Mystic Wisdom



MysticWisdomINSPIRATION FOR THE SOULPublished by the Grand Lodge of theEnglish Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc.1342 Naglee Avenue San Jose, CA

Original cover and layout design by Vivienne ColePrinted in Australia by Southwood Press Pty, Ltd.Originally published in Australia in 2005 by theRosicrucian Order, AMORC Grand Lodge for Australia,Asia, & New Zealand 2005, 2008 and 2015 Supreme Grand Lodge Of TheAncient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. All RightsReserved.This publication is for your personal, private use only,and may not be used for any commercial purpose. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced, distributed,displayed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,including photocopying, recording, or other electronic ormechanical means, including information storage andretrieval systems, without the express and prior writtenpermission of Supreme Grand Lodge Of The Ancient andMystical Order Rosae Crucis, except in the case of briefquotations embodied in reviews. For permission requests,please contact: Supreme Grand Lodge Of The AncientAnd Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Inc., Rosicrucian Park,1342 Naglee Ave, San Jose, California 95191.The information in this book is distributed on an “as is”basis, without warranty. Although every precaution hasbeen taken in the preparation of this work, neither theauthor nor the publisher shall have any liability to anyperson or entity with respect to any loss or damage causedor alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by theinformation contained in this book.

We Are All Potential MysticsWhat is mysticism and how does it relate to me? As youread the joyful reflections of some of the greatest mystics the worldhas known, you will discover the key.The words have been drawn from many ages and cultures;from mystics who have adhered to a religious doctrine and frommany who have not. What they share is delight at the awakeningof the Self to a consciousness of a divine reality.It is the desire to connect with the source of higherknowledge and experience oneness with the universe, that soinspires the mystic.There are many names for this source of knowledge—the Absolute, the Cosmic, God, the Divine Spirit, theTranscendent—yet the concept is one: it is the universalmanifestation, the spiritual essence, that prevades all things. And,it is this entity, this Universal Oneness, that the mystic seeksto know.By its nature, mysticism is an intensely personal experience.5

It is without creeds, dogma, or the need for third parties.Instead, it is a discipline based on a desire to reach and understandthe Ultimate Source and to translate the experience into a practicalapplication of living.It is a quest for discovery of Self.From the beginning of time, women and men have soughtanswers to the great mysteries of life: Who am I? Why am Ihere? What is my purpose in life?You may have asked yourself similar questions as youlooked back on your past or contemplated your future. Andyou may have first attempted to find the answers from someoneor something outside of yourself.Yet the answers are within you.As mystics throughout time have found, the road todiscovery, to peace and enlightenment is a journey into Self.There is more to our conscious being than we realize andit is from within that we find the keys which unlock our innerwisdom. It is from within that we can connect with the sourceof knowledge that lies beyond the limits of our five senses.By going within and attuning with this source of knowledgewe may experience a transitory illumination whose impact mayremain forever.6

But the mystical experience does not have to be accompaniedby flashes of lightning or the ringing of bells. It can be a verysimple experience, an intuitive impression, a hunch, an idea thathelps us in our life, our work, or whatever we are planning to do.It can be the finding of peace within, a deepening of compassion, and an understanding of our personal value in life.The practice of mysticism can help us find our life’s purpose,enhance our joy of living, and bring into manifestation the lifewe’ve dreamt of. It can awaken our psychic sense and strengthenthe power of our inner being.It can heighten our creativity and help us develop the greatersense of confidence that comes from knowing how to tap intoour inner wisdom to find answers to life’s challenges.Mysticism is humanity’s deepest quest for SelfKnowledge.7

There is nothing so inspiring,so filled with peace,happiness, perfect health,joy, and contentmentas the development of thespiritual nature.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)9

The one who seeksthe spiritual path,is sought after by the spirit.HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN (1882-1927)10

The aim of humanity is to evolvetoward the perfectionof its own natureand to reintegrate itselfwith its spiritual condition.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT11

