Collaborative Law Course 2009 - Grayreed


Collaborative LawCourse 2009Collaborative Professionals: The Great CommunicatorsBrain Science of War and PeaceThe Splitting Syndrome inCollaborative CasesDrafting “Collaboratively Correct”Divorce DecreesLeading Negotiations fromthe MiddleBringing It All Home, Or GettingCases To EndBreakfast With the MastersLIVEFort WorthMarch 26–27, 2009Sheraton Fort WorthHotel & SpaBreakfast & LunchBoth Days!great communicatorsCome a day early forNuts and Bolts of the Collaborative Process!March 25, 2009—Fort WorthCourse Materialsavailable on A USB

TexasBarCLE presents the Collaborative Law Course 2009Collaborative Law: the Great CommunicatorsCosponsored by the Collaborative Law Institute of TexasLIVE Fort WorthMarch 26-27, 2009Sheraton Fort WorthHotel & SpaThursdayLIVE Nuts and Bolts of the Collaborative ProcessMarch 25, 2009Sheraton Fort Worth Hotel & Spa11:007.5 hrs including .5 hr ethicsCase Study From Heaven .5 hrAngela G. Pence, HoustonTindall & England7:45Registration and ContinentalBreakfastFaith Wilson, MA, LPC, HoustonMental Health Professionals8:30Welcoming Remarks andProgram IntroductionsCourse DirectorCamille Milner, DentonCamille Milner, P.C.Tracy Stewart, College StationTracy B. Stewart, CPA/PFS, CFP Stewart Financial ConsultingAssistant Course DirectorLinda Solomon LPC, LMFT,Dallas8:459:009:30CLI-TX State of the Union .25 hrKevin R. Fuller, DallasKoons Fuller Vanden Eykel &Robertson11:3010:15Break10:30Our Texas Statute and the NewUniform Collaborative Law Act.5 hrHarry L. Tindall, HoustonTindall & EnglandWhat We Can Learn FromOur Critics .5 hrsNorma Levine Trusch, HoustonLaw Office of Norma Levine Trusch12:00Break — lunch provided12:15Launch and Demonstration ofthe New CLI-TX Website .75 hrJulian Schwartz, San AntonioLaw Office of Sam C. Bashara1:00Break1:15The Splitting Syndrome inCollaborative Cases.75 hr / .25 hr ethicsMaryAnn Kildebeck, LCSW, FriscoMental Health ProfessionalSteve Walker, CPA, FriscoFinancial ProfessionalSally H. Emerson, AmarilloUnderwood Law Firm4:15What Young Lawyers Can TellUs About the Movement .5 hrAmy Lynn Lambert, AustinClinton Carlton Brown, PlanoMichael David Wysocki, LubbockJacqueline Smith, Houston4:45The Use and Value of Metaphorsin the Collaborative Process.5 hrKate Culligan, LMFT, AustinCollaborative Consulting5:15Adjourn5:15Reception sponsored by Jenkins& Kamin and Collaborative LawPractice Groups Throughout TexasFriday6.75 hrs including 1.25 hr ethicsName the Game, BodyLanguage, and Etiquette .5 hrJanet Brumley, DallasVerner & Brumley2:30Leading Negotiations FromThe Middle .75 hrKristen A. Algert, AustinAusley, Algert, Robertson & FloresJanice L. Green, AustinFarris & Green3:15Suzanne G. Blake, CDFA, CPA, LubbockCamille Milner, Denton2:0014.25 HOURS (1.75 ETHICS)MCLE COURSE NO:900053498Applies to the College of the StateBar of Texas and the Texas Board ofLegal Specialization in Family Lawand Civil Trial.Ray H. Brown, Ph.D., LubbockDavid S. Bouschor, II, DentonLaw Office Of David BouschorCamille Milner, P.C.MCLE CREDITEstablishing the Collaborative Processin a New Collaborative Communityor with Resistant or Few Resources.75 hr / .25 hr ethicsModeratorLatrelle Bright Joy, LubbockMullin Hoard & BrownKaye Martin Alderman, LufkinNorma Levine Trusch, HoustonLaw Office of Norma Levine TruschVision and Inspiration .5 hrCamille Milner, DentonCamille Milner, P.C.Brain Science of War and Peace.75 hrJaynee Beach, M.S., Fort Worth3:30Break27:30Breakfast With The Masters .75 hrScott Clarke, CFP, CDFA, BedfordFinancial PlannerClarke Divorce Financial ConsultantsSyd Sharples, AustinSyd Sharples, LCSWJanet Miller Denton, ColleyvilleRichard C. Price, Fort WorthThe Price Law FirmNicole LeBoeuf, DallasShackelford, Melton & McKinley

