The Way Of Peace,


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e lap of i JeaceBYJAMES ALLENAuthor of “As a Man Thinketh” “Out FromThe Heart”R.F.FENNO & COMPANY18 East Seventeenth St., New York

.*y of CONGRESSi wo Oirjie-s Received OCT 14 i90*‘wonyneht Entryr, 7*7* *» 'CLASSftXXc„ Ho.COPY B.Copyright,By R.1907F. Fenno & Company

CONTENTSThe Power of Meditation.The Two Masters, Self and Truthn.25The Acquirement of Spiritual Power .38The Realization of Selfless Love.47.63Entering into the InfiniteSaints, Sages, and Saviours: The Lawof Service.75The Realization of Perfect Peace7.87


t?THE POWER OF MEDITATIONSpiritual meditation is the pathway to Divin ity. It is the mystic ladder which reaches fromearth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain t peace. Every saint has climbed it; everymust sooner or later come to it, and every weary?pilgrim that turns his back upon self andworld, and sets his face resolutely towardsFather’s Home, must plant his feet upon ifsi ‘golden rounds. Without its aid you cann8 grow into the divine state, the divine likeness, thedivine peace, and the fadeless glories and unpolluK 'ing joys of Truth will remain hidden from you.Meditation is the intense dwelling, in thought,upon an idea or theme, with the object of"thoroughly comprehending it, and whatsoeveryou constantly meditate upon you will not onlycome to understand, but will grow moremore into its likeness, for it will become Tmcorporated into your very being, will become,’in fact, your very self. If, therefore, you con stantly dwell upon that which is selfish anddebasing, you will ultimately become selfish anddebased; if you ceaselesT think upon th fc-V)v

The Way of Peace12 which is pure and unselfish you will surely be come pure and unselfish.Tell me what that is upon which you mostfrequently and intensely think, that to which,in your silent hours, your soul most naturallyturns, and I will tell you to what place of painor peace you are traveling, and whether you aregrowing into the likeness of the divine or thebestial.« There is an unavoidable tendency to becomeliterally the embodiment of that quality uponwhich one most constantly thinks.Let, there fore, the object of your meditation be aboveand not below, so that every time you revert toit in thought you will be lifted up ; let it be pureand unmixed with any selfish element; so shallyour heart become purified and drawn nearer toTruth, and not defiled and dragged more hope lessly into error.Meditation, in the spiritual sense in which Iam now using it, is the secret of all growth inspiritual life and knowledge.Every prophet,sage, and saviour became such by the power ofmeditation.Buddha meditated upon the Truthuntil he could say, “ I am the Truth/’Jesusbrooded upon the Divine immanence until atlast he could declare, “ I and my Father are One.”Meditationcentred upon divine realities isthe very essence and soul of prayer.It is the

The Power of Meditation13silent reaching of the s6iU towards the Eternal.Mere petitionary prayer without meditation is abody without a soul, and is powerless to lift themind and heart above sin and affliction.If youare daily praying for wisdom, for peace, for loftierpurity and a fuller realization of Truth, and thatfor which you pray is still far from you, it meansthat you are praying for one thing whilst livingout in thought and act another.If you willcease from such waywardness, taking your mindoff those things the selfish clinging to whichdebars you from the possession of the stainlessrealities for which you pray; if you will no.longerask God to grant you that which you do notdeserve, or to bestow upon you that love andcompassion which you refuse to bestow uponothers, but will commence to think and act inthe spirit of Truth, you will day by day be grow ing into those realities, so that ultimately you willbecome one with them.He who would secure any worldly advantagemust be willing to work vigorously for it, andhe would be foolish indeed who, waiting withfolded hands, expected it to come to him forthe mere asking.Do not then vainly imaginethat you can obtain the heavenly possessions with out making aneffort.Only when you com mence to work earnestly in the Kingdom ofTruth will you be allowed to partake of the Bread

The Way of Peace14of Life, and when you have, by patient anduncomplaining effort, earned the spiritual wagesfor which you ask, they will not be withheldfrom you.If you really seek Truth, and not merelyyour own gratification; if you love it above allworldly pleasures and gains; more, even, thanhappiness itself, you will be willing to make theeffort necessary for its achievementIf you would be freed from sin and sorrow;if you would taste of that spotless purity forwhich you sigh and pray; if you would realizewiscj %nd knowledge, and would enter into""L'r profound and abiding peace,and let 1supreme object of your meditationenter the path of meditation.beTrufeAt the outset, meditation must be distinguishedffom idle reverie.There is nothing dreamy andunpractical about it.It is a process of searchingand uncompromising thought which allows nothi but the simple and naked truth.g you will no longer strive to buildyour prejudices, but, forgettingremember only that you are seekingTruth,And so you will remove, one by one,ou have built around yourselftiently wait for the revelavill come when your errors

