Building The Database User Guide - DMS Systems


Building the DatabaseUser GuideVersion 1.0Updated October 20, 2004This document contains confidential and proprietary information of DMS SYSTEMSCORP and may not be disclosed to persons other than those to whom it was originallydistributed. It must not be duplicated, published or used for any other purpose thanexpressly authorized by DMS SYSTEMS CORP.

Building the Database User GuideTable of ContentsTable of ContentsWhere to Start.1Fiscal Year .15Inventory Demand Period .23Currency File.31Country File.39State File.45Group File .52Commodity Groups .53Group File - Future Price Group .63Group File – Customer Profile Group .73Group File – Pricing Plan .83Payment Tender File.89Terms File .95Tax Authority.103Tax Table .117Address Class File .124Location File.131Employee File .146Carrier File .159Manufacturing File .172Supplier File .187Cross Reference File .202Customer File.211Additional Address Maintenance .237Customer Profile File .253Price Matrix File .275Cost Matrix File .285Landed Cost Element File.290Inventory Master .296Inventory Location Item File.315Inventory Zone/Bin.349Supplier Item File .374Alternate (Can-Use) Item File .396Cross Reference Item File .409Serial / Item Format .422Purchasing Quantity Breaks .423Selling Quantity Breaks.427Contract Pricing .437Promotional Pricing.440Popularity Pricing .444Inventory Adjustment Codes.446A/R Adjustment File .452A/R Statement Message .457Standard Ticket and Invoice Message.459Service Charge Percent.461G/L Account Number Assignment.464DMS Systems Corp.October 13, 2003Version 1.0i

Building the Database User GuideTable of ContentsTransaction Code Maintenance .465Department File .469Customer Base Commission Rates .474Item Base Commission Factor.476Cash Drawer ID .478Extended Item Description.480Kit Assembly .482Kit Catalog Footnotes .485Kit Catalog Maintenance. 487Inquire/Replace Kit Component .489Pricing Plan File .491Clone Customer Profile Records .507Assign Sequence Number Mask.509Reassign Sequence Numbers .511Master Item Role Screen Maintenance.513Delete an Item (IM/IL/IZ/SI).515Delete an Item (IL/IZ/SI).517Standard Message Maintenance .519Related Comments/Items .521Customer Vehicle Maintenance .525Employee Labor Item Maintenance .527DMS Systems Corp.October 13, 2003Version 1.0ii

Building the Database User GuideWhere to StartWhere to StartBy now, if you've just purchased an AS400, the hardware has probably arrived, been installedand you're looking at a stack of IBM user manuals that would dwarf Mount Everest. In addition,the ATS training manuals and audio tapes are somewhere in that mess but no one is surewhere or what to do with them if they are found. Finally, here's another set of "read me first"literature coming from DMS. Don't give up yet; we'll get through this thing.Even if you're an experienced AS400 user with your own ideas about the perfect distributionsoftware package and a fool-proof implementation plan that will get the system running by theweekend, take a few hours to scan through this manual. Who knows, you might get someideas.The first thing to do is assign ONE INDIVIDUAL as the project manager. This person should besomeone from within your business who is familiar with the intricacies of your day-to-dayoperations. The project manager should report directly to the top; not to the Controller, toOperations, to Accounting, or to Marketing. Keep in mind, this system will affect every part ofyour business and managing it under one division or another will invariably cause the end resultto be slanted. From our experience, the project manager will be fairly busy with his or her newposition; make sure someone's around to handle his or her old responsibilities in the interim.Second, create a team (not a committee) with representatives from each division and give themthe power to make decisions. Having one or more departments feel the new system is being"rammed down their throats" without the opportunity to voice their needs creates unnecessaryfriction. At the same time, the project manager must have the united support of all teammembers but hey, no one said this was going to be easy.Third, develop an implementation plan by defining objectives and assigning target completiondates and personnel responsibilities. The DMS Installation Engineer should be included at thispoint. After all, we've got a stake in this too. Finally, follow-up on the progress of theimplementation at least weekly. A little further in this discussion, we'll be breaking this thingdown into specific requirements many of which have pre-requisite tasks. If Mary is responsiblefor entering customer information but Tom hasn't completed his work on the sales tax table, giveMary the week off.DMS, IBM and You – Who’s on first?If you've had your AS400 for some time you're probably already familiar with the operation ofthat machine and with what to expect from IBM - skip on down to the next section.If your AS400 was purchased through DMS and especially if this is your first experience with anIBM mid-range processor, you may be a little confused as to who does what.To begin, DMS is an independent software company affiliated with IBM as an authorized"Industry Remarketer" (IR), which is one of several programs collectively known as "IBMBusiness Partners". Essentially, DMS is licensed by IBM as an agent and entitled to purchaseand re-sale their hardware with the provision that value be added to the end-user productthrough our software and services.DMS Systems Corp.October 13, 2003Version 1.01

Building the Database User GuideWhere to StartAlthough IBM has written volumes on the precise specifications regarding this relationship, it’sbasically pretty simple. Their obligations are more or less limited to performing maintenanceservices should a hardware component fail. As an IR, DMS is responsible for providing trainingservices and guidance to your key personnel for the proper operation of the IBMhardware/software and the DMS Distribution Express product. In some cases, DMS may act ina liaison capacity to arrange certain training for you and your personnel at an IBM facility. Aschedule of the IBM classes and any associated fees can generally by calling your local officeor by requesting information through your DMS Installation Engineer.So, IBM takes care of the hardware if it breaks and DMS handles everything else. What morecould you ask? Please refer back to the small print in the previous paragraph ".DMS isresponsible for providing TRAINING services and guidance etc. etc.". The key words here are"training and guidance to key personnel". Training falls into two broad categories; 1) operatingthe AS4

Operations, to Accounting, or to Marketing. Keep in mind, this system will affect every part of your business and managing it under one division or another will invariably cause the end resul to be slanted. From our experience, the project manager will be fairly busy with his or her new position; make sure someone's around to handle his or her old responsibilities in the interim. Second .