Allied's Electronics Data Handbook - The Eye



x7 FOREWORD , /O*AWied Radio Corporation has long recognized the need for a comprehensive and condensed handbook of formulas and data most commonly used in the field of radio and electronics. It was felt also thatsuch a book should serve entirely as a convenient source of information and reference and that all attempts to teach or explain the basicprinciples involved should be left to classroom instruction and to themanyalready existing publications written for this distinct purpose.Data Handbook, therefore, consists of formulas,tables, charts and data. Every effort has been made to present thisinformation clearly and to arrange it in a convenient manner forinstant reference. All material was carefully selected and preparedThebyElectronicsAllied’s technical staff to serve the requirements ofmanyspecificgroups in the radio and electronics field. It is hoped that our objectives have been successfully attained and that this Handbook willserve as: (1) A valuable adjunct to classroom study and laboratoryAdependable source ofset builder; (3) Aandinformation for the beginner, experimenterman in hismaintenancereliable guide for the service engineer andfor thereferencepracticaleveryday work; (4c A time-saving andandlaboratoryintheradio amateur, technician and engineer, bothworkfor the studentandinstructor;2in the field of operations.The publishersare indebted to theMcGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,from Mathematics forfor their permission to use material selectedElectriciansand Radiomenby Nelson M. Cooke. Alliedalso takesgenerouslythis opportunity to thank those manufacturers who sopermitted our use of current data prepared by their engineering personnel. Special recognition and our sincere appreciation are extendedconto Commander Cooke for his helpful suggestions and generoustribution of his timeand specialized knowledgeinmaterial contained in this book.ALLIED RADIO CORPORATIONediting the

/-s*f*TABLE OF CONTENTSFundamental Mathematical DataMathematical ConstantsMathematical SymbolsDecimal Parts of an InchFundamental Algebraic Formulas4.54445Decibel Tables, Attenuators and Matching PadsDecibels, Fundamental Formulas5-105DBExpressed in Watts and VoltsDecibel- Voltage, Current and Power Ratio TableTable of Values for Attenuator Network FormulasAttenuator Network FormulasMinimum Loss PadsMost Used Radio and Electronic Formulas70-Volt Loud-Speaker Matching InductanceReactanceResonanceFrequency and Wavelength“Q” sient I and E in LCR CircuitsSteady State Current FlowTransmission Line FormulasCapacity of a Vertical AntennaVacuum Tube Formulas and SymbolsR.M.S., Peak and Average Volts and CurrentD-C Meter FormulasOhm’s Law for A-C and D-CCircuitsEngineering and Servicing DataR-FCoil26-55Winding FormulasWire TableR-F Coil Winding Data ChartInductance, Capacitance, Reactance ChartsHow to Use LogarithmsTrigonometric RelationshipsMetric RelationshipsPilot rLamp DataDirectly Interchangeable TubesDirectly Interchangeable T V Picture TubesInterchangeable Batteriesand Military Color Codes for Resistors and CapacitorsColor Codes for Chassis WiringSchematic Symbols used in Radio DiagramsAbbreviations and Letter SymbolsRETMARETMALog and Trig TablesFour-Place Common Log TablesTable of Natural Sines, Cosines and 51-53545556-6356-5758-63Index.64'

r:rMathematical SymbolsXorh- or: Decimal InchesMultiplied byInchesDivided byInchesPositive. 2.5401.578X101CT53 Centimeters AidesMilsNegative. Minus. SubtractDecimalPositive or negative. Plus or minusInchesNegative or positive. Minus or plus or:1/641/32Equals3/64Identity5/64 1/163/32equal toIs approximate!}'7/64Does not equal1/8 9/64 Is greater»Is muchIs lessthan5/321 1greater than7/32Is Less than or equal toless3/1613/64«much/64 thanthan15/64 1/4Greater than or equal 55/161 1/3222 64Increment or DecrementII.0156.031319/64Therefore213 8Perpendicular to25 64Parallel to27 64Absolute value of n29 6413 327 1615 32316 1/233 64Mathematical Constants17 3235 547T 9/16\ - 3.141.7737 6419 322ir2tr)247r27r 6.2S39 64 : 5/81.2539.5\? 12.6vT 1.41 9.87V1.73 41 /6424/3243/64 -—3/41r0.7071.0/49/6425,32V'2251 /64- 13/1610.318Vs"7T— 0.150log7T 53/640.57727/3255/647 80.49757/6429 32log17r0.101 2 15,1661/64IT" 0.994Vtt 8.9531.9688163/641.0log.7188.9219.9375i!31/32i-4 0.564159/640.1962log14.287i27— 7.937.703123/3247/647r1.588.687511/1645/643 MillimeterEquivalentEquivalent41 .9844.000023.41523.812 i! 24.20924.60625.00425.400