The Power of Meditahave been sufficiently removed.In thhumility of your heart you will realize th“ There is an inmost centre in us allWhere Truth abides in fulness; and around,Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in;This perfect, clear perception, which is Truth,A baffling and perverting carnal meshBlinds it, and makes all error; and to know,Rather consists in opening out a wayWhence the imprisoned splendor may escape,Than in effecting entry for a lightSupposed to be without.”Select some portion of tlie day inmeditate, and keep that period sacred to y*purpose.Thebesttimeistheverye«morning when the spirit of repose is upon every thing.All natural conditions will then be myour favor; the passions, after the long bodilyfast of the night, will be subdued, the excitements and worries of the previous day willaway, and the mind, strong and yet rest!be receptive to spiritual instruction.Indeed,.oneof the first efforts you will be called upon to m* will be to shake off lethargy and indulgence ;if you refuse you will be unable to advance,the demands of the spirit are imperative.Tobespirituallyawakenedis also tomentally and physically awakened.Thegard and the self-indulgent can have no khph l

edge of Truth.He who, possessed of healthand strength, wastes the calm, precious hours ofthe silent morning in drowsy indulgence is totallyunfit to climb the heavenlyheights.*He whose awakening consciousness has be come alive to its lofty possibilities, who is begin ning to shake off the darkness of ignorance inwhich the world is enveloped, rises before the starshave ceased their Vigil, and, grappling with thedarkness within his soul, strives, by holy aspira tion, to perceive the light of Truth while the un awakened world dreams on.heights by great men reached and kept,Were not attained by sudden flight,, But they, while their companions slept.Were toiling upward in the night.”No saint, no holy man, no teacher of Truthever lived who did not rise early in the morning.Jesushabitually rose early, and climbed thesolitary mountains to engage in holy communion.Buddha always rose an hour before sunrise andengaged in meditation, and all his disciples wereenjoined to do the same.If you have to commence your daily duties ata very early hour, and are thus debarred fromgiving the early morning to systematic medita tion, try to give an hour at night, and shouldthis, by the length and laboriousness of your daily

of Meditation*7task be denied you, you need not despair, foryou may turn your thoughts upward in holymeditation irttthe internals of your work, or inthose few idle minutes which you now waste inaimlessness; and should your work be of thatkind which becomes by practice automatic, youmaymeditatewhile engaged upon it.Thateminent Christian saint and philosopher, JacobBoehme, realized his vast knowledge of divinethings whilst working long hours as a shoemaker.,.In every life there is time to think, and thebusiest, the most laborious is not shut out fromaspiration and meditation.Spiritual meditation and self-discipline are in separable ; you will, therefore, commence to medi tate upon yourself so as to try and understandyourself, for, remember, the great object you willhave in view will be the complete removal of allyour errors in order that you may realize Truth.You will begin to question your motives, thoughts,and acts, comparing them with your ideal, andendeavoring to look upon them with a calm, andimpartial eye.In this manner you will be con tinually gaining more of that mental and spiritualequilibrium without which men are but helplessstraws upon the ocean of life.tohatredgentlenessorIf you are givenanger you will meditate uponand forgiveness,so as to becomeacutely alive to a sense of your harsh and foolish

T-u--,Peaceconduct.Youwillthenbegintodwell inthoughts of love, of gentleness, of abounding for giveness ; and as you overcome the lower by thehigher, there will gradually, silently steal into yourbfe rt a knowledge of the divine Law of Love withmding of its bearing upon all the in:ies of life and conduct.And in applyingtins knowledg&to your every thought, word, andSf act, you will grow more and more gentle, moreand more loving, more and more divine.And0f with every error, every selfish desire, everyhuman weakness ; by the power of meditation isit overcome, and as each sin, each error is thrustler and clearer measure of the Light ofh illumines the pilgrim soul. Thus meditating, you will be ceaselessly fortifyg yourself against your only real enemy, yourlfish, perishable self, and will be establishingyourself more and more firmly in the divine and.imperishable self that is inseparable from Truth.’ Wirect outcome of your meditations will be a// calriL) spiritual strength which will be your stayand Testing-place in the struggle of life.Great isthe overcoming power of holy thought, and thestrength and knowledge gained in the hour ofsilent meditation will enrich the soul with savingremembrance in the hour of strife, of sorrow orof temptation.As, by the power of meditation, you grow in

The Power of Meditation19wisdom, you will relinquish, more and more,your selfish desires which are fickle, impermanent,and productive of sorrow and pain; and will takeyourtrust,stand, with increasing steadfastness anduponunchangeable principles, and willrealize heavenly rest.The use of meditation is the acquirement of aknowledge of eternal principles, and the powerwhich results from meditation is the ability torestupon and trust those principles, and sobecomeonemeditationwith the, therefore, directTheendofknowledge ofTruth, God, and the realization of divine and pro found peace.Let your meditations take their rise from theethical ground which you now occupy.Remem ber that you are to grow into Truth by steadyperseverance.If you are an orthodox Christian,meditate ceaselessly upon the spotless purity anddivine excellence of the character of Jesus, andapply his every precept to your inner life andoutward conduct, so as to approximate more andmore towards his perfection.Do not be as thosereligious ones, who, refusing tojmeditate uponthe Law of Truth, and to put into practice theprecepts given to them by their Master, are con tent to formally worship, to cling to their partic ularcreeds, and to continue in the ceaselessround of sin and suffering.Strive to rise, by the

ging topower df meditation, abov p&r i f gpdsSr party creedsrmali- e?-arl8 lifeless ignorance.walking theHighway of wisdgm, with rmind fixed upon theknow no halting-placellpess Truthjy h ll k:short of the realization bfof Truth.Timeditates first perceives aHe who earHesfty \meditand then realizes it bytruth, as it were, ifaf off, arpractice.It is only the doer of the WordTruth that can know of the doctrine of Truth,though by pure thought the Truth is perceived,nly actualized by practice.1 the divine Gautama, the Buddha, “Hehimself up to vanity, and does notf up to meditation, forgetting thelife and grasping at pleasure, will inime envyhimwho hasexerted himself ineditation,” and he instructed his disciples in theollowing “ Five Great Meditations ” : —1 The first meditation is the meditation of love,which you so adjust your heart that you longor the weal and welfare of all beings, includingthe happiness of your enemies.“ The second meditation is the meditation ofpity, in which you think of all beings in distress,vividly representing in your imagination theirorrows and anxieties so as to arouse a deepompassion for them in your soul." The third meditation is the meditation of

The Power ofjoy, in which you think ofothers, and rejoice with their rejoicings.“ The fourth meditation is theimpurity, in which you considersequences of corruption, the effectsdiseases.How trivial often the pleasuremoment, and how fatal its consequences.“ The fifth meditation is theserenity, in which you rise above love andtyranny and oppression, wealth and want,regard your own fate with impartialand perfect tranquillity.”By engaging in these meditationsof the Buddha arrived at a knoTruth.But whether you engage inular meditations or not matters little soyour object is Truth, so long as you hthirst for that righteousness which is a holy heartand a blameless life.In your meditations, there fore, let your heart grow and expand with everbroadeninglove, until, freed from all hatred,and passion, and condemnation, it embraces thewhole universe with thoughtful tenderness.Asthe flower opens its petals to receive the morn ing light, so open your soul more and more tothe glorious light of Truth.Soar upward uponthe wings of aspiration ; be fearless, and believein the loftiest possibilities.Believe that a life ofabsolute meekness is possible; believe that a life

inless purity is possible; believe that a liferfect holiness is possible; believe that theealjfcation of the highest truth is possible.Hewho so believes, climbs rapidly the heavenly s, whilst the unbelievers continue to gropelarfely and painfully in the fog-bound valleys.Sobelieving, illbeyourexperiences, and glorious the revelationssl§ will enrapture your inward vision.As youfceShze the divine Love, the divine Justice, thedivine Purity, the Perfect Law of Good, or God,will be your bliss and deep your peace.Old things will pass away, and all things will be come new.wyfaThe veil of the material universe, sodense and impenetrable to the eye of error, sothin and gauzy to the eye of Truth, will be liftedhnd the spiritual universe will be revealed.Timewill cease, and you will live only in Eternity.Change and mortality will no more cause youanxiety and sorrow, for you will become estab lished in the unchangeable, and will dwell in theheart of immortality.

STAR OF WISDOMStar that of the birth ofBirth of Krishna,Told the wise ones,Waiting, watching for 1In the darkness of theIn the starless gloom ofShining Herald of theOf the kingdom of the righteous;Teller of the Mystic storyOf the lowly birth of GodheadIn the stable of the passions,In the manger of the mind-soul;Silent singer of the secretOf compassion deep and holyTo the heart with sorrow burdened,To the soul with waiting weary : —Star of all-surpassing brightness,Thou again dost deck the midnight;Thou again dost cheer the wise onesWatching in the creedal darkness,Weary of the endless battleWith the grinding blades of errors;Tired of lifeless, useless idols,Of the dead forms of religions ;Spent with watching for thy shining;Thou hast ended their despairing;Thou has lighted up their pathway ;Thou hast brought again the old TruthsTo the hearts of all thy Watchers ;To the souls of them that love theeThou dost speak of Joy and Gladness,

Space that*are they that cansl e;waftderers in the Nig Umfe"Blessec they who feel the throDDm In the! shospms feel the pulsingOf a d ep L v fv irred within themBy theLet usof thy shining,hsss n truly;Learn t affih nHCand humbly;Learn t meel&yj wisely, gladly,: Star dfhgjy Vishnu,Light of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus.I

Upon the battle-field of the hmasters are ever contending forsupremacy, for the kingship andthe heart; the master of“Prince of this world,” andcalled also the Father God*The masterthat rebellious one whose weapons arepride, avarice, vanity, self-will, implementsdarkness;the master Truth is thatlowly one whose weapons are gentleness,purity, sacrifice, humility, love, instruLight.In every soul the battle is waged, and assoldier cannot engage at once in twoarmies, so every heart is enlisted either inranks of self or of Truth.There is nohalf course; “ There is self and there iswhere self is, Truth is not, where Truth *not.”Thus spake Buddha, the teacher ofand Jesus, the manifested Christ, declared tha“No man can serve two masters ; for eitherwill hate the one and love the other ; or elsewill hold to the one, and despise the other.cannot serve God and Mammon.”25Ye

te Way of Peace26' ? MTruth is so simple, so absolutely undeviatingand uncompromising that it admits of no com plexity, no turning, no qualification.Self is in genious, crooked, and, governed by subtle andsnaky desire, admits of endless turnings andqualifications,andthedeluded worshipers ofvainly imagine that they can gratify everyworldly desire, and at the same time possess theTruth.But the lovers of Truth worship Truthwith the sacrifice of self, and ceaselessly guardthemselvesagainstworldlinessandself-seek ing.fjMDo yoq seek to know and to realize Truth ?Then you must be prepared to sacrifice, to renouh the uttermost, for Truth in all itsglory can only be perceived and known whenthe last vestige of self has disappeared.TheeternalChristdeclaredthat he whowould be his disciple must “ deny himself daily.”Are you willing to deny yourself, to give upyour lusts, your prejudices, your opinions?Ifso, you may enter the narrow way of Truth, andfind that peace from which the world is shutout.The absolute denial, the utter extinction,of self is the perfect state of Truth, and all re ligions and philosophies are but so many aids tothis supreme attainment.Self is the denial of Truth.denial of self.Truth is theAs you let self die, you will be

The Two Masters, Self and Truthreborn in Truth.27As you cling tb self, Truthwill be hidden from you.Whilst you cling to self, your path will bebeset with difficulties, and repeated pains, sor rows, anddisappointments willbe your lot.There are no difficulties in Truth, and coming toTruth, you will be freed from all sorrow anddisappointment.Truth in itself is not hidden and dark.alwaysrevealedIt isand is perfectly transparent.But the blind and wayward self cannot perceiveit.The light of day is not hidden except to theblind, and the Light of Truth is not hiddenexcept to those who are blinded by self.Truth is the one Reality in the universe, theinward Harmony, the perfect Justice, the eternalLove.Nothing can be added to it, nor takenfrom it.It does not depend upon any man, butall men depend upon it.You cannot perceivethe beauty of Truth while you are looking outthrough the eyes of self.If you are vain, youwill color everything with your own vanities.Iflustful, your heart and mind will be so cloudedwith the smoke and flames of passion, that every thing will appear distorted through them.Ifproud and opinionative, you will see nothing inthe whole universe except the magnitude andimportance of your own opinions.Thereisonequality which preeminently

The Way of Peace28distinguishes the man of Truth from the man ofself, and that is humility.To be not only freefrom vanit/y, stubbornness and egotism, but toregard one’s own opinions as of no value, thisindeed is true humility.He who is immersed in self regards his ownopinions as Truth, and the opinions of othermenas error.But that humble Truth-loverwho has learned to distinguish between opinionand Truth, regards all men with the eye ofcharity, and does not seek to defend his opinionsag3g theirs, but sacrifices those opinions thatlove tjj more, that he may manifest the of Truth, for Truth in its very nature isr'' ineffable ittfjk can only be lived.,He who hasrhost Of c krity has most of Truth.engage in heated controversies, and foolimaginethey aredefending the Truth,l when in reality they are merely defending their bwn petty interests and perishable opinions.r?riP&ilowei*Theof self takes up arms against others,fertile follower of Truth takes up arms against i l' T uth, being unchangeable and eternal,is independent of your opinion and of mine.Weenter into it, or we may stay outside; but "both om dpfjense and our attack are superfluous,upon ourselves.-4toself, passionate, proud, andeve their particular creed or

The Two Masters, Self and Truth29religion to be the Truth, and all other religionsto be error; and they proselytize with passionateardor.There is but one religion, the religionof Truth.self.There is but one error, the error ofTruth is not a formal belief;it is anunselfish, holy, and aspiring heart, and he whohas Truth is at peace with all, and cherishes allwith thoughts of love.You may easily know whether you are achild of Truth or a worshiper of -self, if youwillsilently examineconduct.Doyouyourharbormind, heart, andthoughtspicion, enmity, envy, lust, pristrenuously fight against these ?you are chained to self, noligion you may profess; if thea candidate for Truth, even though ouyou may profess no religion.Are yousionate, self-willed, ever seeking to gain yourown ends, self-indulgent, and self-centred;are you gentle, mild, unselfish, quitofform of self-indulgence, and aregive up your own ?master;If theif the latter, Truth isyour affection.Do you strive for richesyou fight, with passion, foryou lust for power andgiven to ostentation andyou given up the love

The Way of Peace.fd ai r strife? Are you content tolowest place, and to be passed by? And have you ceased to talkout yourself and to regard yourself with selfilacent pride ? If the former, even thoughi may imagine you worship God, the god ofr heart is self. If the latter, even thoughf „ .nay withhold your lips from worship, youcelling with the Most High.He signs by which the Truth-lover is knownunmistakable.Hear the Holy Krishnaf Jiem, in Sir Edwin Arnold’s beautifulof the “ Bhavagad Gita ” : —relinq.take 1'dss, singleness of soul, the willJto strive for wisdom; opened handiverned appetites; and piety,love of lonely study ; humbleness,prightness, heed to injure nought which livesTruthfulness, slowness unto wrath, a mindThat lightly letteth go what others prize ;And equanimity, and charityWhich spieth no man’s faults; and tendernessTowards all that suffer; a contented heart,Fluttered by no desires; a bearing mild,Modest and grave, with manhood nobly mixed,With patience, fortitude and purity;An unrevengeful spirit, never givenTo rate itself too high—such be the signs,O Indian Prince! of him whose feet are setOn that fair path which leads to heavenlybirth! ”

WhM? menV"ffos ti;in the devioup vay 4 rerrorand sSf, hav faf gotten the “ heavenly birth,”the state of holiness and Truth; they set up »3ge one anptfrer and make acceptance o , tid adh rence to, theirartificial standards by whicljMmyown particular theology the; tesjt of Truth ; andso men are divided onq' 4g *st another, andthere is ceaseless enmity ai)d strife, and unend ing sorrow and suffering.Reader, do you seek to realize the birth intoTruth ?There is only one way : LetAll those lusts, appetites, desires, opinions, lijnitedconceptions and prejudices to which you liav't?hitherto so tenaciously clung, let them fall fromyou.Let them no longer hold you ih bondage,and Truth will be yours.Cease to look uptiti{(your own religion as superior to all others, aiidstrive humbly to learn the supreme lesson ofcharity.No longer cling to the idea, so prodytgj;tive of strife and sorrow, that the Saviour w}i6jp you worship is the only Saviour, and that theSaviour whom your brother worships with equalsincerity and ardor, is an impostor; but seekdiligently the path of holiness, and then youwill realize that every holy man is a saviour ofmankind.The giving up of self is not merely the renunjciation of outward things.It consists of therenunciation of the inward sin, the inward error.

he Way of Peacegiving up vain clothing ; not by relinquish es, not by abstaining from certain food ;speaking smooth words; not by merelythese things is the Truth found; but byng up the spirit of vanity; by relinquishingdesire for riches; by abstaining from the lustself-indulgence; by giving up all hatred, strife,nation, and self-seeking, and becomingand pure at heart; by doing these thingsTruth found.To do the former, and notthe latter, is pharisaism and hypocrisy,ereas the latter includes the former.Youy renounce the outward world, and isolatein a cave or in the depths of a forest,you will take all your selfishness with you,unless you renounce that, great indeed willyour wretchedness and deep your delusion,u may remain just where you are, performingyour duties, and yet renounce the world, theenemy.To be in the world and yet notworld is the highest perfection, the mostpeace, is to achieve the greatest victory,renunciation of self is the way of Truth,ore,“ Enter the Path ; there is no grief like hate,No pain like passion, no deceit like sense;Enter the Path; far hath he gone whose footTreads down one fond offense.”

