Guide to theLibrarieslibrary.columbia.edu
WELCOMEColumbia University Librariesis one of the top five academicresearch libraries in North America,offering extensive print andelectronic resources, disciplinebased digital centers, and a teamof expert staff providing innovativeservices to support instructionand scholarship. The collectionsinclude over 13 million volumes,over 160,000 journals and serials,as well as extensive electronicresources, manuscripts, rare books,microforms, maps, and graphic andaudio-visual materials. Our websiteis the gateway to our services andresources:library.columbia.edu.
Butler Library
Locations1 Avery Architectural &Fine Arts Library300 Avery Halllibrary.columbia.edu/avery2 Barnard College LibraryLeFrak Center, Barnard Hall,3009 Broadwaylibrary.barnard.edu3 Burke Library at Union TheologicalSeminary3401 Broadway at West 121st Streetlibrary.columbia.edu/burke4 Business & Economics Library130 Uris Halllibrary.columbia.edu/business5 Butler Library535 West 114th Streetlibrary.columbia.edu/butlerCopyright Advisory Office507 Butler 208b Butler Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/studio
Digital Humanities Center305 Butler Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/dhcLibrary Information Office201 Butler Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/lioMilstein Undergraduate Library2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of Butler Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/undergraduateRare Book & Manuscript Library6th Floor East, Butler Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/rbml6 C.V. Starr East Asian Library300 Kent Halllibrary.columbia.edu/eastasian7 Geology Library601 Schermerhorn Halllibrary.columbia.edu/geology8 Jewish Theological Seminary Library3080 Broadwayjtsa.edu/library9 Journalism Library204 Pulitzer Halllibrary.columbia.edu/journalismGlobal Studies309 Lehman Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/global12 Mathematics Library303 Mathematics Halllibrary.columbia.edu/math13 Music & Arts Library701 Dodge Halllibrary.columbia.edu/musicDigital Music Lab701 Dodge Halllibrary.columbia.edu/music-lab14 Science & Engineering Library401 Northwest Corner gital Science Center401 Northwest Corner Buildinglibrary.columbia.edu/dsc15 Social Work LibrarySchool of Social Work, 2nd Floorlibrary.columbia.edu/social-work16 Teachers College Library525 West 120th Streetlibrary.tc.columbia.edu10 Law Library300 Greene Hallweb.law.columbia.edu/library11 Lehman Social Sciences Library300 International Affairslibrary.columbia.edu/lehmanCenter for Digital Researchand Scholarship201 Lehman Librarycdrs.columbia.eduCenter for Human RightsDocumentation & Research318 Lehman Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/chrdrDigital Social Science Center323 Lehman Librarylibrary.columbia.edu/dsscOther library location:Health Sciences Library701 West 168th Streetlibrary.cumc.columbia.edu
HoursHours vary at individual libraries throughout the semester. Library hours by location andreal-time study space information are available online: library.columbia.edu/hoursStudy SpacesWe offer a range of facilities for both group and individual study needs. The RoomReservation system allows all students to book a room for group study or presentation practicein Butler Library, Lehman Social Sciences Library, or the Science & Engineering Library:library.columbia.edu/study-spacesComputing and TechnologyWe offer lab spaces, specialized software, and staff with specific expertise in a range ofsoftware and technologies. Printing is available in most libraries for use with a Columbiaprinting quota. Scanning is available in most libraries: library.columbia.edu/technologyC.V. Starr East Asian libraryDigital CentersOur Digital Centers provide high-end support for research, teaching, and learning in thehumanities, sciences, and social sciences. The Digital Humanities Center, Digital SocialScience Center, Digital Science Center, and Digital Music Lab provide technology-richenvironments where library staff can provide expertise and assistance to patrons who employadvanced computing to accomplish their work. The highly collaborative spaces within theDigital Centers facilitate group work, and the centers together represent a forward-thinkingapproach to supporting evolving scholarly and educational practice of faculty and bia Libraries Information Online (CLIO)CLIO is a unified search and discovery system that incorporates many sources ofinformation: the library catalog, databases, e-journals, articles, archives, e-books, andAcademic Commons, our institutional repository: library.columbia.edu/clio
Research SupportWe encourage users to schedule a research consultation with a subject specialist for themost tailored, in-depth guidance. The Ask a Librarian Service enables users to e-mail,text, or call with more immediate questions. Other forms of support include courserelated instruction and workshops, citation management software, online tutorials, andresearch guides: library.columbia.edu/researchRequesting ResourcesWhile our libraries house millions of volumes of books and journals on campus, usersmay also request materials from offsite shelving or partner libraries. Borrow Directallows requests from circulating collections at Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke,Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Princeton, University of Chicago, University ofPennsylvania, Yale, and the Center for Research Libraries. Interlibrary Loan providesaccess to materials currently unavailable through Columbia such as non-book loansand international requests from a wide range of lending institutions. ReCAP is our offcampus shelving facility, operated jointly with Princeton University and the New YorkPublic Library: library.columbia.edu/requestDistinctive and Special CollectionsOur distinctive and special collections encompass a broad range of treasures, includingrare books, archives, oral histories, manuscript collections, works of art, prints,photographs, films, architectural drawings, music scores, scientific instruments, andrealia. These collections can be found in Avery Library, Burke Library, Center forHuman Rights Documentation & Research, Columbia Center for Oral History, EastAsian Library, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Global Studies division, and UniversityArchives: ni are welcome to visit any of the libraries with an alumni card from the LibraryInformation Office in Butler Library. Borrowing privileges are available for a fee.Alumni may continue to access a vast number of electronic resources by using theirColumbia UNI, including JSTOR, Proquest, Project Muse, and the Avery Index,among others: library.columbia.edu/alumniBurke Library
biaLibCover Image: Science & Engineering Library
11 Lehman Social Sciences Library 300 International Affairs library.columbia.edu/lehman Center for Digital Research and Scholarship 201 Lehman Library cdrs.columbia.edu Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research 318 Lehman Library library.columbia.edu/chrdr Digital Social Science Center 323 Lehman Library library.columbia.edu/dssc