Microwave Combination Oven Service And Repair Guide USA/Canada


Microwave combination ovenService and repair guide – USA/CanadaPart number: 32Z9001Read instructions before use

eikon e1sService and repair guideSafety symbols used in this document or on applianceSymbols on applianceAreaSymbol1DescriptionsosidriveMicrowaves warningThere is a risk of external and internal burns of body parts following exposure to microwaveenergy.2Electric shock warningThere is a risk of electric shock if the appliance is serviced without disconnecting theelectrical supply.3Fire / electric shock warningThere is a risk of fire / electric shock if the appliance is operated without respecting theminimum clearances.4Hot surface warningThere is a risk of burns from high temperatures inside the cavity and on the inside of theappliance door.5Electric shock warningThere is a risk of electric shock if the electrical power is not connected to a properlygrounded outlet.6Equipotential bondingSymbols in documentSymbolMeaningWarnings of potential injuries. Heed all the warning notices that appear after this symbol to avoidpotential injuries or death.See Operations Guide or section specified.Warning noticesHazard levelConsequencesLikelihoodDeath / serious injury (irreversible)Immediate riskDeath / serious injury (irreversible)Potential riskMinor injury (reversible)Potential riskDamage to propertyPotential risk2

eikon e1sService and repair guideSymboles de sécurité utilisés dans ce document ou sur appareilSymboles sur l'appareilZoneSymbole1DescriptionsAlerte micro-ondesRisque de brûlures externes et internes de parties du corps suite à exposition à l'énergie dumicro-ondes.2Avertissement choc électriqueRisque de choc électrique si l'appareil est entretenu sans débrancher l'alimentationélectrique.3Avertissement incendie / choc électriqueRisque d'incendie / de choc électrique si l'appareil est actionné sans respecter les espaceslibres minimaux.4Avertissement de surface chaudeRisque de brûlures par les hautes températures siégeant dans l'enceinte de cuisson et àl'intérieur de la porte de l'appareil.5Avertissement choc électriqueRisque de choc électrique si l'alimentation électrique n'est pas raccordée sur une prisecorrectement mise à la terre.6Liaison équipotentielleSymboles dans le documentSymboleSignificationAvertissement sur des blessures potentielles. Respecter tous les avertissements apparaissant aprèsce symbole pour éviter les blessures potentielles voire la mort.Voir le Guide d'utilisation ou la section spécifiée.Notifications d'avertissementNiveau de risqueConséquencesProbabilitéMort / blessure grave (irréversible)Risque immédiatMort / blessure grave (irréversible)Risque potentielBlessure mineure (réversible)Risque potentielDommage matérielRisque potentiel3

eikon e1sService and repair guideFOR THE INSTALLER, OPERATOR, RESPONSIBLE OWNERWARNINGImproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause propertydamage, injury and death. Read the installation, operating and maintenance instructionsthoroughly before installing or servicing this equipment.WARNINGPRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLEEXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVEENERGY Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open-door operationcan result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat ortamper with the safety interlocks.Do not place any object between the oven front face and the appliance door or allowsoil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the ovendoor closes properly and that there is no damage to the (1) door (bent), (2) hingesand latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealing surfaces.The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualifiedservice personnel.WARNINGDisconnect power at the main external power switch before servicing or repairing amicrowave combination oven.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove or open cover.No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. Disconnect powersupply before servicing.IMPORTANTCustomer documentation The customer documentation is part of the microwave combination oven.Keep the customer documentation manuals handy at all times so that you can look up any required information.Keep the customer documentation manuals for the entire life of the appliance.Carefully read the installation and operating manual before using, handling, and working on this appliance.If you transfer the microwave combination oven to a new owner, make sure to give the new owner the customerdocumentation manuals as well.14

eikon e1sService and repair guideÀ L'ATTENTION DE L'INSTALLATEUR, DE L'OPÉRATEUR, DU PROPRIÉTAIRE RESPONSABLEAVERTISSEMENTL installation, le réglage, la modification, la réparation ou l entretien incorrect de cet appareilpeut causer des dommages matériels, des blessures ou la mort. Lire attentivement lesinstructions d installation, de fonctionnement et d entretien avant de procéder à soninstallation ou entretien.AVERTISSEMENTPRÉCAUTIONS POUR ÉVITER L'EXPOSITIONEXCESSIVE POSSIBLE À L'ÉNERGIE MICROONDES Ne pas tenter d’opérer ce four lorsque la porte est ouverte puisque le fonctionnement avecla porte ouverte peut résulter en une exposition dangereuse à l’énergie micro-ondes. Il estimportant de ne pas trafiquer les dispositifs du verrouillage sécuritaire.Ne jamais placer d’objet entre l’avant du four et la porte ou permettre aux saletés ou auxrésidus du nettoyeur de s’accumuler sur les surfaces d’étanchéité.Ne pas utiliser le four si celui-ci est endommagé. Il est particulièrement important que laporte se ferme correctement et qu’il n’existe aucun signe de dommage sur (1) la porte(pliée), (2) les charnières et les verrous (cassés ou desserrés), (3) les joints de la portes et lessurfaces d’étanchéité.Le four ne devrait pas être ajusté ou réparé par personne d’autre que le personnel deservice qualifié.AVERTISSEMENTAvant toute intervention de maintenance ou de réparation sur un four mixte, débrancherl'alimentation électrique à l'aide de l'interrupteur général externe.AVERTISSEMENTAfin de réduire le risque d'électrocution, ne pas retirer ou ouvrir le capot.Aucune pièce réparable ne se trouve à l'intérieur. Confier le dépannage à du personnel qualifié.Débrancher l'alimentation électrique avant réparation.IMPORTANTUtilisation de la documentation client La documentation client fait partie du four mixte.Garder les manuels d'utilisation de la documentation client à votre disposition, pour consultation à tout moment.Conserver les manuels de la documentation client sur toute la durée de vie de l'appareil.Veuillez lire soigneusement le manuel d'installation et le manuel d'utilisation avant de manipuler cet appareil.En cas de cession du four mixte, joindre à celui-ci les manuels de la documentation client.5