The Two Masters,As you succeed in overcoming selfbegin to see things in their rightwho is swayed by any passion, prdislike, adjusts everything to thatand sees only his own delusions.Heabsolutely free from all passion, prejudice,erence, and partiality, sees himself as he 'others as they are; sees all things inproportions and right relations.Havingto attack, nothing to defend, nothing toand no interests to guard, he is athas realized the profound simplicity ofthisunbiased, tranquil, blessed stateand heart is the state of Truth.He wto it dwells with the angels, and sitsstool of the Supreme.Knowing the Greatknowing the origin of sorrow; knowing the secretof suffering; knowing the way of emancipationin Truth, how can such a one engage in strife orcondemnation; for though he knows that theblind, self-seeking world, surrounded with theclouds of its own illusions, and enveloped in thedarkness of error and self, cannot perceive thesteadfast Light of Truth, and is utterly incapableof comprehending the profound simplicity of theheart that has died, or is dying, to self, yet healso knows that when the suffering ages havepiled up mountains of sorrow, the crushed andburdened soul of the world will fly to its final

The Way of Peace34refuge, and that when the ages are completed,every prodigal will come back to the fold ofTruth.And so he dwells in goodwill towardsall, and regards all with that tender n.Men cannot understand Truth because theycling to self, because they believe in and loveself, because they believe self to be the onlyreality, whereas it is the one delusion.When you cease to believe in and love selfypu Will desert it, and will fly to Truth, and willfind Mie eternal Reality.When men are intoxicated with the wines ofluxury, and pleasure, and vanity, the thirst of lifegrows, and deepens within them, and they deludethemselves with dreams of fleshly immortality,but when they come to reap the harvest of theirown sowing, and pain and sorrow supervene,then, crushed and humiliated, relinquishing selfand all the intoxications of self, they come, withaching hearts to the one immortality, the imthat destroys all delusions, the spiritualimmortality in Truth.Men pass, ir pm evil to good, from self touth? throug x e dark gate of sorrow, for soriuw and self are inseparable.Only in the peaceand bliss of Truth is all sorrow vanquished.Ifyou suffer disappointment because your cher-

.Ttrand Truth Jigs 35Theished/forS wM» ,M/ffplanshay .been thwarted* or" becausesome one h not comerup to your anticipations,it is because you are clinging to self.If y6u-(suffer remorse for your conduct, it is because you.have given way to self.If you are overwhelmedwith chagrin and regret because of the attitudeof some one else towards you, it is because youhave been cherishing self.If you are woundupon account of what has been done to you or saidof you, it is because you are walking in thepainful way of self.sufferingendsinAll suffering is of self.Truth.WhenyouAllhaveentered into and realized Truth, you will; ilotilonger suffer disappointment, remorse, andgret, and sorrow will flee from you.“ Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul;Truth is the only angel that can bid the gates unroll;And when he comes to call thee, arise and follow fastHis way may lie through darkness, but it leads tolast.”The woe of the world is of its own makingSorrow purifies and deepens the soul, and theextremity of sorrow is the prelude to Truth.Have you suffered much?rowed deeply?Have you sor Have you pondered serious} upon the problem of life ?If so, you are pre pared to wage war against self, and to become adisciple of Truth.The intellectual who do not see the necessity

about:doch ispracticeof righteousness, and thou wiltthe Truth which has no place in theory,ich never changes.Cultivate your heart,it continually with unselfish love andfelt pity, and strive to shut out from it allts and feelings which are not in accordth Love.Return good for evil, love forgentleness for ill-treatment, and remaint when attacked.So shall you transmuteselfish desires into the pure gold of, and self will disappear in Truth.So willwalk blamelessly amongst men, yo

JAMES ALLEN Author of “As a Man Thinketh” “Out From The Heart” R. F. FENNO & COMPANY 18 East Seventeenth St., New York *y of CONGRESS . Meditation is the intense dwelling, in thought, upon an idea or theme, with t