):AlLDEiELECTRONICSS’DecibelsExponents and RadicalsaxXa yHANDBOOKDATAAlgebra—v a (x v \ *(» *aThe numberofoutputs Pi andexpressed byPdb by which two power(.ab) MVx xa bplog— za bxay v/ ah axv* .x ;Ei xj-20 logII 12y/ a y/b\.iii 1.iWhile power ratios are independent ofsource and load impedance values, voltageand current ratios in these formulas holdtrue only when the source and load im-sHiaisEi20 log—or in current,(adiffer,or in terms of volts,.Vafa-may1 2a1\b)xwatts)(in210z0.y/da".pedances Z\ andare equal. In circuitswhere these impedances differ, voltage andSolution of a Quadraticcurrent ratios are expressed by,Quadratic equations in the formdbax 2may bx c DB Expressed— b y/ b —2Watts0.006000 007550Transposition of Terms1.2B then,CIfhVZipVz]S-AB 5'"—DAC2h-g,22 Va 2AC C2,C,2—24 5*2„2thenC D BC2D'aVbcA B C22Va0.0239678910A da b0.009510.01200.01510.01903-f’thendVbcUA VbB thC AAC,2-B0.0301110 03780 04770.06000 60,000600,0001.906.0019.060.0*Zero db2Watts & VoltsAbove Zero Level*DBA ?in4ac2ab20 logor,EiVZibe solved by the followingxIfEp/Z,20 log0 Below Zero 54.885.486.146.907.748 .548.1 ,7305,48017,3006.00X10- 10-31.20x10-319.51x10'“7. 55x10" 2.39x10-“0.4880.4350.3880.3461 .90x10-“0.308.51x10-“0.2751 .20x10"“0.2459.51x10- 5 0.2187.55x10-3 0.1946.00x10-3 0.1731 .90x10-30 09746 00x1 G0.05481 ,90x10-«0.03086.00x10-'0.01731 .90x10"'0.009746.00x10- s 0.0054896-OOxlO"0.001736.00x10-“* 0 0005486. 00x10" 11 0 0001 731.6 milliwatts into a 500.ohmload.Power ratios hold for any impedance, but voltages must be referred to an impedance load of,2500 ohms.5

HANDBOOKELECTRONICSALLIEDDecibel— Voltage, Current and Power Ratio — 0001.0121.023MmBBi. 00.00010.0000110- 3-'.000316210.000110 - .0000316210- .201 000.003 162.0010 000.00,,,31 79.431,10 000.00,10 *10'1010 *10 ’10IS

——HANDBOOKELECTRONICSALLIED'S«Table of Values for Attenuator Network FormulasinNoo — cocooooou'jcooo'—iocnr «rc\an' ti .oooocNu7fsiinrv.or . csi«}-u5rooLDOnno--i'a-cMU3CMCsnnr -HOtDCNMinrHO, j-oococsirocsicT ir5tocsiococNiocT rooLr5f—unoNi- o ro oo cvjcM airotDotrufi-HKjONrHONifluiMmcNCM r-oooo— oo — tOLnuocoooooc sievi '- '- — 0000000000000t'- ooo' ii— eocncn rHcou3oooro-0'T--OiNONocx3a)cvjin c«0'7cooo o«feoinorvoi tcDpv.coLD05(flMooooou3-'OOcvicvj-- « ooioorxfno50 troor- or oooiNfOimoiDrvoooow(j5(j 05cnocnmcooM!X)OLnooroLnt .o 7i/5i -co -iMOT r 7UDiX)U3P —iM«ioirum ) )tDrvrvrvco«oooococr fiffiaio—.046757—co co «3co un a? r— —auClDfMOOOfO 3TMMin 7l OncDT7CMrO(MCOU7t7)0'-ir'KDIOOir U5000)tfi«7inooO'-u3ir)aur) fp .M X)oocD'-N '-infl'OOiD'tiDMcnNMrHffioooOrtOroiDooir-uii r- -i10 in0'3-uDi- -CNjCT5cO'— —iLor rO"—'OLnco X3CNia5r—ioolooi un ocDuouncococsi.— r—*3-*3 COCNIC'JOgCvJ.— .—1ioo tNcoino— O— m ni'- ooooooom . Ji-Nin TNOMlDmN--OCCMCir) JMmCMCM-*--H- wOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - ooooooooooooooooooooooo,.95533to cn-HroairooicnooMCMooirjo»—»cs '-hoo j-ooo—imidnooococoo ——iro«j-ij fomo5iDocnnOOfOOOOlMN.OO —M/5 COCM O O 04 —i«KOi iNCOinOO'Ufli-iNinOCM O CD o M -iOOLD'-''-iCT5r OO—lOfOtCOO)- in h. IT) CM O LD ID fO r-ir- oo— Or -r »cOLn*J-cOOOOvjc\l— -- — — -0000000000000000—— oooooooooooooooooooooooo.044668u)ooeu oooomoeoou)oou)ooeeeoooooooooooooooooooo27.0r . co oo — — co — orvuiajro aKMCOrvrooroai0ie0»U100lDm00«5O00- 00N.MCMlOf0lDM- C\lin00MOlD!»C0r .00 —lflffW N.M00inh.{Nf0(Dr-'»t«300intf (C*f00LDir5 CSlM( lMr-U7rvLf 00r-.inr NMenClOU3MO Nro j-ou3MCuD'3-c uDU30CMrO'-'a)»T'3-co — cM --iO'- mor . — (Xscvoor incMOi— imncvj ortrvCJ) N.fiTtfMl/)OOU3 tDr fn -CO tOOOU3 rO'- Off)OO lDLni/5 t«ffOfOMMCMCNCM- r- —iP l86.857ogoooC'-j' fLn J-r' CT- CNJ'- co'-auoc\iivcNr »j'- iDorocNifOoa)rvomoorviv.- cNjmLOoo u3M toiLOcor f00o j-MooONir)tD05or MV— csiTfr .mcvj ’CM iD—iroofO t 5(ncN— noO'troirinmcoMOi— incsi orvin—i— —U3 -fsl'- 00(DrOOCMMlDOtDCT)OOOa3 T eOa5CM -lOCOtXJU5MO'-'fO 7O roixj FH — —«s- — CO CO csjcsico *a-' -'«i’LnLOOO' -r- »CT7csiijnoocooooc'or'.*— x o —- rocDOcsiunoDf o-— co in o oo CT o,.005756i,I1oooooooooooOiHr -HrtMNNfom t'» tinininiDioifiifiNSMvi— oo oo oo oo oo co o, —CD imn rocooroTnx fimnu5cDcn ja)i— cmoo — fooo*3-oocDU5lfiO'-'f0OC4I CSIO100CslCM«3-cn»J- - t00'3-CMCMC0 S-00Or0-—lOOCMOfOLOl —ocn co CMtnooincr inincMOO'*3'ino' oo *3-«3-r CT -- CT MCMinoooa7cooo*3-co«3-co — r'-o — r'-CTiCMcoinOO — OOCDIjOOOLDOCSJ —lOrvOOOONCO UJDfOr- co f'—iOOLDlOVCN'HOlCOOOCDimncmcm oo DDoro ' rocooi fqN jc\iqcoNiDiD };cDMroNCjc\j'H r -H'HrHqqqqDqoo — — OCTiooinoocMCMCM — — — — ,r- - — r -86.360cr *s-coesjcoooouocnxa-coo— — l/KO f f CO-'N005aiNCD'—HD CO N. N - I/) in —lOOl— N--IONCONrtoomrs fc»CDTfNiD(D'-*o iOfOLDcofDncO'HN-HoooO' '7' inrvii:r-coooou7oa)rvoocjoo timnoDr cNPvooooc»LnocM--(05 -CNOOfOco -iinrooooocMcoocM — ooco«3-r-'.oootncococr MMro -inLOrvoowaiomoiTicncotDorocuns.o fcO'-xj-uSNOM'tiDiDrvooO'-iNCNfO'T'S0000000000- '-NNNmM9V lDlD(OlOCOM— — r- COCOOOOOCOOOOOCDOOCnOOCXlOOr- -"3'OCO«eJ-OviCNJOOC's!LnOI.011447,IIocooud t cn«fcmr)CDU3 ini !»r-ir inoM Din 't )i 'tcT5 cioO'-‘ — M ta5 jr fOfO

ALLIED ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK Decibel—Voltage,CurrentandPowerRatioTable Voltage or Current Ratio Power Ratio DBVoltage or Current Ratio Power Ratio Voltage or Current Ratio Power Ratio DBVoltage or Current Ratio Ratio 1.0000 1.0000 0 1.000 1.000 .4898 .2399 6.2 2.042 4.169.9886 .9772 .1 1.012 1.023 .4842 .2344 6.3 2.065 4.266 Mm 1.047 .4786 .2291 6.4 2.089 4.365 M 1.072 .4732 .2239