11:15My Journey .25 hrRobert J. Matlock, McKinneyRobert J. Matlock, P.C.11:30Drafting “CollaborativelyCorrect” Divorce Decrees .5 hrJennifer Tull, AustinLaw Office of Jennifer Tull12:00Break — lunch provided12:15Now Discover Your Strengths.75 hrSandy K. Kyrish, Ph.D.,Philadelphia, PAAssistant Dean for Administration,Temple UniversityBreak1:00BreakBringing It All Home, orGetting Cases To End.75 hrs / .25 hr ethicsVicki James, DallasMental Health Professional1:15Case Study From Hell.5 hr / .25 hr ethicsHoney Sheff, Ph.D., DallasHoney A. Sheff, Ph.D., P.C.8:15AnnouncementsAssistant Course DirectorLinda Solomon, LPC, LMFT, DallasPrivate Practice8:30Forming, Storming, Normingand Transforming: The Lifeof a Team .5 hrSteven E. “Jake” Jacobson, Denton9:00Team Work! .75 hrSuzanne L. Brunsting, Rochester, NY9:45The ABA Opinion: Where theCollaborative Movement IsToday .5 hr ethicsDonald R. Royall, HoustonThe Royalls10:1510:301:45Collaborative Practice inNon-Family Law Areas .5 hrNicole LeBoeuf, DallasShackelford, Melton & McKinley2:15Unmet Needs: How ToReach Out To Under-servedCommunities .5 hrGay G. Cox, DallasAttorney & Counselor at Law2:45Blogs: What They Are and WhyCollaborative Professionals NeedTo Know About Them.5 hr/ .25 ethicsRichard C. Price, Fort WorthThe Price Law FirmTim Crouch, DentonThe Crouch Group3:15AdjournDavid T. Brunson, CFP, CFA,, PlanoLifeway Financial CorporationWilliam C. Love, CPA, AustinCarla M. Calabrese, DallasCalabrese Associates, P.C.Lisa Gay Marquis, PlanoEasley & MarquisMelinda Lee Eitzen, PlanoMcClure Duffee & EitzenCome a day early to attendNuts & Bolts of the Collaborative Process(Separate registration required.)Wednesday1:304 hrs including .25 hr ethics12:30Registration1:00Welcoming RemarksCourse DirectorKevin R. Fuller, DallasKoons Fuller Vanden Eykel &Robertson1:15Ethics of Collaborative Law.25 hrs ethicsTom Ausley, AustinAusley, Algert, Robertson & FloresMCLE CREDIT4.0 HOURS (.25 Ethics)MCLE COURSE NO:900053510Applies to the College of the StateBar of Texas and the Texas Board ofLegal Specialization in Family Lawand Civil Trial.The Paradigm and What DoesThat Mean? .5 hrDonald R. Royall, HoustonThe RoyallsContrasting Litigation andCollaborative Law .5 hrJack Emmott III, HoustonLooper Reed & McGraw2:002:303:00Preparatory Steps for the FirstJoint Meeting .5 hrJanice L. Green, AustinFarris & Green4:15Interdisciplinary Team Members.5 hrSyd Sharples, AustinSyd Sharples, LCSW3Protocols of Practice and PracticeForms .25 hrPaula K. Larsen, DallasGoranson, Bain, Larsen, Greenwald,Maultsby & MurphyMeeting Arrangements,Agendas, Minutes andDebriefing .25 hrJulian Schwartz, San AntonioLaw Office of Sam C. Bashara4:45Developing a Collaborative LawPractice, Practice Groups andReorganizing the Office .5 hrSally Emerson, AmarilloThe Underwood Law Firm5:15Q & A .25 hrNorma Levine Trusch, HoustonLaw Office of Norma Levine Trusch5:30Concluding Remarks andAdjournmentNorma Levine Trusch, HoustonLaw Office of Norma Levine Trusch3:45Tracy Stewart, College StationStewart Financial ConsultingWednesday, March 25th4:30Break3:15Stages of the Process .5 hrMike Gregory, DentonGregory and ConnerLIVE Fort Worth

fyiI N F O R M A T I O NRegister Early and Save 50by registering at least two weeks before the course. Early registrations helpsus ensure that sufficient course books, seating, and refreshments are available.Registrations are accepted on a space-available basis. Course materials andseating will be reserved for pre-registrants until the start of the first topic. Noconfirmation will be sent; pick up your name tag and materials at the program.Group Those Registrations and Save!Earn discounts for groups of 5 or more from your firm or agency. Contact LegalEducation Consultant Laura Angle of TexasBarSolutions at 512-250-5575 Collaborative Law Institute of Texas Members Can Save Up To 75because CLI-TX cosponsors this course with TexasBarCLE. If you are a CLI-TXmember, or you agree to become one by the date of the presentation that youplan to attend, you save 25. Register early and save a total of 75! See theregistration form for details. If you wish to become a member of CLI-TX, pleasevisit their website at Judgesmay attend free of charge, provided (1) the course is directly related to thejurisdiction of their tribunal, (2) they are full-time judges or judges retiredunder the judicial retirement system, and (3) space is available after admissionof all paid registrants. Judges must actually attend to receive course materials.This privilege does not extend to receivers, trustees, court staff, or personsserving part-time in any judicial capacity.If You Register But Cannot Attendyou can still earn participatory MCLE credit and receive course materials. First,consider transferring your registration to a later presentation of the course;to do so, call 800-204-2222, x1574. Second, as a registrant, you are entitled toa special benefit (see “Free Online Benefit For Course Registrants,” below).However, if you wish to receive a refund instead, mail or fax (512-427-4111)your request so that we receive it at least one business day before the program.Registrants who do not attend will be sent the course materials.Free Online Benefit for Course Registrantswill be available 6-8 weeks after the course: electronic versions of the coursematerials. Provide us your email address when registering and we’ll alert youwhen these benefits are available and how to access them. There’s no extracharge; as a registrant, you’re already entitled!Parking Informationis provided for the convenience of the attendees not staying at the hotel, issubject to change without notice and is not a guarantee of availability.Persons with Disabilitieswho need special accommodations to attend should contact us as soon aspossible at 800-204-2222, x1797.Policy of ImpartialityThe State Bar of Texas does not endorse political candidates. When a candidatefor public office is included in promotion for or participates in a TexasBarCLEevent, the State Bar is not taking a position for or against anyone’s candidacy.CEU For Non-AttorneysThe State Bar of Texas has applied for the following CEU credits: LPC TexasState Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors; Certified FinancialPlanner Continuing Education Sponsor; Texas Mediation Trainer’s Roundtable.4Reserve Your Hotel Room EarlyHotel rooms have been blocked at special rateson a space available basis. To make a reservation,contact the hotel and indicate that you will beattending the State Bar of Texas Collaborative LawCourse.Fort Worth LiveSheraton Fort WorthHotel and Spa1701 Commerce StreetFort Worth, Texas 76102(817) 335-7000 149 for asingle/doubleHotel Deadline:March 4, 2009unless the reservedblock of rooms fillsup before then.Act now!*Free Wireless High Speed Internet Access in AllGuest Rooms*Parking info: Valet 16 per day, Self Park 12 perday (whether you are a guest or not)Planning CommitteeScott Clarke CFP, CDFA.BedfordKate Culligan LMFT. AustinKevin R. Fuller.DallasVicki James.DallasLatrelle Bright Joy.LubbockMaryAnn Kildebeck LCSW. FriscoCamille Milner, Course Director. DentonLinda Solomon LPC, LMFT,.DallasAssistant Course DirectorNorma Levine Trusch.HoustonSteve Walker CPA. FriscoFaith Wilson MA, LPC.HoustonCollaborative Law Institute of TexasRonda Robinson.Executive DirectorKevin Fuller.PresidentKris Algert.President ElectDonald R. Royall. Vice-PresidentScott Clarke. Secretary/TreasurerState Bar of TexasHarper Estes.PresidentJoe Shannon, Jr. Chair of the BoardRoland Johnson. President-ElectGib Walton. Immediate Past PresidentSylvia A. Cardona.TYLA PresidentF.R. “Buck” Files, Jr.Chair, CLE CommitteeVan Galen Hilley.Chair, Board PDP CommitteeMichelle E. Hunter.Executive DirectorPatrick A. Nester. Director, TexasBarCLEAnn H. Kloeckner . Program AttorneyNancy Hatten. Program Coordinator