Finding our soul’s beautygives ustremendousfreedom from worry.ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS (1542-1591)12

The goal of life isto providea vehicle for life . . .To know the eternalis calledenlightenment.TAO TE CHING (600 B.C.E.)13

The most beautiful and mostprofound experience is the sensationof the mystical.It is the sower of all true science.To know that what is impenetrableto us really exists, manifesting itselfas the highest wisdom and the mostradiant beauty—this knowledge,this feeling is at the centerof true religiousness.ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)14

The result of mysticism . . .Within us is found the keyto our own blissand the meaningto our own existence.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT15

Do not feel insecure or afraid—we are all held firmlyin the infinite mind of the All,and there is naught to hurt usor for us to fear.There is no poweroutside of the All to affect us.THE KYBALION16

Within usare powers and abilitiesthat are like invisible sparkswaiting to be fannedinto brilliant flames.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)17

Is it really so difficultto understandthat humanity can only findhappiness by living in harmonywith natural laws and,in a wider sense,with divine laws?ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT18

Wherever the mind wanders,restless and diffuse in itssearch for satisfaction without,lead it within;train it to rest in the Self.Abiding joy comes to thosewho still the mind . . .they become one with God.T H E BHAGAVAD GITA19

Set aside time every day to ask:Where have I been?What did I accomplish?What would I do differently?PYTHAGORAS (c.572-c.492 B.C.E.)20

Each person should askhim- or herself:What are you doing here?Within their answer will be baredtheir whole philosophy of life.RALPH M. LEWIS (1904-1987)21

The key to all mysteriesand the sourceof all Illuminationlies deep within the self.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT22

Important truthsare learned onlyin silence.LOUIS CLAUDE DE SAINT-MARTIN(1743-1803)23

Our thoughts,even the most secret,will never be unknownto the Divinity.THALES OF MILETUS (c.640-c.562 B.C.E.)24

There is no compromisein matters of mysticism,only purity of actions andintentions can make usefficient agentsof the Divinity.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT25

Out of the unreal,lead me to the real.Out of the darkness,lead me into the light.Out of death,lead me to deathlessness.HINDU PRAYER26

Eternity knocks at the door of ourhearts and seeks to enter. . . to obey its calls,to entrust ourselves joyously,with our souls and bodies,to the inner light,is the beginning of true life.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT27

Concern yourself primarilywith what needs to be done inthe presentso you will merit a futurein keeping with your hopes.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT28

Spiritual alchemyconsists of transmutingevery human faultinto its opposite quality.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT29

One single grateful thoughtraised to heavenis the most perfect prayer.G. E. LESSING (1729-1781)30

Prayer is alwayssatisfying to the mystic.Prayer requires humility.It requires submission to the betterside of our nature.It puts us en rapport with the moresubtle impulses of our being.RALPH M. LEWIS (1904-1987)31

He who knows othersis wise;He who knows himselfis enlightened.TAO TE CHING (600 B.C.E.)32

If you want to know others,begin by knowing yourself,becauseeveryone is a mirror.LOUIS CLAUDE DE SAINT-MARTIN(1743-1803)33

Knowledge of the soulis the only universal truthand the only wisdom —all other knowledge is transient.PLATO (c.427-c.347 B.C.E.)34

Realization of the Selfis the greatest helpthat can be rendered to humanity.SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI (1879-1950)35

Life is the most precious giftwe possess,because it makes each human beingan agent of Divinity.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT36

If you circumambulated every holy shrinein the world ten times,It would not get you to heaven as quicklyas controlling your anger.KABIR (c.1498-1550)37

It is your destinyto see as God sees, to know as God knows,to feel as God feels.MEISTER ECKHART (1260-c.1328)38

When you close your doors,and make darkness within,remember never to saythat you are alone,for you are not alone;nay, God is within,and your genius is within.And what need have they of lightto see what you are doing.EPICTETUS (55-135)39

