of SPSnotifications in 2020.Regular SPS notifications submitted, and % submittedby developed, developing and LDC members2,000Top 10 notifiers, da2005Corrigenda2010Developed (%)2015Developing (%)202045023%400LDCs (%)350300Emergency SPS notifications submitted, and % submittedby developed, developing and LDC rgency2000Addenda2005Corrigenda2010Developed (%)2015Developing (%)0%2020LDCs (%)4%4%4%3%3%PeruChina500Brazil0Japan5European Canada United Chinese TanzaniaUnionStates of TapeiAmericaRegularAddendaChileCorrigenda

6SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 20204SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 2020More than two-thirds (68 per cent)of regular notifications submittedin 2020 related to food safety.Some 84 per cent of emergency notifications related toanimal health. Food safety and animal health have been themost frequently cited objectives for regular and emergencynotifications over the last five years. SPS notificationsmay also refer to plant protection, protection of humansfrom animal and plant pests or diseases, and protection ofterritory from other damage from pests.5The number of trade-facilitatingSPS measures notified by membersin 2020 was more than twice as highas in 2017.Of the 372 trade-facilitating measures notified by membersin 2020, 6 per cent were related to the COVID-19pandemic. Their objective was to help food and agriculturalproducts flow smoothly across borders – for example,by easing certification requirements. The implementationperiod of most of these measures has been extended.Objectives of SPS notificationssubmitted in 2020100%Trade-facilitating 425020%2000%Food safetyAnimal healthPlant protectionProtect humansfrom animal/plantpests or diseaseProtect territoryfrom other damagefrom pests15015510050020177201820192020

8SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 20206Almost half of the new specifictrade concerns (STCs) discussed inthe SPS Committee in 2020 referredto food safety.The 36 new STCs raised by members is the highestnumber since 2003. This is despite the fact that only twoSPS meetings were held in 2020 due to the COVID-19pandemic. Of these STCs, 44 per cent referred to foodsafety measures and 36 per cent to other concerns, suchas certification, inspection and approval procedures. Theremaining concerns referred to plant health (14 per cent)and animal health (6 per cent) measures.Breakdown of specific tradeconcerns raised in 202044%Food safety14%Plant health36%Other concerns6%Animal healthSANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 202079In 2020, 63 members submittedat least one SPS notificationand 14 members raised at leastone STC in the SPS Committee.Since 1995, 129 members have submitted at least onenotification and 65 members have raised at least one STC.The active involvement of such a large number of membersreflects the value they attach to the transparency of theirSPS measures and the importance of consultation toaddress trade concerns.

10SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 20208More than half of the 505 specifictrade concerns (STCs) discussed inthe SPS Committee up to 2020 havebeen either resolved or partiallyresolved.In 2020, members reported 35 STCs as resolved and 42 aspartially resolved, confirming the importance of the SPSCommittee as a forum for members to resolve trade issues.SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 20209In 2020, the SPS Committee adoptedthe Fifth Review of the Operationand Implementation of the SPSAgreement.The report resulting from this contained recommendationson new or continued work on the various topics discussed.Members review the implementation of the SPS Agreementevery four years.Status of STC discussionsin the SPS Committee as of end-2020SPS AGREEMENT250200150100500ResolvedPartially resolvedNot reported as resolved11

12SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES AGREEMENT 10 KEY RESULTS FROM 202010Over four-fifths of members –84 per cent – used the onlineSPS Notification SubmissionSystem to submit theirnotifications in 2020.An increasing number of members usethe System, which ensures that notificationsare rapidly made available.Further informationFurther information about the implementationof the SPS Agreement is available in the 2020 Annual Overviewof the Implementation of SPS Transparency Provisions andSpecific Trade Concerns (G/SPS/GEN/804/Rev.13;G/SPS/GEN/204/Rev.21).The WTO Agreements SeriesSanitary andPhytosanitary Measures“Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures” –a publication in the WTO Agreements Series –provides an overview of the SPS Agreementand its key principles. It can be downloadedfrom the WTO website.World Trade OrganizationRue de Lausanne 154CH-1211 Geneva 21SwitzerlandTel: 41 (0)22 739 51 11Email: publications@wto.orgwww.wto.orgWTO Online Bookshop World Trade Organization 2021Print ISBN: 978-92-870-5324-4Web ISBN: 978-92-870-5325-1Report designed by Triptik design.Printed by the World Trade Organization.

ISBN 978-92-870-5325-1

to food safety. The 36 new STCs raised by members is the highest number since 2003. This is despite the fact that only two SPS meetings were held in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of these STCs, 44 per cent referred to food safety measures and 36 per cent to other concerns, such