eikon e1sService and repair guideTable of contentsSafety symbols used in this document or on appliance . 2Symboles de sécurité utilisés dans ce document ou sur appareil . 3Document information . 10Section 1: Safety . 111A.Environmental protection . 13Statement of principles . 13Environmental protection procedures . 131B.Identifying your microwave combination oven . 14Position of nameplate . 141C.General safety / Sécurité générale . 15Basic safety code . 15IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . 17CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES . 19Other safety considerations and instructions . 211D.Summary of design, operational hazards and safety devices . 24Warning and safety signs . 24Parts and safety devices . 24Hazard points. 27Risques . 27Intended use of your microwave combination oven . 281E.Requirements to be met by operating personnel working positions . 291F.Hazards and safety precautions during installation and setting up . 30Personal protective equipment requirement . 30Safety precautions relating to the installation location . 30Grounding instructions . 31Instructions de mise à la terre . 31Potential risks during installation and setting up . 321G.Hazards and safety precautions when preparing appliance for use . 33Personal protective equipment requirement . 33Safety precautions for preparation for first use . 331H.Hazards and safety precautions during operation . 34Personal protective equipment requirement . 34General rules . 34Restrictions on use . 34Instructions for safe use of the appliance . 34Potential risks during operation . 35Risques potentiels pendant l'utilisation . 366

eikon e1sService and repair guide1I.Hazards and safety precautions during cleaning . 38Personal protective equipment requirement . 38General cleaning safety rules and requirements . 38Potential risks during cleaning . 381J.Hazards and safety precautions during servicing and repair . 40Personal Protective Equipment . 40Potential risks to move appliance . 40Rules for moving and setting up the wheeled trolley safely . 40Risk of burns . 411K.Hazards and safety precautions when taking the appliance out of service . 42Personal protective equipment . 42General precautions . 42Potential risks . 42Section 2: Operations and Installation . 432A.Introduction to e1s. 44Identifying your microwave combination oven . 44Appliance parts and their functions . 44Equipment and accessories supplied . 462B.Installing the appliance . 47Unpacking . 47Taking the appliance off the pallet . 47Installation location requirements . 48Electrical installation requirements . 492C.Getting started . 51Fitting the air filter . 51Inserting the cook plate . 51Turning the oven on and off . 51Settings on first usage . 52Selecting suitable utensils . 53Preheating the oven . 53Understanding the main menu and keyboard . 542D.Cooking procedures . 55How to cook. 55Using a cooking profile – quick serve mode . 56Using a cooking profile – full serve mode . 57Choosing cooking profiles for Press&Go menu . 58Changing the cavity temperature . 582E.Cooking profiles . 60Creating a cooking profile . 60Viewing and editing cooking profiles . 617

eikon e1sService and repair guideMoving a cooking profile in a group of cooking profiles . 61Moving a cooking profile in a list . 62Adding a new cooking profile group . 62Adding a cooking profile to a group of cooking profiles . 63Deleting a cooking profile group . 63Editing a selected cooking profile group name. 642F.Changing settings . 65Changing settings process . 65Operating mode / navigation settings . 66Language settings . 66Cavity temperature settings and labels . 67Service information and error logs . 68Cooking profile counters . 68Setting the date and time . 69Sound settings . 70Temperature timer setting . 71USB program downloads . 72Temperature band setting . 73Change setting / service access password . 73Set screen saver . 742G.Cool-down procedures . 752H.Cleaning procedures . 76Daily cleaning tasks. 76Cleaning instructions . 772I.End of day operations . 80Turning the oven off . 802J.Warranty information and contacting customer services . 81Section 3: Service and Repair . 823A.Technical data summary . 83Dimensions and weight . 83Electrical specifications. 83Power and heat . 83Noise emission . 83Regulatory standards compliance . 83Dimensional drawings . 843B.Diagnostics . 85Checking the condition of your appliance . 85Entering Service Mode . 85Errors and diagnostics . 86Health checks of components . 898

eikon e1sService and repair guide3C.Fault Finding . 93Error code list . 933D.Tests . 95Test types . 95Equipment required for tests . 95Testing selected components (casing mounted) . 96Microwave Leakage test . 97Temperature Control test: measuring the cavity temperature . 99Recommission test . 101Commissioning the oven after service/repair/testing . 102High voltage components (casing removed) .

eikon e1s Service and repair guide FOR THE INSTALLER, OPERATOR, RESPONSIBLE OWNER WARNING Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause property damage, injury and death. Read the installation, operating and maintenance instructions thoroughly before installing or servicing this equipment. PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID