RCR Overview For Doctoral Students - Gatech.edu


RCR Overview forDoctoral StudentsThe RCR ProgramDr. Jason Borenstein, Director borenstein@gatech.eduJudy Willis, Administrator judy.willis@gatech.eduRCR Website: rcr.gatech.eduFall 2021

Responsible Conduct of Research at Georgia TechResponsible Conduct of Research(RCR) is defined by the NIH “ as thepractice of scientific investigation withintegrity. It involves the awareness andapplication of established professional normsand ethical principles in the performance of allactivities related to scientific research.”*RCR Topic Areas Authorship and PublicationCollaborative ResearchConflicts of InterestData ManagementEnvironmental and Laboratory SafetyHuman Subjects ResearchHumane Use and Care of Vertebrate Animals inResearchPeer ReviewResearch MisconductResponsibilities of Mentors and TraineesScience and Engineering in -files/not-od-10-019.htmlRCR training is central to Georgia Tech’smission to ensure that students areprepared with the knowledge and skillsnecessary to conduct themselvesprofessionally and with integrity. Thus,Georgia Tech enacted the: RCR Policy for Doctoral Students RCR Policy for Master’s ThesisStudents RCR Compliance PolicyGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

RCR Academic Policy for Doctoral Students Applies to all new doctoral students; as part of their degreerequirements, doctoral students must complete:1)online CITI RCR Training within 90 days of enrollmentAND2)a Doctoral RCR Course, preferably within the first year of enrollment Students who do not complete the online training by the 90 daydeadline will receive a hold on their course registration All training must be completed before applying to PhD Candidacy Students may check their Academic Policy status in DegreeWorksrcr.gatech.edu/doctoral-policyGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

RCR Online TrainingThe approved vendor is currently the CITI ProgramTwo options: RCR Basic Course or RCR Basic Course (with Animal Research Module)Online TrainingBeginCITI RCRTrainingIf you do NOT have a GT account, godirectly to the CITI Program site tobegin the online training. Be sure toaffiliate your CITI membership with"Georgia Institute of Technology" andto enter your nine-digit GTID if youhave one.Researchers, including students and staff who are covered by the Georgia Tech ResponsibleConduct of Research (RCR) Compliance Policy and doctoral students who are covered by theGeorgia Tech RCRAcademic Policy for Doctoral Students must complete an online CITI RCRcourse. In addition, most researchers who are covered by these policies will be required tocomplete in-person RCRtraining. Users must go through GT’s Single Sign-On link in order for the training tobe logged in their official GT records (be sure to select the RCR option fromthe CITI menu). Student records will be updated automatically after completionrcr.gatech.edu/online-trainingGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

RCR Courses for Doctoral StudentsAll doctoral students must successfully complete either PHIL 6000or one of the in-house training approaches listed below. Insteadof PHIL 6000, the following programs have an approved in-houseRCR training approach for their doctoral students: Biological Sciences – BIOL 8106Biomedical Engineering – BMED 7004Building Construction – BC 8100Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering – ChBE 6001 and ChBE 6003Chemistry – CHEM 8002Civil and Environmental Engineering (Transportation) – CEE 8097Computational Science and Engineering – CSE 6001Computing – CS 7001Earth and Atmospheric Sciences – EAS 6000Mathematics – MATH 6001Physics – PHYS 8002Psychology – PSYC 6000Public Policy – PUBP 8101 and PUBP 8102rcr.gatech.edu/doctoral-coursesGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

Important Information for Doctoral StudentsFunded by NSF or NIH The RCR training required by the RCR Academic Policy for Doctoralstudents also satisfies the RCR training required for doctoralstudents paid in whole or in part from covered awards funded byNSF or NIH. However, the in-person training MUST be completed within the firstyear of the appointment to the award. The exception to the oneyear deadline is when the “in-house” RCR course required by theirhome academic unit is not offered during the first year of thestudent’s doctoral program.rcr.gatech.edu/compliance-doctoralGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

Questions?Contact the RCR ProgramJudy Willisjudy.willis@gatech.edurcr.gatech.eduGeorgia Tech CREATING THE NEXT

affiliate your CITI membership with "Georgia Institute of Technology" and . of PHIL 6000, the following programs have an approved in-house RCR training approach for their doctoral students: Biological Sciences - BIOL 8106 . Microsoft Office User