The candle of GodIs the soul of man.THE TORAH40

What we manifest in our livesis but a reflectionof our innermost thoughts.Here we have a good starting pointfor redirecting our lives.WILLIAM Mc HALE41

To see a world in a grain of sandand a Heaven in a wild flower,hold Infinityin the palm of your hand.And Eternity in an hour . . .WILLIAM BLAKE (1757-1827)42

This is what spiritual developmentmeans—the recognition, realization,and manifestationof the Spirit within us.THE KYBALION43

Your eyes cannot see themselves.Place a mirror before them andthey see themselves.Similarly with the creation.See yourself first and then see thewhole world as the Self.SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI (1879-1950)44

Thou believest thyselfto be nothing,and yet it is in theethat the world resides.AVICENNA (980-1037)45

I know a cure for sadness: Let your handstouch something that makes your eyessmile. I bet there are a hundred objects closeby that can do that.Look at beauty’s gift to us—her power isso great she enlivens the earth, the sky,our soul.MIRA (1498-1550)46

Behave in such a way that all those whoshare your existence or live in contact withyou regard you as an example and feelthe desire to be like you. Guided by thevoice of your conscience, may your ethicsbe as pure as possible and may your firstpreoccupation always be to think well,speak well, and act well.ROSICRUCIAN CODE OF LIFE, Point #747

All mystical traditions refer to theDivine Word,that is, the word uttered by Godwhen creating the universe.From an esoteric point of view,it signifies the setting into motionof cosmic laws from which arosevisible creation.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT48

There is a wonderful problem waiting foryou that God and I share: how to keepfrom fainting when we see each other.In truth: how does God keep fromfainting looking at Himself all day?RUMI (1207-1273)49

There is noearthly pleasurethat can possibly take the placeof spiritual joy.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)50

The sum total of all that livesis God.We may not be Godbut we are of Godeven as a little drop of wateris of the ocean.MAHATMA GANDHI (1869-1948)51

Never be discouraged,because the simple act of prayerdraws us to God’s blessings,even if we are not conscious of itat the time.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT52

Prayer is the contemplationof the facts of lifefrom the highestpoint of view.RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803-1882)53

To practice divine principlesis far betterthan simply to profess them.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)54

The woman whose speech and actions arethe same—her feet become worthyof worship.Keeping our word is the alchemyto become free and whole.TUKARAM (c.1608-c.1649)55

Mysticism teaches cosmic lawsand principles by which we arebrought into closer consciousnessof our divine power.The mystical experience of unionwith the One imposes upon themystic a moral obligation—to use this knowledge for thewelfare of others.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT56

Isolate yourself for a moment every day,preferably in your Sanctum, and sendthoughts of love, harmony, and healthtowards humanity as a whole, particularlytowards all those who suffer physically ormentally. Also ask God to assist them onall planes and to preserve them as much aspossible from the ordeals of life.ROSICRUCIAN CODE OF LIFE, Point #657

The Cosmic is ever mindful of theintents and motives that actuate allmystic studentswho seek its blessings.The more impulsively andwhole-heartedly one responds to aninner impulse or urge,the more definitely it is registeredon the cosmic records.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT58

Let the soul reflect upon what itsends aheadfor the morrow.QUR’AN59

Be generous towards those who are in needor less favored than you. Arrange thingsevery day so that you do at least one gooddeed for someone else. Whatever yourgood deed, do not boast, but thank Godfor enabling you to contribute to thewell-being of others.ROSICRUCIAN CODE OF LIFE, Point #960

So many gods,so many creeds,so many paths that wind and wind,while just the art of being kindis all the sad world needs.ELLA WHEELER WILCOX (1850-1919)61

Meditation is a transformationof consciousness.When we meditate we change ourstate of receptivity,like tuning to a higher wavelength.Meditation is attunement.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT62

The goal of the mysticis to develop the intelligenceof the heart.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT63

As above, so below;as below, so above.Grasping this principlegives one the means of solvingmany a dark paradoxand hidden secret of nature.THE KYBALION64

Know yourselfand you will knowthe universe and the gods.THALES OF MILETUS (c.640-562 B.C.E.)65

There are moments in thelife of all of us . . . when we feeluplifted beyond ourselves,when the walls of senseand objective thought fall away,and we know we are in touchwith an ultimate force.They are the supreme momentsof our earthly existence.CECIL A. POOLE66

Illumination comes fromunceasing work to perfect oneself —it is the foundation of thespiritual quest.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT67

Intuition and mystical insightare direct channels to the mind.They represent a sixth sensein addition to the physical ones,by which we become more thana physical entity.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT68

Every trial is an additionalopportunityto enlarge our understanding ofthe Divine Plan.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT69

Deep within each of us,there is a marvellous sanctuaryof the soul personality,a divine center,a voice which can be heard andwhere we can always return.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT70

The only initiation we needis to enter into the heart of Godso that the heart of God will enter into us.LOUIS CLAUDE DE SAINT-MARTIN(1743-1803)71

Your duty is to be;and not to bethis or that.SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI (1879-1950)72

The transmigration of lifetakes place in one’s mind.Let one thereforekeep the mind pure,for what one thinks,that one becomes;this is the mystery of Eternity.MAITRI UPANISHAD73

To be influencedby what we hold sacredor look uponas being holyis to be influencedby the highest forcesof the universe.CECIL A. POOLE74

A soulpure in Godis God.THE PHILOKALIA (1st-4th centuries)75

As humanity is one in essence,our happiness is only possibleby promoting the welfareof all human beings,without exception.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT76

Waste no more timetalking about great soulsand how they should be.Become one yourself!MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180)77

The greatest of all Mastersis the Master Withinfor this Master is ultimately,and at its deepest level,God itself.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT78

The inner intelligence of the bodyis the ultimateand supreme genius in nature.It mirrors the wisdom ofthe cosmos.VEDIC VERSE79

The eye with which I see Godis the sameas that with whichGod sees me.MEISTER ECKHART (1260-c.1328)80

Your vision will become clear onlywhen you look into your heart . . .Who looks outside, dreams.Who looks inside,awakens.CARL GUSTAV JUNG (1875-1961)81

Godhasno religion.MAHATMA GANDHI (1869-1948)82

Spiritual valuesconstitutethe real wealth and powerin our lives.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)83

The mystic looks upondeath as a necessary element inthe cycle of life.Death and birth are synonymousin this sense, for so-called deathis birth into another plane,while birth is likewise a transition.Both are a form of initiationaffording an opportunity forgreater advancement.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT84

Live without thought of dying,for dyingis not a truth.ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA (1347-1380)85

The purpose of evolution is to attainunderstandingof the necessity of doing good and livingin harmony with cosmic laws,and to expressyour divine naturein everything you think,say, and do.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT86

Darkness cannot overcomedarkness.Only Light can do that.MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. (1929-1968)87

The farther away light isfrom one’s touch,the more one naturally speaksof the need for change.ST. THERESA OF AVILA (1515-1582)88

Be still,and know that I am God.PSALM XLVI, THE BIBLE89

One cannot but be in awe when[one] contemplates the mysteriesof eternity, of life,of the marvellous structureof Reality.It is enough if one tries to merelycomprehend a little of thismystery each day.Never lose a Holy curiosity.ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)90

The first peace . . . is that which comeswithin the souls of peoplewhen they realizetheir relationship, their oneness,with the universe and all its powers.BLACK ELK (1863-1950)91

The result of mysticism . . . is a purificationprocess, which renders each vehicle of beingas a channel for Divine Intelligence.It is a total conscious surrender to theSupreme Truth that awaits the momentto manifest.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT92

Even after all this timethe sun never says to earth,You owe me.Look what happenswith a love like that—it lights the whole world.HAFIZ (c.1320-1389)93

You ask how can we know the infinite?I answer, not by reason . . .You can only apprehend the infiniteby entering into a state in whichyou are finite self no longer.This is the liberation of your mindfrom finite consciousness.When you thus cease to be finiteyou become one with the infinite.You realize this union, this identity.PLOTINUS (204-270)94

Meditationis the most efficient meansto raise the consciousnesstoward Divine Reality.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT95

The Universal Mindas an intelligencepermeates every cell of our beingand is accessibleas an infinite wisdom.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT96

The joy of living can onlybe experienced when we are ableto give expression to ourinner spiritual or psychic self.When we strive to express ourhigher nature through the studyand practice of creative activitieswe come to know andobjectively realize the beautyand fullness of life.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT97

They can be like a sun,words.They can do for the heartwhat light can do for a field.ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS (I542-1591)98

More than ever,the world needsoptimism, hope, and unity.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT99

God revealed a sublime truth to theworld when God sang,I am made whole by your life,Each soul,Each soul completes me.HAFIZ (c.1320-1389)100

To the Mystic, prayer is a meetingof the minds. It is not an occasion forpersonal petitioning, but forspiritual communion.It is a time when the soul within usand the deepest and mostinner parts of our being sacredly,sincerely, and quietly speak to Godand express the deepest wishesof our hearts and minds.H. SPENCER LEWIS (1883-1939)101

Death does not exist in theabsolute sense —it simply constitutes one of thetwo phases of cosmic life.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT102

We are immortal in essence . . .our goal is to become aware of thisand to act accordingly.To do so we have no other choicethan to go deep within our innermost self,within our Inner Temple,to contemplate Beauty,and to receive eternal Knowledge.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT103

Concerning all acts of initiativeAnd creation,there is one elementary truth—that the moment one definitelycommits oneself,then Providence moves too.JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE(1749-1832)104

Allow your life to unfold naturally.Know that it toois a vessel of perfection.TAO TE CHING (600 B.C.E.)105

The confidencea mystic must demonstrateis that of the heartand not of reason.CHRISTIAN BERNARD106

The greatest illusionof existenceis the attempt to explain it.VALIDIVAR (1904-1987)107

The best way to obtainthe blessings of the Cosmicis to acknowledgethe blessings that are ours.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT108

. . . I contribute to Peacewhen I do not seek to imposemy conception of Godupon others . . .ROSICRUCIAN CONTRIBUTION TO PEACE109

The aim of all human beings is to perfectthemselves; to become better persons.Therefore, constantly endeavor to awakenand express the virtues of the soul thatanimates you. In doing so, you willcontribute to your evolution and serve thecause of humanity.ROSICRUCIAN CODE OF LIFE, Point #5110

The kingdom of God does not comein such a way as to be seen.No one will say, Look, here it is!or There it is! because the kingdomof God is within you.LUKE, NEW TESTAMENT111

Lo, I am with you alwaysmeans when you look for God,God is in the look of your eyes,in the thought of looking,nearer to you than your self,or things that have happened to you.There’s no need to go outside.RUMI (1207-1273)112

Prayer from the heartcan achievewhat nothing else canin the world.MAHATMA GANDHI (1869-1948)113

Humans have the powerto make eartha place of peaceand harmony.It simply depends on everyone.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT114

This is the way of peace:Overcome evil with good,and falsehood with truth,and hatred with love.PEACE PILGRIM (1908-1981)115

Despite the trials and tribulations of life,always consider life the most precious giftthe Cosmic ever granted human beings,because it is the medium of our spiritualevolution and the source of the happinesswe seek. Furthermore, regard your bodyas the temple of your soul,and take great care of it.ROSICRUCIAN CODE OF LIFE, Point #2116

The goal of life is to provide a vehiclefor life, and by this medium,to give the Universal Soula tangible basis for evolution.The material world is the mirrorin which God untiringly contemplatesIts reflection.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT117

Whatever you resolve to do, do it quickly.Defer not till the evening what themorning may accomplish.ROSICRUCIAN MANUSCRIPT118

AcknowledgementsQuotations were extracted from the followingpublications:CHRISTIAN BERNARD, So Mote It Be! 2004 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.MANY CIHLAR, Mystics at Prayer 1931 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.INAYAT KHAN, Vadan Gayan Nirtan 1974 The Rainbow Bridge, San Francisco, California.H. SPENCER LEWIS, Essays of a Modern Mystic 1962, Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.H. SPENCER LEWIS, The Divinity of Man 1965 Francis Bacon Chapter AMORC, London.RALPH M. LEWIS, The Sanctuary of Self 1948 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.RALPH M. LEWIS, The Immortalized Words of the Past 1986 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.121

WHITALL PERRY, Treasury of Traditional Wisdom 1971 George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Great Britain.CECIL A. POOLE, Mysticism—The Ultimate Experience 1982 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.ROSICRUCIAN MANUCRIPTS available only to members ofthe Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.THREE INITIATES, The Kybalion—A Study of theHermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece 1912 The Yogi Publication Society, Chicago, Illinois.VALIDIVAR, Whisperings of Self 1969 Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, San Jose, California.From the Penguin anthology Love Poems from God, 2002 DanielLadinsky and used with his permission.Many thanks to Vivienne Cole, Bob Kogel, and the Grand Lodgefor Australia, Asia, and New Zealand.122

Quotation IndexAHAurelius, Marcus 77Avicenna 45Hafiz 93, 100Hindu Prayer 26BJBernard, Christian 106Bhagavad Gita, The 19Bible, The 89, 111Black Elk 91Blake, William 42Jung, Carl Gustav 81KKabir 37Khan, Hazrat Inayat 10King, Jr., Martin Luther 87Kybalion, The 16, 43, 64EEckhart, Meister 38, 80Einstein, Albert 14, 90Emerson, Ralph Waldo 53Epictetus 39LLessing, G. E. 30Lewis, H. Spencer 9, 17, 50, 54,83, 101Lewis, Ralph M. 21, 31GGandhi, Mahatma 51, 82, 113Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von104MMaharshi, Sri Ramana 35, 44, 72123

TMc Hale, William 41Mira 46Tao Te Ching 13, 32, 105Thales of Miletus 24, 65Torah,The 40Tukaram 55PPhilokalia, The 75Pilgrim, Peace 115Plato 34Plotinus 94Poole, Cecil A. 66, 74Pythagoras 20UUpanishad, Maitri 73VValidivar 107Vedic Verse 79QQur’an, The 59WRWilcox, Ella Wheeler 61Rosicrucian Documents 11, 15, 18,22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 36,47, 48, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60,62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70,76, 78, 84, 86, 92, 95,96, 97, 99, 102, 103, 108,109, 110, 114, 116, 117, 118Rumi 49, 112SSaint-Martin, Louis Claude de23, 33, 71St. Catherine 85St. John 12, 98St. Theresa 88124

The Rosicrucian Order, AMORCIf Mystic Wisdom has heightened your interest inmysticism, one way to find out more is by requestingthe free, no obligation booklet, Mastery of Life, from theRosicrucian Order, AMORC.Purpose and Work of the OrderThe Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is a philosophicaland initiatic tradition. As students progress in their studies,they are initiated into the next level or degree.Rosicrucians are men and women around the worldwho study the laws of nature in order to live in harmonywith them. Individuals study the Rosicrucian lessons in theprivacy of their own homes on subjects such as the nature ofthe soul, developing intuition, classical Greek philosophy,energy centers in the body, and self-healing techniques.The Rosicrucian tradition encourages each student todiscover the wisdom, compassion, strength, and peace thatalready reside within each of

inspires the mystic. There are many names for this source of knowledge— the Absolute, the Cosmic, God, the Divine Spirit, the Transcendent—yet the concept is one: it is the universal manifestation, the spiritual essence, that prevades all things. And, it is this entity, this Universal Oneness, that the mystic seeks to know.