Registration FormOnlineTexasBarCLE.comcredit card onlyW A Y S T O R E G I S T E RPhone800-204-2222, x1574during business hourscredit card onlyFaxMail512-427-4111credit card onlyState Bar of Texas - CLELB #972298P. O. Box 972298Dallas, TX 75397-2298check or credit cardRegisteringfive or more?Email Laura Angle atlaura.angle@texasbar.comfor group discountinformation.Collaborative Law Course 20091Check one box to select site:Collaborative Law Spring Conferenceq LIVE Fort Worth March 26–27Early Registration Deadline: March 12[8485] 445Nuts & Bolts of the Collaborative Processq LIVE Fort Worth March 25No discounts under section “2” apply[8486] 952Check applicable boxes below to calculate your fee:q Add 50 if registering after the Early Registration Deadline.(If registering by mail, date of postmark will be determinative.)q Subtract 25 if a member of the State Bar College -OR- StateBar Legal Administrators or Legal Assistants Division -ORlicensed 2 years or less -OR- CLI-TX Memberq No charge for Qualifying Judges (defined on page 4) andfull-time Administrative Law Judges.Choose the format of Advanced Course materials:q Electronic materials (PDFs on a USB drive)q Hard-copy materials (1 notebook)q To purchase BOTH add 80My payment after all calculations above: 34I can’t attend. Just send course materials.* FREE Shipping & Handlingq Course Bookq Course materials on USB driveq Nuts & Bolts Book 155 each† 155 each† 40 each†I am paying by:q Check (enclosed) payable to the State Bar of Texas for q Visaq MasterCardq AMEXq DiscoverAccount No. Exp. DateName on card (Please print)SignatureState Bar Membership No.Name Badge NameFirm Name/CourtAddress for Bar-Related MailCity/State ZipPhone () Fax ()E-Mail:*PDFs of course materials willbe available for purchase 6-8weeks after the course in theOnline Library at Registrants receiveaccess to the PDFs at noadditional charge (see “TwoFree Online Benefits for CourseRegistrants” in this brochure.)†Plus 7.25% tax (8.25% forAustin address) on total. Bookorders and audio CD ordersare shipped separately andfilled 4-6 weeks after the liveprogram. You will be billedunless you authorized a creditcard charge above.QUESTIONS?800-204-2222, ext 1574512-427-1574

Imagine it’s the last dayof your MCLE reporting periodandyou’re2 hoursshy.Even with a deadline like that, you can still earnthe participatory credit you need.Here’s how: visit and clickon The Online Classroom.Since TexasBarCLE records almost all of its seminars, youhave over a thousand hours of recent video and audio CLErecordings to choose from, many with ethics credit.Select packages with one or more topics and charge toa credit card. Download the accompanying materials, thenenjoy the presentation. Finally, share comments or questionsin the discussion area—all at your convenience.Plus, all materials you download are in digital form, sothey are word-searchable for easy reference and research.State Bar of TexasP. O. Box 12487Austin, TX 78711-2487Consider the benefits:4 Convenience and accessibility—available anytime4 No travel time or expense4 Proven, knowledgeable faculty and materialsThere’s no more convenient way to get high quality CLEwhile you earn participatory credit. Even without a deadline.The Online ClassroomCLE Presentations on the WebTexasBarCLE.comCollaborative Law Course 2009LIVE March 26–27, 2009 Fort WorthEducation by the Bar, for the BarSMNON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONU.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT NO. 1804AUSTIN, TEXAS

Kevin R. Fuller, Dallas Koons Fuller Vanden Eykel & Robertson 9:00 Vision and Inspiration.5 hr Camille Milner, Denton Camille Milner, P.C. 9:30 Brain Science of War and Peace.75 hr Jaynee Beach, M.S., Fort Worth 10:15 Break 10:30 Our Texas Statute and the New Uniform Collaborative Law Act.5 hr Harry L